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[XBOX 360] Gears of War 2 - Der Thread (Infos, Screens und Spekulationen) - Patch ist raus - XXL-Erweiterung (DL-Code im Laden) kommt am 28.07 (alle M


link2007 am 09.01.2009 23:04 schrieb:
Underclass-Hero am 09.01.2009 20:12 schrieb:
link2007 am 09.01.2009 20:09 schrieb:
Was ist der Goldene Lancer?
Einfach ein Lancer der Gold ist oder noch andere Funktionen hat?

Die Lancer ist einfach nur Gold, hat keine weiteren Funktionen.
Is sogar eher hinderlich, da man den Spieler schneller sieht, da die Goldbeschichtung schon vom weitem kaum zu übersehen ist^^
Und dafür bezahlt ihr? :B

Ja, freilich :-D :B

Neue Gears of War 2 Erfolge
Xbox.com has posted an additional seven Gears 2 achievements. The new achievements - which aren't unlockable until the patch releases - add an extra 175 Gamerscore to Gears 2's total and all are targeted toward achievements made in multiplayer on the Flashback and Combustible DLC.

• Skeletons in your Closet (20G) - Complete waves 1 through 10 on all Flashback Map Pack maps in Horde (any difficulty)
• More Mystery, Less History (15G) - Win a multiplayer match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps (any mode except Wingman)
• Bound by a Shared Past (15G) - Win a Wingman match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps
• Trial by, and on, Fire (20G) - Survive first 10 Horde waves on Combustible Map Pack maps as a team
• The Roof! The Roof! The Roof... (15G) - Win a multiplayer match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps (any mode except Wingman)
• Forged in the Fire (15G) - Win a Wingman match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps
• Annex: Now With Execution Rules (75G) - Win an Annex match on each Flashback and Combustible Map Pack map (public matches only)

Nali_WarCow am 20.01.2009 00:16 schrieb:
Neue Gears of War 2 Erfolge
Hmm, schon wieder voll leichte Erfolge :/

Ich hab' ne kleine Info für das Update. Die Shotgun soll ja verbessert werden. Die Frage ist nur wie?!

[q=Mark Rein, Epic's Vice President]About that shotgun...

We fixed the client side hit detection on the shotgun so that in a high-latency (i.e. “laggy”) match, the shotgun will be more reliable.[/quote]

[q=AreaGames.de]Zudem soll die Wirkung der Shotgun künftig an die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit des Matches angepasst werden. In laggenden Games wird sie entsprechend automatisch verlässlicher töten.[/quote]

Bei Marc klingt das so, als wenn die Shotgun halt zuverlässiger in Sachen Verzögerung wird, wenn man sie abfeuert. Also dass sie nicht mehr so stark durch lag beeinträchtigt wird.

Bei der Übersetzung von AreaGames dagegen eher so, dass sie zwar immer noch genauso laggt und man damit immer noch genauso selten trifft, dafür dann aber richtig!!

Und noch was: Im offiziellen Gears of War Forum haben die User ne Petition gestartet, in der man sich eintragen kann, um die opened unranked matches zurückzuholen.
Ich wär auch dafür, so kann wenigstens jederzeit jemand joinen und die, bei denen es zu stark laggt gehen halt wieder. Außerdem habe ich alle Leute, die ich aus Gears 1 auf meine Freundesliste gesetzt hab' bestimmt nicht in nem Ranglistenspiel getroffen.

Gears of War 2 – Patch ist da
Exploit Fixes
* A player could melee or grenade tag through certain walls.
* A player could equip a shield and a two-handed weapon simultaneously.
* A player could make their shield invisible.
* A player could become invisible.
* A player could do a "super" mantle or "kung fu flip," flying high into the air.
* A player could gain unlimited ammo with the Lancer Assault Rifle.
* A player could fire while roadie running (also known as "crabwalking").
* A player could pick up a weapon while sliding into cover.
* A player could walk forward while firing a deployed mortar.
* A player could force an opponent to be stuck in the down but not out (DBNO) position.
* A player could prevent other players from picking up a heavy weapon.
* A player could pick up a dropped meatflag without having to knock him down.
* A ragdolled player could be killed without ever going DBNO.
* A player could roadie run while firing the Scorcher Flamethrower.
* A player could get stuck while evading, though they could continue shooting in any direction.
* A player could concuss themselves under the stairs on the River map.

