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[XBOX 360] Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

AW: News

wild-style am 14.08.2008 11:29 schrieb:
Kann man die 60 GB – Festplatte auch einzeln kaufen? Und wenn ja, wie teuer wird sie ungefähr sein?
Die Platte soll später (IMO sicherlich noch vor dem Weihnachtsgeschäft) auch einzeln in den Handel kommen.

So genau hat sich MS zwar noch nicht geäußert, aber auf / zur der E3 hieß es, wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, dass die 60GB-Platte zusammen mit Headset + 3 Monate Xbox Live für 90-99$ in den Handel kommen solle. Würde für Europa mit einem Europreis von 90 bis 99€ rechnen.

In Anbetracht der aktuellen Preise für eine 120GB-Platte (~110€) hätte man da mehr GB / € und noch ist der Markt auch noch nicht ganz so überschwemmt mit gebrauchten 20iger Festplatten, so dass man noch bis 50€ für die alte Platte bekommt.

Neue Xbox Demos
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 – 1009 MB
Suberbike World Championship – 372 MB

Xbox 360 Konsolen in Japan teilweise (Akihabara und Amzon.jp) ausverkauft
Yodobashi Camera in Akihabara is not just a big electronics store in Tokyo, it is one of the largest (if not the largest) electronics stores in the world. I was there earlier this week and was pretty surprised to see that they had sold out of all versions of the Xbox 360 consoles. Looks like the Japanese have got Tales of Vesperia fever, which was recently released over here. There was a demo station set up inside the game department that seem to be attracting interest.

Amazon Japan is also sold out of Xbox 360 consoles.
AW: News

Nali_WarCow am 14.08.2008 11:46 schrieb:
So genau hat sich MS zwar noch nicht geäußert, aber auf / zur der E3 hieß es, wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, dass die 60GB-Platte zusammen mit Headset + 3 Monate Xbox Live für 90-99$ in den Handel kommen solle. Würde für Europa mit einem Europreis von 90 bis 99€ rechnen.
Also wenn sie auch bei uns mit Headset + 3 Monate Gold verkauft wird, spar ich mal mein Geld und warte bis zum Release (hab nämlich nur ne Arcarde ohne Headset).
AW: News

Red Faction Guerillia Betatest (Open Beta für Xbox 360 Gold-User)
Für Xbox 360-Gold-Mitglieder gibt es die Möglichkeit kostenlos an einer open Beta zu „Red Faction Guerilla“ teilzunehmen.

Alles, was man braucht, ist ein kostenloser Fileplanet-Account und dann wählt man diesen Link bzw. klickt auf Fileplanet.com auf den entsprechenden Beta-Test.

Nachdem man dann einige Angaben gemacht hat, bekommt man einen Code, den man über die Xbox 360-Konsole einlösen kann.
Marktplatz -> Code einlösen

Downloadgröße: 640 MB

AW: News

EA Partners Team up With the Creators of the Award-Winning Gears of War and Unreal Series to Publish an All-New IP
Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) and Epic Games, Inc. today announced that they have signed a publishing agreement for an all-new action title for the PC, Xbox 360® video game system and PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system. The new intellectual property is currently in development by Epic’s People Can Fly studio in Poland.
“Epic is excited to work with EA Partners to launch our next big IP on the global stage,” said Mark Rein, vice president, Epic Games. “EA Partners gives independent developers like Epic the muscle of a global publisher like EA, along with the focus and flexibility of a smaller team committed to working with our individual needs.”
“In the last year, EAP has become a powerhouse player in the publishing world with the best of breed developers signing on to leverage EA’s studio-focused philosophy, global scale and publishing leadership,” said Frank Gibeau, President of the EA Games Label. ”Epic brings first class talent and technology to the development of this new title. We are very proud to have Epic join the growing roster of EA Partners.”
“Epic is a legendary studio that is synonymous with quality and EA Partners jumped at the chance to team up with them on the launch of their next blockbuster IP,” said David DeMartini, senior vice president and general manager, EA Partners. “EA Partners is committed to giving the world’s best independent developers access to EA’s global publishing resources, letting them focus on what they do best – making great games.”
For more information about Epic Games, please visit www.epicgames.com.
For more information about EA, please visit our press Web site at http://info.ea.com. […]
AW: News

Neuer Trailer zu Pure

Neuer Trailer zu Saints Row 2

Etliche Gameplayvideos zu Tales of Vesperia

Bilder zu Underwater Wars


Bilder zu Rise oft he Argonauts


Zwei Bilder zu The Precursors und White Gold (Je 1 Bild)


Activision kündigt History Civil War: Secret Mission an
SANTA MONICA, CA – AUGUST 14, 2008 ¬– Activision Publishing, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) announced today that HISTORY Civil War: Secret Missions will be released later this year for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PLAYSTATION®3 and PlayStation®2 computer entertainment systems, and PC. A completely new episode in the HISTORY Civil War franchise, the game will allow players to assume the role of Union and Confederate soldiers fighting behind enemy lines in legendary battles.

