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[PS3] Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Director's Cut)

AW: Deus Ex 3

Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s game director Jean-Francois Dugas has said that the development team behind the game are “dedicated to re-creating” the Deus Ex experience “for a new generation of gamers” that missed out on it previously.[size=xx-small] vg247.com[/size]

Gamespot - Jean-Francois Dugas (Game Director)

GameSpot UK: Why should gamers who have never come across the franchise care about Deus Ex: Human Revolution?

Jean-Francois Dugas: Even though some recent games took a page or two from Deus Ex, we believe that the experience hasn't been done since the original game. With Deus Ex: Human Revolution we're really dedicated to re-creating this unique experience for a new generation of gamers that never experienced what it's all about in the first place.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is an action RPG set in the near future, 2027. The game lets you delve into a huge and compelling narrative in which you'll meet a great cast of characters, and more importantly, it will let you play the way you want.

GSUK: Why make a prequel instead of a sequel?

JD: Firstly, we wanted a fresh start on the franchise and to make it unique and stand-alone. Therefore, you do not need to be an old Deus Ex fan to appreciate the game--we have a new main character and supporting characters that we’ll encounter during the journey.

Secondly, in the original timeline of Deus Ex, there was an era where mechanically augmented people started to burgeon in society before the event of nano-augmented people. The distinction lies in the fact that nano-augmentations are invisible and the mechanical augmentations are not. We thought it would be an interesting theme to explore from both a gameplay perspective (seeing how your character evolves) and from an ethical/moral perspective (the benefits & dangers of such a world where some can afford to get augmented while others can’t).

One of the major aspects of our story revolves around the social conflict between augmented and non-augmented people. In our story, there are people opposed to augmenting the body since they see it as unnatural and don't think scientists should play God. On the other side, some people think it is the natural evolution of the human race and there's no reason we shouldn't be trying things like this if it can enhance the quality of life or extend it. The gameworld itself will definitely reflect these opposing views, so you will see a contrast depending on where you are in the game.

GSUK: Will Deus Ex: Human Revolution share the same core values as the original game? For instance, will players still be given the freedom to approach objectives in multiple ways?

JD: One of the main things that makes a Deus Ex game is the nonlinear and multipath approach to level design. Deus Ex: Human Revolution's world is full of extra things to find off the beaten path, and you get experience points that you earn for achieving and finding things. So not only will you be able to upgrade yourself even further
through the earning of extra experience points, but you’ll also find more ammo, credits, side quests, etc.

As for missions, there is always more than one way to get to the location you need to go. You can try through the main door, but some obstacles might make it challenging for you, so you might decide to lookfor other ways such as hacking a back door, reaching a roof access, etc. You need to remember that, depending on your play style, the obvious path is not always the best. The different points of access are not always immediately available to all depending on the augmentations you have or not.

Then, once you successfully infiltrate a given location, navigating it will also let you decide how you approach the challenges. Do you want to fight your way in or do you want to stay out of sight, undetected? Do you want to use your hacking skills to open new opportunities or deal with some neutral non-player character to help you out? So, building your character in the way you want to play will influence the available options.

GSUK: It has been seven years since Deus Ex: Invisible War. What made you want to revisit the universe? And why now?

JD: We’re huge fans of the original game, and on a lot of topics we are on the same page as the fans. It is really important to us to respect the core values that made the original game outstanding, but we also know that we need to bring new ideas to the table that will elevate the experience for old fans while adding new levels of excitement and surprises that will draw newcomers into the Deus Ex world. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is going to stay true to the original game on many levels, and of course we’re coming up with new gameplay possibilities, reinforcing the choice and consequence aspect, and introducing a brand-new cast of characters and storylines that will expand the Deus Ex experience for a new generation of gamers and old fans alike.

GSUK: The new trailer shows a sprawling futuristic city, inviting comparisons with sci-fi classics such as Blade Runner. What kind of environments can we expect to see in the game?

JD: We feature numerous locations across the globe, and the ones we’ve spoken about so far are Shanghai and Detroit with more to come. There’s a big range in the environments, from the archetypal cyberpunk look and feel, to modern-day locations and slums, to locations still rooted in the current day but augmented with the technology 17 years in the future.

GSUK: Previous Deus Ex games used nanite-based augmentations, but Human Revolution uses mechanical augmentations. How will this change the game, and what kinds of new features will they bring?

JD: Deus Ex: Human Revolution doesn’t have nano-augmentations, but for mechanical augmentations we can provide some info! Our augmentations are based on scientific concepts (some are already happening to a certain degree, and some others are a bit more futuristic, yet still credible). Actually, we have consultants that help us make it grounded. Unlike the first Deus Ex, which had nano-augmentations, augmentations in Deus Ex: Human Revolution are the precursor to that technology--mechanical augmentation, like Anna or Gunther from the first game. The big advantage of going mechanical is that it allows us to see the character's augmentations, and it also allows us to come up with some sort of uncanny physical moves that wouldn’t make as much sense with nanotechnology.

