Das hasse ich auch unendlichxCharonx am 05.11.2008 22:51 schrieb:Dieser beschissene Postbote hat nicht mal geklingelt sondern einfach einen blauen Schein im Briefkasten hinterlassen. Rattenmann. Ich hätte heute schon spielen können. grrr
http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=20970[…] THQ did point to some recent highlights, such as strong critical reception of De Blob and Saints Row 2, with the latter achieving sales in excess of 2 million units in its first two weeks at retail.
http://www.areagames.de/artikel/detail/Beeindruckende-Verkaufszahlen-fuer-Fallout-3/96669 / http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/bethesda-softworks-announces-successful-launch-of-fallout-3,610174.shtmlSeit der Veröffentlichung am 28. Oktober in den USA bzw. dem 31.10.2008 in Europa hat sich das Spiel weltweit insgesamt 4,7 Millionen Mal verkauft.
Nali_WarCow am 06.11.2008 13:23 schrieb:2 Millionen Saints Row 2 verkauft
http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=20970[…] THQ did point to some recent highlights, such as strong critical reception of De Blob and Saints Row 2, with the latter achieving sales in excess of 2 million units in its first two weeks at retail.
http://www.consolewars.de/news/newsdisplay.php?idx=22761Sega hat heute die Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection angekündigt. Diese soll Anfang 2009 für PS3 und Xbox 360 erscheinen. Enthalten sind über 40 Mega Drive-Klassiker, darunter Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2 und 3, Columns, Alien Storm, Ecco the Dolphin, Space Harrier und Streets of Rage 1, 2 und 3. Alle Spiele bieten dabei eine 720p-Auflösung.
Für die Entwicklung ist Backbone Entertainment verantwortlich, die auch schon einige der Klassiker für Xbox Live Arcade veröffentlicht haben. Ein Preis für die Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection steht noch nicht fest.
Microsoft has announced that Halo Wars, the Halo-themed RTS from Ensemble Studios, will launch in February 2009. Furthermore, the company has announced that a limited edition version of the game will be released and detailed its contents. Retailing for $79.99, the limited edition of Halo Wars includes:
• Three new Halo 3 (not Halo Wars) multiplayer maps. The maps include Assembly, Orbital, and Sandbox. You might recognize those maps as the upcoming Mythic Map Pack.
• Halo Wars: Genesis -- A graphic novel by Phil Noto, Ensemble's own Graeme Devine and Halo novelist Eric Nylund. The novel details the first human conflict with the Covenant and "centers around the Spirit of Fire on a mission to discover why the Covenant are so interested in the world of Harvest."
• The "Honor Guard" Wraith in-game vehicle
• Six "Leader Cards." Trading cards, we're guessing, or something like them.
• Spirit of Fire Patch. You know, the iron-on kind. Have fun explaining what it means to your non-gaming friends.
The press release also notes that those who pre-order at certain (unannounced) retailers will get a code to unlock a Warthog vehicle with flame decals.
While we're intrigued by the graphic novel, we have to admit the inclusion of the Mythic Map Pack is a pretty crafty move. The announcement says that those with the Halo Wars LE will be among "the first to experience the Mythic Map Pack," which implies that they can get their hands on the maps before they become available to the general public. We get the feeling that a lot of Halo players are suddenly very interested in RTS games.
http://www.4players.de/4players.php/spielinfonews/Allgemein/14048/1861798/Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Alien Storm
Altered Beast
Beyond Oasis
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head
Dr. Robotnik's MBM
Dynamite Headdy
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco II: The Tides of Time
Fatal Labyrinth
Gain Ground
Golden Axe I
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Kid Chameleon
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
Shining in the Darkness
Shining Force
Shining Force 2
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic and Knuckles
Sonic Spinball
Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Sonic The Hedgehog 3
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3
Super Thunder Blade
Vectorman 28
Allerdings ist noch etwas Vorsicht geboten, da die Liste noch nicht final ist. Wir haben bei Sega nachgefragt und die Aussage bekommen, dass sich die Zusammensetzung durchaus noch ändern kann. Wenn das bedeutet, dass das großartige Revenge of Shinobi noch mit ins Spiel kommt, soll uns das nur recht sein.
http://www.consolewars.de/news/newsdisplay.php?idx=22767Bereits im letzten Jahr tauchten Meldungen auf, dass Capcom das kanadische Studio Blue Castle Games mit der Entwicklung von Dead Rising 2 beauftragt haben soll. Heute wurde diese Meldung nun erneut bekräftigt.