“There is a rich history to the Civil War, especially in terms of covert military tactics,” said Dave Oxford, Activision Publishing. “American warfare in the 1860’s was brutal yet surprisingly sophisticated, so it was essential for us to capture this duality.”

The player’s goal in HISTORY Civil War: Secret Missions is to disrupt the armies of both the North and the South by any means necessary, including conducting train raids, stealing ironclad ships, stopping enemy supply lines, destroying enemy artillery and more. All events are drawn from the real life actions of famous partisans, scouts and rangers - fight as a member of Mosby’s Rangers, Sheridan’s Scouts and Grant’s Secret Service and receive your mission commands from famous generals including Robert E. Lee, “Stonewall” Jackson, and Ulysses Grant.

The action in HISTORY Civil War: Secret Mission accurately reflects the guerrilla tactics of the time period. Weapons include the shotgun, the pepperbox revolver and the coffee mill gun, and there is heavy reliance on scouts and naval warfare.

HISTORY Civil War: Secret Missions, which is not yet rated by the ESRB, will be available for $49.99 on Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, $39.99 for Playstation®2 computer entertainment system, and $19.99 for PC. For more information on HISTORY Civil War: Secret Missions videogame, visit www.activision.com.

Rocket Riot Bilder


Screens zu Velvet Assassin


Shaun White Snowboarding – Bilder und Video


Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 Leaderboards im Netz zu sehen

NBA 2k9 Trailer

Neue Gameplayvideos zu Infinite Undiscovery

Keine zusätzlichen Inhalte für Braid

South Park soll Strategiespiel werden
Der auf der E3 2008 angekündigte South Park-Titel für Xbox Live Arcade soll ein Strategiespiel sein. Laut Microsoft und Entwickler Doublesix Games sollen Xbox Live-Funktionen integraler Bestandteil der Spielmechanik sein.

Dazu zählt auch das kommende Live Party System, bei dem bis zu acht Leute miteinander chatten können. Release: 2009

Viva Pinata 2 - Gameplayvideo
AW: News

Mike Caps im Interview zum EA-Deal, New IP & Gears of War 2
VB: What are you trying to do with this game?

MC: I can’t talk too much about this game. What People Can Fly is good at is really fun, over-the-top, crazy first-person shooter experiences. We’re trying to combine that with our new-found ability to create a really interesting franchise. A deep storyline-based world that has fun game play — that thrill movie ride kind of game play. We’ll take what we learned with Gears of War and Gears of War 2 and apply it to what they are good at. EA Partners has an a la carte approach where they have distribution, PR, testing, and design. I don’t need a design director from EA because we are convinced we know what we are doing. But I do need a lot of the services they offer. A lot of publishers have a one-size-fits-all approach. We get frustrated with that. EA has a European studio in Guildford, England, and they can work with People Can Fly. They come visit us in (Raleigh, N.C.) and talk with us. They shuffle around and fit to us. It’s like dating. When someone shows a lot of interest, that’s important.
VB:They offer cross-platform capability (the ability to publish on all game consoles and gadgets)?
MC: Of course. There are benefits to making single-platform games (such as making Gears of War exclusively to the Xbox 360). For this game, we were thinking of cross-platform and EA made a lot of sense for that.
VB: Is Gears of War 2 done?
MC: No. We won’t be until they pull it out of our cold, dead hands. We’re running out of time.

So – maybe – mods for the PS3 version and official DLC for 360?
“We’ll see, we’ll see,” Capps says.
As a parting shot, I asked about chicks in this new game. I hinted (flat-out said) every Epic game I’ve seen is severely devoid of badass females (except Unreal Tournament) and wanted to know if he planned to do anything about it. Apparently, I’m not the only one with this concern. Capps’s girlfriend is also very interested in the badassitute of female characters in Epic games – ditto for the EA handler’s girlfriend and double it for all the guys at People Can Fly with girlfriends.
“Well, we thought about…” Capps starts to say. The EA handler sits up and Capps switches to, “Ah! I can’t, I can’t! You almost got me!”
Almost. The option to play as a girl? Co-op female sidekick? Gotta wait a little longer for more details to leak out.

"We called [Valve's] Gabe [Newell] and Scott [Lynch], and [bioWare's] Ray [Muzyka] is a good friend; I know him well," he explained. "I said, 'Really? EA? Are you sure? Is it just a big check they're giving you?' They don't have a false bone in their body; they're not politicians, those guys, and they were really excited. They're people who we expect to be prima donna developers, like us. We expect to be in charge. Those guys said, 'Yeah, they didn't screw with us.'"
In a recent interview, Valve's Doug Lombardi indicated that an important part of deciding to sign with EA was that, unlike many potential publishing partners, EA was willing to stay hands-off with parts of the publishing process Valve felt comfortable undertaking. Capps described similar reasoning for Epic's deal.

"They give us what we want, checklist-style," he said. "If you don't want design direction help, they cross it off the list, and you just won't have that assigned to the project, and they just won't worry about it. I mean, [they've got] friggin' Valve. They're going to make a good game. We don't want somebody telling us how to light levels."

