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[XBOX 360] Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

AW: .

01.06.09 - das wäre perfekt. Bis dahin hab ich nämlich wieder eine 360.

edit: Ist das in Amerika nicht immer umgekehrt -> 06.01.2009?
AW: .

Kleiner Schnitzer ist dir in der Eile passiert, Nali: die Amis schreiben den Monat vor dem Tag. Das würde bedeuten das Kampagnenupdate kommt am 6.1.09 und nicht mitte nächsten Jahres! :)
AW: .

xCharonx am 25.09.2008 19:04 schrieb:
Kleiner Schnitzer ist dir in der Eile passiert, Nali: die Amis schreiben den Monat vor dem Tag. Das würde bedeuten das Kampagnenupdate kommt am 6.1.09 und nicht mitte nächsten Jahres! :)

Ich war eher. :P
AW: .

Rockband 2 in Europa im November?

As part of Microsoft's global "Live Your Moment" ad campaign, a curious text descriptor appears at the bottom of one of their European ads promoting Rock Band 2, hinting at a possible November retail release.
AW: .

Japan-Hardwarezahlen vom 15.09 bis 22.09
	akt.	letzte Woche
NDS	61.242	63.859
Wii	29.921	29.686
PSP	28.674	30.156
360	13.777	28.188
PS3	8.156	8.053
PS2	7.720	7.669

Fable 2 – Details zur Vorbestelleraktion
Microsoft gibt bekannt, dass am 29. September in Deutschland die Vorbestellaktion für Fable II starten wird. Wer das Spiel ab diesem Tag bei ausgewählten Händlern vorbestellt und eine Anzahlung leistet, bekommt das Spiel nicht nur am ersten Tag, sondern zusätzlich noch einen Code, um das Xbox Live Arcade Spiel Fable II Pub Games herunter zu laden. Darin können 15 exklusive Items und Entwurfsskizzen erspielt werden, die es sonst nirgendwo anders gibt. Zusätzlich startet man das Spiel mit 2000 Goldstücken.

Folgende Händler unterstützen die Vorbestellaktion in Deutschland:

- Gamestop/EB
- Media Markt
- Saturn
- Amazon
- Expert
- Karstadt
- Ausgewählte Spielefachhändler

Fable II wird in Europa am 24. Oktober erscheinen.

Banjo-Kazooie Bilder


Banjo-Vorbestellaktion (Teilnehmende Händler / noch unvollständig)
• UK: Amazon, Play.com, Game and Gamestation
• USA: Amazon, EBGames, GameStop and GameCrazy
• FRANCE: Micromania and Game
• SPAIN: Game
• ITALY: GameStop
• SCANDINAVIA: Game and GameStop
• CANADA, JAPAN, IRELAND, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, BENELUX, SWITZERLAND, AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND are participating, but participating retailers have yet to be confirmed.

Tenchu: Shadow Assault kommt für XBLA

Tenchu: Shadow Assault appears to be a multiplayer (up to 4 players over Live) party game, although the trailer has what appears to be co-operative sections. According to the site's listing the genre is referred to as a Trap Action title which does point to a party and coop experience ... albeit with one mode.

Interestingly enough the website for the From Software developed title lists the title will be made available on October 8 for 800MS points. While the title has been rated by the CERO, Japan's rating board for games, it has yet to pop-up on the ESRB website for release in North America. Possible Japan only release? Maybe, but we'll have to wait and see.
Trailer: http://www.tenchu.net/sat/asx/sat_teaser_promo.asx

Damnation – Trailer
AW: .

Fast offiziell bestätigt: 12 Monate Xbox Live + Chatpad + Project Gotham Racing 4 für 69,99$
Es gab schon vor einiger Zeit ein Gerücht, dass so ein Angebot kommen wird. Offiziell hat MS noch nicht angekündigt, aber auf Xbox.com ist schon etwas zu sehen:

AW: .

Summer of Arcade was a sales success!
According to the Microsoft PR folks, during that five week period, the Arcade saw a 58% increase in unique member purchases and during August, the monthly Arcade revenue record was shattered by 67%. We guess there's a correlation between an XBLA sales spike and the XBLA seeing the release of fun, interesting, original and unique games. We say, keep the Arcade goodies coming!

Fable 2 – Online-Coop wird nachgereicht
Remember at E3 2008 when Peter Molyneux dropped the co-op over Xbox Live bomb during the Microsoft Press Briefing? Good times. Oh by the way, Fable 2 doesn't ship with online co-op. Microsoft's community team at the GamerScore Blog have dropped the news that Fable 2 will only ship with a single-player and local co-op experience but no need to grab your pitchforks and rioting boots because online will be added into the game later via an auto update.

We suppose some people will be upset about it but considering the GSB team expects the co-op to be added soon after release, Microsoft hopes for an update within a week or release […]

The team at Lionhead are very excited to have you play their grand RPG, so much so that the game went gold before, you know ... it was finished.

Neue Infos & Bilder zum NXE

This fall, themes are getting even more detailed with the New Xbox Experience. Themes will take over more than just the background of your Dashboard – they will be present on every channel in cool, dynamic ways. Yes, I said, "DYNAMIC." […]

Every graphic on each channel will tie into your theme and change if you choose a different one. You can really see this on the Friends Channel – each of your friends' Avatars will stand next to a different graphic or environment. These graphics will match the theme you choose and will change dynamically as you navigate from channel to channel. But that’s not all; the themes will be subtly animated. This is some pretty cool stuff when you see it.
This is what your Dashboard and Friends Channel would look like with the Signature Theme – picture the bubbles in the background moving, shrinking, growing – you get the idea.

