
Jetzt mal ein ganz tolles schmankerl der deutschen Werbe-/Musikindustrie :-D

Der Erdinger Weißbier-Jingle

Des "Erdinger Weißbier"
des is hoid a Pracht
des schmeckt uns beim Tag
und bei der Nacht.

Und wer so geil auf den Song ist, hier könnt ihr ihn kostenlos ziehen:

Dort kriegt ihr auch Handyklingeltöne und Logos davon :-D
[l]am 21.06.03 um 00:52 schrieb _Biohazard_:[/l]
Ich weiss zwar nicht welches System of a Down Lied ich am Liebsten mag, aber hier:


Elimination, Elimination, Elimination

Die, Why, Walk Down, Walk Down

A whole race Genocide,
Taken away all of our pride,
A whole race Genocide,
Taken away, watch them all fall down.

Revolution, the only solution,
The armed response of an entire nation,
Revolution, the only solution,
We've taken all your shit, now it's time for restitution.

Recognition, Restoration, Reparation,
Recognition, Restoration, Reparation,
Watch them all fall down.

Revolution, the only solution,
The armed response of an entire nation,
Revolution, the only solution,
We've taken all your shit, now it's time for restitution.

The plan was mastered and called Genocide (Never want to see you around)
Took all the children and then we died, (Never want to see you around)
The few that remained were never found, (Never want to see you around)
All in a system of Down......Down.....Down.......Down........Walk Down...........


From a post up high,
From where you see the ships afar,
From a well trained eye,
The waves all keep on crashing by,
If you are the light post,
Then you own the working class,
But if you want the answers,
You better give a piece of ass,
Give a piece of your ass,

Post hypnotic suggestions,
Running the ships ashore,
The orange light that follows,
Will soon proclaim itself a god,
If you point your questions,
The fog will surely chew you up,
But if you want the answers,
You better get ready for the fire,
Get ready for the fire,

The ships are multiplying day after day sir,
And they're coming close to the shore sir, shore sir,
We need to evacuate the light post,
It's all over, it's all over ~~
It's all over.


Plagiarized existence exist,
Among the writers of the word,
Shake your spear at Shakespeare,
Shake your spear at Shakespeare,

Loud and noisy,
Strong refrigerators,
Gaining independence,
Gaining independence,

Stupid people do stupid things,
Smart people outsmart each other,
Then themselves, then themselves,
Then themselves, then themselves,

Take me down there,
Photographic relapse,
People feeding frenzy,
The devil is so lovely,


My blue moon rivets in exits,
Forewarned customary spirits,
By myself, by myself,
By myself, by myself,

Take me down there,
Photographic relapse,
People feeding frenzy,
The devil is so lovely,

Take me down there,
Photographic relapse,
People feeding frenzy,
The devil is so lovely.


Prison Song

They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,

Following the rights movements
You clamped on with your iron fists,
Drugs became conveniently
Available for all the kids,
Following the rights movements
You clamped on with your iron fists,
Drugs became conveniently
Available for all the kids,

I buy my crack, my smack, my *****
right here in Hollywood.

Nearly 2 million Americans are incarcerated
In the prison system, prison system,
Prison system of the U.S.

They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in)
Another prison system,
Another prison system,
Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)

Minor drug offenders fill your prisons
You don't even flinch
All our taxes paying for your wars
Against the new non-rich,
Minor drug offenders fill your prisons
You don't even flinch
All our taxes paying for your wars
Against the new non-rich,

I buy my crack, my smack, my *****
right here in Hollywood.

The percentage of Americans in the prison system
Prison system, has doubled since 1985,

They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in)
Another prison system,
Another prison system,
Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)
For you and I, for you and I , for you and I.

They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
For you and me,
Oh baby, you and me.

All research and successful drug policy show
That treatment should be increased,
And law enforcement decreased,
While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences,
All research and successful drug policy show
That treatment should be increased,
And law enforcement decreased,
While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences.

Utilizing drugs to pay for secret wars around the world,
Drugs are now your global policy,
Now you police the globe,

I buy my crack, my smack, my *****
right here in Hollywood.

Drug money is used to rig elections,
And train brutal corporate sponsored
Dictators around the world.

They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in)
Another prison system,
Another prison system,
Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)
For you and I, for you and I , for you and I.
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
They're trying to build a prison,
For you and me,
Oh baby, you and me.



Walk with me my little child,
To the forest of denial,
Speak with me my only mind,
Walk with me until the time,
And make the forest turn to wine,
You take the legend for a fall,
You saw the product,

Why can't you see that you are my child,
Why don't you know that you are my mind,
Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you,
Take this promise to the end of you.

Walk with me my little friend,
Take this promise to the end,
Speak with me my only mind,
Walk with me until the end,
And make the forest turn to sand,
You take the legend for a fall,
You saw the product,

Why can't you see that you are my child,
Why don't you know that you are my mind,
Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you,
Take this promise to the end of you.

Take this promise for a ride,
You saw the forest, now come inside,
You took the legend for its fall,
You saw the product of it all,
No televisions in the air,
No circumcisions on the chair,
You made the weapons for us all,
Just look at us now,

Why can't you see that you are my child,
Why don't you know that you are my mind,
Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you,
Take this promise to the end of you.

so ich denke diese mag ich am liebsten.

Breaking the Habit von Linkin Park
Memories consume
Like opening the wound
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again

I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not allright
I'm Breaking the Habit (2x)

Clutching my cure
I tightliy lock the door
I try to catch my breath again
I hurt much more
Than anytime before
I had no options left again



I'll paint it on the walls
'Cause I'm the one at fault
I'll never fight again
And this is how it ends

I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
But now I have some clarity
To show you what I mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never allright
I'm breaking the Habit (2x)
WIZO raum der zeit

Ich bin schwul, ich jüdisch und ein Kommunist dazu
Ich bin schwarz und behindert doch genauso Mensch wie du.
Ich bin hochintelligent und doch so dumm wie Sauerkraut
Ich bin schön ich bin hässlich ich bin fett und gutgebaut
Es gibt nichts, gibt nichts, was dich besser macht als mich
Denn auch du hast deine Fehler, deine Fehler so wie ich
Und die Fehler sind nichts falsches, sie gehörn zu dir und mir
Und wenn du's nicht auf die Reihe kriegst kann niemand was dafür

Du bist einer von Milliarden und das musst du akzeptiern
Du bist einer von Milliarden Ärschen auf der Welt

Deine Werte, deine Normen, die Moral und das Gesetz
Sind erbärmlich und ersetzbar, überflüssiges Geschwätz
Heute gültig, morgen nichtig, übermorgn umgekehrt
Was hier richtig oder wichtig ist wo anders ohne Wert
Deine Götter, deine Kirchen, Glauben, beten, Religionen
Heute heilig morgen Frevel, übermorgen blanker Hohn
Und das Geld und der Ruhm und die Unvergänglichkeit
Und beim näheren betrachtn FÜRN ARSCH

Du bist nicht der Mittelpunkt des UniversumsDu bist nur ein Arsch im Raum der Zeit
WIZO- Kein Gerede

Kein Gerede
Kein Gerede, nur die Tat
Stoppt den skrupellosen Staat
Strommast sägen, Bombenlegen
Ab und zu ein Attentat
Sprengt die Knaste
Sprengt die Paläste
Sprengt die Schweine in die Luft
Sprengt die Banken
Sprengt die Schranken
Jagt die Bonzen in die Flucht
Nehmt euch, was sie euch genommen
Nehmt euch das, was euch gehört
Macht kaputt, was euch kaputt macht
macht kaputt, was euch zerstört
Noch ein Aufruf zur Revolte
Noch ein Aufruf zur Gewalt
Viel zu lang gab's Unterdrückung
Steinigt diesen Staat

