[XBOX 360] Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷


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Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

Vorwort: Da Nali ja leider Inaktiv ist, und somit sein FF Topic nicht mehr Aktualisieren kann, habe ich mit freundlicher Unterstützung ein neues, Top-aktuelles aufgemacht. Ich hoffe es gefällt.

Allgemeine Infos zum Spiel
Plattformen: Xbox 360 (& Playstation 3)
Release: 09.03.2010
Preis: Vollpreis (UVP 69,99,-)
Anzahl der DVDs: 3 Dual-Layer DVDs
Sprachen / Texte: Englisch / E(nglish)F(rance)I(talian)G(german)S(panish)
Limited Edition / Collectors Edition: Ja, mit * Inhalten. (* siehe Unten) Begrenzt verfügbar.
USK-Einstufung: USK ab 16 Jahren Freigegeben
Multiplayermodus: Nein
Live-Funktionen: Begrenzt
Xbox 360-Achievements: Achievements bislang noch unbekannt

Hintergründe zur Final Fantasy-Serie
Nicht jeder kennt alle Teile oder so einiges ist vielleicht in Vergessenheit geraten. Eine wunderbare Möglichkeit sich die beeindruckende Geschichte und Entwicklung der Serie anzusehen, sind die 13 „Final Fantasy Restrospective Folgen“ von Gametrailers mit einer Laufzeit von 3 Stunden und 33 Minuten. Die Videos kann man sich wahlweise als Stream ansehen oder als MOV / WMV saugen:

Cocoon – eine Utopie am Himmelszelt.
Die Bewohner dieser Welt glaubten sich im Paradies.
Lange Zeit regierte das Sanktum das paradiesische Cocoon und gewährte allen Bewohnern Harmonie und Wohlstand.

Die Menschen standen unter dem wohlwollenden Schutz der Fal’Cie und lebten den wahrhaftig gewordenen Traum ewigen Friedens.
Doch schlagartig werden sie aus ihrem idyllischen Leben gerissen und in eine grauenhafte Wirklichkeit gestoßen, als ein Fal’Cie der Unterwelt Pulse aus seinem Schlaf erwacht und dem sorglosen Frieden auf Cocoon ein jähes Ende bereitet.

Die Fal’Cie belegen unschuldige Menschen mit einem Fluch, um sie zu knechten und zu dämonischen Marionetten zu formen.
Ein Stigma brennt sich tief in ihre Haut und kennzeichnet sie als L’Cie – Auserwählte der Fal’Cie.
Jenen müssen sie fortan dienen oder einem Verhängnis entgegenblicken, das schlimmer ist, als der Tod.

Mit einem Gebet für die Erlösung auf den Lippen.
Mit der Hoffnung, die Welt zu beschützen, im Herzen.
Getrieben vom Schwur, ihr Schicksal zu ändern.

Der Beginn einer neuen Fantasie
Begib dich auf ein Abenteuer jenseits deiner kühnsten Träume – entdecke atemberaubende Umgebungen, freunde dich mit einzigartigen Verbündeten an und besiege ehrfurchtgebietende Gegner!

Wende das Blatt mithilfe von Paradigmen
Eine brandneue Spielmechanik, Paradigmen-System genannt, befähigt den Spieler zu jeder Zeit während des Kampfes, den einzelnen Kampfmitgliedern Rollen zuzuweisen. Indem zwischen einer Vielzahl von Rollen gewechselt wird – einschließlich Brecher und Heiler – können die Spieler ihre Strategie augenblicklich den Anforderungen des sich ständig verändernden Schlachtfeldes anpassen, um sich den Sieg zu sichern.

Bringe Verwüstung durch erweitertes Beschwören
Wir stellen vor: der Metamorph-Modus – eine berauschende Version von FINAL FANTASYs typischem Beschwörungssystem, das die Action auf ein völlig neues Level erhöht. Im Metamorph-Modus bedient sich der Spieler einfacher Tastenkommandos, um die vereinten Kräfte der Charaktere und ihrer transformierten Esper zu entfesseln – mit dramatischen Auswirkungen für alles und jeden, die ihnen im Weg stehen.

Verliere dich in der Dramatik
Eine umfassende Handlung zieht den Spieler immer mehr in den Bann der faszinierenden Charaktere. Werden sie die Stärke haben, sich ihrem Schicksal zu stellen, oder sind sie dazu verdammt, all das zu zerstören, was ihnen lieb ist?

Eine Einheit von Schnelligkeit und Strategie
Das bekannte Active Time Battle-Sytem ist weiter fortgeschritten und ermöglicht den Spielern die Freiheit, mit einem einzigen Spielzug mehrere Kommandos in Echtzeit auszuführen. Dadurch können Spieler jetzt gleichzeitig die Strategie und Flexibilität eines rundenbasierten Systems sowie den intuitiven Nervenkitzel eines Actionspiels genießen.

