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[XBOX 360] Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

AW: XBLA-Titel

Erfolgreicher Verkaufsstart für Star Ocean 4 – 131.000 Einheiten am Erscheinungstag
Square Enix hat von dem Rollenspiel Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope 131.000 Einheiten am ersten Tag der Auslieferung in Japan verkaufen können. Das meldet Enterbrain, das Spiel kam am 19.02.09 in den Handel.
Gamertag / Windows Live ID / Hotmail-Account-Löschungen

Infos zum möglichen Verlust von Gamertags / Windows Live IDs bei gelöschten Hotmail-Accounts
What happens:
In the rare case that you DO NOT sign in to Xbox.com or another website that uses Windows LIVE ID (like Hotmail) it is possible that your Windows LIVE ID expires (goes dormant.)
An Xbox LIVE Gamertag is unrecoverable from the system only when the associated Windows Live ID has become dormant and the Gamertag has been deleted from all Xbox 360 consoles.

Members with dormant Windows Live IDs can continue to enjoy the benefits of their Xbox LIVE Gamertags on their Xbox 360 consoles, including earning Achievements; however, they will not be able to use their expired Windows Live IDs for activities such as account management on Xbox.com.

It is important to note that an Xbox LIVE Gamertag is unrecoverable from the system only when the associated Windows Live ID has become dormant and the Gamertag has been deleted from all Xbox 360 consoles.
What you can do to prevent having any problems:
We recommend that people log into their Windows Live ID on Xbox.com or Xbox LIVE Marketplace on the Web at least once every four months.

What we’re doing:
We are actively working on an update that will allow you to link your Gamertag to a new Windows Live ID if one becomes dormant.
AW: XBLA-Titel

xCharonx am 20.02.2009 21:29 schrieb:
Nali_WarCow am 20.02.2009 17:22 schrieb:
Square Enix hat von dem Rollenspiel Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope 131.000 Einheiten am ersten Tag der Auslieferung in Japan verkaufen können.
D.h. alle japanischen 360-Besitzer haben das Spiel jetzt. Schön.
Da es aktuell etwa 900.000 360 Besitzer in Japan gibt, nein.

Mass Effect 2 Teaser
AW: .

Rabatte für Gold-User: Diese Woche „Braid“ für 800 Points
Braid will be available for the special price after Monday February 23rd at 13:00 GMT/0800ET/0500 PT *

Here are some details around the program:
The special deal pricing is available for Gold Members only
I’ll post the new deal each Monday morning when it becomes available at the special price
The Marketplace team is doing their best to make a Deal of the Week available in Xbox LIVE regions
*You must be signed in as a Gold Member on the web marketplace to see the lower prices

Coming later this month, Xbox LIVE Gold members will also have exclusive access to steep discounts on Game Add-ons for Ninja Gaiden II and Project Gotham Racing 4, as well as the original Xbox classic, Fable.
AW: .

Lost Planet 2 offiziell angekündigt
Trailer vom Xbox Live Marktplatz
HD Trailer von Gamersyde + Screens

Infos aus dem Trailer (Interview)
Wieder auf EDN 3
Planet ist aufgetaut -> Dschungel, etc.
Wohl ein Coop-Modus
Mehr Infos "bald" -> E3 Demo?
Grafik des Trailers soll "fast" die Spielgrafik sein
kein Wort von Exklusivität

Riddick kommt in Europa am 24.04 / Demo im März
AW: .

Singualirty (PS 3, PC und Xbox 360) angekündigt
In Raven Software's latest FPS, Singularity, you play as a salesperson for Cingular Wireless, now AT&T Wireless. No, that's not right. Oh yes. You play as a character who, unlike a Cingular salesperson, can manipulate time -- travel through it, use it to make folks age to death ... y'know, the usual.

Anyway, the game's publisher, Activision, has released the first trailer for it and a couple dozen screenshots. The game looks mighty good, but we won't be totally convinced until we confirm players can use time to grow beards quickly. That and play it at E3.
~60 Bilder: http://www.joystiq.com/photos/singularity/
Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45783.html

Bioware: Spielstände von Mass Effect 1 nicht lösche
BioWare community representatives are telling players not to delete their original Mass Effect saves, giving the impression that they will affect something in the recently announced sequel. Dropping a tiny nugget of information in the intergalactic freak-out (over the alleged death of hero Commander Shepard) taking place on the BioWare forums, no less than three employees have made sure to point out that players should not erase previous save files.

Exit 2 am Mittwoch auf XBLA

Gel: Set & Match für XBLA angekündigt
Small Arms developer Gastronaut Studios has revealed its next XBLA project, announcing a new game titled Gel: Set & Match, a "spiritual successor" to its original Xbox puzzler, Fuzzee Fever.

