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Eminem Scraps The Sequel: New Album, RECOVERY, Set For June 22nd Release

SANTA MONICA, CA - April 15, 2010 - The much-anticipated new album
from Eminem, Recovery (Aftermath/Interscope), will be
released June 22, 2010, it was announced today by Interscope Records. On
Recovery, his seventh major label studio album, Eminem
has reached out to an exciting list of first-time collaborators,
including DJ Khalil, Just Blaze, Jim Jonsin and Boi-1da, among others.
Eminem releases Recovery just over a year after his
last album, 2009’s Relapse. Relapse put the cap on an
impressive ten years of recorded output, and contributed to Eminem being
the biggest selling artist of 2000-2009. In recognition of this,
Neilsen SoundScan named him their Artist of the Decade. Relapse
entered the charts at #1 and, at nearly double platinum, was the best
selling rap album of last year. It also earned Eminem his 11th Grammy
award, winning in the Best Rap Album category. Relapse’s first
single, “Crack A Bottle” from Eminem, Dr. Dre and 50 Cent, soared to #1
on the Billboard Hot 100 (Eminem’s second #1 after 2002’s “Lose
Yourself”) and set a SoundScan record at the time of its release for
opening week download sales (418,000). The album also spun off two other
hits; the Top 10 “We Made You” and Top 20 “Beautiful.”
"I had originally planned for Relapse 2 to come out last
year," remarked Eminem. "But as I kept recording and working with new
producers, the idea of a sequel to Relapse started to make less
and less sense to me, and I wanted to make a completely new album. The
music on Recovery came out very different from Relapse,
and I think it deserves its own title."
Eminem has sold more than 78,000,000 albums worldwide. After 1999’s
quadruple platinum The Slim Shady LP, The Marshall Mathers LP
(2000) and The Eminem Show (2002) became two of the Top 5 best
selling albums of the 2000s, with approximately 10,000,000 copies of
each sold in the U.S. alone. 2004’s Grammy-nominated Encore
reached #1 and was certified quadruple platinum. The #1, double
platinum, 2005 greatest hits collection Curtain Call: The Hits
and #2, platinum, 2006 various artists compilation Eminem Presents:
The Re-Up
bis zum 22. juni kann ich noch gut warten. muss mir eh vorher noch relapse refill zulegen. ;)
Also, es gab da sone Aktion: Man sollte sich Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven runterladen, und somit den DSDS Gewinner nicht auf Platz 1 kommen zu lassen. Wegen guter Musik und so.
Das gleiche gabs auch für Lena Meier Landruth und Blümchen oder so.
Naja, wie du siehst hat Stairway to Heaven es geschafft und ist Platz 1 der Downloadcharts, zumindest bei Amazon. %)
Also, es gab da sone Aktion: Man sollte sich Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven runterladen, und somit den DSDS Gewinner nicht auf Platz 1 kommen zu lassen. Wegen guter Musik und so.
Das gleiche gabs auch für Lena Meier Landruth und Blümchen oder so.
Naja, wie du siehst hat Stairway to Heaven es geschafft und ist Platz 1 der Downloadcharts, zumindest bei Amazon. %)
In den Single-Charts hat diese lächerliche Aktion aber gar nix gerissen.
Der DSDS-Sieger ist wie immer auf Platz 1
Also, es gab da sone Aktion: Man sollte sich Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven runterladen, und somit den DSDS Gewinner nicht auf Platz 1 kommen zu lassen. Wegen guter Musik und so.
Das gleiche gabs auch für Lena Meier Landruth und Blümchen oder so.
Naja, wie du siehst hat Stairway to Heaven es geschafft und ist Platz 1 der Downloadcharts, zumindest bei Amazon. %)
In den Single-Charts hat diese lächerliche Aktion aber gar nix gerissen.
Der DSDS-Sieger ist wie immer auf Platz 1
Nicht wirklich was gerissen, aber trotzdem hat es Stairway to Heaven auf den 15. Platz geschafft :) .
Also, es gab da sone Aktion: Man sollte sich Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven runterladen, und somit den DSDS Gewinner nicht auf Platz 1 kommen zu lassen. Wegen guter Musik und so.
Das gleiche gabs auch für Lena Meier Landruth und Blümchen oder so.
Naja, wie du siehst hat Stairway to Heaven es geschafft und ist Platz 1 der Downloadcharts, zumindest bei Amazon. %)
In den Single-Charts hat diese lächerliche Aktion aber gar nix gerissen.
Der DSDS-Sieger ist wie immer auf Platz 1
Nicht wirklich was gerissen, aber trotzdem hat es Stairway to Heaven auf den 15. Platz geschafft :) .
Und Blümchen auf den 7. :)
Hätte vielleicht mehr gebracht wenn man sich auf einen song geeinigt hätte

Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever) is coming May 17th.

A brand
new Muse song will be released worldwide on Monday May 17th! The track,
'Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)' was written and recorded by
the band earlier this year and has been chosen to be the lead single
from the soundtrack of the forthcoming Twilight film 'Eclipse'. More
news to follow...