Das Sanktum ist das Militär sowie die Leitende Hand Cocoons.
Eine der selbsterlegten Aufgaben ist die Sicherung Cocoons, und damit verbunden die Ausrottung der l'cie.

Galenth Dysley
Der Leiter des Sanktums, der Regierungsorganisation von Cocoon.
Als Repräsentant von Millionen von Bürgern in Cocoon führt er die Geschäfte der Stadt.

Captain Rygdea
Ein Kommandant unter dem Befehl von Cid Raines.
Trotz seines unmilitärischen Aussehens verbirgt sich tief in seinem Inneren ein unbeugsamer Geist, der sich keiner Autorität unterwirft.

Yaag Rosh
Kommandant Yaag Rosch ist ein Offizier des PSIKOMs.
Er bekämpft L'Cie wie Lightning, um Frieden und Ordnung in Cocoon zu sichern.
Sein ausgeprägter Gerechtigkeitssinn weckt in ihm oft heimliche Zweifel an den rücksichtslosen Säuberungspraktiken des Sanktums.

Jihl Nabaat
Der Oberstleutnant ist die aufsichtsführende Offizierin der Sanktum-Eliteeinheit PSIKOM.
Sie ist weit ungestümer und grausamer, als ihr hübsches Gesicht vermuten lässt.
Ihrer Ansicht nach sind L'Cie keine Menschen mehr. Sie hält die Säuberungspraktiken für gerechtfertigt, um Cocoon vor Schlimmerem zu bewahren.
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

Weitere Bilder
Aktuelle Bilder (Videogameszone)
Ältere Bilder (IGN)

International Trailer (2009)
Soundtrack Trailer (2009)
Japanese TV Spot
Japanese Feel the Pusle Trailer (2009)
TGS US Trailer (2009)
E3 2009 Trailer (2009)
DKS3713 Trailer (2008)
Dengeki Special Edition Trailer (2007)
E3 2006 Trailer (2006)

Weitere Videos: klick

Final Fantasy XIII auf Facebook!

Klickt auf's Bild, um zum Offiziellen Facebook Profil von Final Fantasy XIII zu kommen, und Neuigkeiten zu Lesen, oder Videos und Bilder anzuschauen!
Und natürlich könnt ihr direkt an erster Quelle Impressionen und Fragen rund um Final Fantasy loswerden.

Nali_WarCow am 16.07.2008 13:04 schrieb:
Pressekonferenz von Square Enix zu Final Fantasy 13
Yoshinori Kitase und Shinji Hashimoto über

die Entscheidung FFXIII für die Xbox 360 zu veröffentlichen
- wegen der aktuellen Situation
- wegen der Verbreitung der Xbox 360 Hardware
- Japan war kein Faktor, im Gegensatz zu den USA und Europa

die Unterschiede der beiden Versionen
- es wird ein und das selbe Spiel sein
- die beiden unterschiedlichen Formate ( DVD bzw. Blu-Ray) müssen berücksichtigt werden
- wollen weder einen großen Unterschied im Inhalt noch im Gameplay

den Entwicklungsstand
- man benutzt neue Entwicklertools namens Crystal Tools
- der Titel wird am PC entwickelt
- seit diesem Jahr geht die Entwicklung etwas schneller voran
- bald kann man neues Filmmaterial vorstellen

den Entwicklungsprozess
- man ist seit dem Tag der Ankündigung bereit den Titel für die Xbox 360 zu entwickeln
- zuerst will man FF XIII in Japan für die PS3 fertigstellen
- dann will man die PS3-Version für den amerikanischen und europäischen Markt lokalisieren
- zur selben Zeit wird man an der Xbox 360 Version arbeiten

den Unterschied im Gameplay zu Final Fantasy XII
- die gesamte Atmosphäre ist anders
- es ist temporeicher, schriller und aufregender
- es bietet ein neues und unvergleichbares Gamedesign

- man will es so zeitgleich wie möglich in Amerika und Europa veröffentlichen
- man will nicht so lange für die Lokalisierung benötigen wie für die vorherigen Teile

Des Weiteren konnten die beiden Herren keine Auskunft darüber geben,
- ob es eine PC-Umsetzung geben wird
- auf wievielen DVDs FFXIII erscheinen wird
- ob man die Vorteile von Xbox Live in der Xbox 360 Version nutzen werde

E3 2008: Final Fantasy XIII Details

Sony / Jack Tretton zum Multiplattformankündigung von Final Fantasy 13
"Am I disappointed by it? Yes," Tretton told us, adding: "Am I surprised by it? No." He was quick to stress that the game remains a PS3 exclusive in Japan, but that "seeing as there isn't that big of a [PS3] installed base in [there], I don't know how big of a coup that is for us."

