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[XBOX 360] Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

AW: .

Underclass-Hero am 30.09.2008 17:14 schrieb:
Wieviele Baureihen gibt es eigentlich mittlerweile und wie heißen sie? :-o
Die genaue Zahl kennt wohl nur MS. Für den User gut zu erkennen gab es zwei (HDMI und Falcon mit 175W-Netzteil).

Gerücht: Max Payne 3 bei Rockstar Toronto in Entwicklung

Neue Skins, Charaktere und Missionen für The Force Unleashed

Star Wars is popular for the multitude of memorable characters yet every decent Star Wars game is based on completely different people within the universe. Sure, The Force Unleashed main character Starkiller is cool but wouldn't it be fun to go all "Force crazy" as Luke Skywalker or Obi-Wan? LucasArts agrees and has announced plans via news release to add new character skins for the main character which will allow gamers to play as Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Kit Fisto.

LucasArts also announced plans to release a new mission in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where the Apprentice will learn more about his father and battle his inner demons while navigating through the rubble of a destroyed building.

No amount of Jedi Mind Tricks were able to extract the pricing or release details from our contacts at LucasArts. The Force is strong with them.

XBLA: Age of Booty am 15.10

Capcom announced yesterday that its Xbox Live Arcade real-time strategy pirate game, Age of Booty, would land on the service on October 15 and will be priced at 800MS points.

XBLA: War World & MegaMan 9 am Mittwoch (01.10)
ar World und MegaMan 9 stehen ab morgen früh zum Download bereit!

War World lässt euch in den stählernen Anzug eines gigantischen Mechs schlüpfen, mit dem ihr bei fabelhafter 3D-Grafik Angst und Schrecken verbreiten dürft - sowohl solo als auch in mannigfaltigen Multiplayermodi. Mit denen kann Kandidat Nummer Zwei nicht mithalten, aber dass MegaMan 9 ein Fest für Fans von Oldschool-Jump-n-Runs ist, könnt ihr unserem Test (Wertung: 85%) entnehmen. Beide Spiele sollen 800 Microsoft Points kosten, was jeweils knapp zehn Euro entspricht.

Gears of War 2: Gegnervideo
http://www.eurogamer.net/tv_video.php?playlist_id=15082 (6 Minuten Laufzeit)

ShellShock 2: Blood Trails – Ankündigung / Bilder / Video

At the height of the Vietnam War, a covert ops cargo plane carrying a top-secret consignment known only as ‘Whiteknight’ is lost over the deepest, uncharted jungles. Special Ops soldiers are immediately dispatched to the scene to retrieve the top secret shipment and one-by-one they disappear without a trace… until one month later, one of them suddenly walks out of the jungle.

Crazed and deranged, something in the jungle had ripped out his humanity, poisoning his soul. Something in the darkness had driven him mad….and followed him out.

Taking the first-person war game and turning it on its head, Shellshock 2: Blood Trails places you in a war where fear takes on a whole new meaning.
Quelle, mehr Bilder und ein Video
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wild-style am 30.09.2008 21:36 schrieb:
Sofern das gameplay an sich nicht geändert wird, bleibt es Murks. Da ändern auch neue Skins, Charaktere oder Missionen nichts... :hop:
Sehe ich eigentlich auch so, aber bei 1,5 Millionen verkauften Exemplaren wird sich wohl mit DLC noch einiges an Gewinn erwirtschaften lassen. Es fallen ja immer so einige Level aus dem finalen Spiel raus, die man für so etwas gut verwenden kann.

Tiberium eingestellt
Electronic Arts hat heute gegenüber Kotaku bestätigt, dass die Entwicklung des Shooters Tiberium eingestellt wurde und das Spiel somit nicht mehr erscheinen wird. Die Mitarbeiter werden nun an anderen Projekten von EA Los Angeles arbeiten, bzw. in andere Studios der Software-Riesen versetzt. Electronic Arts hat sich zu diesem Schritt entschieden, da das Spiel den Standards nicht gerecht wurde.
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Crystalchild am 30.09.2008 22:57 schrieb:

Metal Gear Solid auf der 360?

sehr Interressant, das Konami für die kommende TGS Metal Gear Solid 4 aufgelistet hat, obwohl das spiel bereits draussen ist.... eventuell wird es für 360 erscheinen? ../discuss :-D

Ach blödsinn...
Da steht, es wird für die PS3 vorgestellt.
Es kommt öfter mal vor, dass bereits erschienene Spiele nochmal gezeigt werden...
AW: .

