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Little Deviants


Bekanntes Gesicht
Mit Little Deviants erwartet uns auf der PlayStation Vita eine farbenfrohe Sammlung an Mini-Games aus dem Entwicklerhaus Bigbig Studios.
In der Haut eines der "Little Deviants" muss sich der Spieler gegen die CPU-gesteuerte oder menschliche Konkurrenz behaupten, wobei jeder der Deviants über spezielle Fähigkeiten verfügt. Im Zentrum steht also klar der schnelle, unkomplizierte Mehrspielerspass.

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IGN Score: 6.0 "Okay"

It’s not to say that Little Deviants is a poor game, because it isn’t. It’s a decent piece of (admittedly overpriced) software. And its pretty, vivid graphics and surprisingly catchy old-school inspired soundtrack certainly please aesthetically. But a strong hook doesn’t exist. To earn gold medals in any activity, you have to be virtually flawless in your execution, something that’s frustrating to accomplish on any motion-based control scheme, nonetheless ones that don’t work as well as others. Without that to draw you in, you could conceivably earn bronze medals to unlock new mini-games and see them all in no more than a few hours. What you have to ask yourself is whether that’s worth Little Deviants’ high asking price of $30 or not.