Speaking to the concept of paying third parties for exclusives, Tretton said that Sony has "invested so much money in the [PS3] hardware" that it simply "can't write checks for exclusive software."

Infos / Aussage zum Unterschied PS 3 / 360 bzw. DVD vs. BluRay
In a round-table discussion regarding its E3 announcements, Square Enix was asked the inevitable question of disc storage space for the Xbox 360 and how it will affect the final product versus the PlayStation 3 release. Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase didn't have a definitive answer but his response is sure to both cool and fuel flame war fires.

EGM editor-in-chief James Mielke asked Kitase, "Will there be any compromises made to the Xbox 360 version in terms of the FMV quality or audio quality?"
Kitase cooly responded, "At this point, nothing's really been decided; that will be a process that takes place in the future, but for the difference between the hardware, we'll work on trying to find ways to compress the prerendered movies and voice that take up a lot of data in ways that don't affect the final product. As for the in-game visuals, we're going to look for ways to ensure that the quality remains the same between the two versions.

Thanks 'n Sources

Quellen für diesen Thread:

Vielen Dank an:
ndz - für den Support
Nali_WarCow - Für tolle Posts im Forum, Hilfsbereitschaft und als Quelle für einige Infos. *Nali ftw!*
Square Enix - Fürs Game
Abload.de - Für das Hosten von inzwischen mindestens 300 Bildern von Mir - alleine auf VGZ
Alle auf Videogameszone.de, die ebenso wie ich auf das Game warten :)
..Und an meine Nerven, die 5 Stunden Threadmaking durchstanden haben.


- Crystalthreads - Das Original. :3
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

Nicht schlecht Crystal, da hast du dir mühe gegeben. :top: :)
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

Gleich mal ne Frage.
Wie ist das mit dem Soundtrack? Ich hab' gelesen, es gibt einen normalen und einen Limited. Wo ist der Unterschied? Und welcher ist in der Limited Edition von Final Fantasy XIII enthalten?
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

FlamerX am 08.02.2010 10:06 schrieb:
Gleich mal ne Frage.
Wie ist das mit dem Soundtrack? Ich hab' gelesen, es gibt einen normalen und einen Limited. Wo ist der Unterschied? Und welcher ist in der Limited Edition von Final Fantasy XIII enthalten?
AFAIK beinhaltet die Limited Edition von FF XIII nur den "normalen" Soundtrack, d.h. nur eine kleine Auswahl an Liedern.
Die LE vom Soundtrack beinhaltet dann wohl so gut wie alle Stücke aus dem Spiel. Kann aber auch sein, dass ich mich irre.
BTW: Bekommt man die LE vom Soundtrack eigentlich auch in Europa?
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

mcjunior am 08.02.2010 12:12 schrieb:
FlamerX am 08.02.2010 10:06 schrieb:
Gleich mal ne Frage.
Wie ist das mit dem Soundtrack? Ich hab' gelesen, es gibt einen normalen und einen Limited. Wo ist der Unterschied? Und welcher ist in der Limited Edition von Final Fantasy XIII enthalten?
AFAIK beinhaltet die Limited Edition von FF XIII nur den "normalen" Soundtrack, d.h. nur eine kleine Auswahl an Liedern.
Die LE vom Soundtrack beinhaltet dann wohl so gut wie alle Stücke aus dem Spiel. Kann aber auch sein, dass ich mich irre.
BTW: Bekommt man die LE vom Soundtrack eigentlich auch in Europa?

'Den Normalen' ist vielleicht nicht die richtige Beschreibung für die Beilage der CE, es ist eher 'Der Gekürzte Soundtrack', aber sonst ist die beschreibung bezüglich des Inhalts richtig. (Ich gehe von 10-20 Songs aus)

@ Europa:

Jein, er wird hier und da vertrieben, jedoch handelt es sich um die Japanische Fassung, und eine Amerikanische, bzw. Europäische ist derzeit nicht geplant.
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

Crystalchild am 08.02.2010 15:11 schrieb:
@ Europa:

Jein, er wird hier und da vertrieben, jedoch handelt es sich um die Japanische Fassung, und eine Amerikanische, bzw. Europäische ist derzeit nicht geplant.
Mit dem Titelsong ist das auch gut so!
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

Square Enix Talks Final Fantasy XIII + Submit Your Questions

Posted by Chris Morell // Senior Specialist, Social Media (Playstation Blog)

Over on the PlayStation.Blog.Europe, Jem Alexander managed to wrangle up a great Q&A with Final Fantasy XIII Producer Yoshinori Kitase and Director Motomu Toriyama. But Europe’s not stealing all the fun – We’re heading up to San Francisco later today to speak with Mr. Kitase and Mr. Toriyama, as well as FFXIII’s Battle Director Yuji Abe for the first time. So now’s the time to get those final questions out there (That’s Final Fantasy XIII only, so please keep your questions on that topic. They won’t be discussing anything Versus- or Agito-related). We’re almost exactly a month out from the game’s release, after all!