Tomb Raider Underworld - Gameplayvideo

Far Cry 2 – Jackal HD-Trailer

Der Pate 2 – HD-Trailer

Infinite Undiscovery GT-Preview (HD)

Need for Speed Undercover – HD Trailer

The Force Unleashed Demo am 21.08
Zwar wurde der 21.08 bislang nur für die PS 3 genannt, aber etwa zeitgleich sollte die 360-Version wohl auch erscheinen.

Final Fantasy 13 Infos aus der Famitsu

- The FFXIII demo disc included with FFVIIACC will be a PS3 disc, it's not on a standard blu-ray movie disc. This is good news for people with Euro PS3s, since it'll probably mean the demo will work even if the movie is region locked.

- There're 3 realtime screens of Agito XIII from the trailer, including a screen of Odin.

- 3 pages worth of FFXIII screens and stuff, about 20 screens. There are realtime screens too apparently.

- The FFXIII demo will be from the opening part of the game, and will be longer than FFVIIAC (longer than 90mins? : o).

- 4 pages on Versus, about 10 screens all realtime.

- The world in Versus XIII worships a Shinigami and the Shinigami is designed by Amano

- The cars and clothing seen in the trailers so far will probably change in design for the final game

- The morale of the team is really high!
AW: News

Tomb Raider Underworld – Neue Screens


Braid hat 180,000$ in der Entwicklung gekostet
Mr. Blow estimates that he spent more than $180,000 of his own money during the past three years to develop Braid. He also took time off from his job as a videogame-industry consultant to focus on his project. "I have no idea how well Braid will sell," he says. "Realistically though, I could lose all of that [money]."

Umfangreiches GC 2008 Special (7 Seiten) auf Heise.de
Was ist nur mit Nintendo los? Erst zeigt der Konsolen-Pionier in Los Angeles auf der E3 nur einige Casual-Titel, und dann lässt er die Games Convention in Leipzig sogar ganz aus.[…]
Ein ganz anderes Problem hat Microsoft. Die Xbox 360 verkauft sich nur noch schleppend; zu sehr hatten sich die Redmonder auf die Zielgruppe der Hardcore-Spieler konzentriert. Jetzt versucht man das Ruder mit Casual- und Party-Spielen herum zu reißen[…]
Sony hat zwar bislang bei der Playstation 3 erheblich draufzahlen müssen, aber nach gewonnenem Blu-ray-Kampf und einigen Exklusiv-Erfolgen wie Metal Gear Solid 4 und Gran Turismo 5 Prologue geht es aufwärts.[…]
Derweil steht es um die PSP immer schlechter. Zwar verkauft sich die Hardware vor allem in Japan weiterhin gut, PSP-Spiele finden aber keinen Absatz; nennenswerte Neuveröffentlichungen findet man kaum noch.[…]
Ungebrochen ist derweil der Trend, dass der PC-Spielemarkt kaum noch exklusive Großproduktionen für sich verbuchen kann. Wenn es noch eine Beweises bedürfte, dann hat ihn Crysis im vergangenen Jahr geliefert.[…]
Abseits von Browser-Spielen und MMORPGs ist der PC vielfach nur noch Junior-Partner der Konsolen[…]
AW: News

MS-Server-Stats & Zahlenspiele
Some quick stats gathered from the above clippings: 15 datacenters hosting 148,357 servers sitting on 17,406 racks consuming 72,500KW of utility power as of the end of January 2008 (as indicated by the bar chart).

On the same page there’s also an interesting graph showing the distribution of servers per “property”. Live Search is in the clear lead with approximately 75,000 (50%) of the servers pushing out those less-than-desirable search results, followed by Hotmail. The other notable property occupying a large chunk of the servers would be “other” (appropriately named), which one could assume be dedicated to XBOX Live services and the like.

Assuming these statistics are real and accurate, then at the growth rate of 10,000 servers a month Microsoft should be at 218,000 servers at the end of August 08. A mind-blowing number. They’re going to need more horses.

But, er, if those numbers are to be believed, then Microsoft runs about 8.5 servers per rack, which seems disheartening in this day and age of bladey goodness.
http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=30573 / http://www.vgwatchdog.com/?p=35

Rumors have swirled that Microsoft is preparing to cut prices across its hardware SKUs – a move that UBS analyst Ben Schachter believes would have a "significant impact."
Pachter commented, "Xbox 360 hardware sales were again lighter than we expected, indicating that Microsoft may be experiencing stagnant demand. The company cut the price of its Xbox 360 Pro (20GB) by $50 to $299 in July, but demand remained fairly flat. We do not expect a significant bump in August with the release of the new Pro 60GB at $349. We expect Microsoft to reconsider its pricing strategy, especially if sales of the Xbox 360 continue to lag sales of the PS3."

Warner bringt Musikvideos auf Xbox Live
NEW YORK, August 14, 2008 – Warner Music Group (NYSE: WMG) today announced that it will make its music videos available to Microsoft’s Xbox LIVE community around the world.