Eine Revolution für den Frieden und die Freiheit
Ein Revolution für die Anarchie
Einen Kampf der Unterdrücker, einen Kampf dem System
Einen Kampf für die Anarchie!
Nehmt euch, was sie euch genommen
Nehmt euch das, was euch gehört
Macht kaputt, was euch kaputt macht
macht kaputt, was euch zerstört
Noch ein Aufruf zur Revolte
Noch ein Aufruf zur Gewalt
Viel zu lang gab's Unterdrückung
Steinigt diesen Staat


Kein Gerede, nur die Tat
Stoppt den skrupellosen Staat
Strommast sägen, Bombenlegen
Ab und zu ein Attentat
Sprengt die Knaste
Sprengt die Paläste
Sprengt die Schweine in die Luft
Sprengt die Banken
Sprengt die Schranken
Jagt die Bonzen in die Flucht
Nehmt euch, was sie euch genommen
Nehmt euch das, was euch gehört
Macht kaputt, was euch kaputt macht
macht kaputt, was euch zerstört
Hier mal der Pionier-Anti-Cop-Text der Pionier-Gangtsa-Crew, ohne die diverse schwedische Crews wohl noch Texte übers Chillen und Kiffen schreiben würden:

Artist: N.W.A
Titel: Fuck The Police
Album: Straight Outta Compton

[MC Ren as Court Officer]
Right about now, N.W.A. court is in full effect
Judge Dre presiding
In the case of N.W.A. vs. the Police Department;
prosecuting attourneys are: MC Ren, Ice Cube,
and Eazy-motherfuckin-E

[Dr. Dre as The Judge]
Order, order, order
Ice Cube, take the motherfuckin stand
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth
and nothin but the truth so help your black ass?

[ice Cube as Witness]
You god damn right!

[Dr. Dre]
Well won't you tell everybody what the fuck you gotta say?

[ice Cube]
Fuck the police comin straight from the underground
A young nigga got it bad cause I'm brown
And not the other color so police think
they have the authority to kill a minority
Fuck that shit, cause I ain't the one
for a punk motherfucker with a badge and a gun
to be beatin on, and thrown in jail
We can go toe to toe in the middle of a cell
Fuckin with me cause I'm a teenager
with a little bit of gold and a pager
Searchin my car, lookin for the product
Thinkin every nigga is sellin narcotics
You'd rather see, me in the pen
than me and Lorenzo rollin in a Benz-o
Beat a police out of shape
and when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape
To tape off the scene of the slaughter
Still gettin swoll off bread and water
I don't know if they fags or what
Search a nigga down, and grabbin his nuts
And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none
But don't let it be a black and a white one
Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top
Black police showin out for the white cop
Ice Cube will swarm
on ANY motherfucker in a blue uniform
Just cause I'm from, the CPT
Ounk police are afraid of me!
HUH, a young nigga on the warpath
And when I'm finished, it's gonna be a bloodbath
of cops, dyin in L.A.
Yo Dre, I got somethin to say

{*"Fuck the police" -> cut and scratched 4X*}

Example of scene one

[Cop] Pull your god damn ass over right now
[NWA] Aww shit, now what the fuck you pullin me over for?
[Cop] Cause I feel like it!
Just sit your ass on the curb and shut the fuck up
[NWA] Man, fuck this shit
[Cop] Aight smartass, I'm takin your black ass to jail!

[Dr. Dre]
MC Ren, will you please give your testimony
to the jury about this fucked up incident?