I asked for your Final Fantasy XIII interview questions and you responded in earnest. Thanks so much for your many questions — they were far too numerous for me to ask them all, but I hope you agree that I covered all the important ones with the game’s Producer, Yoshinori Kitase, and Director, Motomu Toriyama. Can you believe it’s only four weeks until the game is in our hands? It’s been a long wait, but we’re almost there.

This interview will hopefully give you some insight into the development of the game, and get you interested in the other two Fabula Nova Crystallis games — Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Final Fantasy Agito XIII. As soon as Square Enix is ready to talk more about these titles, you can expect to see something here on PlayStation.Blog.

Final Fantasy XIII

Do you have any plans for Final Fantasy XIII PlayStation Home content?

It is already happening in Japan. There will be costumes for Lightning and Snow, and there’s a personal space as well as chocobo and other character figures. We don’t know at the moment whether this will be brought to Europe.

Will Final Fantasy Versus XIII have any links to Final Fantasy XIII?

Final Fantasy Versus XIII is part of the Fabula Nova Crystallis series, but XIII and Versus XIII only share the same basic mythology. The fal’Cie and l’Cie are just a small part of this mythology, but the story and the characters are completely different.

Are there any games within the Fabula Nova Crystallis series that have yet to be announced?

At the moment we are concentrating on releasing Versus XIII and Agito XIII. At the moment we have no other specific plans to release any other titles as a part of the Fabula Nova Crystallis series.

What made you decide to make Final Fantasy XIII a series, rather than a standalone title?

If you look back at the Final Fantasy series, at VII for example, this later let to Advent Children and Crisis Core. Also, for FFX, we created FFX-2 after its release. In those cases we obviously released the original title first and then created the sequel. This time we wanted to create several games in the same project from the outset.

Will there be an English demo?

We haven’t decided whether to make a demo available yet.

How much emphasis is placed on story and cutscenes in FFXIII? Do you feel it’s balanced with gameplay, or heavy on either side?

The basic playtime is about 50 to 60 hours, for the main story. Amongst which, the cutscenes make up about 10 hours. So, quite a large amount, with very high quality graphics, of course. So there’s plenty of story and gameplay to enjoy.

What will you be moving on to now that Final Fantasy XIII is finished?

At the moment we are still concentrating on finishing off and promoting the overseas version of Final Fantasy XIII, but many of the team have obviously accumulated a lot of knowledge and experience and they will be moved over to work on Versus and Agito. Personally, we don’t know what we’re going to move on to next.

Final Fantasy XIII

How much sidequest content is there in XIII?

We call them “missions”, rather than “quests”. During the second half of the story, when the characters go down to a place called Pulse, there are many missions available there. In the majority of them the boss of the mission who you have to defeat, is more powerful than the main boss of the story. I’ve already told you that the basic playing time is 50 to 60 hours, but if you want to complete all the missions, the total time is probably twice that or more.

So what are the chances of a CG movie based on FFXIII, like Advent Children?

There are no plans at the moment, but once it is released over here and, if there are some particular characters or features that are received particularly well, then we might make a decision. And of course we need to see how it goes down sales-wise and regarding user reactions, first.

What are your feelings about the current state of the game industry in Japan, compared with the West and what Western games have you been most influenced by?

Some people have been saying that the Japanese game industry is dead, and all that… I dunno. I will say that Final Fantasy XIII is one really epic title for high definition consoles. With this game, we are going to resurrect the whole thing. As for Western games that have influenced us — FPSs mostly. The Call of Duty series, for example.

Final Fantasy XIII

How do you feel about Yoichi Wada’s statement that Final Fantasy XIII will be the last game of its kind for Square Enix?

We don’t know exactly what he meant by that. We don’t really know what he meant by this style of game. If you consider that during Final Fantasy XIII’s development, at peak time the team consisted of over 300 people. It was a huge team, plus it took a several long years to get the game finished. So, if Mr Wada meant that we would never make another Final Fantasy title with the similar number of people, taking as long as FFXIII did, we would agree. Obviously in the future we want to be much more efficient. Having worked on XIII, we feel that we have got much better at making good games for high definition consoles. In the future our teams will be smaller and more effectively run. We suspect that is what Mr Wada meant by his statement.