Underclass-Hero am 30.09.2008 23:03 schrieb:
Ach blödsinn...
Da steht, es wird für die PS3 vorgestellt.
Es kommt öfter mal vor, dass bereits erschienene Spiele nochmal gezeigt werden...

vor kurzem wärest du auch noch für verrückt erklärt worden, hättest du FFXIII auf der 360 vermutet

ich seh generell keinen Sinn darin, das game nochmals vorzustellen, denn es dürfte wichtiger sein, das Online Anhängsel ausreichend zu präsentieren.

aber wie gesagt, nur ein gedanke der mir beim Lesen der VGC comments kahm.. %)
AW: .

DLC für Marble Blast Ultra? Neue Achievements aufgetaucht

The achievement list for Marble Blast Ultra (one of the very first games released for the arcade, way back in January 2006) has recently updated with three new achievements totalling the max 50 point increase alloted to arcade games. The achievements highlight a new multiplayer mode (Marble It Up!) and name two separate DLC packs (Marble Fu and Agoraphobia) though I could find no mention of new content for this game anywhere.

Mercenaries 2's 'Total Payback' Update Revealed
Mercenaries 2 developer Pandemic Studios has just revealed plans to update the game with something dubbed "Total Payback."

Not quite a patch, the update will add cheat codes, six additional playable characters, and will grant gamers the ability to play multiplayer games with people from around the globe. No word on whether the update will fix any of the game's bugs.

The free of charge "Total Payback" update lands on Xbox 360 on October 13, and hits PlayStation 3 consoles on October 20.

Pandemic also notes that the game will see its first official downloadable content pack this November. No details on that pack were offered.
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Zune mit Gears of War 2-Look kommt im November

Killing two marketing birds with one stone, Microsoft's bundling some of its Zunes with various Gears of War 2 (launching soon!) paraphernalia. Each 120GB Zune will sport a laser-etched “Crimson Omen” and come pre-loaded with 244 pieces of media, including the soundtrack, behind-the-scene videos and concept art. The entire package will cost you $280 and will start shipping on November 7th. Pre-orders on Amazon.com and Walmart.com will begin at 6am EST.
Leider nur in den USA :(

Nachtrag zum "Bonusinhalt"
1.14 GB of Preloaded Content


* Gears of War Concept Art Gallery (2:57)--Take a detailed look at the different scenarios, locations, characters, and weaponry that are part of this saga.
* Race to Launch Documentary (20:04)--Design director Cliff Bleszinski and the Epic Games team take you behind-the-scenes in the days leading up to the launch of the original Gears of War.
* Chalk Drawing by Kurt Wenner (2:34)--The inventor of 3D street painting creates a stunning illustration at E3 2006, "Emergence Day."
* E3 2008 Demo (7:17)--Cliff Bleszinski unveils a new campaign chapter, "Sinkhole," during Microsoft's press briefing in Los Angeles.
* E3 2008 Trailer, "Rendezvous" (1:05)--A lone figure emerges from the darkness to turn the tide of battle.
* Campaign Reveal, "Assault" (3:14)--The Gears of War 2 campaign is revealed for the first time through the stunning campaign chapter, "Assault."
* GDC 2008 Announcement (1:55)--Gears of War 2 is announced live on stage at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.
* GDC 2008 Trailer, "Duel" (1:26)--Two titans clash in this trailer first unveiled at Microsoft's 2008 Game Developers Conference keynote.
* GDC 2008--Unreal Engine 3 Demo (6:15)--Tim Sweeney, CEO and technical director at Epic Games, demonstrates the latest advances in Unreal Engine 3 for the Xbox 360.

Browse a selection of 244 images, including original art from collectors' edition art books, behind-the-scenes photographs, Gears of War advertisements, and custom-created backgrounds for your Zune player.

Listen to the full soundtrack of the original Gears of War game--including 28 tracks to reminiscence the game that started this epic saga.
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Gears of War 2 Material
Interview (Text)
Preview (Bit-Tech)
Preview (Eurogamer.net)
Gamesradar zur Gears 2-Kampagne
Gamesradar zum Gears 2-Horde-Mode

Infos aus der neuen Gamepro
Cliff says, "There will be no Kryll or Berserkers in the game." Cliff claims that he wants gamers to have a new experience and not just treading on familiar ground. However, he goes on to say that,"They might work their way back in in the future in some new interesting way."