General Fixes
* An issue with client-side hit detection of the Gnasher Shotgun. The fix makes the shotgun more reliable in high-latency situations.
* An issue where players could have shotgun or Boomshot rounds fire into the ground when shooting from the hip.
* A split-screen issue where one player transitioning to the death battle camera disrupted input from the other player.
* An issue that could cause players' Look sensitivity to be changed to their Zoom sensitivity while zooming in, zooming out, and firing.
* An issue that could cause players to get stuck if they tried to pick up a heavy weapon while firing the shotgun at the same time.
* An issue where players could become stuck if they kicked over a shield while ragdolled from a smoke grenade.
* An issue where bots were unable to kick over a shield that was planted backward.
* An issue where players who quit during voting didn't show up in the end game stats, which meant other players couldn't easily provide negative feedback on them.
* An issue where players couldn't chainsaw enemy meatshields if the meatshields were already damaged.
* An issue where some players would not see the animation of a meatshield being chainsawed.
* An issue where players could not chainsaw an opposing team meatshield in a game type that doesn't allow respawns (for example, Warzone and Execution).
* An issue where a player partway through the act of raising or lowering the chainsaw did not transition into a duel when attacked from the front with a chainsaw.
* An issue where occasionally a player waiting to respawn could not respawn when repeatedly hitting the left trigger to switch cameras.
* An issue where some teammates couldn't communicate between rounds in games type that don't allow respawns, because dead team members were left in the dead radio channel until the next round started.
* An issue where a DBNO player could be seen as standing if knocked DBNO while reloading the mortar.
* An issue where a player joining a Private Xbox LIVE game in progress from another specific type of game could potentially lose HUD functionality.
* An issue on the Flood map where a player's dying from Imulsion did not trigger a death message or penalize the player as other environmental deaths did.
* An issue with Guardian games where if the leader is the last player killed on a team, the round may not end, due to the respawn timer.
* A campaign issue where the gamer picture would not be awarded when the game is completed on Insane.
* An issue where a player would continue to fire the flamethrower and damage other players if that player was knocked DBNO while firing it.
* An issue that could cause a player to get stuck while moving and quickly attempting to aim the mortar at the same time.
* An issue with Horde games where clients didn't receive the "waiting for host" message after they failed a wave.
* A Horde split-screen issue that could cause a team to get –2 billion in score, which when posted to the leaderboards looked like +2 billion.
* An issue where dead players may not show up in the metadata for multiplayer photos.
* A system link issue where if a multiplayer match and a co-op game were hosted at the same time on the same LAN, neither could be joined.
* Additional miscellaneous bug fixes.

* Made planted proximity grenade mines much easier to shoot off the surface they're planted on, by giving them 50 percent less health.
* Set grenades to respawn less frequently. When a player picks up grenades from a spawned location, a new set of grenades does not respawn until the previous grenades have been used.
* Increased the penalty to rank for players who quit Public Xbox LIVE matches early.
* Buffed the flamethrower to have stopping power (to slow a charging enemy) and to cause a chainsaw interrupt (to force the opponent to lower a revved chainsaw).
* Removed the ability to instantly shoot coming out of a roadie run.
* Added additional spawn protection to prevent proximity grenade mines and chainsaws from killing a player within 5 seconds after spawning.
* Balanced grenade spawn cycling on the Hail map so that both teams have equal access to both types of grenades.

* Changed Annex games to use execution rules, to prevent players from leaving DBNO opponents on the ground to bleed out.
* Made Horde waves count toward the "Party Like It's 1999" achievement. Each wave is counted as one round.
* Added the ability, during Submission games, to see the flag's final destination by using Tac/Com.
* Increased the frequency of most of the toasts for in-game achievement progression.
* Added achievement progression numbers to the War Journal.
* Added 7 new DLC-based achievements worth 175 points (progress toward them starts after Title Update 2 is applied):
o "Skeletons in Your Closet" (20 points): Complete waves 1 through 10 on all Flashback Map Pack maps in Horde (any difficulty).
o "Trial by, and on, Fire" (20 points): Complete waves 1 through 10 on all Combustible Map Pack maps in Horde (any difficulty).
o "More Mystery, Less History" (15 points): Win a multiplayer match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps (any mode except Wingman).
o "The Roof! The Roof! The Roof…" (15 points): Win a multiplayer match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps (any mode except Wingman).
o "Bound by a Shared Past" (15 points): Win a Wingman match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps.
o "Forged in the Fire" (15 points): Win a Wingman match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps.
o "Annex: Now with Execution Rules" (75 points): Win an Annex match on each of the Flashback and Combustible Map Pack maps (Public only).