The God of War HD remake for the PS3 has been very popular in the US and people in Europe are very much looking forward to it. Do you have any interest in creating an HD remake of a PS1 or PS2 Final Fantasy game?

We don’t know the details about the HD remake of God of War. If it’s just a case of attaining high resolution graphics, only, then that wouldn’t be that difficult, but if we were to achieve the same graphical standard as in XIII with a PS1 title, then that would be a huge, huge task. Almost unrealistic. Even with a PS2 title it would be difficult. In the case of God of War, there weren’t really that many characters in the game — the main character and some monsters, maybe ten people or so. That would not be unachievable. As with Final Fantasy titles in the past, like on PS1, even just the main characters amount to around 10 people. Then you have all the NPCs, you’re probably looking at about 200 characters total. All with individual textures for the skin, plus costumes, facial features and everything. That would be a really tricky job.

Will there be any New Game content in Final Fantasy XIII?

When you finish the main quest there are some growth elements of the the characters which will unlock once you’ve defeated the last boss. After this is done, you’ll be easily able to return to Pulse and take part in the many missions available there. There is no way to start the game again with your current character stats, however.

Is there a specific reason why Japanese voices were left out of the game?

For the European version, the facial expressions and lip synchronization are all lined up with the English lines, so the Japanese voices would not match up right. That was the main worry.

People are aware that there is a lot of content that has been cut from the game. Do you have any plans to use this content in the future?

You say “content” but, in reality, it’s more like “ideas”. Maybe a map was a little bit too complex and we felt like the player would get completely lost, so we simplified, or whatever. So this content won’t be coming out separately, as it has been binned.

Will there be a hard drive install available?

There is no installation, the game runs directly from the disc.

Finally, why does Sahz have a Chocobo in his hair?

What happened was, initially we only had a concept of this character being happy and jolly. Nomura designed the character and gave him an afro while, flippantly, drew a small chocobo next to him. As we looked at this, we liked the idea and the chocobo got added into the story. That’s how it happened.
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

People are aware that there is a lot of content that has been cut from the game. Do you have any plans to use this content in the future?
You say “content” but, in reality, it’s more like “ideas”. Maybe a map was a little bit too complex and we felt like the player would get completely lost, so we simplified, or whatever. So this content won’t be coming out separately, as it has been binned.
Kann das mal einer irgendwo fett in's Startposting hauen? So, dass wir es in einem halben oder ganzen Jahr finden, wenn der erste Content kommt. Nur für den Fall...
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

FlamerX am 09.02.2010 15:31 schrieb:
People are aware that there is a lot of content that has been cut from the game. Do you have any plans to use this content in the future?
You say “content” but, in reality, it’s more like “ideas”. Maybe a map was a little bit too complex and we felt like the player would get completely lost, so we simplified, or whatever. So this content won’t be coming out separately, as it has been binned.
Kann das mal einer irgendwo fett in's Startposting hauen? So, dass wir es in einem halben oder ganzen Jahr finden, wenn der erste Content kommt. Nur für den Fall...

Das wäre ne gute Idee für ne neue Rubrik... User-Kommentare.. :-o (neben der geplanten Hall of Fame für das erreichen aller Achievements. ^^...wobei ich bei fast 30.000 Zeichen bin, das könnte eng werden.. q.q)

@ Thema an sich:

Ich glaube nicht, dass da wirklich was an DLC kommt, da sie a.) nach 5 Jahren sicher die schnauze voll von XIII haben, und b.) das Team nun anderweitig alle Hände voll hat.
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

Crystalchild am 09.02.2010 15:34 schrieb:
Das wäre ne gute Idee für ne neue Rubrik... User-Kommentare.. :-o (neben der geplanten Hall of Fame für das erreichen aller Achievements. ^^)
Permission granted
Ne Hall of Fame für das Erreichen aller Achievements find' ich fast unsinnig. Das würde sich ja bei deinen Threads eigentlich nur auf Rollenspiele beschränken. Und so wie ich gehört hab', sind die 1000/1000 nur in Lost Odyssey nicht ganz so leicht zu bekommen.

@ Thema an sich:

Ich glaube nicht, dass da wirklich was an DLC kommt, da sie a.) nach 5 Jahren sicher die schnauze voll von XIII haben, und b.) das Team nun anderweitig alle Hände voll hat.
Das mag schon sein, aber lies' noch einmal richtig!

