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[XBOX 360] Final Fantasy 13 – Der Xbox 360-Thread – Infos, Videos, Bilder und Diskussion – Japan-Release: 17.12.2009 / EU: 09.03.2010

AW: News

Nali_WarCow am 16.01.2009 10:16 schrieb:
Final Fantasy 13 im „Westen“ erst 2010
Speaking with Reuters, Wada confirms that while the Japanese release of Final Fantasy XIII (which is exclusive to the PS3) will take place in 2009, the Western release - which will appear on both the PS3 and Xbox 360 - won't go down until at least April 2010.
Die japanische Version wird also keine englische Synchronisation beinhalten? Wäre doch theoretisch möglich, oder nicht?
AW: News

mcjunior am 16.01.2009 22:59 schrieb:
Nali_WarCow am 16.01.2009 10:16 schrieb:
Final Fantasy 13 im „Westen“ erst 2010
Speaking with Reuters, Wada confirms that while the Japanese release of Final Fantasy XIII (which is exclusive to the PS3) will take place in 2009, the Western release - which will appear on both the PS3 and Xbox 360 - won't go down until at least April 2010.
Die japanische Version wird also keine englische Synchronisation beinhalten? Wäre doch theoretisch möglich, oder nicht?

Noes, Square Enix wird definitiv zuerst eine voll-japanische Fassung auf den Markt werfen, und erst sobald die jap. Version bereits erhältlich ist, gehen übersetzungs- und Synchronisations -arbeiten in amerikanischem Englisch los.
AW: News

Sagt mal, könnte mir einer mal das Kampfsystem erklären??
Ich hab' da nämlich was aufgeschnappt, und wenn das stimmt, dann muss ich mir FF wohl doch kaufen. :<
AW: News

FlamerX am 30.01.2009 19:27 schrieb:
Sagt mal, könnte mir einer mal das Kampfsystem erklären??
Ich hab' da nämlich was aufgeschnappt, und wenn das stimmt, dann muss ich mir FF wohl doch kaufen. :<

Aus Wiki dazu:
The system stemmed from a desire to create battles similar to those found in Final Fantasy VII Advent Children.[3] Like those in Final Fantasy XII, battle sequences are integrated into the world environment.[4] The Active Time Battle (ATB) system will return, but is expected to work differently from its predecessors.

The battle system that was shown during the E3 2006 trailer was only a prototype. Recently, Square Enix showed battle footage in various Japanese magazines and trailers which introduced a new interface. You can only control one character at a time in battle, although battle parties of up to three characters have been shown. You can stack up to three commands per turn and release them all at the same time to form a combo. These commands include series staples such as Attack, Fire, Blizzard and Cure, as well as new ones such as Launch, which sends the enemy up in the air. The game does not make use of MP but introduces "cost points" for each command. Cost points determine how many times the commands can be used per turn. The overclock gauge from the prototype battle system is replaced with a break bar. The minimap shown earlier has also disappeared from the battle interface. The player is able to view the HP and name of the enemy before engaging it in battle. When the player engages an enemy, the camera moves to another position and the battle menu appears, making the battle transitions nearly seamless.[5]

The classic summoned creatures will return in Final Fantasy XIII. Carbuncle emerges from a disc-like object when it is touched by the character Vanille, Ifrit and Siren also appear doing performances in a trailer. Shiva will return and takes the form of a pair of sisters who can merge into a motorcycle, which the character Snow rides, and can use ice to create a path to drive on.

zum release:

ich bin mir zu 80% sicher, dass ff 13 ende 2009/ anfang 2010 erscheint (weiß ich aus verlässlicher quelle)

außerdem wird in den usa scho die werbetrommel gerührt (siehe http://na.square-enix.com/ff13/)

un des mag ja was heißen, da z.b. bei ff crystal cronicles echoes of time die info-seite seit mittlerweile 3 monaten nichts aussagt (außer:"full site coming soon"), obwohl es ende märz (übrigens auch in europa) erscheint
AW: News

was mir persönlich sehr gut gefällt , ist das Logo :B :top:
eines der geilsten Logos die ich kenne . Das von FF VII und FF X ist aber auch nicht schlecht.
AW: News

Final Fantasy 13 – geschönte Bilder vs. Echte Spielgrafik
Wie leider so oft / immer, wird gerne mehr versprochen, als am Ende im Spiel zu sehen ist:
(Man achte auf Details, FSAA und Beleuchtung. Ein Klick aufs Bild öffnet jeweils eine etwas größere Ansicht.)

Vergleich 1 – „Werbebildchen“ oben


Vergleich 3 – „Werbebildchen“ oben


Vergleich 4 – „Werbebildchen“ oben

(Klick für HD-Vergleich-Screens)

Aktuellere Screenshots

Quelle (mit etwas mehr Text zu den Vergleichen): http://www.consolewars.de/news/newsdisplay.php?idx=25913 & http://hatimaki.blog110.fc2.com/blog-entry-1280.html
AW: News

Grober Final Fantasy 13 EU & US-Termin: März/April2010 möglich / angepeilt
In the past it would be six months to almost a year after the initial release in Japan, so we’re hoping to narrow the margin down. We hope it will only be three months after the Japanese release.
AW: News

Newstime %)

Tetsuya Nomura and Motomu Toriyama have dished out the latest on Final Fantasy XIII in this week's Famitsu.

