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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain // Update 1.06 "Reunion"

Bereits nach dem Wort "Franzosen" war für mich die Glaubwürdigkeit des Tests dahin. Oder wie bereits der weise Al Bundy treffend sagte: Es ist falsch Franzose zu sein. :B

zumal das hochgelobte WD ja von einem französischen Publisher stammt, da wollte sich der französische Spielertester wohl etwas einschleimen bei seinen Landsmännern aus dem Hause Ubisoft :B
Eine (nicht ganz ernst gemeinte) Prognose für den Releasetag:

1. Ich geh in den Mediamarkt meines Vertrauens, nehm voll freudiger Erregung das Spiel in die Hand, geh Richtung Kasse, schau mich kurz um und stürme ohne zu bezahlen raus. Richtig gelesen - ich klaue das Spiel. Aus Prinzip. Damit Konami keinen Cent von mir sieht. :B

2. In bester Big Boss Manier schleiche ich mich davon und weiche den Wachposten Kaufhausdetektiven gekonnt aus. Eventuell pack ich auch mein CQC-Können aus - je nach Situation.

3. Zuhause werde ich das Spielecover einscannen, per Photoshop alle Konami Logos entfernen und durch Kojima Productions Logos ersetzen. Der Schriftzug "A Hideo Kojima Game" wird auch wieder eingefügt. Das Cover wird ausgedruckt und die berichtigte Hülle ins Regal gestellt.

4. Ich steck mir stilecht eine Zigarre an.

5. Es wird losgezockt. :X


Mehrere Tage/Wochen später: Ich verdrücke während dem Abspann mehrere Tränen da ich gerade den letzten MGS-Teil durchgespielt habe.

Videogameszone: 88 %
The Phantom Pain hat es mir als großer Serienfan in den ersten Stunden nicht leicht gemacht. Die Story nahm nur langsam Fahrt auf, das Open- World-Gameplay erschien mir eher unpassend. Spätestens beim Ausbau der Mother Base, wenngleich ein aus Peace Walker übernommenes Feature, war es um mich geschehen. Dank der Unmengen an daraus resultierenden Optionen steht es einem völlig frei, wie man die Missionen angeht. Auch das Charakterdesign ist wieder hervorragend gelungen, auch wenn ich mir von Ocelot und Co. etwas mehr Präsenz gewünscht hätte. Zudem sorgt Kojima wieder für viele Überraschungen, wie man es von ihm gewohnt ist. Selbst wenn ich meine Basis für den Nachtest noch mal neu aufbauen muss: Ich freue mich jetzt schon, ein weiteres Mal mit Big Boss in den Kampf zu ziehen.

IGN: 10/10
"There have certainly been sandbox action games that have given me a bigger world to roam, or more little icons to chase on my minimap, but none have pushed me to plan, adapt, and improvise the way this one does. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain doesn't just respect my intelligence as a player, it expect it of me, putting it in the league that few others occupy"

Gamespot: 10/10
"There has never been a game in the series with such depth to its gameplay, or so much volume in content. The best elements from the past games are here, and the new open-world gameplay adds more to love on top. When it comes to storytelling, there has never been a Metal Gear game that's so consistent in tone, daring in subject matter, and so captivating in presentation. The Phantom Pain may be a contender for one of the best action games ever made, but is undoubtedly the best Metal Gear game there is."

Respawn 10/10
"Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain is quite possibly (more than likely) the last hurrah from Kojima in this franchise and from the level of detail, the brilliant cinematography style missions to the massive expansion of gameplay with Mother Base management – he’s going out with a bang. The introduction of the game was really powerful and basically took that level of momentum throughout the entire campaign. It’s incredible to see the amount of work gone into this title and you can see Kojima and the team really poured their soul into this game to give it character. This is simply one of the best games I’ve played this year."

Metal Gear Informer 10/10
"For a series that has been around since 1987 to constantly reinvent itself and stay relevant is an accomplishment in itself. But to totally break what you expect a game can do for you emotionally & mentally – and at the end of the day have fun with it and give you legitimate joy – is something special."

The Daily Dot 5/5
"Aside from being a mildly engrossing troop management feature, Mother Base acts as a narrative precursor to Big Boss’ Outer Heaven fortress. It’s just one of a number of key elements in The Phantom Pain that adds gravitas to the events that preceded this chapter in Big Boss’ stor—and the known Metal Gear-related incidents that have yet to come. It takes talent to make the player think that a game director is “phoning in” a story only to realize later that every narrative beat had some degree of meaning. It’s only when I completed the story that I realized that every scene that made me rub my chin in puzzlement is a proverbial breadcrumb that offers a new perspective upon second viewing. A couple revelations are even significant enough to make one rethink the series as a whole. This is one of those rare instances where marathoning a game series is more meaningful after the latest sequel is released, not before."