Niemand redet hier von neuen Inhalten. Darüber würde sich jeder freuen. Wir reden hier von absichtlich aus dem Hauptspiel weggelassenen Inhalten, die nachträglich hinzugefügt werden, um mehr Kohle zu scheffeln und die auch, aufgrund dessen, dass sie bereits fertiggestellt sind, keine weitere Arbeit benötigen.

Ich will nicht unbedingt sagen, dass das bei FF XIII passieren wird, aber der Verlauf des letzten Jahres zeigt eindeutig die Tendenz hin zu solchem Verhalten. Und ich traue das auch SquareEnix zu.
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

Meta Score zu Final Fantasy XIII: 86% (PS3 Version)

93% Game Informer
90% PS3 Official magazine UK
85% Everyeye.it
85% RPG Fan
81% Games master UK
79% Play UK

Game Informer
A phenomenal RPG destined to be remembered as a technical milestone for the series.

Playstation Official Magazine UK
This is the real deal. Final Fantasy XIII makes the hours pass like minutes - a testament to the way the game teases you along with one incentive or another at just the right time, every time. It's next generation Final Fantasy, and that's all you need to know.

An unexpected Final Fantasy. The 13th chapter has a great story and some of the most incisive characters of the whole series, and even the battle system works very well, being deep and complex (even if you control only a single character). But on the other side the overwhelming linearity of the plot, the absence of cities to explore, and the small amount of side quest will disappoint fans' expectations.

Still, FFXIII is a landmark game if only by virtue of its production. Square Enix has raised the bar not simply for JRPGs, but all seventh generation games to come. It's a must-own for series fans and a must-see for just about everyone else. [JPN Import]

Games Master UK
An ambitious evolution for the series, marred by a lack of side-quests and extras.

Play UK
A game that never comes together properly. However, some aspects of the game and its battle system are so good that it's still engaging and fun to play...most of the time.
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

The standouts: Lower resolution textures, noticeably worse looking FMV's, lower detail in the environment.


Today, NowGamer received their first retail-class copy of the X360 Final Fantasy XIII code, and after finishing the PS3 version and taking this one for a spin, they report noticeable differences between the two, as written in the original article:

* While facial detail appears largely unchanged, the characters' clothes appear at first glance to be lacking finer details, with notably lower resolution textures.
* Incidental environmental objects and enemies appear less detailed, both in texture and geometry.
* The game's CG is extremely compressed and pales alongside the stunning HD goodness which blu-ray offers.

Well, all-in-all, it's clear that those are rather expected victims of limited 3 dual-layer DVD space vs a dual-layer Blu-ray. This just goes on into confirmation territory.

I'll go on and ask you NOT to reply with blatant flaming and bashing of whichever console. If you are getting the game, make your own choice and don't bash anyone for theirs. Otherwise, face the consequences - extra harsh this time.

AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

Bumm! Neues:

Final Fantasy XIII 's Motomu Toriyama and Yoshinori Kitase - Interview

FFXIII interview.jpgFinal Fantasy XIII, the latest in the long-running RPG series, is one of the year's most highly anticipated games. Tech Digest recently got to have a chat with FFXIII 's director Motomu Toriyama (MT) and producer Yoshinori Kitase (YK), getting their views on western RPG's such as Mass Effect and the possibility of a Final Fantasy VII remake.

For the last decade the Final Fantasy series has been closely associated with the PlayStation brand. What influenced the decision to bring Microsoft and the Xbox 360 on board as well this time?

YK: To start with, from the viewpoint of the developing teams, our environment is now right for making multi-platform games. Also, as the Xbox 360 is becoming more popular across the world, we'd like as a great a number of players as possible to enjoy Final Fantasy XIII.

There are obviously differences in power and what you can achieve with the PS3 and the Xbox 360, particularly in terms of disk capacity. Did that cause any problems during the cross-platform development?

YK: The PS3 version will come on just one Blu-ray disc, whereas the Xbox version will be spread across three DVDs. We had a hard time allocating all the information onto three DVDs, but we feel like we've done a good job. The player will only have to exchange discs twice across the course of the game, so we feel the difference isn't too intrusive on the Xbox 360.

In a sense the disc changing adds to the feeling of progression in its own way I suppose? I can remember being very excited about reaching a new disc on the old PlayStation Final Fantasies!

YK: (Laughs) Yes, I suppose that is true!

FFXIII 1.jpg

Final Fantasy XIII feels like a strong blend between classic elements of the series and brand new mechanics. There's a far more fluid and familiar battle system, compared to the MMO feel of Final Fantasy XII. Was it a conscious decision to move away from the fights seen in Final Fantasy XII?