Gears of War 2 mit neuen Inhalten für den Single-Player Modus?

Joshua Ortega wird wohl vielen eher unbekannt sein, aber er ist der Story-Writer von Gears of War 2. Dieser war auf der diesjährigen New Yorker Comic Con anwesend und stand Rede und Antwort.

Auf die Frage, ob es herunterladbare Inhalte für den Single-Player Modus geben wird, beantwortete er sehr eindeutig. Man solle abwarten, denn man wird nicht enttäuscht werden.

falls wer mal bock auf Horde hat, suche für "Tankstelle" noch mitspieler^^schade das man beim Spiel erstellen nicht selber die Map festlegen kann....das klappt leider nur auf private xbox live, und da kann man ja nur freunde einladen, keine spieler allgemein.

LouisLoiselle am 01.03.2009 13:00 schrieb:
falls wer mal bock auf Horde hat, suche für "Tankstelle" noch mitspieler^^schade das man beim Spiel erstellen nicht selber die Map festlegen kann....das klappt leider nur auf private xbox live, und da kann man ja nur freunde einladen, keine spieler allgemein.
Kannst mich mal adden, ich brauch immernoch den Erfolg...

Gamertag: Reldeis

Einfach mal fragen wenn ich gerade on bin, was recht häufig vorkommt

Erucu am 01.03.2009 19:13 schrieb:
LouisLoiselle am 01.03.2009 13:00 schrieb:
falls wer mal bock auf Horde hat, suche für "Tankstelle" noch mitspieler^^schade das man beim Spiel erstellen nicht selber die Map festlegen kann....das klappt leider nur auf private xbox live, und da kann man ja nur freunde einladen, keine spieler allgemein.
Kannst mich mal adden, ich brauch immernoch den Erfolg...

Gamertag: Reldeis

Einfach mal fragen wenn ich gerade on bin, was recht häufig vorkommt

Hey ich hab das Game auch und hab mal ne frage.Wie komme ich an Karten die ich downloaden kann?Wenn ich mir nen ausländischen Account mache und downloaden will geht das net.weis einer von euch ne andere lösung.
edit:ich hab zum spiel 5 karten kostenlos bekommen und kann diese nicht downloaden

Roy07 am 01.03.2009 19:16 schrieb:
Erucu am 01.03.2009 19:13 schrieb:
LouisLoiselle am 01.03.2009 13:00 schrieb:
falls wer mal bock auf Horde hat, suche für "Tankstelle" noch mitspieler^^schade das man beim Spiel erstellen nicht selber die Map festlegen kann....das klappt leider nur auf private xbox live, und da kann man ja nur freunde einladen, keine spieler allgemein.
Kannst mich mal adden, ich brauch immernoch den Erfolg...

Gamertag: Reldeis

Einfach mal fragen wenn ich gerade on bin, was recht häufig vorkommt

Hey ich hab das Game auch und hab mal ne frage.Wie komme ich an Karten die ich downloaden kann?Wenn ich mir nen ausländischen Account mache und downloaden will geht das net.weis einer von euch ne andere lösung.
edit:ich hab zum spiel 5 karten kostenlos bekommen und kann diese nicht downloaden
Auf denen ist ne ip-sperre drauf. Dadurch kann man sie nicht mehr in Deutschland downloaden. Ausser man macht sich eine VPN-Verbindung.

Wiinator am 01.03.2009 19:25 schrieb:
Roy07 am 01.03.2009 19:16 schrieb:
Erucu am 01.03.2009 19:13 schrieb:
LouisLoiselle am 01.03.2009 13:00 schrieb:
falls wer mal bock auf Horde hat, suche für "Tankstelle" noch mitspieler^^schade das man beim Spiel erstellen nicht selber die Map festlegen kann....das klappt leider nur auf private xbox live, und da kann man ja nur freunde einladen, keine spieler allgemein.
Kannst mich mal adden, ich brauch immernoch den Erfolg...