Examiner: 5/5
"It’s difficult to put into words what it means to have Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain here at last. It’s difficult to put into words what it means for a global community to finally have one of the most storied franchises back once more. It is, however, not difficult to say that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the best game of the year so far."

EGM 9.5/10
"Even Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain’s missteps show a certain boldness that is absent from the big budget games space. It is unafraid to experiment, not just on the franchise’s structure, but on mechanics readily established as standards in the industry. Delivering the most realized open-world stealth game to date in addition to the customizability for players to approach every challenge however they see fit, The Phantom Pain not only changes the rules of the Metal Gear Solid series, ultimately altering the trajectory of the franchise, if it does continue, while simultaneously changing the idea of what can be accomplished with an open world game, both narratively and mechanically."

GameTrailers 9.3/10
"The Phantom Pain is excellent. It expands and enriches Metal Gear Solid without compromising the qualities that make the series so beloved. Despite the huge scope, Hollywood talent, and technical flashiness, there’s a subtlety to the Phantom Pain that’s truly captured our hearts. Even now we’re still turning its events over and over again in our minds. So rarely do game stories demand so much consideration. Decades later, it’s incredible that Metal Gear can still captivate, inspire, and amaze."

GameInformer: 9.25/10
"Hideo Kojima’s original Metal Gear was a top-down, screen-by-screen stealth title. Compared to the massive and ambitious world of The Phantom Pain, it’s hard to believe both games are products of the same creative mind. A series can’t survive this long without evolving, and The Phantom Pain is a testament to the importance of taking risks. An open world, a customizable base, a variable mission structure – these are not traditional aspects of Metal Gear, but they are what makes The Phantom Pain such an exceptional game. The gameplay, storytelling, and protagonists in Metal Gear may shift with each new installment, but Kojima’s ability to surprise and enthrall gamers remains unchanged."

Destructoid: 9/10
"The principle reason I was able to acclimate so quickly is Kojima and his team have made the game fun to play almost at all times. Nearly every situation can either be taken head-on by knocking down the front door, by stealth, or any combination therein. By researching different weapons and tools in Mother Base, you'll have the option to equip hundreds of different loadout variations, and face challenges in completely different ways."

Press Start 9/10
"I must also praise Kojima for offering up a game that is not simply engaging and cinematic, but is one that also grants the player some agency in how the story plays out. From the start, I was hooked, despite this being my first foray into the Metal Gear franchise. That being said, while the game serves as a sequel to Ground Zeroes, it works equally just as well as a standalone."

Kotaku: No Score - Full Review Coming Soon
"After more than 30 hours with the newest Metal Gear Solid, I’m convinced that Phantom Pain the best Metal Gear yet, a game with extraordinary scope, inimitable style, and some of the most satisfying sneaking and creeping I’ve ever performed either in a video game or IRL. Particularly diehard fans might be miffed at how far The Phantom Pain has strayed from the formula established by Hideo Kojima’s first few Metal Gear Solid games, but in my eyes, just about every change is welcome."

Polygon: No Score - Full Review Coming Soon
"The Phantom Pain's story is, like other Metal Gear Solid games, complex — and frustrating in that complexity. It can be clumsy, silly and puerile, but we're still hooked. There are dozens of audio tape conversations we've listened to to flesh out the backstory, with dozens more still to soak in. Without a doubt, this game has series creator Hideo Kojima's touch throughout, a fact we're reminded of the dozens of times the game says The Phantom Pain was directed and produced by Kojima."
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Und was lernen wir daraus? Wenn man nichts zu verbergen hat, dann braucht man kein Embargo. ;)
Übrigens vergeht die Zeit gefühlt viel langsamer, wenn man die Tage runterzählt. :finger: Deutlich bei GTA5 bemerkt.
Habe jetzt MGS3 doch nicht weiter gespielt %)

Werde das Spiel am Release aber dennoch kaufen, aber nicht vorbestellen, PC port und so... (btw. Wenn der kacke werden sollte und ich zur Konsolen Fassung greifen soll, die One Fassung hat nur 30fps, oder?)

Hoffe das spiel spoilert jetzt mgs3 nicht zu sehr :B
MGS 3 ist der Grundstein für die ganze Serie und MGS V ist der direkte Nachfolger zu Peace Walker. Da verpasst du viel an Insiderwissen, Semmel.
Phantom Pain ist auf jeden Fall ein ganz heißer GotY-Kandidat :X

aber diesbezüglich haben wir heuer eh ein ganz starkes Jahr