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Gears of War 2 – Neue Infos & Bilder
Gears of War 2 – Neue Infos & Bilder

 you all now know on Friday September 19th we went to play Gears of War 2’s campaign and Horde Co-Op mode [interview with Cliff Bleszinski can be found Here]. Prior to actually playing the Game, we sat through a presentation by Cliff Bleszinski, Creative Director on Gears of War 2. One of the biggest announcements of the day was the introduction of Skorge, who quite simply put is RAAM’s replacement. Skorge has been a rumor for the best part of 3 months now, which has helped the hype machine build up to this Climactic announcement. We were told everything anyone could ever need to know about the new Gears Boss, so let us share some of this information with you now.
Skorge, in the game, is over twice the height of Marcus Phoenix - most likely giving him a total height of 12ft or more. His big introduction into the story of Gears of War 2 is in the first chapter, where you see him jump onto the deck of your COG transporter. We’ll tell you a bit about what happens when Skorge makes his debut in our Campaign preview article that will be posted tomorrow. During Cliff’s presentation he explained that if you imagine RAAM as a Sledgehammer, Skorge is “More like a samurai sword”.
The one factor that makes Skorge so “Badass” is that he’s wielding a Staff, but it’s not any old Staff... Cliff confirmed that Skorge’s main weapon in the game is infact a Dual Chainsaw staff, which we saw Dizzie chainsaw duelling against in the first Act. We really don’t have to explain how badass it is, seeing as there will be thousands of different awesome scenarios running through your head right now.
We confirmed in our Interview with Cliff that the rumors posted on Xbox360Fanboy were in fact true. Skorge is a playable [but majorly scaled down from the campaign] character in Gears of War 2’s Multiplayer. While we were playing Horde, we also got talking with SixOkay [Microsoft Community Manager]. I asked him about Skorge being in Horde, and he confirmed that Skorge will be the last enemy you face at Level 50 [Oh...My...God.....SWEET!].
In Horde, there are mini “Skorge-lings” that we weren’t supposed to be fighting against, however we imagine these are the spawn of Skorge [i’m sure we’ll be given some more details on these closer to launch]. As you can see from the images and the description, Skorge is truly a worthy replacement for General RAAM. His badass “Predator” looks, his size and his Dual Chainsaw staff are enough to give anyone a messy nerdgasm.
Let us know what you think of him, as we’ve been extatic about making this announcement for over a week now! [Closer look at his staff below!]