For those who've been keeping up with the game, the comments from the two are particularly revealing this time.

Let's start off with some character trivia. Recently, we shared details on Oerba Yun Fang, the sexy black haired girl from the Tokyo Game Show trailer who, although a l'Cie like Snow and the rest of the main cast, appears to support the government. It turns out that she wasn't so sexy when the FF project began. According to Nomura, she was originally scheduled to be a male character. When they switched her to female, they decided to give her a sexy quality, which they removed from Lightning in order to differentiate the two. So remember -- Lightning originally had sex appeal, Fang was originally a guy.

In other character trivia, Nomura revealed that Sazh's character setting was originally going to be even more ridiculous. How can you get more ridiculous than having a baby Chocobo residing in your 'fro? How about by placing a hat on top of that 'fro? Let's hope we'll get to see some concept art for this one!

Toriyama didn't really share anything in the way of trivia, but he did give us one big hint on a future character reveal. What's the one character name you always see in a Final Fantasy game? If you answered Cid, pat yourself on the back (and somewhere else if you like). While not specifically mentioning Cid's name, Toriyama did say that a familiar Final Fantasy character will have a major role in FFXIII.

Toriyama also shared some technical details on the game. Save data will take up 500KB. Trophy data takes up 3,080KB (yes, it looks like the game supports Trophies!). In case you were stocking up munitions for a big system wars battle, there won't be a hard disk installation.

Worried about load times? Don't be. The only time you'll see load times is when you transition from town to field. Once you're out on the field, the game is seamless. Toriyama explained that the game's tech staff tackled loading early on in order to keep the experience as smooth as possible.

Nomura also shared some details on some of his other projects, including Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy Agito XIII, and The 3rd Birthday.

Visitors to Square Enix's Tokyo Game Show booth were shown what looked like first gameplay footage of Versus XIII. This footage, Nomura stressed in the interview, was just test footage.

Towards the end of the footage, we got to see main character Noctis running about an expansive open field with giant dinosaur-like creatures roaming about. The giant beasts had no textures, explained Nomura. The staff put the creatures in as a means of testing how large they could make them (they were pretty big!).

A town sequence shown prior to the field sequence featured some human characters who shined with a white color. There won't be any such characters in the actual game, Nomura revealed.

The actual Versus XIII gameplay experience, explained Nomura, will be an extension of Kingdom Hearts, but blended with the "newness" and "nostalgic feel" of Final Fantasy. The development staff is placing a particular emphases on the game's level design.

There will be some sort of partner system, with characters moving independently of one-another, but always connected. The TGS footage apparently had a window in the lower right of the screen displaying the position of your partner characters. This window probably won't make it in, as it gets in the way of making players feel like they're in the game.

We'll get our first real look at non test footage for Versus XIII some time next year. At earliest, we'll have to wait until E3.

On Agito, Nomura said that the Tokyo Game Show battle footage represented something close to the final form of the battle system. The game is, at present, quite difficult, he said. Expect Agito to enter the spotlight more next year.

Finally, Nomura touched just a bit on The 3rd Birthday. This PSP sequel to Parasite Eve was shown minimally during the Square Enix TGS video reel. The blurred bits of gameplay shown during the reel made it look like a third person shooter. The footage was blurred, explained Nomura, because there were some areas that the staff did not want to show. We'll get updates on the game starting next year.

Und weils so schön war, noch ein paar bildchen: :)

Bilder-Quelle : Vgchartz
AW: News

Schöne Bilder!

Final Fantasy XIII wird nach FF XII und FF CC mein 3. Final Fantasy. %)

Bei Final Fantasy finde ich es gut, dass man die Vorgänger gar nicht gespielt haben muss, um z.B. ein FF XIII zu verstehen. :)

Greetz Proble
AW: News

..Solve this Anagram to find out what lies Ahead...

Damit beginnt ein kleines Rätsel auf der FFXIII seite.


Hierzu ein Artikel von Scrawlfx:

Square Enix have released an anagram on the official North American Final Fantasy XIII website today. The puzzle: A Henchmen Inventor Tent Unto. They didn’t say what we should do with these words, but rearranging the letters seems to be the way to go.

What can they be rearranged to? How about “Announcement Nov Thirteenth”?

You know what that means. Stay tuned for November 13, where some sort of Final Fantasy XIII announcement will be made for North America. Hopefully, it’ll be the release date.


Ein Announcement am 13.11? Das Releasedatum? (was sonst :P )

Anmerkend muss man Sagen das dies' scheinbar nur für Nordamerika zählt, aber in anbetracht dessen, das Square Enix sich vorstellen könnte, das Spiel noch vor Ende März '10 in "West" (genauere Spezifikationen gabs nicht, aber ich denke die reden auch hier "nur" vom US Release) zu veröffentlichen, gehe ich von einem genauen Release in diesem Zeitraum aus.
AW: News

Crystalchild am 09.11.2009 19:25 schrieb:
Square Enix startet Offiziellen Countdown
(betreffend des oben genannten Announcements)

Auch auf den Europäischen Seiten des Spiels wird auf den 13. November hingewiesen.
klick mich!



Da hamm' wa´s, das Releasedate.
(Kannst ja das Jap. Datum durch das unsere im Titel ersetzen nali. :] )