So wollen die Kollegen von Eurogamer von einer dem Entwickler nahestehenden Quelle erfahren haben, dass man bei Blue Castle Games tatsächlich an dem zweiten Teil des Zombie-Gemetzels arbeitet. "Jeder ist sehr aufgeregt. Das Team hat die Gerüchte gelesen und es ist schwer für sie, nicht darüber sprechen zu dürfen. Sie können es nicht erwarten das Spiel endlich zu präsentieren," so die anonyme Quelle.
Blue Castle Games hat bislang das Baseballspiel The Bigs für 2K Sports entwickelt und vor kurzem MLB Front Office Manager angekündigt, welches ebenfalls für 2K Sport entsteht. Jedoch sucht man in einer Stellenanzeige derzeit Mitarbeiter für ein noch geheimes Action-Projekt, welches hinter verschlossenen Türen entsteht.
Capcom hat sich bislang noch nicht dazu geäußert.
http://news.vgchartz.com/news.php?id=2496According to early reports, Gears of War 2 emerged with massive sales, chalking up an incredible 2,100,000 units on Day 1. It looks to do over 2,500,000 units on Week-1, with only 2 days of sales for the week.
By Benjamin Schlichter
[email protected]
According to early retailer reports, and user polls, Gears of War 2 is shaping up to be one of the biggest Xbox 360 titles to date, putting it in very similar territory to blockbusters 'Halo 3' and 'Grand Theft Auto IV'
Using the aforementioned data, Gears of War 2 looks to have debuted to midnight and Friday sales of 1,400,000 units in North America, and 700,000 units in 'Others' territories. This would be roughly 20% lower, by comparison, to Halo 3's massive debut, which wound up with 3.8 million units sold it's first week on the market.
However, the great difficulty with projecting and analysing Gears of War 2 data is that it debuted on a Friday - Whereas tradtitional release dates put most games (Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto, ect) on a Tuesday worldwide. The release date was rumored to move to Friday due to the US Election that was on the 4th - a Tuesday.
Because of this, it's very likely that Gears of War 2 will see higher than normal sales on Week 2 - which have a great probability of eclipsing 1,000,000 unit sales on it's second week. This would make it the fastest selling title on the Xbox 360 during week 2.
http://forums.banjo-kazooie.com/blogs/sample_weblog/archive/2008/11/08/13757.aspxGOOD NEWS: Fix for small text on SD TVs issue in the works!
Greetings and salutations, Banjo collective. I've got some good news that's sure to delight owners of SD TVs itching to enjoy the new Banjo game to the fullest extent upon its release next week(!). We're now working on a fix to resolve the related issues and you can check out the official statement below for the the full lowdown:
“It has come to our attention that people are experiencing subtitle readability issues with Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts on Standard Definition TVs. We would like to assure you that contrary to earlier reports, we are aware of the issue and currently working on a title update to be released within the next 30 days that will fix it for those with Standard Definition TVs. We’re committed to ensuring all fans of the franchise are able to have the best experience possible with Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.”
Just to head off any confusion, you can take subtitles to mean the dialogue text. So now you'll all be able to have a good old chuckle at the text our elusive Editor (he of Rare Scribes) has carefuly crafted for you.
If you have any questions, there's a comments field just below that's just begging you to sound off in.
Have fun!
Wiinator am 11.11.2008 16:37 schrieb:GOOD NEWS: Fix for small text on SD TVs issue in the works!
Geht doch! :>
http://gamerscoreblog.com/team/archive/2008/11/11/562307.aspxToday, the Consumer Electronics Association announced that the New Xbox Experience was selected as a CES Innovations 2009 Design and Engineering Award honoree in the Electronic Gaming product category. The Innovations Awards have come to represent the best-designed products and services in consumer technology.
http://kotaku.com/5083456/microsoft-swings-xbox-live-banhammer-thousands-fallThe forums trolled by Xbox Live subscribers are thick with accounts of bannings today, with what appears to be a broad sweeping set of Live accounts deleted, keeping thousands from accessing online gaming. At this point, we're not sure of the root cause — and neither, does it appear, do those affected — but there is rampant talk in the Xbox Scene forums, at least, about the abuse of pirated copies of games like Gears of War 2 and Call of Duty: World At War. It's all cleaned up "played early" and "back up copy" talk — thinly veiled "I pirated Game X before launch day" — amongst some users.
Others swear innocence and false bannings. Whatever the cause, it's affecting a larger group than normal. We're attempting to learn more from the folks at Microsoft about the current rash of Xbox Live bannings and who is affected.
http://community.lionhead.com/blogs/fable_2_development/archive/2008/11/11/3221309.aspxNormally, we don't like to tease too much. You know, all this hype being generated by teasing the announcement that there will be an announcement in X-number of days. Who cares? But in this day and age where a gazillion titles are asking for your attention, I felt it might be the right thing to do on the blog. We've got some Goodnews for all Fable II fans next week, dare I even say it's quite a big announcement? Yes of course I dare say it's a big announcement regarding Fable II, next week!
In other news, if you are still hungry for the backstory on Fable and Fable II, check out our Tales of Albion feature. The map of Travels in Today's Albion has been pretty much completely revealed now...
http://kotaku.com/5083923/microsoft-comments-on-live-banningsIn our our continued effort to keep gameplay safe and secure for our community of more than 14 million members, Microsoft has taken action against a small percentage of Xbox 360 consoles that have been illegally modified in order to play pirated games. You should know that modifying your Xbox 360 console is also a violation of the Xbox LIVE terms of use, will void your warranty and result in a ban from Xbox LIVE. [...] We will continue to employ and bolster anti-piracy security measures to counter piracy in the gaming industry and improve security in the Xbox LIVE community.
http://majornelson.com/archive/2008/11/12/gears-of-war-sells-2-million-units-and-we-unlocked-over-19-million-achievements.aspxIn addition to the 2 million copies of Gears of War 2 that flew off the shelves over the weekend, LIVE was pretty active as well. More than 1.5 million people signed into "Gears of War 2" during the weekend, racking up a total 15 million gameplay hours and helping set a new record for concurrent LIVE players. These players also collectively unlocked more than 19 million GoW2 Achievements.
http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2008/11/13/rumor-resident-evil-5-demo-news-incoming/"We'll be making an announcement about that relatively soon," said Takeuchi when asked about the possibility of a RE5 demo being released. And we don't think we have to tell you that we'd be all for a RE5 demo prior to launch.
http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2008/11/13/rumor-zune-to-double-as-additional-xbox-storage/The rumor comes from the latest Zune newsletter that posts a link to this survey. After click "Yes" to the first question, question number two asks "Have you ever connected your Zune to your Xbox to do any of the following?" Not newsworthy, except for the fact that one of the possible answers is "Use my Zune hard drive for extra Xbox storage". Interesting ...
Just don't get too excited, because survey answer could have duel meanings. It could be referring to a Zune being used as official Xbox 360 storage allowing game saves and Marketplace downloads, which would be BIG news. Or the survey answer could be referring to the Zune being a portable media device and used as music and picture storage for use on the 360. If that's the case, this isn't news.
http://www.consolewars.de/news/newsdisplay.php?idx=22838Englisch (Andy Gray, Martin Tyler)
Französisch (Herve Mathoux, Franck Sauzée)
Italienisch (Giuseppe Bergomi, Fabio Caressa)
Deutsch (Tom Bayer, Sebastian Hellman)
Spanisch (Paco González, Manolo Lama)
Mexikanisch (Perro Bermúdez, Ricardo Pelaez)
Holländisch (Youri Mulder, Evert Ten Napel)
Europäisch Portugiesisch (David Carvalho, Hélder Conduto)
Ungarisch (Richard Faragó, István B. Hajú)
Russisch (Yuri Rozanov, Vasily Solojov)
Schwedisch (Glenn Hysén, Henrik Strömblad)
Tschechisch (Bosák Jaromír, Petr Sv?cený)
Polnisch (W?odzimierz Szaranowicz, Dariusz Szpakowski)
Brasilianisch Portugiesisch (Paulo Vinícius Coelho, Nivaldo Prieto)
akt.Woche letzteWoche Veränderung
NDS 113.278 188.294 -75.016
PSP 43.726 50.358 -6.632
Wii 24.726 23.123 1.603
PS3 18.354 39.587 -21.233
360 12.759 6.119 6.640
PS2 5.743 6.714 -971
01. Hoshi no Kirby: Ultra Super Deluxe NDS 266.000
02. Rhythm Tengoku Gold NDS 40.000
03. Wagamama Fashion Girls Mode NDS 37.000
04. Pokémon Platinum NDS 37.000
05. Grand Theft Auto IV PS3 36.000
06. Valkyrie Profile: Toga o Seoumono NDS 32.000
07. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G PSP 19.000
08. Personal Trainer: Walking NDS 18.000
09. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Spec III PS3 17.000
10. LittleBigPlanet PS3 17.000
System Oct-08 (4W) Sep-08 (5W) Veränderung Aug-08 (4W)
Wii 803K 687K +116K 453K
Nintendo DS 491K 536K -45K 536K
Xbox 360 371K 347K +24K 195K
PSP 193K 238K -45K 253K
PlayStation 3 190K 232K -42K 185K
PlayStation 2 136K 173K -37K 144K
360 NBA 2K9 TAKE 2 202K
Oct-07 Oct-08 CHG Oct 07 Oct 08 CHG
Video Games $1.12B $1.31B 18% $10.50B $13.13B 25%
VG Hardware $470.47M $494.74M 5% $4.13B $4.72B 14%
VG Software $514.60M $696.79M 35% $4.98B $6.76B 36%
VG Accessories $130.81M $120.19 -8% $1.40B $1.65B 18%
PS2 42.743.000
NDS 22.893.000
WII 13.351.000
PSP 12.806.000
360 11.613.000
PS3 5.684.000
NDS 5.341.000
WII 5.981.000
360 2.459.000
PS3 2.441.000
PSP 2.308.000
PS2 1.887.000
Anita Frazier schrieb:Overall:
"The video games industry grew an impressive 18% year-over-year in the first month of the critical fourth quarter. With 10-months under its belt, the video games industry is still poised to top $22B in annual sales in 2008."
"The sales results are mixed this month, however. The console portion of the market made significant gains at 26% across hardware, software and accessories, while the portable side of the market stalled, declining 14%. Year-to-date the portable segment of the market is still up 7%."
"The greater supply of Wii hardware at retail is evident in the sales figures for the month with the Wii enjoying its best sales month outside of last November and December."
"The price reduction on the Xbox 360 is paying dividends at retail as the platform realized a 7% unit sales increase over September. Keeping in mind that September was a 5-week month while October had four, the sales pace increased 33%."
"The PS3 realized the greatest year-over-year monthly unit sales increase at 57%."
"Console software sales realized the greatest percentage gain year-over-year of any category. This month, Fable II captured the top spot selling 790K units across the standard and limited edition SKU's."
"The expanding variety of content available for consumers to play is clearly paying off for the industry. Looking at the top 10 games for the month, half are "M" rated games while the other half are "E" rated games and they span disparate genres. There is something for everyone on this list"
"Accessory sales are down for the month but we should expect this category to pick up again with the anticipated increases in hardware sales for the holidays."
http://www.gamedaily.com/articles/news/npd-wii-fable-ii-fuel-sales-of-131-billion-in-october-for-us-game-industry/?biz=1&page=1Wii Music - 81K
Guitar Hero World Tour (all SKUS) - 534K
Rock Band 2 (LTD) - 600K
http://kotaku.com/5086686/microsoft-responds-to-october-npd-sales-seems-pleasedSince its U.S. launch on Oct. 21, “Fable II” has sold more than 1.5 million units worldwide for Xbox 360 in the first two weeks of retail, making it the fastest selling RPG on Xbox 360 and the most popular game, across all platforms, in the US in October. (October NPD data and Microsoft Internal Data)
Eigentlich nicht schlecht, aber in Anbetracht dessen, was Rare aus Banjo gemacht auch nicht unbedingt etwas, was ich jetzt so heiß erwarten würde. Ist irgendwie schade, aber Vertrauen in Rade, dass die ein gutes Spiel abliefern, habe ich irgendwie nicht mehr.meisternintendo am 16.11.2008 20:32 schrieb:Rare belebt alte Franchises wieder [...]
Nali_WarCow am 16.11.2008 21:25 schrieb:Eigentlich nicht schlecht, aber in Anbetracht dessen, was Rare aus Banjo gemacht auch nicht unbedingt etwas, was ich jetzt so heiß erwarten würde. Ist irgendwie schade, aber Vertrauen in Rade, dass die ein gutes Spiel abliefern, habe ich irgendwie nicht mehr.meisternintendo am 16.11.2008 20:32 schrieb:Rare belebt alte Franchises wieder [...]![]()
Dito.Nali_WarCow am 16.11.2008 21:25 schrieb:Eigentlich nicht schlecht, aber in Anbetracht dessen, was Rare aus Banjo gemacht auch nicht unbedingt etwas, was ich jetzt so heiß erwarten würde. Ist irgendwie schade, aber Vertrauen in Rade, dass die ein gutes Spiel abliefern, habe ich irgendwie nicht mehr.meisternintendo am 16.11.2008 20:32 schrieb:Rare belebt alte Franchises wieder [...]![]()