Originally peeked on Australia's OFLC website last December, the upcoming "puzzle-action hybrid" will feature both collaborative and dog-eat-dog gameplay as players work alone or in groups to match up and rid the screen of troublesome gelatinous blocks. Three different modes are also promised, including the core Puzzle Mode, an Action Mode that will have players clearing the way for an approaching tank, and an arena Battle Mode with exploding blocks of jelly.

Resident Evil 6 wird ein „Neustart“
In what is destined to be the first genuinely epic game of 2009, Resident Evil 5 is practically guaranteed to be the last of its kind, with the game's producer, Jun Takeuchi, assuring us that a reboot is in order for the inevitable Resident Evil 6.
AW: .

Resident Evil 5 Shorter than Anticipated

UK mag, Xbox World 360 are reporting that the upcoming survival horror title from Capcom is measuring in at a paltry 8 hours which will surprise many after Resident Evil 4's rather lengthy affair.

The mag who have already completed the full version of Resident Evil 5 clocked their first playthrough in at "seven hours, thirty-six minutes and one second." That time does not include the cutscenes which for all intents and purposes adds up to 80 additional minutes.

The mag states "this time was achieved in single player and on the normal difficulty. This was not a speed-run, nor were we pressured for time."

Of course, the longevity of the title will depend on replayability but is that still too short for you to spend top whack on it?

Das gefällt mir gar nicht. :|
AW: .

LOX-TT am 24.02.2009 00:57 schrieb:
Man achte auf die eine Sekunde :B

Resident Evil Limited Edition Console / rote Xbox Elite angekündigt

We’re happy to (officially) announce the Exclusive Red Xbox 360 Resident Evil Limited Edition Console.
Available the same day Resident Evil 5 ships to store shelves, Friday, March 13, Xbox 360 fans will be able to pick up the bundle featuring an exclusive red Xbox 360. Included will be the Limited Edition red Wireless Controller, black Xbox 360 Headset, a 120 GB Hard Drive, exclusive premium “Resident Evil 5” theme (downloadable via Xbox LIVE) and more all included at no additional charge for the price of US $399. (ERP) Supplies are very limited, so if you want in on this action, you may want to pre-order soon.

The bundle contains:
• Xbox 360 Elite Console with Exclusive Red Finish
• Matching red wireless controller
• 120GB hard drive
• Resident Evil 5
• Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
• Exclusive Resident Evil Premium Theme
• Xbox 360 black wired headset
• HDTV-ready component HD AV, HDMI and Ethernet cables

Nachtrag zum Resi 5-Bundle (rote Xbox Elite:
Es wird davon 2000 Stück in Deutschland geben: http://www.eurogamer.de/articles/xbox-360-limitiertes-resident-evil-5-bunde-erscheint-auch-in-deutschland

56% der 17 Millionen Xbox User haben einen Gold-Account
Ende des letzten Jahres hatte Microsoft verkündet, dass Xbox Live mittlerweile über 17 Mio. Nutzer verzeichnet. Der Hersteller schlüsselt allerdings traditionell nicht auf, welcher Anteil davon auf das zahlende Klientel, also die Spieler mit Gold-Account entfällt.

Der Seattle Tech Report will jetzt einen Blick in interne Dokumente erhascht haben, die mit ein paar älteren Statistiken aufwarteten. Demnach hatten im Februar 2008 etwa 56 Prozent der XBL-Nutzer einen Gold-Account, so die Daten denn stimmen. Ein Jahr zuvor waren es 60 Prozent gewesen.

Neue Downloads
Tomb Raider Underworld - Unter der Asche – Video
Tomb Raider Underworld - Unter der Asche (800 MS Points)

Square Enix verkauft 166.027 Star Ocean 4...
24.02.09 - Square Enix hat 166.027 Einheiten von Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope in der ersten Woche (19.02.09 - 22.02.09) der Veröffentlichung in Japan verkauft. Das meldet Famitsu-Herausgeber Enterbrain.

...und 24.584 Konsolen wurden in der Woche verkauft
During Star Ocean 4's first week at retail, Xbox 360 console sales reached 24,584 units.
Bald ist Frühling... :)

Ich werde mein Gold - Abo auslaufen lassen. Die Statistik wird sich dadurch nicht großartige ändern, aber ich wollte es einmal gesagt bzw. geschrieben haben. :B

Ist das Onlinezocken am Wochenende eigentlich immer noch kostenlos oder galt dies nur für eine bestimmte Zeit?

@ Resident Evil 5
Könnte sein das einige sich das Spiel aufgrund der geringen (?) Spielzeit nicht zulegen werden. Mich persönlich stört es eigentlich nicht. Waren Kane & Lynch und Gears 1 nicht auch so lang bzw. kurz?