Brumaks are plentiful in the game and the article says that at some point late in the game, you will actually get to ride and take control of one.

The Butcher, a new Boomer class enemy, is a creepy looking dude. He wields a large cleaver and can take alot of damage. The article doesn't state whether he is in the campaign mode, but he is at least confirmed for Horde.

Another new Boomer class enemy is the Grinder (dude wearing the Pope-type hat in the 'Rendezvous' trailer). They kinda look like a Boomer took a Theron guard's armor and they wield the new Mulcher and yell "GRIIIND!!!" before they strike (Kinda funny that they would name him that after an organ grinder with a monkey).

The Mauler is yet another new enemy that looks really badass. They are giant Melee fighters that wield a flail along with a giant shield. Once again, it is unclear if they are in the campaign, but they are confirmed for Horde.

Taking General Raam's place is Skorge, the leader of the Kantus caste. He looks REALLY badass and looks similar to a Predator. He wields a dual-bladed chainsaw staff. From the looks of the weapon based on the concept art that released, it breaks off into two separate pieces (ala dual-wielding "chainsaw axes".

The Mulcher (gatling cannon) can overheat, so you have to time some presses of LB (Left Shoulder Button) to prevent it from doing so.

The other new weapon is the Mortar Launcher. The gun will also be placed in spots around the maps that will be "far away from the battle." You can fire it from the hip, but it will only kill you.

The gold Lancer can be earned without buying the Limited Edition (contrary to what Cliff has previously stated in an interview).

Those attending midnight releases will also get something special- The Golden Hammerburst. Yes, you can earn this one too.

Previously, it was thought that Gridlock and Subway would be the only Gears 1 maps making a return. Well, Epic is doing something different. There will be release day DLC that will contain those two previously mentioned maps along with Canals, Mansion, and Tyro Station (no Fuel Depot love just yet). These five maps will be free of charge, but the only way to get them is if you receive a voucher, which every NEW copy of the game will contain. Take that used game market. (Editor's Note: This is a brilliant move by Epic to ensure that NEW retail copies are sold instead of losing revenue from the resale market. This is a major shot across the bow of the used games market originally initiated with the Bikes DLC for Burnout Paradise. This will do a lot for the industry because it will change the status quo.)

Cliff, speaking at a recent event in London, said that the title contains as yet unrevealed narrative elements that have never before been seen in a game. “I can’t talk about any of it without spoiling it to be honest,” he said. “Let’s just say that narrative-wise we take some risks in the game that I haven’t seen a videogame ever do.”

Cliff and team have only reached level 40 out of the 50 levels that are in the Horde mode. The previous high mark was level 27 stated at E3 & Comic-Con.

Horde mode can be played on every multiplayer map, even the Gears 1 remakes.

Cliff hints that there will be new environmental hazards to take the place of the Kryll. One such hazard is that on the new multiplayer map titled "Avalanche". As you already know, there will be an Avalanche that will, "wipe out players and uncover new weapons (Mulcher & Mortar)."

In regards to the photo editor, it can be used by anyone who is either dead or in spectator mode. Epic claims that there will be monthly contests for best pictures and captions and such. However, the article says that the photo editor's features won't all be present on release day and will be made available through an update.

Tai and Dizzy, the two new members of Delta Squad, are separated from Marcus and Dom early in the game and are last seen in a stand-off against Skorge (on the Derrick & Grindlifts-level).

The main underground section you will be in is called the Hollows, which is home to the Kantus and Rockworms.

Bildervergleich: Höhle aus Gears 1 vs. Höhle in Gears 2

Ein Cover der etwas anderen Art

AW: .