:X :X :X :X
Damon Albarn plant neues Blur-Album

London (dpa) - Damon Albarn (42) macht Blur-Fans Hoffnung auf ein
neues Album seiner Band, berichtet das Boulevardblatt «The Sun». Erst im
vergangenen Monat hatten die Britpopper die Single «Fool's Day»

Damon hatte zunächst verkündet, dass sie es dabei belassen wollten.
Nun scheint er jedoch seine Meinung geändert zu haben. Der Musiker
versprach, dass er mit seinen Band-Kollegen Alex James, Graham Coxon und
Dave Rowntree bald neues Material aufnehmen werde. Er sagte: «Ich werde
auf jeden Fall weitere solcher Singles produzieren. In unbestimmter
Zukunft wird es dann schließlich ein ganzes Album geben. Ich liebe es,
wenn es keinen Druck gibt.»
Die letzte Scheibe, die alle vier gemeinsam fertigstellten, erschien
1999. Während der Aufnahmen des Nachfolgers «Think Tank» (2003) verließ
Coxon die Band. Seither lässt die Gruppe mit einem neuen Album auf sich

Gorillaz erwägen "Plastic Beach"-Fortsetzungen
Damon Albarn nahm genug Material für drei Gorillaz-Alben auf, während er
an ihrer aktuellen Platte "Plastic Beach" arbeitete - und denkt darüber
nach, aus den übrigen Songs eine Reihe von Nachfolgern zu machen. Der
frühere Blur-Frontmann schuf die Zeichentrick-Gruppe mit seinem
langjährigen Kumpel Jamie Hewlett und sie brachten vor kurzem ihr
drittes Album auf den Markt, das auf Platz 2 der US-Billboard Charts
einstieg. Albarn verrät, dass die Musik auf "Plastic Beach" nur ein Teil
dessen ist, was sie für das Album aufnahmen. Albarn zu nme.com: "Ich
nahm für dieses Album unheimlich viel Musik auf, etwa 80 Musikstücke
insgesamt. Theoretisch sind da also ein Teil 2 und Teil 3 von 'Plastic
Beach', falls wir uns je motiviert fühlen, ein paar weitere Jahre damit
zu verbringen, es fertigzustellen."


:X :X :X

Greetz Proble

Legendary Heavy Metal Vocalist RONNIE JAMES DIO Dies - May 16, 2010

Wendy Dio, wife/manager of legendary heavy metal singer Ronnie James Dio (DIO, HEAVEN & HELL, BLACK SABBATH, RAINBOW), has released the following statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET:

"Today my heart is broken, Ronnie passed away at 7:45 a.m. [on Sunday] 16th May. Many, many friends and family were able to say their private goodbyes before he peacefully passed away.

"Ronnie knew how much he was loved by all.

"We so appreciate the love and support that you have all given us.

"Please give us a few days of privacy to deal with this terrible loss.

"Please know he loved you all and his music will live on forever."

It was only a month ago that Dio, 67, spoke about his battle with cancer with the Artisan News Service on the "black carpet" of the Revolver Golden Gods Awards, which took place on April 8 at Club Nokia in downtown Los Angeles. When asked about how he had been feeling since he was diagnosed with the disease late last year, Dio said, "Well, I feel good and bad at times. It's a long process. Chemotherapy is a... I never realized what a difficult thing it was to go through. It's a real cumulative effect — the more you have, the more it piles up on top and it takes longer and longer to get over it. I find it very difficult to eat. I don't like to eat anyway, so I guess that's OK. But I know I have to. But this makes it very, very hard. But if you're determined to beat it, then you have to go with what you believe is going to beat it for you, and in this case it's that. I go to a great hospital in Houston called M.D. Anderson, which I think is the best hospital in the world, I have the best doctor in the world, Dr. Ajani, who I really trust and I really believe in, so I think I've done all the right things. It makes me feel positive about my life and positive that there is a lot more of it to live."

Earlier this month, HEAVEN & HELL canceled its summer tour plans in Europe due to Dio's treatment for stomach cancer. The band said in a statement that Dio wasn't "well enough to tour this summer. We hope that everyone understands and want to thank fans and industry colleagues for their continuing support at this time."

Ronnie James Dio had performed with ELF, RAINBOW, BLACK SABBATH, and his own band DIO. Other musical projects included the collective fundraiser "Hear 'n Aid". He is widely hailed as one of the most powerful singers in heavy metal, renowned for his consistently powerful voice and for popularizing the "devil's horns" hand gesture in metal culture. He was most recently involved with HEAVEN & HELL, a project which also included former BLACK SABBATH bandmates Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler and Vinny Appice. Their first and only studio album, "The Devil You Know", was released on April 28, 2009.


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Hat mich schon mitgenommen, nicht einer meiner Lieblingsbands.
Aber, wenn ich eine Person sagen müsste, die für mich Metal darstellt, würde ich Dio sagen.
Rest In Peace, Holy Diver.
Paul Gray of Slipknot Band found dead in hotel

Paul Dedrick Gray, the founding member of the famed heavy metal
band of America ‘Slipknot’, was found dead in his hotel room in
Urbandal, Iowa. He was 38 years old. The authorities found no evidence
of foul play and the investigations are going on.

The base guitarist, Paul Dedrick Gray was among the members who
founded this band in 1995. Paul’s dead body was discovered by an
employee of the hotel. Police said that foul play was not suspected but
the autopsy will be carried out scheduled for Tuesday. The band had been
nominated for seven Grammy Awards. For the best metal performance, the
band won the Grammy in 2006.
The publicist of the band confirmed the sad news but did not utter
any additional details. Gray had been arrested by the police on the
charge of drugs when small amounts of marijuana, cocaine and two
syringes were discovered from him following a traffic accident in Des
Moines in 2003. But those charges were finally dropped since he admitted
before the police that he was under the influence of drugs while the
accident took place.

He is survived by his wife Brenna Paul who is expecting a baby. When
asked her, she maintained silence on her husband’s death. Even the
band’s members too did not comment on his death. The band members are
widely known for wearing masks on stage and this avatar is loved by the
fans. The sudden death of Paul has shocked his fans altogether and now they
are desperately waiting for the autopsy’s results. Slipknot has lost a
creative artist from its band. The trade pundits have now started
predicting that it is not the death of Paul Gray rather is Slipknot’s

;( ;( ;(

Greetz Proble