@ Erscheinungstermin Riddick
Hatte mich so darauf gefreut im März die „Vollversion“ von Riddick zu zocken. Nun kommt es erst im April. :(
Ich bin daher dafür, das Nali keine negativen Meldungen mehr zitieren darf. :B ;)
AW: Bald ist Frühling... :)

wild-style am 24.02.2009 10:43 schrieb:
Ist das Onlinezocken am Wochenende eigentlich immer noch kostenlos oder galt dies nur für eine bestimmte Zeit?
Regulär gab es so etwas nie. Waren immer besondere Termine, etwa zur E3 oder kurzzeitig zur Feier von X Jahren Xbox Live.

Nachtrag zum Resi 5-Bundle (rote Xbox Elite:
Es wird davon 2000 Stück in Deutschland geben: http://www.eurogamer.de/articles/xbox-360-limitiertes-resident-evil-5-bunde-erscheint-auch-in-deutschland

Dante's Inferno - Traile
AW: Bald ist Frühling... :)

Resi 5 Demo über 4 Mio mal geladen!

Gegenüber MTV hat Capcom bestätigt, dass die Resident Evil 5-Demo auf Playstation 3 und XBOX 360 bereits vier Millionen Mal heruntergeladen wurde. Bereits kurz nach Veröffentlichung der Demo verzeichnete die Demo innerhalb von drei Tagen ganze 1,3 Millionen Downloads. Resident Evil 5 soll am 13.03.09 in Europa erscheinen.
AW: Bald ist Frühling... :)

Ich befürchte aber, dass viele die Demo eher abgeschreckt hat. Sehr viel Action, sehr wenig Atmosphäre - zumindest war das mein Eindruck von der Demo.

Neue Downloads
EXIT 2 (Demo & Vollversion für 800 MS Points)
Watchman Trailer
Pure Hintergründe (250 Points)
Genesis: Halo Universe Expanded - Act 1 (Gold User)

Quale 3 Arena für XBLA fast fertig
Despite being first spotted on the ESRB's leak-prone website nearly two years ago, and officially confirmed at QuakeCon over 18 months ago, id's John Carmack assures us that Pi Studios – developers behind the Xbox Live Arcade release of classic multiplayer shooter Quake 3 Arena – is "actually very close to finishing that up."
Check back later today for our full interview with id's John Carmack and Marty Stratton.

Flock kommt am 8.4 auf XBLA
IGN reports that Flock will release on PC on April 7, then roll out to XBLA on April 8, and will debut on PSN Thursday, April 9. No word on the title's pricing, but with the current economy and wool prices continuing to drop, we think it's in Capcom's best interest to offer it at a value-price.

Gerüchte zu Assassin’s Creed 2
A trip to the high street may have resulted in an unexpected focus test for one of our tipsters, who says that he was shown very early footage of the next Assassin's Creed. It apparently looked similar to the first game, though set around the 15th century -- a few hundred years later. After the footage played, there was a Q&A session where it was revealed the story would incorporate a family feud and disguises would play a part in the game.

The focus testers were asked to decide on their favorite of three character designs. Each image had different colored costumes and varying numbers of pouches or bags for the main character, though the overall design was the same: Similar to Altair's, but more colorful and fitting for the time period. Under each image was the word "ezio," an Italian name derived from the word for "eagle." Fitting, for the series.

Our tipster also told us that he saw the protagonist swimming during the video -- something we've heard that Altair might've learnt since the first game -- and that he can "use gunpowder to propel items at people." The people conducting the focus test indicated that we might be seeing more of the game at E3 and that it will be in our hands late this year or early next. Of course, we've no way of confirming whether any of this is true, but it all sounds fairly plausable.

Virtual On Oratorio Tangram kommt für XBLA
The latest issue of Famitsu reveals an XBLA game that we can already pretty much guarantee is going to be awesome -- because it already was awesome in arcades and on the Dreamcast. The 5.66 revision of Virtual On Oratorio Tangram, Sega's classic arena game about robots shooting each other until they explode, is on the way to Japan's Xbox Live Arcade at a price of 1200 ($15).

Gamers outside of Japan can look forward to the release as well: a listing for VOOT showed up on the Australian OFLC ratings board yesterday, indicating a new release for a platform that was, at the time, unknown. Now that mystery has been solved!

Umfangreicher Patch für Left 4 Dead

Erweiterung für Herr Der Ringe Conquest kommt
Those sticking with it, though, will be thrilled to see that this pack includes three new playable heroes (Arwen, Boromir and Gothmog) as well as two new levels (Amon Hen & Battle of the Last Alliance). The pack will be out this Thursday, and will cost 800 MS Points/$10.

Lost Planet 2 (zeit)exklusiv für 360 oder Druckfehler? – 4 Spieler-Coop
The upcoming issue of Japanese game magazine lists the game as only "Xbox 360." Guess that means it's on the Xbox 360.
But how does that fit into Capcom's multi-platform strategy?
Famitsu reports that the game's development is 40 percent done, has online player and four player co-op. As we posted previously, it features new environments, new enemies and new weapons.