YK: The battle scenes in Final Fantasy XII had their own merits and were great in their own right, particularly in how seamless the transition from the field to the fight was. The downside is, because of that, both the field map data and the battle system data had to be squashed into a limited amount of memory for it to work. As a result, though it was seamless, it was sometimes lacking in the "wow" factor previous Final Fantasy games have had. We set out to create something with a greater visual impact, something more spectacular that is only possible when you separate the field and the battle data. It may not be quite as seamless as what you've seen in Final Fantasy XII, but it will be a lot more visually captivating.

With the emphasis on engaging visuals in mind then, lets talk a little bit about the characters. Tetsuya Nomura (Final Fantasy V, VI, VII, VIII, X) has designed the characters again. Is he given a tight brief when it comes to the look of each character, or is he given free reign to take the character designs where he pleases?

MT: The story and the characters cannot exist on their own, so we set up a basic concept for both the story and the characters in the beginning. We present these to Mr. Nomura and we get his feedback, and then we work out any minor adjustments to the look of each characters as each new idea or problem arises.

What drives you to make a new Final Fantasy game? The progression to more powerful hardware, or perhaps a good story or battle concept?

MT: To start with there are two important factors we have to make decisions on: what is the in-game universe that we want to depict and then, yes, what is the battle system we want to develop. Once we have those in place it all just picks up from there.

The in-game universes to previous Final Fantasy games have had pretty well defined cinematic influences. Does anything jump to mind that influenced the art direction of Final Fantasy XIII?

MT: The in-game universe this time around is quite fantasy based, but also futuristic at the same time. We never really had any particular reference points for Final Fantasy XIII, in terms of places where we drew inspiration from. That said, we're a little suspicious that the world famous Avatar movie might have take inspiration from us!

FFXIII 2.jpg

I thought that too! How about western RPGs like Mass Effect and Fallout 3? They've become very popular, particularly in western countries. What do you think of the more action-orientated direction of western RPG developers? How do they stand up against traditional Japanese RPGs?

MT: Mass Effect and Fallout allow the players to play with more freedom, and within their story-lines it is quite successful. But we're more interested in things such as first person shooters like Call of Duty. They give a better sense of tension on the battlefield. We some times draw inspiration from those sorts of games. It's not just RPGs but FPS titles that get us excited.

You both worked on Final Fantasy VII, a game very close to my heart! There are always rumours of a possible Final Fantasy VII remake, but would you personally like to see it happen? Do you think a remake is even necessary?

YK: IF it were possible that we had all the right facilities and the right environment to be able to make and prepare a Final Fantasy VII remake within a year, we'd very much like a go at it! But even Final Fantasy XIII has taken over three and a half years to create. If we were to recreate final Fantasy VII with the same level of graphical detail as you see in Final Fantasy XIII, we'd imagine that that would take as much as three or four times longer than the three and a half years it has taken to put this Final Fantasy together! So it's looking pretty unrealistic! But if any such situation came about by any remote chance, then yes, we'd do it!



Yahoo! UK: Final Fantasy XIII preview

We attend the UK premier for Final Fantasy XIII, playing the game on Xbox 360 and PS3, and talking next generation gains with both the producer and director.

The unveiling of each new Final Fantasy is always a grand and significant occasion. But in the four years since Final Fantasy XII, which have seen the advent of Xbox 360 then PlayStation 3, the gaming world has waited with baited breath to see how the top role-playing franchise would make the transition to high-definition.

The Final Fantasy role-playing game (RPG) series is one of the most popular and influential gaming franchises of all time, having sold a staggering 85 million units worldwide over the past 20 years. Make no mistake, Square Enix has a lot riding on the success of Final Fantasy XIII; the stakes are higher than ever because expectations have never been greater.

However, as the success of Avatar the movie has shown, now might just be the perfect time for Square Enix. People are more willing than ever to lose themselves in a make-believe world, welcoming grand tales of hope and defiance. From what we’ve seen so far, Final Fantasy XIII certainly has all of that and more, and intentionally so, according to game director Motomu Toriyama.

“In Japan at the moment as you know, there’s a long economic stagnation and slowdown – lots of people are actually living without hope. Therefore we wanted to describe the kind of life that, even if you’ve got all the cards stacked against you and you’re living in adversity, you still can be strong and you can live in hope, and with hope, and that’s the kind of message that we want to get across.”

For us, the most breathtaking moment during our first play of the game was when we stepped into the game world for the first time and explored a living, breathing landscape populated with an entrancing menagerie of strange creatures. Familiar enemies from the Final Fantasy universe such as Flans look more vibrant and life-like than ever before, like we believed they always should have looked. It was truly a magical moment for any Final Fantasy fan, and now we can’t wait to see more.