Beginning this week, more than 12 million Xbox LIVE members worldwide can download music videos by featured WMG artists from Xbox LIVE Marketplace and watch them on their Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system. The music videos will be from WMG’s world-renowned roster of artists including Cute is What We Aim For, Death Cab For Cutie, Flo Rida, Matchbox Twenty, Panic! At the Disco and T.I. among others.

In making the announcement, Larry Mattera, Senior Vice President, Digital Sales & Marketing, WEA Corp., WMG’s U.S. retail sales and marketing company, said, “Xbox 360 has been an important partner in our efforts to offer consumers more ways to experience our artists’ music and this is especially true among gamers who are some of the most passionate music fans. With this agreement, we can take advantage of Microsoft’s music platform and provide gamers what they want: music videos from their favorite artists that can be downloaded quickly and easily.”

In the coming weeks and months the WMG offering on Xbox LIVE will continue to grow. “We’ve expanded on the strength of our gaming platform with new entertainment experiences,” said Xbox LIVE Sr. Group Product Manager, Peter Orullian. “We’re excited to offer WMG music videos to our 12 million members around the world as we continue to evolve our music presence.”

Xbox LIVE already offers much more than its great game line-up, providing its members with movies, TV episodes, and ways to stay connected with the global community. And coming this fall, Microsoft will introduce a new Xbox experience that will reinvent home entertainment from the inside out, changing the way people stay in touch and enjoy the best entertainment content. The addition of WMG music provides strategic growth for both partners, while giving consumers more entertainment options.
Warner Pressemeldung

Ubisoft: We've reduced staff working PC games due to piracy, focus is consoles
That’s where the good news ends, however, as Guillemot confirms that PC piracy is influencing the company’s developers to focus on consoles. “Piracy is enormously damaging to the market,” he said, adding that the Internet has made piracy easy to do. “So what do we do? Well, it’s better not to invest a lot of money on that particular platform.”

“We know that the developers that are creating the PC game are not going to get paid for the work they do and the games won’t break even. So we prefer to focus on platforms that maybe have less piracy and where more customers are actually paying for the content they consume,” said Guillemot. “We greatly reduced the number of people working on PC games because of that.” Ubisoft isn’t ditching PC publishing altogether, but it certainly isn’t as focused as it used to be. The company now hopes to keep PC in the running with better copy protection measures. The problem now is coming up with a system that PC gamers will accept.

Der Pate 2 – Spielzeit wird bei 15 bis 25 Stunden liegen
Hunter Smith, the game's executive producer at EA's Redwood Stores studio, said that most gamers don't have 80 to 100 hours to dedicate to anything, referencing Rockstar's approach with rival sandbox gangster game Grand Theft Auto IV.

He said: "First time we were down this path we felt like that was an objective of ours, to have 50 to 80 hours of gameplay. We ended up just making s$!t up so we could fill that model. Now I think our range for the player will be somewhere in the 15 to 25 hour experience."

Gears of War 2 Lancer verkauft sich wie warme Semmel

Epic Games wants you to know that the Gears of War 2 Lancer bundle (the one that's exclusive to Amazon.com) is selling like "hot cakes" even at the $139 price point. […] we also learn that the toy Lancer is in fact electronic and with the power of three C size batteries (probably not included), the 36" replica shakes and makes epic chainsaw sounds. Authentic chainsaw sounds! Sign us up for two!

Star Wars – The Force Unleashed Trailer, Cinematic & Gameplayvideos

Händer in Australien wollen Rockband nicht anbieten - zu sperrig, zu spät und teurer als das neue Guitar Hero World Tour
The chequered history of Rock Band in Australia could be set to take yet another turn, as an undisclosed retail source told us today that the game's release may be delayed indefinitely. Word is that retail buyers simply aren't interested in stocking a bulky product that's a year old and will cost more than its similarly bulky – and up to date - competitor Guitar Hero: World Tour.

This is dire news if true, yet that's not the worst of it. Further rumours suggest that - for similar reasons - Rock Band 2 may not come out either, and that the Guitar Hero series has the market sewn up. Whether EA would simply cede control of such a lucrative genre to a competitor remains to be seen, however, and we're hoping that it will still push to release the second game in Australia.

We've approached EA for comment but have been unsuccessful so far. Stay tuned for more info.
AW: News

NBA 09 Bilder
Mehr: http://gamersyde.com/news_6955_en.html

Far Cry 2 Studiobesuch

New 360 web service to make Marketplace content sale easier for developers and publishers
360 owners will soon be able to buy, via their web browser, Marketplace content which is automatically downloaded to their home console, while developers will be able use direct link iTunes-like URLs that let them virally promote their Xbox Live Arcade creations – all as part of new features designed to spur further use of Microsoft’s online content sales.[…]

Via the new storefront users will be able to browse available Xbox 360 content from their computer – either at home or work – which will be then be ‘sent’ to their console as a download. (Presumably, the system requires the console to be in a sleep mode and utilises the on-board download manager to work.)