Our augmentations will also play a central role for the four gameplay pillars: combat augmentations will allow you to be a more dangerous opponent (i.e. perform lethal melee attacks); stealth augmentations willallow you to become a stealth master (i.e. get a clearer sense of the enemy patrols and line of sight); hacking augmentations will allow you to hack more difficult devices and open up more post-hacking possibilities (i.e. turret domination); social augmentations will allow you to get a better sense of which direction your interactions are taking and then adjust to these. And for things like exploration, there are more subtle augmentation upgrades which will allow you to see things and access parts of levels previously unknown.

GSUK: The FMV trailer at GDC 2010 showed Adam dreaming of flying close to the sun--similar to Icarus in Greek mythology. What’s the significance of this dream?

JD: The beginning of the video is Adam’s dream. In the world of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, society has mixed Renaissance elements with archetypal cyberpunk stereotypes, and the Icarus myth weaves its way through the story of the game. The Icarus myth dealt with Icarus being given wings to fly. But the wings were made of wax, and he was perhaps not ready for such a gift; so in his haste, he flew too close to the sun, which melted his wings, and he fell to the sea and to his death. This story parallels our Deus Ex universe where mankind is using mechanical augmentations but there is still much to be determined in terms of their effect on society and the ultimate direction it will leadus in.
AW: Deus Ex 3

Vorschau - Deus Ex: Human Revolution (4players)
[size=xx-small]10.06.2010, 4players.de
Am Ende ist es ja doch nur dieser kurze Kick - den meisten Spielen geht es um die atemberaubende Action, um die rasante Runde, um das schnelle Sammeln. Die wenigsten hinterlassen einen Eindruck, der noch Jahre später nachhallt. Deus Ex gehört zu jenen Echos, die noch heute Gänsehaut hervorrufen. Doch in einer Zeit, in der selbst hoch dekorierte Geheimagenten als austauschbare Ballerbuben dienen müssen, muss sich natürlich auch der Nachfolger eines Klassikers erst beweisen!

Weiterlesen... !

Interview mit Jean-Francois Dugas (4players)
[size=xx-small]10.06.2010, 4players.de[/size]

Lassen sich spielerische Tiefe und ein Massenpublikum tatsächlich nicht vereinen? Wir sprachen mit fünf dem Produzenten, dem Game Director, der Narrative Designerin, dem Artdirector und dem Verantwortlichen fürs Akustische. Warum die Zukunft in Human Revolution golden glänzt, erfahrt ihr hier!

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Trailer Analyse mit interessanten Infos
[size=xx-small]10.06.2010, 4players.de[/size]

Anschauen... !

Also so langsam... :X :B
AW: Deus Ex 3

Also so langsam... :X :B
Jap :X

Langsam hab ich auch das Gefühl, dass es diese Saison (2010 / 11) endlich mal wieder "richtig neue" Games gibt und nicht nur Fortsetzungen von altbekanntem Material. 2008 / 2009 kamen zwar viele Hochkaräter, meist waren das aber dann doch "nur" simple Nachfolger / Spin-Offs von einem bekannten Franchise.

Ich bin echt mal gespannt, was da noch so alles kommt =)
AW: Deus Ex 3

Neue Bilder
[size=xx-small]11.06.2010, play3.de[/size]

http://www.play3.de/wp-content/gall...062010/deus-ex-1.jpg" width="200" height="157
[img src="http://www.play3.de/wp-content/gallery/deus-ex-3-human-revolution-11062010/deus-ex-7.jpg" width="200" height="110[/img] [img src="http://www.play3.de/wp-content/gallery/deus-ex-3-human-revolution-11062010/deus-ex-8.jpg" width="200" height="94[/img] [img src="http://www.play3.de/wp-content/gallery/deus-ex-3-human-revolution-11062010/deus-ex-9_0.jpg" width="200" height="113[/img]
[img src="http://www.play3.de/wp-content/gallery/deus-ex-3-human-revolution-11062010/deus-ex-9b.jpg" width="400" height="290[/img]​
AW: Deus Ex 3

Das Interesse ist mir zu gering. Interessiert euch! %)
AW: Deus Ex 3

E3 2010: Evolution Revolution Interview
[size=xx-small]17.06.2010, gametrailers.com[/size]

[gametrailers width="320" height="261"]http://www.gametrailers.com/remote_wrap.php?mid=700370[/gametrailers]
AW: Deus Ex 3

Soundtrack des Trailers zum Download
[size=xx-small]17.06.2010, videogameszone.de

Der Mega-Soundtrack aus dem imposanten E3-CGI-Trailer zu Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution für PlayStation 3 und Xbox 360 von Komponist Michael McCann steht ab sofort als Sound-File, zum Anhören sowie zum Download bereit.

javascript:download(Zum Artikel, Download
AW: Deus Ex 3

Neue Screenshots
[size=xx-small]19.06.2010, play3.de[/size]

http://www.play3.de/wp-content/gall...man-revolution_6.jpg" width="200" height="113
[img src="http://www.play3.de/wp-content/gallery/deus-ex-3-human-revolution-19062010/deus-ex-human-revolution_7.jpg" width="200" height="113[/img] [img src="http://www.play3.de/wp-content/gallery/deus-ex-3-human-revolution-19062010/deus-ex-human-revolution_8.jpg" width="200" height="113[/img] [img src="http://www.play3.de/wp-content/gallery/deus-ex-3-human-revolution-19062010/deus-ex-human-revolution_9.jpg" width="200" height="113[/img]
[img src="http://www.play3.de/wp-content/gallery/deus-ex-3-human-revolution-19062010/deus-ex-human-revolution_1.jpg" width="200" height="113[/img]


:X :X :X
AW: Deus Ex 3

20 minutes gameplay
[size=xx-small]21.06.2010, gamingeverything.com[/size]

Schlechte Qualität, aber besser als nichts. Den ersten Teil muss man nicht unbedingt anschauen. Ist unspektakulär. Obwohl... doch. Anschauen!

Part I

Part II

Das Umschalten der Perspektive in Thirdperson an einigen Stellen wird wohl etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig sein, das kennt man ja schon aus Chronicles of Riddick, aber damit werde ich leben können. Hätte ich aber nicht unbedingt gebraucht. Allgemein muss man sich ja darauf einstellen, dass der Actionanteil nun deutlich höher sein wird. Was nicht unbedingt etwas schlechtes sein muss.

Aber die Stimme, die Optik, die Atmosphäre, die gepanzerte mit Raketenabschusssystemen ausgestattete Riesenspinne. Es ist eindeutig Deus Ex. :X

Ich lass mich eigentlich nicht so oft hypen, aber ich bin so geil, dass ich heute Nacht auf die Weide gehe und ein paar Rehe ficke! Jaha...!
AW: Deus Ex 3

Fand die 20 Min. Ingameaufnahmen, bis auf den Typen der immer seine Sch... Rübe ins Bild gestreckt hat, saugeil. Wird definitiv gekauft :X :X :X
AW: Deus Ex 3

Deus Ex-Jubiläumsangebot[size=xx-small][/size]
23.06.2010, 4players.de

Angesichts des runden Geburtstags hat man bei Steam beschlossen, den Preis von Deus Ex und Deus Ex: Invisible War einen Tag lang zu senken: Bis Mitternacht schlagen beide Spiele mit jeweils 2,49 Euro zu Buche.


http://cdn.steampowered.com/v/gfx/a...gfx/apps/6920/capsule_sm_120.jpg?t=1270602381 Deus Ex: Invisible War: 2,49€

[img src="http://cdn.steampowered.com/v/gfx/subs/296/capsule_sm_120.jpg?t=1271786689[/img] Deus Ex Collection: 4,98€
AW: Deus Ex 3

Deus Ex-Jubiläumsangebot[size=xx-small][/size]
23.06.2010, 4players.de

Angesichts des runden Geburtstags hat man bei Steam beschlossen, den Preis von Deus Ex und Deus Ex: Invisible War einen Tag lang zu senken: Bis Mitternacht schlagen beide Spiele mit jeweils 2,49 Euro zu Buche.

Wer 'nen Steam-Account hat, kommt da natürlich nicht daran vorbei! Für den Preis kann man wirklich absolut nichts falsch machen! :top:
AW: Deus Ex 3

momentan bin ich einfach nur gehypt!
liebe die atmosphäre im e3-trailer und den gameplay video! :X
trifft genau meinen geschmack! :X
AW: Deus Ex 3

auf Amazon ist ein angeblicher Releasetermin angegeben: 28.2.2011 !
Sag mir lieber, wann Amazon mal mit einem Release-Datum recht hatte, bevor das jeweilige Spiel offiziell ein Release-Datum bekommen hat...
Das sind oft natürlich nur Platzhalter, aber in dem Fall sollte das Datum stimmen ;) Deus Ex wurde tatsächlich auf den 28. Februar 2011 datiert, in irgendeinem E3-Interview wurde der Termin genannt. Schon im Trailer heißt es ja "early 2011".