[MC Ren]
Fuck the police and Ren said it with authority
because the niggaz on the street is a majority
A gang, is with whoever I'm steppin
and the motherfuckin weapon is kept in
a stash box, for the so-called law
Wishin Ren was a nigga that they never saw
Lights start flashin behind me
But they're scared of a nigga so they mace me to blind me
But that shit don't work, I just laugh
because it gives em a hint, not to step in my path
For police, I'm sayin, "Fuck you punk!"
Readin my rights and shit, it's all junk
Pullin out a silly club, so you stand
with a fake-assed badge and a gun in your hand
But take off the gun so you can see what's up
And we'll go at it punk, and I'ma fuck you up!
Make you think I'ma kick your ass
but drop your gat, and Ren's gonna blast
I'm sneaky as fuck when it comes to crime
But I'ma smoke 'em now and not next time
Smoke any motherfucker that sweats me
or any asshole, that threatens me
I'm a sniper with a hell of a scope
Takin out a cop or two, they can't cope with me
The motherfuckin villian that's mad
With potential, to get bad as fuck
So I'ma turn it around
Put in my clip, yo, and this is the sound
{*BOOM, BOOM*} Yeah, somethin like that
but it all depends on the size of the gat
Takin out a police, would make my day
But a nigga like Ren don't give a fuck to say

{*"Fuck the police" -> cut and scratched 4X*}

[Cop] {*knocking on the door*}
[NWA] Yeah man, what you need?
[Cop] Police, open now
[NWA] Aww shit
[Cop] We have a warrant for Eazy-E's arrest
[Cop] Get down and put your hands up where I can see 'em
(Move motherfucker, move now!)
[NWA] What the fuck did I do, man what did I do?
[Cop] Just shut the fuck up
and get your motherfuckin ass on the floor
(You heard the man, shut the fuck up!)
[NWA] But I didn't do shit
[Cop] Man just shut the fuck up!

[Dr. Dre]
Eazy-E, won't you step up to the stand
and tell the jury how you feel about this bullshit?

I'm tired of the motherfuckin jackin
Sweatin my gang, while I'm chillin in the shack, and
shinin the light in my face, and for what?
Maybe it's because I kick so much butt
I kick ass -- or maybe cause I blast
on a stupid-assed nigga when I'm playin with the trigger
of any Uzi or an AK
Cause the police always got somethin stupid to say
They put out my picture with silence
Cause my identity by itself causes violence
The E with the criminal behavior
Yeah, I'm a gangsta, but still I got flavor
Without a gun and a badge, what do ya got?
A sucker in a uniform waitin to get shot
by me, or another nigga
And with a gat it don't matter if he's smaller or bigger
(MC Ren: Size ain't shit, he's from the old school fool)
And as you all know, E's here to rule
Whenever I'm rollin, keep lookin in the mirror
And ears on cue, yo, so I can hear a
dumb motherfucker with a gun
And if I'm rollin off the 8, he'll be the one
that I take out, and then get away
While I'm drivin off laughin this is what I'll say

{*"Fuck the police" -> cut and scratched 4X*}

The verdict

[Dre] The jury has found you guilty of bein a redneck,
white bread, chickenshit motherfucker
[Cop] But wait, that's a lie! That's a god damn lie!
[Dre] Get him out of here!
[Cop] I want justice!
[Dre] Get him the fuck out my face!
[Cop] I want justice!
[Dre] Out, RIGHT NOW!

Fuck the police! (repeat 3X)
Artist: Gangstarr f/ Big Shug, Freddie Foxxx
Album: Moment of Truth
Song: The Militia
Typed by: [email protected]; Corrections: [email protected]

"There's a bulletin - state police, Princeton Junction"

"The militia...
Certain individuals of unidentified nature
is now under complete control"

"Hip-hop is not, what it is today.."