Microsoft announced it was to launch a Games for Windows Marketplace at the US Gamefest three weeks ago – but it’s not yet clear if it will incorporate the new web-based storefront to the 360 Marketplace […]

So URLs for each piece of content available will create links that directly push consumers towards the product page for each game or piece of downloadable content – and, get them one step closer to clicking ‘buy’ and paying for the content.

Atari to Publish Heroes Over Europe + Screens
LYON, FRANCE – 18 August 2008 – Get ready to scramble! Atari and Red Mile Entertainment are bringing Heroes over Europe, an ultra-realistic seat-of-the-pants tactical flight combat game and the latest in the critically acclaimed Heroes series, to the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and Windows PC in 2009.


Batman: Arkham Asylum – Screens

Mehr: http://screenshots.teamxbox.com/screen/78488/Batman-Arkham-Asylum/

I Am Alive takes “more realistic approach to survival,” says DarkWorks
“We want to take this realistic approach to enlarge the genre, because it’s much more universal,” said the developer boss.
“We’ve been shifting from classic survival horror from back in 2001 with Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare, and we started to introduce disaster aspect with Cold Fear.
“Now we are moving to a more realistic approach to survival, and that’s what we want to renew and bring with this new game.”
Gouraud told us that he now thinks DarkWorks - known for its horror games - is big enough to extend its reach and take on action projects of any kind.
“We’re also very pleased with our growth,” he said. “I think we are already one of the major European studios with 120 people… We think 2009 will be where we shine. We’re set for a new stage.”

Fallout 3 – Bilderflut

Mehr Bilder: http://www.cng4u.com/2008/08/16/fallout-3-scans/

Gamespot Interview mit Mike Capps bezüglich des EA-Deals / Ankündigung vom 3.Epic-Team (Utah) steht bald an
GS: Now this mystery game is being developed for the PS3, PC, and Xbox 360. Are you guys planning on a simultaneous release on all three platforms?
MC: I'd really love to do that, yeah. We'll see what the realities are, and what the time frame is. The best way to do marketing is to release all three at once, so yeah, sure.
GS: OK. And is the PCF game the only new IP in the works at Epic?
MC: We've always got ideas on the table. But Epic's [North Carolina office is] a two-team company, and we're making two franchises right now. Our team in Utah is working on something that we'll announce very soon--that's the team that made Undertow, Chair Entertainment. And now PCF's a one-team company, so they've got this new game to work on.
AW: News

Game Developer Research-Umfrage: Die meisten Entwickler machen Xbox 360-Spiele
18.08.08 - Game Developer Research hat seine neueste Umfrage 'The 2008 State Of Game Development' in den USA veröffentlicht. In dem 180-Seiten starken Bericht wurden fast zweitausend Industrievertreter befragt.

In 55 Fragen wollte Game Developer Research wissen, für welche Plattformen die Firmen entwickeln, welche Tools sie benutzen, wie viel Geld sie für die Entwicklung investieren, uvm.:

- 70 Prozent der Befragten machen Spiele für PC oder Mac. 43 Prozent entwickeln für Konsole und 28 Prozent für Web-Plattformen. 16 Prozent entwickeln Spiele für Handhelds (NDS/PSP).

- 73 Prozent der Konsolen-Entwickler machen Spiele für Xbox 360, 58 Prozent für die PS3 (in diesem Prozentsatz befinden sich auch Entwickler, die Xbox 360-Spiele herstellen).

42 Prozent entwickeln Wii-Spiele, während 15 Prozent für PS2 Software entwerfen.

- Unter den Entwicklern von Handheld-Spielen haben sich 75 Prozent dem Nintendo DS verschrieben, während 45 Prozent der Befragten für PSP entwickeln.
Gamefront.de / http://www.gamedevresearch.com/2008-state-of-game-development-survey.htm

Viele Bilder vom GC 2008 Aufbau

Mehr Bilder: http://www.gamekyo.com/news28606_games-convention-2008-premieres-photos-des-stands.html

Neue Bilder zu Fable 2

AW: News

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Screenshots


X08 am 21.09 in Toronto
On Thursday, August 21, Microsoft will once again host an X0 event in Toronto. A preview event, and not the big Microsoft X0 branded conference held each year, X08 Toronto will showcase upcoming titles from Microsoft, Activision, Electronic Arts and many more. Unfortunately the event is by invitation only but Xbox Canada's community figure Jade has posted details for Canadian gamers looking to score a way in. The event runs from 5PM - 8PM EST in Downtown Toronto, Canada. We'll be there and hope to see you kicking around!

