AW: Fakt oder Fake? Einige Infos zum Nintendo Revolution
Quelle: IGN [/quote]
imo macht das 1. mit dem 2. keinen sinn
naja abwarten ^^
domidomek am 19.03.2005 11:19 schrieb:Matt responds: I'd say that's a given. Developers are beginning to hear some concrete details about Revolution, and so far the console looks to be in line with Xenon in terms of power. Some have indicated that Revolution could be slightly less powerful, but still very capable. Even if that's true, high-definition support is in the bag. And besides, Nintendo itself has indicated that Revolution would be able to hook up to a computer monitor, which suggests a higher-end video output. I think that the next-generation battle will be fought in high-definition.
Quelle: IGN [/quote]
imo macht das 1. mit dem 2. keinen sinn
naja abwarten ^^