Gamertag: Reldeis

Einfach mal fragen wenn ich gerade on bin, was recht häufig vorkommt

Hey ich hab das Game auch und hab mal ne frage.Wie komme ich an Karten die ich downloaden kann?Wenn ich mir nen ausländischen Account mache und downloaden will geht das net.weis einer von euch ne andere lösung.
edit:ich hab zum spiel 5 karten kostenlos bekommen und kann diese nicht downloaden
Auf denen ist ne ip-sperre drauf. Dadurch kann man sie nicht mehr in Deutschland downloaden. Ausser man macht sich eine VPN-Verbindung.

Hm.Schei.....!Würde es eigentlichen gehen wenn ich mir eine Xbox 360 ausm Ösiland holen würde?Oder geht des auch net?

Es ist ja eine IP-Sperre und hat nur mit dem Internet was zu tun.
Also bringt es nichts eine Xbox ausm Ausland zu holen.

Roy07 am 01.03.2009 19:33 schrieb:
Hm.Schei.....!Würde es eigentlichen gehen wenn ich mir eine Xbox 360 ausm Ösiland holen würde?Oder geht des auch net?
Du hast 3 Möglichkeiten.
1. Du fährst ins Ausland und saugst.
2. Du baust dir eine VPN Verbindung auf und leitest sie an deine Xbox weiter.
3. Du fährst zu jemandem der 2. beherrscht. :B

Fixes Coming to Title Update 3

Chainsaw "Invincibility" to be fixed:
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
We've found the issue and are fixing for TU3. Thanks everyone for their dedication in helping to track the problem down.


You will get up 2 seconds after being stunned by a smoke, no matter what:
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
We stopped it's duration being dependent on animation and so now everyone begins to get back up after 2 seconds regardless. This is likely to make getting up look less cool but it won't be as agonizing when you're caught sliding down stairs. We've also enabled ourselves greater control over balance issues with smoke grenades.


250 points worth of new achievements coming:
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
We're allowed to add up to 250 points, and we're taking full advantage


Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
You will see achievements tied to the new leveling system (5 in fact) and it would make a lot of sense to release some new content soon after the title update is released...


Only host will lose experience if he quits:
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
No, if the host quits, only the host will lose experience.


Rank 100 will use the Rank 5 symbol:
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
Actually, that's where we ended up. There are 100 levels and level 100 uses the "rank 5" icon instead of a number.


New shotgun shield glitch has been fixed. Look at these quotes:
Originally Posted by XCH3MiiCAL
Thanks rod

Please help me get epic to read this thanks.

Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
Already taken care of in TU3.


Info on how long it'll take TU3 to release.
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
Soon! We're in final testing before submitting to certification.


A country preference system is being added:
Originally Posted by joeGraf
A country filtering option will be in TU3. It doesn't restrict you to your country because otherwise certain areas of the world would be unlikely to play a match. It will always prefer your country when there is a match/party available.
We aren't putting a filter in. We have a country preference, not filter
Players who quit are going to be replaced by bots:
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
No it still won't allow join in progress in Public matches but it would allow us to do something like replace the dropped player with a bot...

Originally Posted by joeGraf
Bots will replace dropped players. Being killed by a bot is still dead, so yes it affects your k/d ratio.
Bots will be using the insane mode difficulty, look at these private messages.
Originally Posted by Vitalogy89
Joe, what difficulty will be the bots that replace the players that quit? I'm assuming Insane right? Because those are the only bots that one could potentially play competitively. Thanks.
Originally Posted by joeGraf
Rank is being looked at
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
It's a decent thought. We're definitely looking at rank right now and how it could be improved...


Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
Hey all,

So we've been looking at all the feedback on our skill ranking system and we completely understand why simply making your TrueSkill level visible can be frustrating. The algorithm is complex, so it's not always clear how your rank will be affected by a particular match and your rank is based on the team's outcome and not necessarily your individual performance.

So we're looking to make a change.

What if, instead of skill rank, we instead showed your experience level. You would gain experience through your individual performance in Public multiplayer matches - the higher your score at the end, the more experience you acquire. Of course the experience gained across the different match types would be balanced so you couldn't just grind on the respawning game types to try and level faster. The experience requirements for each level would grow with each level gained (like a typical RPG) and we'd have 99 levels of experience for you to show off your leetness.