Earlier Final Fantasy games used powerful computer-graphics driven, non-interactive cut-scenes to elaborate on the plot. However once the cut-scenes ended and you stepped into the game world it was often a bit of an anticlimax. Not now; the story-telling interludes are barely distinguishable from the in-game action.

Of course it’s not just existing fans that Final Fantasy XIII must appeal to if Square Enix is to enjoy worldwide blockbuster success. The game must also convince the action-centric Modern Warfare generation. With this in mind, producer Yoshinori Kitase says that he and his team devised a real-time battle system that can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be.

“What we set out for was a battle system which can present tactics, and also speed and action elements. Obviously you give commands to the main character, whoever it is, and the other two characters in the same party are basically AI, but it’s not as simple as that. The situation on the battle field actually develops differently in real time, so you should be able to adapt to that and make the right selections to employ different formations that are best suited to the particular situation.”

What this means in practice is that Final Fantasy veterans who want to spend hours tinkering with the battle system will certainly be able to do so, but those who just want to get on with the action can also sit back and let the game’s AI do all the tinkering for them. The end result is that the battles are as compelling, thrilling and ultimately satisfying as the rest of the gameplay. [..]

AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

Toriyama responds to FFXIII criticism with official statement

Motomu Toriyama, Director of Square Enix’s hotly anticipated Final Fantasy XIII, has released an official statement to directly respond to the negative criticism surrounding the linearity of the upcoming RPG title.

Within he explains that the game is essentially split between two parts, divided between the exploration of Cocoon and the primeval world of Gran Pulse. “The game system itself actually changes between these two worlds, with the first half of the game taking place in Cocoon being a very story driven experience, whereas the second half in Gran Pulse is an open world design with a more free style of gameplay,” he states.

The reasoning behind such a decision has also been given more clarity, with Toriyama revealing “We are aiming for a vibe while playing that is similar to the experience of an FPS style game, where the player rapidly progresses through a series of dramatic events and experiences one after the other on an imposing and atmospheric battlefield.”

He continues, “This kind of design is also very beneficial for the player in allowing them to gradually and systematically learn the brand new battle system that this instalment brings to the series.”

The full message from the European FFXIII site is as follows;

Hello there everyone.

The Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 editions of FFXIII have finally been fully mastered and we are now eagerly awaiting the countdown to the worldwide release. I have just returned from a three week global media tour where I was interviewed by media people from a huge number of places and sincerely appreciate all the excitement and expectation continuing to build for the release date coming from everyone outside of Japan. I have also truly felt the speed with which information moves these days from talking to all the people who have already picked up on the reception to FFXIII at home.

In particular there have been many who expressed opinions regarding the story driven nature of FFXIII making for a linear gameplay progression so I shall briefly talk about that concept here.

The story of FFXIII plays out across two different worlds; the futuristic world of Cocoon, with its sprawling urban areas built inside a spherical planetoid and the primeval world of Gran Pulse populated by gigantic beasts the size of dinosaurs. The game system itself actually changes between these two worlds, with the first half of the game taking place in Cocoon being a very story driven experience, whereas the second half in Gran Pulse is an open world design with a more free style of gameplay.

In order to allow the player to become absorbed in the drama of the storytelling and the new and exciting world of Cocoon and be drawn to the characters without getting distracted or lost we have deliberately used a linear game design for the introduction sections so they can be enjoyed in the same manner as watching a film. We are aiming for a vibe while playing that is similar to the experience of an FPS style game, where the player rapidly progresses through a series of dramatic events and experiences one after the other on an imposing and atmospheric battlefield. This kind of design is also very beneficial for the player in allowing them to gradually and systematically learn the brand new battle system that this instalment brings to the series. It is set up such that the player will experience and try out each character’s possible roles in battle and naturally internalise the intensely tactical nature of the paradigm shift system.

I make a promise that even if you have never played a Final Fantasy game, or even an RPG before then you will still be able to appreciate FFXIII with no difficulty. I hope that you will pick up and play it and experience the fresh and unique gameplay that is only possible with Final Fantasy!



Walkway Battle Walkthrough
Manasvin Boss Battle Gameplay

Opening Cinematic (SD)
Opening Cinematic (HD)

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AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

Crystalchild am 25.02.2010 19:36 schrieb:

für vergrößerung auf den Schriftabschnitt klicken.

Finds ja toll das die so viel Werbung machen in Europa fürs Spiel, aber soo toll ist es nun auch nicht (was ich bis jetzt gehört habe) der den Rummel rechtfertigt.

Nagut wenn sie das Geld haben. :B
AW: Der Final Fantasy XIII Thread ÷ V2 ÷

klärt mich mal kurz auf bitte.
Die Sprachausgabe ist bei der deutschen Version auch in Englisch?