Crystalchild am 30.09.2008 23:07 schrieb:
Underclass-Hero am 30.09.2008 23:03 schrieb:
Ach blödsinn...
Da steht, es wird für die PS3 vorgestellt.
Es kommt öfter mal vor, dass bereits erschienene Spiele nochmal gezeigt werden...

vor kurzem wärest du auch noch für verrückt erklärt worden, hättest du FFXIII auf der 360 vermutet

ich seh generell keinen Sinn darin, das game nochmals vorzustellen, denn es dürfte wichtiger sein, das Online Anhängsel ausreichend zu präsentieren.

aber wie gesagt, nur ein gedanke der mir beim Lesen der VGC comments kahm.. %)

MGS4 wird ziemlich sicher eben wegen Metal Gear Online dabei sein, da die meisten es wohl über MGS4 besitzen/noch kaufen würden und nicht über den Einzel-Release. MGO selbst wird auf dem Sony-Stand vorgestellt und zwar weil man ja auch weitere Addons verkaufen will, auf der TGS werden dazu die Inhalte von Meme für MGO gezeigt.

Abgesehen davon ist das eben mit der Konami-Vorzeigetitel und ist beliebt, GT5p konnte man auch noch auf der GC08 spielen obwohl es ebenfalls schon sehr lange veröffentlicht war.

Zudem würde dann nicht das gelistete MGS4 für 360 kommen, sondern die üblicherweise folgende erweiterte Version (in diesem Fall als Multi-Fassung). Ist aber noch etwas früh, auch wenn ein unbekannter Konami-Titel für PS3 gelistet ist.

Man kann ja noch ein Jahr auf ne Portierungs-news warten, aber bei MGS4 halte ich das für sehr unwahrscheinlich (1. war es ein großer wirtschaftlicher Erfolg, 2. technische Problemchen die dafür gelöst werden müssten, 3. Freiheiten bei Sony wie z.B. dem Konami-eigenen Bezahlsystem bei MGO, 4. enge Werbeverwicklung mit Sony)
AW: .

Solidus_Dave am 01.10.2008 16:32 schrieb:
MGS4 wird ziemlich sicher eben wegen Metal Gear Online dabei sein, da die meisten es wohl über MGS4 besitzen/noch kaufen würden und nicht über den Einzel-Release. MGO selbst wird auf dem Sony-Stand vorgestellt und zwar weil man ja auch weitere Addons verkaufen will, auf der TGS werden dazu die Inhalte von Meme für MGO gezeigt.

Abgesehen davon ist das eben mit der Konami-Vorzeigetitel und ist beliebt, GT5p konnte man auch noch auf der GC08 spielen obwohl es ebenfalls schon sehr lange veröffentlicht war.

Zudem würde dann nicht das gelistete MGS4 für 360 kommen, sondern die üblicherweise folgende erweiterte Version (in diesem Fall als Multi-Fassung). Ist aber noch etwas früh, auch wenn ein unbekannter Konami-Titel für PS3 gelistet ist.

Man kann ja noch ein Jahr auf ne Portierungs-news warten, aber bei MGS4 halte ich das für sehr unwahrscheinlich (1. war es ein großer wirtschaftlicher Erfolg, 2. technische Problemchen die dafür gelöst werden müssten, 3. Freiheiten bei Sony wie z.B. dem Konami-eigenen Bezahlsystem bei MGO, 4. enge Werbeverwicklung mit Sony)

klingt durchaus logisch, wie gesagt, war nurn gedanke der mir beim lesen der weltenverschwörungskommentare kahm, und ich dachte, tuh ich es mal kund.
(wobei ich ja als PS3 und 360 besitzer saggn muss, das ich MGS i-wie auch nicht auf der 360 sehn wollte.. zum ersten wegen 8 double layer dvds, und zum 2ten sollte die PS3 scho kaufanreize bieten, und MGS ist eine der wenigen hochkaräter. )
AW: .

Kurioses aus den USA: Gears 2 LE kaufen und "Gears 2 Panzer" abstauben


Zwei neue Gears of War 2-Videos (Zwischensequenzen und Achievementinfoeinblendungen)

Kojima Productions assistant producer Ryan Payton tritt dem MS Halo-Team bei / mehr Infos zur Halo 3-Erweiterung zur TGS

Zombie Wranglers auf XBLA aufgetaucht

One of our tipsters just discovered that the recently revealed Zombie Wranglers, yet to be released, Xbox Live Arcade title is available on the service now through the promotional Shocktober pages on the Marketplace.

Clicking through the Arcade recommendations for the Halloween themed promotional page reveals Zombie Wranglers is intended to be released in October but clicking on the title actually reveals it is already available for purchase on the service for 800MS points. Unfortunately no demo is available, which is why we assume the title was accidentally placed on the service.

