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PS3 Spring Cups


PlayStation 3 spring cups announced

After the little glimpse at an ice age in the last couple of weeks, temperatures are rising again and spring is on the move. Well, not really, but we like to persuade ourselves that this is the case. Either way, we are going to warm up your limbs by starting several new cups in the UCL's PlayStation 3 section. Find all the needed information in this news!

=> read more: http://ps3.consoles.net/ucl/news/75528/
Consoles-Mod am 20.01.2009 15:10 schrieb:
PlayStation 3 spring cups announced

After the little glimpse at an ice age in the last couple of weeks, temperatures are rising again and spring is on the move. Well, not really, but we like to persuade ourselves that this is the case. Either way, we are going to warm up your limbs by starting several new cups in the UCL's PlayStation 3 section. Find all the needed information in this news!

=> read more: http://ps3.consoles.net/ucl/news/75528/

Auf einer deutschen Seite sollte mans schon auch in Deutsch schreiben
Killzone am 13.02.2009 13:53 schrieb:
Auf einer deutschen Seite sollte mans schon auch in Deutsch schreiben
UCL ist keine deutsche Seite, sondern Weltweit. Und da Englisch die Weltsprache ist, wieso auf Deutsch?

Edit: War das Pushen überhaupt nötig? :rolleyes: