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[XBOX 360] Gears of War 2 - Der Thread (Infos, Screens und Spekulationen) - Patch ist raus - XXL-Erweiterung (DL-Code im Laden) kommt am 28.07 (alle M

Weitere Infos zum ersten Video (09.05)

Es gibt weitere Infos zu den ersten bewegten Bildern, die man am 09.50.2008 auf SpikeTV sehen wird:
Speaking of exclusive footage, the countdown is on for next week's global premiere of the gameplay from Gears of War 2 only on Spike TV. Let me just say that you will NOT be disappointed. We'll be showcasing footage from the campaign mode (yes, single-player) and you'll see a lot more footage than you might expect: 2 minutes of gameplay in high-definition. This is the biggest exclusive out there. You definitely don't want to miss it next Friday night on Spike.
AW: Weitere Infos zum ersten Video (09.05)

Nali_WarCow am 03.05.2008 23:51 schrieb:
Es gibt weitere Infos zu den ersten bewegten Bildern, die man am 09.50.2008 auf SpikeTV sehen wird:
Speaking of exclusive footage, the countdown is on for next week's global premiere of the gameplay from Gears of War 2 only on Spike TV. Let me just say that you will NOT be disappointed. We'll be showcasing footage from the campaign mode (yes, single-player) and you'll see a lot more footage than you might expect: 2 minutes of gameplay in high-definition. This is the biggest exclusive out there. You definitely don't want to miss it next Friday night on Spike.

Hört sich gut an, aber das kann ja bis dahin noch ewig dauern.
AW: Weitere Infos zum ersten Video (09.05)

mcjunior am 04.05.2008 16:33 schrieb:
Nali_WarCow am 03.05.2008 23:51 schrieb:
Es gibt weitere Infos zu den ersten bewegten Bildern, die man am 09.50.2008 auf SpikeTV sehen wird:
Speaking of exclusive footage, the countdown is on for next week's global premiere of the gameplay from Gears of War 2 only on Spike TV. Let me just say that you will NOT be disappointed. We'll be showcasing footage from the campaign mode (yes, single-player) and you'll see a lot more footage than you might expect: 2 minutes of gameplay in high-definition. This is the biggest exclusive out there. You definitely don't want to miss it next Friday night on Spike.

Hört sich gut an, aber das kann ja bis dahin noch ewig dauern.

Bin mal gespannt. Meinetwegen braucht das Spiel keine großen Unterschiede zum 1. Teil haben. Ein bisschen Grafik aufpolieren reicht mir. Wenigstens das Gameplay und die Onlinemöglichkeiten bleiben erhalten. Im MP sollten Kills mit der Kettensäge eventuell nicht mehr ganz so leicht werden.
AW: Weitere Infos zum ersten Video (09.05)

Gears of War 2: Weiteres Video für Morgen angekündigt
1up mit exklusivem Gameplay Material

Nachdem Gametrailers vor einiger Zeit ein exklusives Video für den 09.05.2008 angekündigt hat, zieht jetzt auch 1up nach.

So soll die 1up Video Seite Gamevideos den ersten exklusiven Gameplay Trailer zu Gears of War 2 zeigen (in HD). Der Trailer ist Morgen ab etwa 14:00 Uhr über Gamevideos zu erreichen.
Erste Bilder

1. Gameplayvideo ist da

Bilder aus dem Video
http://img146.imagevenue.com/loc1161/th_98860_vlc_2008-05-10_07-45-21-48_122_1161lo.jpg http://img208.imagevenue.com/loc339/th_98865_vlc_2008-05-10_07-45-24-35_122_339lo.jpg http://img20.imagevenue.com/loc782/th_98866_vlc_2008-05-10_07-45-28-02_122_782lo.jpg http://img34.imagevenue.com/loc913/th_98871_vlc_2008-05-10_07-45-36-12_122_913lo.jpg

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(Wurden aus dem Video gemacht, daher ist die Qualität nicht immer so doll.)

Insgesamt durchaus stimmig, was man da in den ersten 2 Minuten Gameplay sieht. Große Änderungen gibt es zwar nicht, aber das Game scheint ein wenig mehr in Richtung größere Schlachten zu gehen und sich da durchaus ein wenig bei den ersten gezeiten Killzone 2-Szenen zu bedienen.

Trailer mit Infoseinblendungen
http://img190.imagevenue.com/loc346/th_01255_vlc_2008-05-10_08-17-23-30_122_346lo.jpg http://img202.imagevenue.com/loc579/th_01261_vlc_2008-05-10_08-17-54-42_122_579lo.jpg http://img200.imagevenue.com/loc79/th_01262_vlc_2008-05-10_08-18-31-13_122_79lo.jpg http://img151.imagevenue.com/loc909/th_01263_vlc_2008-05-10_08-19-35-72_122_909lo.jpg

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Vergleich Gears 1 vs Gears 2
AW: Erste Bilder

Das Spiel wird einfach nur genial! Danke für den Thread Nali. :-D

Edit Nali Quote gekürzt. Für einen Oneliner muss man nicht alles zitieren. ;)
AW: Erste Bilder

Ich seh schon meine Freizeit flöten gehen =)
Gerade diese Massenschlachten und dieses pompöse passt einfach zu GoW.
Bin mal saugespannt wie der Online Modus wird.
AW: Erste Bilder

undergrounderX am 10.05.2008 11:50 schrieb:
Ich seh schon meine Freizeit flöten gehen =)
Gerade diese Massenschlachten und dieses pompöse passt einfach zu GoW.
Bin mal saugespannt wie der Online Modus wird.

Gefällt mir. :)
AW: Erste Bilder

Also die Optik sieht meiner Meinung nach wie erwartet aus. Die Änderungen an der Grafik sind vor allem im Detail zu finden. Das ist aber nicht schlecht, denn Teil 1 sah schon verdammt gut aus und in Gears of War 2 verbessert man vor allem die Details. Und wie Nali schon sagte scheint Teil 2 auch eher in die Richtung großer Schlachten zu gehen. Dank der UE3 können ja jetzt ganze Horden von Locust dargestellt werden. Freut mich persönlich tierisch, denn die zwei Minuten Gameplay-Szenen de ich gesehen habe, haben mich schon ordentlich mitgerissen und das, obwohl ich das nicht erwartet hatte. Es scheint wirklich größer, besser und fieser zu werden. Allein das riesen Monster sah richtig stark aus.

Dennoch bremse ich meine Euphorie etwas aus und warte ab, wie sich das ganze spielt und vor allem, wie der Umfang des Titels aussehen wird, denn das hat mich bei Teil 1 am Meisten gestört. Die Kampagne war meiner Ansicht nach viel zu kurz und es kam mir zu wenig Story vor. Ich bin einer von den Zockern die sich auch gern mal eine mehrere minutenlange Video-Sequenz ansehen, in der die Story vorangetrieben wird.

Also alles in allem, sieht schon sehr geil aus, und das Video hat einen guten Eindruck gemacht. Hoffentlich kann das Endprodukt auch so überzeugen.
Interview mit Rod Fergusson

Interview mit Rod Fergusson
[...] Gears 1 was hard for us, because Epic utilizes an organic, iterative, design process ... new ideas are constantly being churned, there's no such thing as locking down a design doc, really. The best idea wins. If we get a really good idea, even late in the schedule, if it's really good, odds are it's going to make its way into the game. But after seeing how we survived Gears 1 and making appropriate trade-offs to get to that fixed ship date and still having a great game at the end of it, you kind of realize that not every feature has to be in there for it to be a great game.

I always say it's the thing that you're not thinking about is what's going to bother the consumer, not what you're cutting. Like if you cut something, you're going like, "Oh, they're going to be so upset," but I'm like, "No, what's going to bite us is something we're not even thinking about yet." It's going to be something you think is perfectly fine, and it'll be, like, the idea of some particular bug-like grenade tagging in Gears 1 where we had a bug when we first released. That wasn't on our radar at all, that grenade tagging was broken, . And then lo and behold, we had to do a title update to fix it, that kind of thing, so ... I think it's just a matter of being mature about knowing that not every feature has to be in the game to be a good game, and making appropriate trade-offs for what's the biggest bang for the buck.

So you say, "OK, here's our five biggest things, and as long as we have these five pillars, and everything we're doing is supporting them, then at the end of our two-year cycle we'll have a great game." [...]
Zum kompletten Interview mit Rod Fergusson
AW: Interview mit Rod Fergusson

Neue Mini-Szene aus dem ersten Gameplayvideo

Als HD-Video (etwa in der Mitte des Videos zu sehen)

Cliff Bleszinski Interview (Videointerview)

Noch ein Videointerview

Gears 2 to crack down on Achievement whores
[...]Gears honcho Cliff Bleszinski said Epic was going to be "throttling" the amount of achievements players can unlock at any given point.

"If you're going for headshots," he gave as an example, "you get one headshot that counts and any other headshots won't count towards your Achievement, so players don't just play to get headshots the entire round just to get Achievements."

Cliffy B also revealed that players will be able to track the progress of their Achievements in Gears 2 (which is looking lovely, by the way):[...]

Gears 2-Infohäppchen
It came after I asked him to define what “Gears of War” is to him, and how it differs from “Halo.” He threw out words like “co-op” and “tactical” and then he said “squad,” which prompted me to ask about the number of players that could team up in a “Gears of War 2? mission. He looked for help.
he discouraged me from thinking about “Gears of War 2? in story terms. I was asking him about how it moves the plot forward and if I should be thinking of it as an “Empire Strikes Back” or something. He said: “It’s not about when it is or saying that it’s a trilogy but about what we’re doing with the gameplay and how we’re making it more fun.”

Gameplay improvements: what jumps out to Tsunoda in the new game are 1) the destructible cover that won’t let players take refuge behind any old crate and 2) levels that have about 100 characters and bosses engaged in large-scale battles. He said that the first game hinted at a larger war but never brought the player to it. This game will.
Tsunoda wound up pretending he was holding an enemy for cover, as a shield, and explained how that enemy might, let’s say, deteriorate under fire.
He volunteered that the gameplay of the first installment could feel repetitive, an issue he says is addressed in the new title.

We chatted about online play a little, though Microsoft is focusing on showcasing the single-player part of the game this week.
Other “Gears” improvements promised over dinner include better voice acting and directing, the ability to tell characters apart by voice (Tsunoda thought the characters in the first game sounded too similar to each other). He also said gamers can expect a more satisfying story, one that won’t be compromised by content being clipped from the game as had happened with the first “Gears.”

Neue Bilder
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AW: Interview mit Rod Fergusson

Koop-Kampagne für 4 Spieler?
Während Microsoft’s Spring Showcase 2008 machte Cliff Bleszinski, Lead Desingner bei Epic Games, eine Andeutung, die auf eine 4-Spieler-Koop-Kampagne in Gears Of War 2 schließen könnte. Auf erneute Nachfrage hieß es jedoch: „Wir werden zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch keine offizielle Bekanntmachung zum Koop-Modus machen, auf der E3 werdet ihr mehr erfahren.

Fakt ist, dass der Multiplayer-Modus einen hohen Stellenwert bei uns einnimmt. Mehr Modi und Maps als im Vorgänger wird es auf jeden Fall geben. Wir haben definitiv einen zeitgemäßen Mehrspieler-Modus geplant, welcher den Ansprüchen der Spieler mehr als gerecht wird.“

Ganz abwegig ist der Gedanke nicht, schließlich demonstrierte der Erstling seinerzeit eindrucksvoll, dass schon ein 2-Spieler-Koop-Modus eine gehörige Portion zusätzlichen Spielspaß hegt.
Quelle xboxfrontl
AW: Interview mit Rod Fergusson

Eurogamer.net: Interview mit Cliffy B
Eurogamer: Another, perhaps less controversial criticism of the first game was the controls tended to get stuck. Is that something you've addressed for the sequel?

Cliff Bleszinski: Absolutely. I believe that hands-down, in Gears 2, we will have the best cover system ever seen in the videogame industry. I'd say about 90 percent of the time, it worked exactly how gamers wanted it to work. About 10 percent of the time, players were going into cover when they didn't want to. We put some of those tweaks in a patch for Gears 1, we iterated on them for Gears PC, and now we're bringing it full circle for Gears 2. I think players are really going to love the system this time around.

Eurogamer: In your presentation today, you said you started work on Gears 2 the day Gears 1 shipped. Have you started work on Gears 3 yet?

Cliff Bleszinski: No. And we never announced a trilogy, I don't know why everybody's cramming those words into my mouth. They're like, 'You said Gears would be a trilogy.' I'm like, 'I didn't say sh**! That wasn't me! You're putting words in my mouth, journalists!' But I love this universe, and if Gears 2 has a wonderful ship-in, if gamers buy it, then we'll consider a sequel.

Eurogamer: What makes Gears of War 2 so much bigger and better than the first game?

Cliff Bleszinski: I think it's the sum of its parts. There's a grander feel for the game as far as the battlefield goes, and there's a deeper story. You actually get into the heads of some of your squad-mates. From the start of the game you learn that Dominic Santiago, Marcus's best friend, is looking for his wife. He was looking for her in the first game but now he has a photo and a couple of leads, and that hopefully will be driven to a resolution. You'll see where the Locust live, you'll see where humanity lives, you'll see a darker story with more intimate violence and more executions. And a whole lot more ass-kicking.
urogamer: About this 'Bigger, better, more badass' tagline you've created. The bigger and better thing is pretty obvious, but can you explain what the badass factor is?

Cliff Bleszinski: So when Marcus shoots a Locust and the Locust crawls away leaving a blood trail, and he walks over to him and kicks him over and jumps on him and punches him in the head till he dies - moments like that. When you come up behind a Locust and you take your chainsaw and you flip it in half from groin to gullet, that's more badass. When Marcus is injured and he's leaning on the wall and you see the blood dripping down the wall, that's more badass, et cetera et cetera.

We call them the three Bs. It's such a cheesy marketing catchphrase but it works, right?
Zum kompletten Interview
AW: Interview mit Rod Fergusson

Hi Leutz,
ich mach' mir mal die Mühe, und nutze meine Pause auf Arbeit, um Usern, die dem Englischen nicht so mächtig sind, die Fakten aus dem, meiner Meinung nach sehr interessanten Interview mit Cliff Bleszinski zu übersetzen. (sooooo viele Kommata :) )

Für bereits zuvor genannte Fakten bitte ich um Entschuldigung.

Die Storymissionen werden definitiv länger als im ersten Gears.
Dom ist auf der Suche nach seiner Frau
Carmine hat ein Comeback, weil viele Spieler ihn mochten. "Wie er zurückkehren wird, verraten wir noch nicht, aber wir haben uns etwas cleveres einfallen lassen"
Das ist für mich mit der geilste Fakt, denn ich gehöre zu den Spieler die Carmine mochten :X Umso mehr Schade fand' ich's als er diesen üblen Headshot gleich im ersten Kapitel kassierte :<
Gegner hinterlassen Blutspuren, wenn sie davonkriechen
Es wird viel, viel mehr waffenspezifische Hinrichtungen geben
Das Aufklatschen so wie wir es von Gears 1 her kennen, ist wieder mit dabei
Ein Kumpel sagte mir, er hätte noch irgendwo rausgehört, dass Gegner die als Schilde genommen wurden, nun von anderen Spieler komplett auseinandergenommen werden können - sprich sämtliche Gliedmaßen lassen sich gezielt 'abtrennen' :B
Im multiplayer wird es nun 5 on 5 geben
Der momentane Stand aller Erfolge kann angezeigt werden, um zu verfolgen, wie weit man bereits ist :top:
So wie ich es verstanden habe, wird man nun auch im Multiplayer davonkriechen können, wenn man downgeschossen wurde. Und auch irgendwie schneller kriechen können. Da bin ich aber nicht sicher
deutlich mehr Multiplayer Maps werden von Anfang an mitgeliefert
deutlich mehr Multiplayer Modi werden von Anfang an mitgeliefert
Es wird eine dieser Zeit angemesse Online Unterstützung geben. Mehr wollte er allerdings nicht verraten. Cliff sagte nur, dass wir überrascht sein dürfen. (Ich vermute sowas ähnliches wie bei Halo 3. Screentshots zum Hochladen, Videomitschnitte :X :X :X
Ich hoffe allerdings eher auf einen deutlich weniger leitungsbezogenen Multiplayer