Neue Infohäppchen zu Star Ocean 4
US, October 1, 2008 - Details are slowly starting to emerge on the third title in Square Enix's trio of Xbox 360 RPGs. Star Ocean 4 was given a huge blowout in this week's Famitsu just ahead of its playable debut at next week's Tokyo Game Show.

The magazine got first word on a couple of new characters. Joining the previously announced Edge Maverick and Reimi Saionji are Faize Sheifa Beleth and Lynle Remli Phi.

Faize is an 18-year-old member of a survey group on the planet Eldar. He's extremely smart and makes use of powerful spells that require great study in order to learn.

Lynle is a fifteen-year-old girl who lost her parents in her youth and now resides in the village of Triom on the planet Remrick. She also has powerful spell-casting abilities and is friends with a Cerberus that she summoned.

Also offered in the magazine are some first battle system details. Part 4 keeps the series' trademark real time battle system in place but features a number of improvements. Notably, your party can now reach up to four members as in the earlier Star Ocean games.

The battle system seems, more than ever, like something you might find in an action game. When using normal attacks, you can string together combos of up to three hits depending on the type of weapon. Each weapon also performs differently depending on proximity to enemies, with the screen notifying you if you'll get a "Long" or "Short" attack.

You have access to a jump move. The implementation appears to be a bit counter-intuitive at first. To Jump, you first press and hold down the jump button. Your character assumes a jump position and locks himself into place. You can then push the left analogue stick in the direction that you'd like your character to perform the jump.

New to the game is a system called "sight in/sight out." As part of this system, you can use jumps and side steps to get into and out of the enemy's field of vision. The transition between in and out states is accompanied by some special visual effects, including slow motion.

We'll be getting hands-on time with this new system and all areas of the Star Ocean 4 gameplay systems at TGS, so stay tuned for even more details come next week!

Neue Bilder zu STar Ocean

Gears of War 2 - PAL-Cover der LE
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Bestätigt: Gears 2-Flaschback Mappack als Code zum Launch und golden Hammerburst
That rumor regarding a five pack of multiplayer map DLC being included in new copies of Gears 2 (which was actually brought up during X08) has just been confirmed to be legit according to GamePro. No joke! […]

How it'll work is that every NEW copy of Gears 2 will come with a redemption code to download a free "Flashback" map pack from the XBLM. This free DLC contains five additional Gears 2 multiplayer maps which are (surprise!) remakes of classic Gears maps including Canals, Gridlock, Mansion, Subway, and Tyro Station. This will ultimately bump the total number of GoW2 multiplayer maps up to 15. We're told the Flashback map pack DLC should be available for download on launch day, but note that Epic has no plans to release the maps as paid content. It's their "thank you" present to loyal fans, so be sure to stay clear of those used copies that are code'less.

GamePro also confirmed that anyone attending a Gears 2 midnight launch event will be given a redemption code to unlock the in-game golden Hammerburst (as seen above) which features a gold plated paint scheme similar to the Collector's Edition's golden Lancer.

Japan: Hard- und Softwarezahlen (Media Create) vom 22.09 bis 28.09

	at.W.	letzte Woche
DSL	57,847	61,242
WII	26314	29,921
PSP	25,671	28,674
PS2	?
360	11,291	13,777
PS3	8,275	8,156

Chart: Alle Konsolen

(Klick für Vollbild)

Chart: Xbox 360 vs. PS 3 vs Wii

(Klick für Vollbild)

1. [PS2] Super Robot Taisen Z (Namco Bandai) 366,493 / NEW
2. [NDS] Pokemon Platinum (Pokemon Co.) 195,479 / 1,474,000
3. [NDS] Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo) 65,257 / 852,000
4. [NDS] World Destruction: Michibi Kareshi Ishi (SEGA) 55,938 / NEW
5. [PS2] Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix Max 2 Tokumori (Namco Bandai) 35,240 / NEW
6. [NDS] Dragon Ball: Origins (Namco Bandai) 29,879 / 102,000
7. [PS3] Cross Edge (Compile Heart) 22,386 / NEW
8. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) 21,261 / 2,684,000
9. [PS3] Aquanaut's Holiday: Kakusareta Kiroku (SCEI) 17,646 / NEW
10. [WII] Disaster: Day of Crisis (Nintendo) 14,310 / NEW

