Bekanntes Gesicht
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Gerücht: Max Payne 3 bei Rockstar Toronto in Entwicklung
Neue Skins, Charaktere und Missionen für The Force Unleashed
XBLA: Age of Booty am 15.10
XBLA: War World & MegaMan 9 am Mittwoch (01.10)
Gears of War 2: Gegnervideo (6 Minuten Laufzeit)
ShellShock 2: Blood Trails – Ankündigung / Bilder / Video
Die genaue Zahl kennt wohl nur MS. Für den User gut zu erkennen gab es zwei (HDMI und Falcon mit 175W-Netzteil).Underclass-Hero am 30.09.2008 17:14 schrieb:Wieviele Baureihen gibt es eigentlich mittlerweile und wie heißen sie? :-o
Gerücht: Max Payne 3 bei Rockstar Toronto in Entwicklung
Neue Skins, Charaktere und Missionen für The Force Unleashed Wars is popular for the multitude of memorable characters yet every decent Star Wars game is based on completely different people within the universe. Sure, The Force Unleashed main character Starkiller is cool but wouldn't it be fun to go all "Force crazy" as Luke Skywalker or Obi-Wan? LucasArts agrees and has announced plans via news release to add new character skins for the main character which will allow gamers to play as Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Kit Fisto.
LucasArts also announced plans to release a new mission in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where the Apprentice will learn more about his father and battle his inner demons while navigating through the rubble of a destroyed building.
No amount of Jedi Mind Tricks were able to extract the pricing or release details from our contacts at LucasArts. The Force is strong with them.
XBLA: Age of Booty am 15.10 announced yesterday that its Xbox Live Arcade real-time strategy pirate game, Age of Booty, would land on the service on October 15 and will be priced at 800MS points.
XBLA: War World & MegaMan 9 am Mittwoch (01.10) World und MegaMan 9 stehen ab morgen früh zum Download bereit!
War World lässt euch in den stählernen Anzug eines gigantischen Mechs schlüpfen, mit dem ihr bei fabelhafter 3D-Grafik Angst und Schrecken verbreiten dürft - sowohl solo als auch in mannigfaltigen Multiplayermodi. Mit denen kann Kandidat Nummer Zwei nicht mithalten, aber dass MegaMan 9 ein Fest für Fans von Oldschool-Jump-n-Runs ist, könnt ihr unserem Test (Wertung: 85entnehmen. Beide Spiele sollen 800 Microsoft Points kosten, was jeweils knapp zehn Euro entspricht.
Gears of War 2: Gegnervideo (6 Minuten Laufzeit)
ShellShock 2: Blood Trails – Ankündigung / Bilder / Video

Quelle, mehr Bilder und ein VideoAt the height of the Vietnam War, a covert ops cargo plane carrying a top-secret consignment known only as ‘Whiteknight’ is lost over the deepest, uncharted jungles. Special Ops soldiers are immediately dispatched to the scene to retrieve the top secret shipment and one-by-one they disappear without a trace… until one month later, one of them suddenly walks out of the jungle.
Crazed and deranged, something in the jungle had ripped out his humanity, poisoning his soul. Something in the darkness had driven him mad….and followed him out.
Taking the first-person war game and turning it on its head, Shellshock 2: Blood Trails places you in a war where fear takes on a whole new meaning.