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames – Trailer

Duke Nukem 3D (XBLA) – Achievements bekannt


Mehr Infos zu Duke Nukem 3D (XBLA) – Kommt im September mit 8-Spieler Coop-Modus

I just got my very own shiny copy of Official Xbox Magazine (October 2008) this afternoon. On the cover -- "Finally! The Return of Duke Nukem on Live Arcade!" […]

[via OXM October 2008]
OXM sat down with George Broussard (co-owner of 3D Realms) and he's quoted as saying that XBLA "seemed like the perfect platform [on which to] update and re-release the game." He also states that doing all the work for this XBLA release got them up to speed on all the pieces they'll need to get Duke Nukem Forever certified by Microsoft.
OXM even goes so far as to tease that the game could drop in September.
And if this confirmation's got you interested, consider that this re-release will have 8-player online co-op, recordable (and uploadable) user gameplay clips, Vision camera support for the lobbies, and the ability to rewind time within the single player game. Duke Nukem got a Braid?
AW: News

Tomb Raider Underworld – Neue Bilder


Alarmstufe Rot 2 – Bilder


Two Human Review
[…]At the very least, the cyber-Norse concept of Too Human is a good one that's worth exploring further, just not in this context. The game is simply schizophrenic; it attempts to be all things to all people and never succeeds in executing any of them well. The end result is in dire need of polish and focus, and that doesn't solely apply to gameplay mechanics. There's absolutely no reason why a game released in 2008 should have a bug where characters can fall through solid ground and into some pseudoabyss.
Wertung: C -

Deutscher Spielemarkt wächst zweistellig
Der Videospiele-Markt in Deutschland erreicht im ersten Halbjahr 2008 neue Rekordwerte. Insgesamt 1,05 Milliarden Euro setzte die Branche von Januar bis Juni mit Konsolen sowie Spielen für Konsolen und PCs um.
Das ist ein Plus von 20 Prozent im Vergleich zum ersten Halbjahr 2007. Damals lagen die Umsätze noch bei 873 Millionen Euro
In den vergangenen Jahren sorgten stets neue Modelle für zusätzliches Käuferinteresse. Für das Gesamtjahr 2008 erwartet der BITKOM ein Plus von 13 Prozent auf 2,6 Milliarden Euro. Zum Vergleich: 2007 lag der Wert noch bei 2,3 Milliarden Euro, 2006 bei 1,8 Milliarden. Zudem stieg die Anzahl der verkauften Konsole von 2,7 Millionen Exemplaren im Jahr 2005 auf 2,9 Millionen Exemplare 2006, machte 2007 einen Sprung auf auf 4,1 Millionen und soll im Gesamtjahr 2008 weiter auf 4,3 Millionen abgesetzte Einheiten klettern. Laut Berg habe der Videospiele-Markt in Deutschland eine beachtliche Größe erreicht. Er sei heute mindestens so bedeutend wie andere Zweige der Unterhaltungsbranche, etwa die Film- oder Musikindustrie – mit einem Unterschied: Der Videospiele-Markt wächst rasant.
Als Basis für die Angaben und Prognosen dienen Erhebungen der Marktforschungsinstitute GfK und Media Control.

Spieleentwickler: Mehr Kreativität als Kettensägenmassaker, bitte!
[…] Doch es sind nicht die Gewaltdarstellungen, die Steven Meretzky von Blue Fang Games aufschreien ließen, als er zwei Stunden später auf derselben Konferenz eine "Kultur der Innovation" einforderte. Meretzky kritisiert, dass in den vergangenen Jahren kaum noch neue Genres entwickelt wurden. Es gebe zwar viele technische, aber kaum kreative Innovationen. In 90 Prozent der Spiele ginge es immer nur ums Töten. Das sei langweilig. Dabei gebe es doch so viele andere Dinge, die Spaß und das Leben lebenswert machen. Allein wenn er sich Brettspiele im Unterschied zu Videospielen anschaue, könne er dort in wesentlich mehr Rollen schlüpfen als auf dem Bildschirm, wo er mehr oder minder nur die Wahl zwischen einem Soldaten und Fantasy-Krieger habe.[…]

Neue Bilder zu Sacred 2

Kommentierte Gears of War 2 Level-Demo

Final Fantasy 13 – hochauflösende Bilderscans

AW: News

FUEL – Open World Rennspiel angekündigt
Entwickler heutiger Rennspiele müssen sich schon etwas einfallen lassen, um die Hobby-Raser noch an Rechner und Konsole zu locken. So will Asobo bei seinem Racer gleich ganz auf die Fahrbahnbegrenzung verzichten, sprich ihr könnt querfeldein fahren, wie euch der Sinn steht. In FUEL, das 2009 bei Codemasters für PC, Xbox 360 und PS3 erscheinen wird, gibt es nur eine Vorgabe: Ihr müsst als erster über die Ziellinie, wo immer die sich dann auch befinden mag. Ihr fahrt mit ganz unterschiedlichen Boliden, mit denen ihr nicht nur lange Rennen bestreitet sondern auch wilde Stunts machen könnt.

FUEL spielt in einer Welt, in der Benzin knapp geworden ist; so knapp, dass Rennen darum geführt werden. Die finden an der Pazifikküste, Nevada oder dem Grand Canyon statt, die infolge der Klimakatastrophe leicht verändert sind. Die Welt soll über 14.000 Quadratkilometer groß sein, die ihr frei befahren könnt - inklusive schneebedeckter Berge, dichter Wälder und malerischer Seen. Es wird zudem Tag- und Nachtwechsel sowie intensive Sonneneinstrahlung und schweren Regen geben wie auch Naturkatastrophen wie Gewitter, Tornados oder Schneestürme.