Garantiert habe ich wieder irgendwas in meiner Euphorie vergessen. Nach dem Debut Trailer (der übrigens auf dem Marketplace mit einer IP Sperre versehen ist >:| ) und vor allem nach diesem genialen Interview kann ich es echt nicht mehr erwarten. Gears ist einfach nur genial, der Multiplayer Modus fesselt ohne Ende.
AW: Interview mit Rod Fergusson

@FlamerX: Schöne Zusammenfassung. :top:

5 Spekulationen zu Gears of War 2 von PlanetGearsOfWar
1. It will outsell the original.
2. Dom will die.
3. It will have a sequel of its own.
4. There will be a PC release within twelve months.
5. We will meet the Locust queen, and learn some serious story-related stuff.
Den Text / Begründung dazu gibt es hier
AW: Interview mit Rod Fergusson

Nali_WarCow am 15.05.2008 15:00 schrieb:
@FlamerX: Schöne Zusammenfassung. :top:

5 Spekulationen zu Gears of War 2 von PlanetGearsOfWar
1. It will outsell the original.
2. Dom will die.
3. It will have a sequel of its own.
4. There will be a PC release within twelve months.
5. We will meet the Locust queen, and learn some serious story-related stuff.
Den Text / Begründung dazu gibt es hier

Ein Treffen mit der Locust Queen könnte sicherlich spaßig werden. :-D
Wehe Dom stirbt!
Interviews, Previews und Videos

X-Play Exclusive: Cliff Bleszinski / Gears of War 2 Video-Interview
Zum Video Interview

The Escapist Goes to Epic
Zum Video

KOTAKU: Second Level Gears of War 2 Play Through
Today […] Cliff Bleszinski […]played through the level, live, as we watched in rapt attention.

Gears of War 2 takes place six months after the first Gears ends, he said. It is fall and the last stand for humanity as the Locust Horde work to collapse the last major city on Sera. To fight back Marcus Fenix and his squad are asked to deliver a "grind lift" to a nearby lost city and ride it into the Locust underground home cities.
Early in the mission, Fenix and his crew have to blast mortar fire from the air as it plummets toward the lumbering vehicles. […]
On the ground, the combat continues to be pretty intense, as Locust swarm up from emergence holes. It's here that we get our first glimpse of the destructible environment and the ability to grab locust and use them for cover.

After a bit more intense combat it's back to the derrick where the ride to the city continues and we get a chance to check out some new Locust tactics, including their use of grappling hooks to swarm a large vehicle.
Bleszinski also promises that the game will be one built on a much broader scale, with a deeper darker story line, one that includes Dom's search for his wife and an exploration of who Dizzy is.

The developer said that the game will be running at over 30 frames per a second when it ships […]

Bleszinski was also quick to point out that while Gears sort of got a name for itself through it's many underground levels, the sequel will only spend about 30 percent of the game underground.
"From the deepest depths of the underground to see how the locust live, to the highest peaks of Serra and everything in between, we are going to include it all."
Zum Bericht auf Kotaku.com

GameSpy: Gears of War 2 Preview
[…]Although we would have been happier with some hands-on time with the game, we were able to glean quite a bit of information from a guided demo by Lead Designer Cliff Bleszinski and a brief Q&A with Producer Kudo Tsunoda.

-Gorgeous visuals and more varied environments
-Improved AI
-Large-scale battles
-Intense action
-Over-the-top violence

-Little is known about the multiplayer offerings
-Will the writing really be better?
Zum kompletten Preview

Joystiq interview: CliffyB talks Gears of War 2
Our question is, what was the number one thing in Gears 1 you wanted to change? What did you make that you knew you could do better?

I just wanted it to feel like more of a war. And it's not just about having the big battle scenes with the hundreds of Locust. It's not just about the huge beautiful vistas that the player gets to see or the tank shooting the Brumak down in front of you, or the choppers crashing, it's also about the writing and the levels; going into the Hollow and hearing the other radio chatter from other people who are dropping into the underground and they're lost and it's foreshadowing what you're going to encounter later in the underground. It's everything, to give more of a sense not only of the scale but also what's at stake for humanity -- and that's the biggest thing.

Could you go so far as to say there will at least be a party system this go round?

I think that if we were not to have a feature like that, it would probably be a pretty big fuckup.

