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Gears of War 2 – offizielle Achievementliste
Gears of War 2 Gameplay from PAX
(Benötigen Erfolge aus Gears of War 1)
Gears of War 2 – Anspielbericht von G4TV
6-Seiten-Interview mit Rod Fergusson von Epic Games
Gears of War 2 – offizielle Achievementliste
Gears of War 2 Gameplay from PAX

(Benötigen Erfolge aus Gears of War 1)
Complete Act 1 in Gears of War: Unlock Anthony Carmine multiplayer skin in Gears of War 2.
Find 10 COG tags in Gears of War: Unlock Minh Young Kim multiplayer skin in Gears of War 2.
Defeat RAAM in Gears of War: Unlock RAAM multiplayer skin in Gears of War 2.
Gears of War 2 – Anspielbericht von G4TV[…] New & Updated Weapons
• Flamethrower (NEW) - The flamethrower is definitely brutal and can down an enemy in a matter of seconds. An active reload sends the guns range into overdrive and it's fairly deadly from a good distance away. We think we also noticed a bit of splash damage for burning people behind cover, but don't quote us. While the original power weapons from Gears seemed to focus on ranged power, the flamethrower will become the dominant force in close-quarters combat.
• Boomshot (UPDATED) - The Boomshot is mostly the same, but now comes with three rockets for all your gibbing pleasure!
• Shield (NEW) - The shield deflects bullets and melee strikes alike, but locks you to a pistol. It can be planted in the ground to be used as an improvised piece of cover. A group of two teammates can move on an enemy position with a shield up front with a good deal of success. Gears of War has always been a cover-based game and going mobile with cover takes the game to the next level.
• Gas Grenade (NEW) - The gas grenade is an effective area-denial weapon, but it's a little hard to see the gas. We noticed a few people standing in the gas without even realizing they were being damaged. It doesn't obscure your vision like smoke grenades, however.
• Smoke Grenade (UPDATED) - Get ready for this... smoke grenades are useful now. Extremely useful. All players start with two smoke grenades and will actually use them. The new smoke grenades will send enemies flying with a forceful explosion before laying down a smoke screen. This is great for clearing out the area around a power weapon and grabbing a bigger gun while your enemies struggle to their feet.
• Planting Grenades (NEW) - Grenades can be planted on walls and cover and act as proximity mines to enemies. We were able to get some great kills by covering the corners with frags and smoke grenades while retreating.
• River - River was playable and fits the formula for a great Gears map. Players start on opposite sides above a canal, which has the Boomshot in the middle under a bridge. On top of the bridge, the flamethrower sits in between some sandbags. On either side of this bridge are each team's tower, which holds the sniper rifle in one and the torque bow in the other. It plays well and was definitely the better of the two new maps we played.
• Security - This map features a laser grid guarding a power weapon, but no one seemed to figure out how to turn them off. They were happy to congregate in the middle for some straight-up fragging. It's a well-designed map, but we're concerned it'll play out like Garden with no one bothering to turn the gas off to grab the sniper rifles.
• Gridlock - Gridlock has received a makeover, but plays exactly the same. This is a good thing.
Updated Melee System
Chainsaw duels are exciting, awesome, and bring the thrill of a button mashing mini-game to sawing your opponent in half. Unlike Gears of War, the sequel doesn't offer invulnerability to the man with the saw. You better make sure you're in the clear before revving your Lancer, but catch your enemy from the back and get a great new bottom-to-top sawing animation.
We are pretty sure we also saw melee clashes (think about swords in Halo 3), which would send players back from each other with no damage dealt. This should help deal with lag issues deciding who hit the melee first.
We also noticed a lot more chainsaw kills, but this could be due to the 5th man on a team.
New Observer Mode
The original Gears had a fairly lackluster observer mode for deceased players, but this is all fixed for Gears 2. You'll get the original chase cam and map views, but Epic has added a full, free-floating camera for manual observation. It definitely lets you keep on top of all the action instead of watching your stupid teammate search around the map for that elusive enemy they just can't seem to find. […]
6-Seiten-Interview mit Rod Fergusson von Epic Games[…] We're getting a few years into the Xbox 360 lifespan experience; where do you think we are, technologically, in terms of the potential of the system, this generation?
RF: That's a good question. I mean, I'm not the technical guy, so my ability to speak to where the engine goes is -- all I know is that with the two to three more years of optimization that we've had, we're much further along than I think, three years ago, we thought we were going to get.
So I think we're certainly approaching the upper end of it, as far as what developers are able to do with it, but just looking at all the demos we saw today -- ours and others -- it's clear that all the games just keep improving, and keep pushing that bar.
I think it's just a matter of, you know, it's a slow cycle; you only get a kick at it every couple years, and so it takes a while for people to see that progress. There will be games in development that won't ship until 2010, and I'm sure they'll look killer, just because, again, they'll have more time with it, and learn from mistakes and optimizations of others. So, I don't know; I think we're getting up there, but I still think there's room to grow. […]