Also on the Friends Channel, you’ll be able to see your friends’ Avatars rally when you host a LIVE party. You can see who is online and offline by what their Avatars are doing, too. Online? Your friends will emote and be able to wave you over to jump into their party. Offline? Well, they’re snoozing, of course.

Finally (and many of you have asked us about this) don’t worry – you can still use the themes you previously purchased with the New Xbox Experience. They’ll look even better over the new UI, especially in high-definition.

Ednwar kommt am 4.11 & 2 neue Videos

Dead Space – Anspielbericht
On the surface, this game looks like a standard shooter/action game. However, if you think you'll just be able to run and gun your way through, well, prepare to die a lot.
Upon playing this game, you'll quickly realize the enemies don't react - and die - the way they have in the past in other standard shooter games. This is most noticeable when you start pumping round after round into the chest of some mutilated human monster coming towards you and it doesn't go down.
The game has a sense of strategy in that you're supposed to shoot the limbs off enemies and then run up to them and stop their bodies into mushy blobs. Unfortunately for you, there isn't an abundant amount of ammo in the game, either.[…]

Tomb Raider Underworld – Gameplayvideo

Far Cry 2 – 30 Minuten Video

4 neue Bilder zu Resident Evil 5


70 Screens zu "The Last Remnant"

New Xbox Experience-Webseite online
Auf der Webseite kann man sich ein wenig durch das neue Menü klicken, allerdings sind lediglich einige rudimentäre Rubriken zu sehen. Aber man bekommt zumindest einen bewegten Eindruck und vielleicht kommt ja demnächst auch noch mehr.
AW: .

Prince of Persia – Comic kommt / Leseprobe

The $17, 190-page novel includes two parallel storylines of a Prince in the 9th century and another in the 14th -- meaning this Prince is completely different from the guy you know now and the one you'll know soon.

Written by A.B. Sina and illustrated by LeUyen Pham and her husband, Alex Puvilland, the Prince of Persia graphic novel is said to examine the "legend of the Prince," created by Jordan Mechner.
AW: .

Gears of War 2 – Neue Infos & Bilder


As you all now know on Friday September 19th we went to play Gears of War 2’s campaign and Horde Co-Op mode [interview with Cliff Bleszinski can be found Here]. Prior to actually playing the Game, we sat through a presentation by Cliff Bleszinski, Creative Director on Gears of War 2. One of the biggest announcements of the day was the introduction of Skorge, who quite simply put is RAAM’s replacement. Skorge has been a rumor for the best part of 3 months now, which has helped the hype machine build up to this Climactic announcement. We were told everything anyone could ever need to know about the new Gears Boss, so let us share some of this information with you now.

Skorge, in the game, is over twice the height of Marcus Phoenix - most likely giving him a total height of 12ft or more. His big introduction into the story of Gears of War 2 is in the first chapter, where you see him jump onto the deck of your COG transporter. We’ll tell you a bit about what happens when Skorge makes his debut in our Campaign preview article that will be posted tomorrow. During Cliff’s presentation he explained that if you imagine RAAM as a Sledgehammer, Skorge is “More like a samurai sword”.

The one factor that makes Skorge so “Badass” is that he’s wielding a Staff, but it’s not any old Staff... Cliff confirmed that Skorge’s main weapon in the game is infact a Dual Chainsaw staff, which we saw Dizzie chainsaw duelling against in the first Act. We really don’t have to explain how badass it is, seeing as there will be thousands of different awesome scenarios running through your head right now.

We confirmed in our Interview with Cliff that the rumors posted on Xbox360Fanboy were in fact true. Skorge is a playable [but majorly scaled down from the campaign] character in Gears of War 2’s Multiplayer. While we were playing Horde, we also got talking with SixOkay [Microsoft Community Manager]. I asked him about Skorge being in Horde, and he confirmed that Skorge will be the last enemy you face at Level 50 [Oh...My...God.....SWEET!].

In Horde, there are mini “Skorge-lings” that we weren’t supposed to be fighting against, however we imagine these are the spawn of Skorge [i’m sure we’ll be given some more details on these closer to launch]. As you can see from the images and the description, Skorge is truly a worthy replacement for General RAAM. His badass “Predator” looks, his size and his Dual Chainsaw staff are enough to give anyone a messy nerdgasm.

Let us know what you think of him, as we’ve been extatic about making this announcement for over a week now! [Closer look at his staff below!]
AW: .

2 Gerüchte zu Gears of War 2 –
According to Mr. forum poster and his GamePro mag, Gears 2 will ship with a redemption code that enables players to download five remade maps from the original Gears free of charge. The remade maps - Gridlock, Subway, Canals, Mansion, and Tyro Station - will be available to download off the XBLM day one of release, but ONLY to those who purchase a new copy of the game with the redemption code.
Another GamePro magazine rumor is that all who attend Gears 2 midnight launch events will receive a redemption code to unlock an in-game gold plated Hammerburst. It and the Collector's Edition exclusive gold plated Lancer are also said to be unlockable in-game.

Hoffentlich braucht man für das Mappack in Deutschland nicht extra einen Proxy-Server.
AW: .

Jasper-Konsolen tauchen im Handel auf / Produktionsdatum & Details

According to the Xbox 360 DVD Drive Database, it appears Xbox 360s outfitted with the much-anticipated Jasper chipset have finally started showing up in stores and at online retailers.
The key things to look for when buying a new Xbox 360 with the Jasper chipset is a manufacturing date (MFR) as early as 2008-08-06, Lot 8031 and up, and Team CSON.
(You may have to bribe your local GameSpot salesperson to poke his or her finger through the serial number window of 360 box to inspect the manufacturing date.)

UK: Userbase
DS – 7,1 Millionen
Wii – 3,6 Millionen
PSP – 2,9 Millionen
Xbox 360 – 2,3 Millionen
PS 3 – 1,4 Millionen