Watching the gameplay video […], Marcus shooting over the edge into a sea of Locusts, it seems like a totally futile activity.[…]How is the gameplay going to change when you're talking about a scale like that[…]?

We, as designers, having hundreds of Locusts on screen in one section and the cover mechanic, we have to be very careful of which scenarios we allow the player to experience and engage that many Locusts. And I don't want to go into too much detail in regards to how we leverage that, but there are plenty of scenes in the game in which the player is dealing with hundreds of Locusts and there's also other scenes in which he's dealing with a number that's more than Gears 1 but not quite as much as that crowd.

We read in a press release this morning that there will be weapon-specific melees. We have the chainsaw on the Lancer, can you give us any other examples?

I can't spoil too much but, if you look at the Torque Bow and there's blades that come off of it, you could start guessing that there's some fun to be had there.
Komplette Interview auf Joystiq

Gears of War 2: Bigger, Badder, Etc...
Kudo Tsunoda explains how the sequel is upping the ante.
Let's start with the most important question: What's different from the first Gears of War?

Kudo Tsunoda: […] Not that the story wasn't significantly compelling in Gears 1, it came a little disjointed, didn't give us much backstory in the characters. We're giving much more of the grander sense of battle. It's this huge war going on between Locusts and COGs, but a lot of the gameplay went down to, "Hey, it's just you and me."[…]

I think the way environments were built in Gears 1 was more tunnel based. The game was more like, get a little bit ahead, drop behind cover, pop two or three guys, move a little bit ahead, get behind cover, drop two or three more guys. You're going to see a much wider variety in the gameplay just being contained in this one [demo] level. It goes hand-in-hand with opening up the environments. You can't have this grander sense of battle with hundreds of Locusts on screen and fighting boss characters and Locusts all in the same fight in those tunnels [from Gears 1].

So what are some of the things you're upping from Gears 1?

Tsunoda: There's the destructible environments. It just makes total sense with the cover [system]. […]
The Meat Shield, the whole [idea] of mobile cover, really taking cover to that next level. Not just cover behind a stationary object but being able to pick guys up off the battlefield and carry them around and shooting out from behind. […]

Will the AI be taking advantage of the mobile cover system?

Tsunoda: Oh yeah, of course. Not only taking advantage of the new features. Really just making them more challenging in the gun battles. […] If they are at a real disadvantage of the crossfire going, we're making them a lot more mobile. Not just taking advantage of cover, but just getting out of the way if you are continually hitting them with shots. […]

Will the AI use flanking maneuvers and other tactics?

Tsunoda: There's no sense in having those types of big battles unless there's some type of [strategy] in how the battle's forming around you. […]

Are the more open environments and meat shields going to show up in multiplayer as well?

Tsunoda: We're not really talking about the multiplayer stuff today. Obviously Epic is a really smart developer... it wouldn't be of a stretch to see that that could be part of multiplayer as well.
How does the game change when people playing co-op have different difficulty modes? Is it just increased health?

Tsunoda: No. There are a lot of branching off missions and you can see how you can easily tailor those branching off missions. It's not just a question of the health, but it's tailoring the individual battles sequences that each person is going through to the difficulty levels set at the beginning of the game.
What can you tell us about the new vehicles in the game?

Tsunoda: [Part] of the variety in the gameplay is giving you a bunch of vehicles you can interact with -- and not just from a driving perspective. The derricks [from the trailer] -- you can approach the gameplay on that vehicle from a variety of different ways. You can sit in the front in this big mounted turret or get down in the bed of the vehicle and fire from the sides of the vehicle and fight there or you can disembark and fight alongside the vehicle. Not only is there a lot more variety in the types of vehicles but variety in how you are playing in each of the vehicles which I think is pretty sweet. […]

How big of a technological leap is Gears 2 over the original?

Tsunoda: […]What was once not possible on the 360 -- yeah, now that's all in Gears 2.

The first time you show off Gears 2 we get Brumacks and Corpsers. Is it safe to assume these are sort of the babies of the world now and that there are bigger enemies to come?

Tsunoda: […] You'll see more of those [larger] scale characters over the course of the regular the missions. That's one of those areas being focused on for this game […]
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