The Tale of Despereaux angekündigt
Brash Entertainment today announced development for The Tale of Despereaux, an interactive game based on Universal Pictures’ animated adventure of the same name. The game shares the fairy-tale look and feel of the upcoming film about a chivalrous mouse, full of courage and honour. The Tale of Despereaux game - created through a licensing agreement with Universal Pictures Digital Platforms Group - will release in conjunction with the film, which arrives in UK theatres on 19th December.

Directed by Sam Fell and Rob Stevenhagen and produced by Gary Ross and Allison Thomas, The Tale of Despereaux features the voice talent of Matthew Broderick, Robbie Coltrane, Frances Conroy, Tony Hale, Ciaran Hinds, Dustin Hoffman, Richard Jenkins, Kevin Kline, Frank Langella, Christopher Lloyd, William H. Macy, James Nesbitt, Stanley Tucci, Tracey Ullman, Emma Watson and Sigourney Weaver.

The game will follow and extend the film’s storyline in adventures spanning from the magical kitchen and colourful rooms of the castle to the dark dungeons of the rat lairs. An introductory training mode, mouse-centric unique abilities, upgradeable skills and objects, and a lot of courage, will help Despereaux face off against a multitude of animal enemies and human foes on his quest to save Princess Pea. Multiple difficulty settings will ensure that a wide range of adventurers can enjoy Despereaux’s heroics again and again.

“Whether charmed by the book or newly introduced to the characters via the film, children of all ages can expand on their love for Despereaux with this title,” said Mitch Davis, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Brash Entertainment. “We’re excited and proud to be translating this classic into an exciting, engaging and enriching game."

“With its focus on publishing film-based games, Brash was the clear partner to develop the interactive adventure that would accompany the film and bring Despereaux to life on gaming screens,” said Bill Kispert, VP and General Manager, Interactive, Universal Pictures Digital Platforms Group. “The game’s attention to detail will allow players to explore all the nooks and crannies of the whimsical Kingdom of Dor.”

The Tale of Despereaux will be available for the XBOX™ 360, PLAYSTATION®2 computer entertainment system, the Wii™ videogame system from Nintendo, and PC, and is set to scurry onto shelves this winter.

World of Zellians angekündigt
LISBON - August 19, 2008 Portugal’s leading video games investor and developer, GAMEINVEST, is creating a beautiful and expansive world for multiple platforms this fall with World of Zellians. Currently in development for Nintendo Wii™, Xbox 360, PlayStation® 3, and PC platforms, World of Zellians is a strategic life simulation game where players must create, manage and grow a prosperous new civilization while caring for the wellbeing of the community. GAMEINVEST is currently looking for qualified distribution and publishing partners for World of Zellians on the various platforms.

“The concept of creating a balanced society in World of Zellians is truly engaging and challenging, and we are designing this experience to be fun and accessible for all audiences – from casual to core gamers,” said GAMEINVEST founder and CEO Paulo Gomes. “As the ruler of this society, players will be responsible for developing the community as well as providing a positive influence in the world – creating a very challenging and interactive gaming experience.”

In World of Zellians, players will develop and manage a civilization of villagers called Zellians. As the ruler over the Zellian planet, players must manage a “Maslow’s Pyramid” hierarchy of Zellian needs, and help evolve the primitive tribe of Zellians into a self-sustaining and prosperous urban society. Players will develop the society by building streets, farms, ranches, watermills, and more. Also, players can assign in-game “Disciples” for the recurring tasks like planting corn, watering fruit trees, and managing the marketplace for Zellians to prosper.

Players will be charged with protecting the Zellian society from an evil god called Zorm. The Zellians live in darkness and fear of Zorm, and players must provide a positive force that brings hope and happiness to the Zellian world. There are many “areas of influence” in the Zellian world that are controlled by Zorm, and players must take control of all these areas and increase their influence over the Zellians in order to succeed in the game. Engage in challenging levels of gameplay to create a balanced and thriving society of Zellians.

Utilizing a Wii remote, a controller or mouse to simply point-and-click on-screen, players will create, destroy or move objects, control weather and time, and more. With accessible gameplay mechanics and increasing levels of tasks and villagers to manage, players of all ages and skill levels will be drawn into the World of Zellians.

Neue Bilder zu Banjo-Kazooie: Schraube locker (dt. Titel :B )

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Velvet Assassin Games Convention 2008-Trailer

Screens aus dem Trailer (wurden aus dem Video erstellt)

Far Cry 2 Leveleditor – Xbox 360 Demonstration

Bilder aus dem Video

Resident Evil 5 GC 08-Trailer

Silent Hill Homecoming – Neue Bilder

Mehr Bilder: http://screenshots.teamxbox.com/gallery/1802/Silent-Hill-Homecoming/p1/
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Trailer zu Bionic Commando

Endwar Trailer

Castel Crushers – 15 Minuten Gameplayvideo

Vorbestellaktion: Banjo Kazooie: Schraube locker vorbestellen und das XBLA Remake von Banjo Kazooie kostenlos bekommen
Oder lieber gleich nur Geld für die XBLA-Version ausgeben. :B
AW: News