Generally speaking your level will always go up since you're always acquiring more score, hence experience, with each completed match. The only exception to that would be people quitting. Players that quit would gain an experience penalty that could cause them to be demoted. At the end of every match you will be able to see how much experience you've gained and how much further you have to go till the next level.

Since I know what one of the first questions is going to be, initially we wouldn't have achievements for gaining experience levels because of Xbox LIVE rules that require all post release achievements to be tied to new DLC content. But when new DLC is released, it's a whole new ball game then.

So, what do you think?


The Meatflag will no longer glitch out of the map:
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
We do have a tweak for the flag running off for no reason so that should help somewhat.
The Sniper hit detection is being fixed:
Originally Posted by joeGraf
Sniper has been fixed in the next TU. It was driving me crazy too.
Originally Posted by joeGraf
It's not a hit box problem, but it was due to incorrect rays being used. That caused elevation related issues, which is why it's inconsistent and not out right unpossible.
Host Migration is being "experimented" with, but the chances of it coming in TU3 are slim. I thought it'd be nice add these quotes anyway:
Originally Posted by joeGraf
I assumed that you'd search for Gears1 posts on the subject and see that I said that our architecture makes host migration hard if not impossible. I have come up with a way to do that, but it won't come in a time frame that you'll find acceptable. It's easy to say "I want host migration" just like it's easy to say "I want you to build me a house". Both take time and Internet forums generally aren't what people would call patient
Originally Posted by joeGraf
Keep in mind, that I wrote 100% of the Live code for all Epic's games, so I am familiar with how they work.

I meant network architecture. Halo is similar but differs in some key ways that aren't trivial for us to change. They are different because they were meant to deal with different design goals.
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
We're definitely looking at better solutions for the hosting issues but nothing to announce immediately. As for host migration, that is extremely difficult. Not impossible, so it's not off the table but it would take a considerable amount of work so it's not something that would happen in the short term.


Miscellaneous info from Rod:
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
I'm sorry. It wasn't addressed in this TU because it's not actually an easy problem to solve and will require time to come up with the right solution for everyone. In the mean time we wanted to get all the exploit fixes released as soon as we could.

We know it's an issue and we're continuing to look at it and work on it.

Thanks for your patience.

Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
Yes, if we were to tweak something in a permanent way then we would let you know. We usually try to have any big weapon tweaks coincide with title update releases so that they're part of the release notes for easy reading.

We're actually continuing to work on the quitting penalty stuff so please stay tuned as it may soon change.


Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
Not at this moment. We were not happy that Gears 1 devolved into a hardcore game of people rolling and roadie running at each other all the time with shotguns. The game is meant to be somewhat tatical and that's not how it ended up. BTW to be clear, you can fire after roadie running, just not instantly, which was a cheap tactic.


Lag is set to be "prevented" in this Title Update:
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
We have some bandwidth tweaks but there's no silver bullet there. The biggest factor in lag honestly is the host's upstream bandwidth. We're optimistic that with the tweaks we've made and Joe's changes to the backend matchmaking that it should reduce the issue.


Two Piecing is adressed:
Originally Posted by joeGraf
The 2-piece is on our list to fix in the next TU. A partial fix was placed on our servers this afternoon and limits the usefulness of the technique.
More weapon balance will be coming:
Originally Posted by joeGraf
We will continue to adjust balance of the weapons over time. TU2 allowed us more finely grained control of updating our weapons via our servers. We'll use this to tweak balance in an ongoing basis. For instance, a change went in today to reduce the effectiveness of the "2-piece"
On the subject of unranked playlists/player matches:
Originally Posted by Mark Rein
We're exploring lots of options but I can't say for certain what we will or won't do.

The Epic Crew plans on doing some "experimenting" with playlists:
Originally Posted by Mark Rein
We really do not know. But the good news is that as of TU2 we can tweak a lot more parameters within the game without a new title update (more of that coming in TU3). In addition it is time for us to start trying a few things with the playlists.
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
I've said this in a bunch of different threads and maybe haven't said it here. As part of TU3 we will be optimizing the playlists so stay tuned. I think you'll be pleased.


Epic plans on addressing standbyers to some extent.
Originally Posted by Mark Rein
We're working on ideas to put folks who standby in their proper place. But we can't elaborate on them at this point in time.
Cliffy B posted! :-D He mentioned a possible fix on Smoke Grenades.
Originally Posted by CliffyB
::wipes sleep from eyes::

Wha? I'm here! What's up?

