PC Games - 87 von 100
Technik ist nicht alles, im Fall von Battlefield 3 hilft sie mir aber über so manches hinweg. Dabei müsste sie das gar nicht unbedingt, das Spiel ist nämlich echt solide, auch wenn wohl alle (ich eingeschlossen) in Bezug auf die Kampagne und vor allem im Bezug auf Zerstörung etwas mehr erwartet hätten – immerhin gewinnt das Abenteuer nach einem mauen Auftakt (die atemberaubenden Einstiegs-Fünf-Minuten nicht mit eingerechnet) deutlich an Fahrt! Ganz egal, ob euch die Solo-Erfahrung zusagt oder nicht, spielen müsst ihr das Ganze sowieso, schon allein, um mitreden zu können. Schade nur, dass Dice sich vor allem bei der Erzählstruktur keinen eigenständigeren Weg zutraut und sich auf dem von der Konkurrenz ausgetretenen Pfad bewegt – mir schimmert da etwas zu viel Call of Duty und etwas zu wenig Battlefield durch, auch wenn sich am Ende alles schön zusammenfügt. Dann geh ich mir jetzt mal den Mehrspielerteil anschauen …
Gamespy - 10 von 10
For PC gamers at least, the decision by Dice to lead on our beloved platform has resulted in a game that delivers a truly next-generation feel. BF3 is an absolutely massive experience, but it's the explosive multiplayer mode that makes this the must-have FPS of the year. There's simply no other shooter that lets you wage war on a scale this huge, but even better is the infinite number of satisfying ways to lay the hurt down on your opponents.
Ausgamers - 98 von 100
There's certainly room for improvement, but there's no denying that so many different aspects of the first person shooter experience being dished out here are best-in-class. The multiplayer component alone is more than worth the price of admission and the solo campaign and cooperative offerings thankfully bring more to the table than they detract. With Battlefield 3, DICE have at long last raised the bar of PC gaming above the long-held bottleneck of console-parity, to bring us a game that's finally worth upgrading for and I dare say it carries with it a potential for a renaissance of the PC first person shooter.
Game Informer - 9,6 von 100
Multiplayer maintains the high level of quality DICE is known for, and the campaign is the best in franchise history. Outside of the annoying Battlelog and a tacked-on, uninspired co-op mode consisting of six short standalone missions, the only downside to Battlefield 3 is the lack of substantial changes to the multiplayer formula. However, that shouldn't stop longtime fans and newcomers from enjoying one of the best FPS experiences in gaming.
GameTrailers - 9,2 von 10
It features a stellar multiplayer suite with practically limitless replay value and a mostly forgettable campaign. The coop missions are a nice addition, and to be fair, the single-player is the best in series history, but it still falls short of its contemporaries. Online warfare is intricate and rewarding, but it also presents a learning curve and a strong reliance on team coordination.
1UP - 91 von 100
Battlefield 3 is a game that's informed, not bound, by both its predecessors and its competition. It takes what made the series great in earlier games and marries it to the innovations from more recent BF titles. The single-player and co-op campaigns both have their issues, but the multiplayer component is worth the price of entry alone.
Joystiq - 90 von 100
If solo play is your primary motivator, then it's hard to recommend Battlefield 3 as anything more than an audio-visual treat. The times where Battlefield 3 does its damnedest to go toe-to-toe with Call of Duty are the times it stumbles the hardest. But when DICE is doing what it's always done best, Battlefield 3 is a uniquely mesmerizing multiplayer game with a seemingly endless number of ways to feel like a success. It's not revolutionary, but it's the best Battlefield game, and that's saying a lot.