11. [NDS] Daigasso! Band Brothers DX (Nintendo)
12. [PSP] Mana Khemia Portable (Gust)
13. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
14. [PS3] Trusty Bell (Namco Bandai)
15. [NDS] Quiz Magic Academy (Konami)
16. [NDS] Knights in the Nightmare (Sting)
17. [PSP] Hitman Reborn (Marvelous)
18. [PSP] Shinobido PSP (Spike)
19. [WII] Soul Eater: Montone Princess (Square Enix)
20. [NDS] Intuition! (Rocket)
21. [WII] Wii Sports (Nintendo)
22. [PS2] Haruka Nogizaka's Secret: Cosplay Has Started (ASCII Media Works)
23. [WII] One Piece Unlimited Cruise: Episode 1 (Namco Bandai)
24. [PS2] J-League Winning Eleven 2008 Club Championship (Konami)
25. [NDS] Dragon Quest V (Square Enix)
26. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2 G (SEGA)
27. [NDS] Taiko Drum Master 2: The Seven Island Adventure (Namco Bandai)
28. [NDS] Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
29. [WII] Sim City Creator (Electronic Arts)
30. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven (Level 5)

31. [NDS] Fire Emblem: New Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light (Nintendo)
32. [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
33. [NDS] U-Can Pen Ji Training DS (SEGA)
34. [NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World (Nintendo)
35. [NDS] Beautiful Letter Training DS (Nintendo)
36. [360] Infinite Undiscovery (Square Enix)
37. [PSP] Phantasy Star Portable (SEGA)
38. [PS3] Afrika (SCEI)
39. [WII] Wii Play (Nintendo)
40. [360] Tales of Vesperia (Namco Bandai)
41. [WII] Bomberman Party Edition (Hudson)
42. [PSP] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable 3 (Konami)
43. [NDS] Kumatanchi (Bear girl) (Dimple Entertainment)
44. [PS2] Hokuoki: Shinsengumi Kitan (Idea Factory)
45. [WII] Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Nintendo)
46. [PS2] Sugar + Spice! Anoko no Suteki na Nanimokamo (Everything as lovely as this) (Alchemist)
47. [NDS] Kanji Brain 2 + Dictionary (IE Institute)
48. [PS2] True Fortune (Enterbrain)
49. [NDS] Brain Training 2 (Nintendo)
50. [NDS] Observation Training (Nintendo)

NDS - 21
WII - 10
PS2 - 7
PSP - 6
PS3 - 4
360 - 2

Quelle und mehr Charts: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=337234

The Last Remnant-Bundle für Japan

Preis: 34.800 Yen, ~233€

Mehr Bilder zu Star Ocean 4

AW: .

Viele neue Downloads auf dem Xbox Marktplatz

PES 2009
NBA 2k9
Viva Pinata: Chais im Paradis

Videos / Trailer
Warhammer: Battle March
Tom Clancy’s Endwar
Brothers in Amrs: Hells Highway
Fable 2 – Dev Diary

Rockband – diverse Tracks
Tiger Woods PGA 09 – Neuer Golfkurs – 600 Points
Infinite Undiscovery – zusätzliche Items in den Shops (kostenlos)
AW: .

New Xbox Experience Marktplatzvergleich: Alt gegen Neu

Today, when you look at a particular game in the Game Store you get a pretty basic list of information: name of the game or piece of content, ESRB rating, price and a short explanation of what it is. Check out the screens above to see. That information is really useful, but with the New Xbox Experience we thought we could give you even more.

Here’s a snapshot: When you go into the new Games Store this fall, you will be able to check out screenshots of the game, watch trailers and read the back-of-the-box description like you are shopping at a retail store. The Games Store will also display every available download for the game you are looking for. Let’s say you are looking at “Gears of War 2,” you will have all available Gears of War 2 options easily accessible such as: previews, trailers, gamerpics, themes, game add ons, game images. You’ll never need to search for the content you want.

Now you will get all of the information you want about the games you want to play, in one easy-to-navigate place right there on your TV.
Like we said… the games are the top reason why you turn on your Xbox 360, and this fall we will make the gaming experience even better.

Quelle: http://gamerscoreblog.com/team/archive/2008/10/03/gstrnxes.aspx