Smoke grenades can be a bit annoying. We're looking into it.
Some more miscellaneous info.
Originally Posted by Mark Rein
Yes I believe there are more things we can tweak without an update and even more cool things planned for TU3. At lunch the other day Cliff said he'd love to try something like "Smoke Free Fridays". We're also discussing mixing up the playlists. Believe it or not, a lot of the conversations we have about the online gameplay mirror, and are very influenced, by the (more civil) conversations in this forum. So keep it civil, think about the implications of your requests and listen to people who (nicely) disagree with you. Even in times when you think we're not listening the good debates absolutely filter through to us.
After being convinced that people should be allowed to talk freely to their opponents between rounds, Mark Rein says:
Originally Posted by Mark Rein
Another good point. I'll pass these along.
To counter the inability to shoot directly after roadie running, the ability to melee/chainsaw after roadie running is being addressed as well. Check out JoeGraf's response to someone else's post as well as this quote from Rod:
After the TU2 you can't shotgun straight after roadie run yet you can still 2 piece/chainsaw. Was there really a point of that? I say fix melee/chainsaw straight after roadie run too.
Originally Posted by joeGraf
Yes. It's on the list.
Originally Posted by Rod Fergusson
We're responding by adding the same delay to melee so that it's fair.


Weapon balancing on certain maps is being addressed:
Originally Posted by joeGraf
We are working on fixing Subway's balance issues.
Originally Posted by joeGraf
BTW, we do make decisions based off of the data. For instance, Hail and Subway are undergoing balancing due to the numbers showing a decided advantage. Hail already was adjusted and Subway will be in the next TU
JoeGraf has hinted MORE EFFECTIVE solutions to fix standbying and cheating. Look at these quotes:
Didn't they do that in Gow 1 with the message saying "The connection has dropped or something" press B to leave or wait?
Originally Posted by joeGraf
And it had too many false positives. I am looking into a better solution than the code I did for Gears1.
Originally Posted by joeGraf
Don't worry. I am actively looking into ways to combat the cheating. It's not a trivial problem, but we are working on solutions. They make me just as mad as they make you.
Originally Posted by joeGraf
Be patient. TU3 will have a present from me to the standby-er and by extension a gift from me to all the players.
Originally Posted by joeGraf
I did mean that person won't get to play. However, I did write some special standby punishment code for the people that do it post TU3. They will be sad
Graf was asked if he's ever been standbyed, this was his response:
Originally Posted by joeGraf
Only once out of all the matches I've played. Yes, I intend to add special code so they no longer play MP

Hm klingt ja schon mal gut. Hoffentlich verbessert es wirklich vieles.

Gears of War 2 – Update, Neue Rangsystem und weiteres Mappack

(Klick für größere Darstellung)
Epic Games have announced two big changes on the way for Gears of War 2. One is a title update aimed at addressing complaints users have had about experience.The other? Four new multiplayer maps.

The title update - due on March 24 - is geared at making player's progression up the ranks more transparent. The contentious, confusing "TrueSkill" system will remain in place, though its scoring formula will be kept "under the hood". For more visible feedback, "players will earn experience points for scoring in public matches". The more points in a public multiplayer match you score, the more experience points you accrue (with a total of 250 on offer as part of the update), the higher up the food chain you move.

A week later - on March 31 - the "Snowblind" map pack will be released. It will include four maps, three of them (Grindyard, Under Hill and, Courtyard) new, one of them (Fuel Depot) a remake of an original Gears 1 level. You can see a couple of pics of Grindyard here, along with a score sheet showing off the new experience system.
The update will of course be free. The map pack? No word on price yet, but 800 MS Points sounds like a good bet.

Braucht man im LAN soviele Boxen wie Mitspieler oder können auch zwei an einer Konsole spielen?

Nali_WarCow am 14.03.2009 08:42 schrieb:
Hephalum am 14.03.2009 08:40 schrieb:
Braucht man im LAN soviele Boxen wie Mitspieler oder können auch zwei an einer Konsole spielen?
Es können auch zwei Spieler via Splitscreen an einem Gerät spielen.

Gilt das auch für die Kampagne, sodaß ich jetzt, da mein Bruder eine Box mit GoW2 hat, mit drei Mitspielern das Spiel durchspielen kann oder bezieht sich das nur auf die Deathmatches?