Ups, Xbox 360 in Japan ausverkauft – Nachlieferung kommt erst nächsten Monat
To all customers
We truly thank you for all your patronage in the past.
Currently, the Xbox 360 is sold out, and retailers are unable to restock their supply. This is a result of our own sales targets being exceeded by the actual customer sales. We deeply apologize for this inconvenience to our customers, retailers and business partners.
Here at Microsoft, we are moving forward quickly with console production, and plan to ship the standard Xbox 360 model out this September. Furthermore, we will sequentially be shipping out the Elite and the Arcade models. We ask that you please patiently wait until the console is shipped.
We truly thank you for your patronage hereafter.
Home and Entertainment HQ

Japanischer Händler macht Werbung für die Xbox 360-Version von Final Fantasy 13

Yes, yes, we know. Square Enix has confirmed Final Fantasy XIII on the PS3 for Japan only. While it's multi-platform in North America and Europe, there's been no official announcement of the Xbox 360 getting that title there. That doesn't stop this Japanese retailer from teasing the possibility of an Xbox 360 version of the game being released. A prophecy of things to come or merely wishful thinking? YOU DECIDE.
No, wait. SQUARE ENIX DECIDES. Hit the jump for a close-up of the store made box art.

The box says in big characters:
"And at last
That game...!?"

Sims 3 erscheint am 20.02.2009 / Demo für Xbox 360 / PS 3 am 11.09.2008

Monolpoly & Live Season wird für Xbox 360 kommen (und andere Konsolen)

Infos aus der Konami-PK
Rock Revolution erscheint für PS3, Xbox360, Wii und Nintendo DS
Lords of Shadow ist ein neuer Action-Titel, der Anfang 2010 für Xbox 360 und PS 3 erscheinen wird

Pressemeldung zu Lord of Shadows
Lords of Shadow: Licht am Ende der Dunkelheit

Konami Digital Entertainment enthüllt neues Action-Adventure seiner europäischen Entwicklungs-Abteilung

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH stellt auf der Games Convention mit Lords of Shadow einen einzigartigen neuen Titel für PLAYSTATION 3 und Xbox 360 aus seiner europäischen Entwicklungs-Abteilung vor, dessen Erscheinen für 2010 geplant ist.

Lords of Shadow wird von dem in Madrid beheimateten Studio Mercury Steam entwickelt und präsentiert sich als fesselndes Action-Adventure mit größtem, visuellen Detailreichtum und weitläufigem Gameplay. Lords of Shadow spielt während des Mittelalters in Süd-Europa. Die detailreich gestalteten Schauplätze sind Ort für eine epische Auseinandersetzung zwischen Gut und Böse. So lässt sich Lords of Shadow am besten als düsteres Märchen beschreiben.

Es ist die Geschichte eines Mannes, der in einer Welt voller Mord und Betrug auf der Suche nach der wahren Bedeutung von Aufopferung und Hingabe ist. Der Spieler findet sich darin in der Rolle des mysteriösen Gabriel wieder. In seinem Herzen ist der Titel ein enorm weitläufiges Adventure aus Third Person-Sicht, in dessen Verlauf jedoch auch Kämpfe und das Lösen von Rätseln eine gewichtige Rolle spielen. Geheimnisvolle Artefakte können zudem genutzt werden, um Gabriels Stärke zu erhöhen.

Lords of Shadow nutzt ein einzigartiges, multifunktionales Waffen-System namens Combat Cross, mit dessen Hilfe Gabriels bevorzugte Waffe für eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Zwecke eingesetzt werden kann. Eine verlängerbare Kette etwa eignet sich ebenso für durchschlagende Attacken aus der Distanz wie für den gezielten Griff nach Feinden. Geht es in ein Handgemenge, verändert sich Combat Cross in eine Stichwaffe oder einen schweren Knüppel, der auch in der Defensive eingesetzt werden kann.

Die riesige Spielwelt umfasst Waldsümpfe ebenso wie unterirdische Katakomben oder verschneites Ödland. Mit seinen aufwändig gestalteten Grafiken, dem sorgsam auf den Spielverlauf abgestimmten Gameplay, einer Vielzahl an monströsen Widersachern und gewaltigen, bildschirmfüllenden Endgegnern ist Lords of Shadow das bislang ambitionierteste Projekt der europäischen Entwicklungs-Abteilung.

"Lords of Shadow ist ein äußerst bedeutender Titel für uns", so Dave Cox, Executive Producer und Head of Product Planning von Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH. "Jedes Element des Spiels wird das Maximum aus der Hardware herausholen. Mercury Steam produziert einen Titel mit atemberaubenden Grafiken, fesselndem Gameplay und kinoreifen Qualitäten. Es ist ein episches Spiel, das gleichzeitig eine zutiefst menschliche und emotionale Story erzählt - ein Titel, von dem wir hoffen, dass er einen neuen Standard bei Action-Adventures setzt."