Entwickler: Tt Games
Release: Frühjahr 2020
Search your feelings and you'll know a brand new Lego Star Wars game is in development. Or, if you're not tuned in to the Force, you can just search online instead.
Over the weekend, Skywalker Sound's Matt Wood briefly mentioned he was working on a new Lego Star Wars project during Star Wars Celebration. You can see a clip of the conversation below.
Lego game publisher Warner Bros. has yet to announce the game, but Skywalker Sound is the official Disney-owned audio company behind the Star Wars franchise, among various other things, so you'd expect Wood to know what he was talking about.
And, separately, Eurogamer has heard word of the title from sources close to its production. From what I understand, it's an ambitious project.
The hugely successful Lego Star Wars series has so far adapted the space opera's prequel trilogy, original trilogy, Clone Wars TV show and devoted an entire game to Episode 7: The Force Awakens.
Excitingly, I've heard this next game is more than just an adaptation of the saga's remaining two episodes, The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. While these episodes will be included, the project is designed to tell the story of the entire saga and I've heard it described as the "ultimate" Lego Star Wars game. Expect to see it announced later this year.
We've contacted Warner Bros. for more.
QUELLE: Eurogamer