"It's the real *echoes*... it's the (militia)"

Verse one: Big Shug

If heads only knew how I felt about the rap game
They'd relocate, and change their fuckin name
I eradicate movefakers, roll with coat shakers
Give dap to mad money makers
Shared cells with lifetakers, have sex with rumpshakers
I make moves so I'ma earthquaker
I've been known to instill fear
Although the world may be round, we still trapped in the square
City light, got me buggin and trife
Some die by the gun, some die by the knife
It's alright, like a game of spades I'm trump tight
Premier hit me with music to ensure that it thump right
And my flight, will be taken solely at night
Cause that's when the freaks come out, no doubt
And in the dark hours is when I will shower
with the knowledge of my trade to get paid
Still I make moves like a snake in the grass, roundabout
I be dickin it down while you be assed out
Puff mad L's but never passed out
And if I'm caught up in a jam I blast my way out
There'll be no lettin up, just straight shuttin up
or we'll start the wettin up
Lyrical infrared sceptor never miss you
Big Shug, Guru, Freddie Foxxx, The Militia, militia

Chorus: Freddie Foxxx

Everybody's spittin it, the rhyme is hot
Cause it's Big Shug, Guru, and Freddie the Foxxx
When Premier bring the beats, no it just don't stop
It's The Militia *echoes*


Verse Two: Guru

Yo; I ain't one to succumb to no man, but to command
And scoop up the troops when it's time to take a stand
Emphatically, deep strategies leave casualties
I creep gradually, til everybody knows
that I got more flows than Rosebud got hoes
The anger inside had me trapped
til I got geared up with raps to tear you up like big gats
for big stacks, watch your back when I send em in
Caught you tremblin, my name and face you're rememberin
Several attempts, but nah *****, you'll never win
Rhymes pierce your skin or maybe limbs we'll be severin
Take you to the mat, peep that, you should keep back
My ill-kid format will lay you flat like a doormat
that I walk on, I meditate while you talk on
And gossip, so I drop my hot shit; fully loaded glock clips
So get the fuck out my block, kid
As nights turn to days, days go back to nights, we be speaking it right
And keeping it tight up in the street life
I meet life, head on, no holds barred
Born with a heart of gold, now mostly cold and scarred
En guard, choose your weapon, or get to steppin
Lyrical bullets make you dance from the trance you be kept in
Assessments are made before, and during combat
I master my hunger, blow the spot when I bomb cats
One of us, equals many of us
Disrespect one of us, you'll see plenty of us
Conflict, is what I predict
You and your fellas is mad jealous, attempting to flare
We cleverly stalked ya, your fam'll miss ya
The war's on, that's why we formed The Militia


Verse Three: Freddie Foxxx

You niggaz owe me for my rhymes, I come to collect
For you dope fiend niggaz in rap, I here to inject, check
My style is water baby, spread it around
But when you niggaz don't flow it right and fuck up my sound
I get down; in '89 I spit the buck in the face
of every MC that came in the place, a scar you'll never erase
MC's are only recognized for their flows
I'm worldwide for the bitches, that I turned into hoes
You heard me spit it on Jew-elz, that's how it goes
For all them faking ass niggaz and how I bust up they nose
And while your, nose is drippin, and drainin blood
I be standing over you screamin, "Nigga, WHAT, WHAT?! Nigga WHAT?!"
Niggas feel my presence, like I'm right in they palm
Cause a stormy day is coming, when you see me so calm, it's on
No more twin glocks, they jam up my plays
Now its twin .40 calibre Walther PPK's
I'm in the control of my game, you must respect me like The Ref
Uh-huh, you disrespect *gun clicks* you get the tech
I turn you fake niggaz on and off, like I'm the clapper
I rob so many niggaz, they should call me Jack the Rapper
I'll the illest nigga doing this, dead or alive
Gloria Gaynor on you motherfuckers, I Will Survive
You can try to come at me, but do you want the kick back?
You snap inside the cage of a pit, and you get bit back, huh
My war is so tight, my drama so ill
Beef with me hangs around like a unpaid bill
I push these lyrics through any MC, and make it burn
So the niggaz who be rhyming next, will miss a turn
When you speak of who's the dopest MC, I don't come up
But when you speak of who's the livest MC, I stay what up, what's up?
I got stripes while you got strikes and bogus mikes
Do what ***** niggaz do best *UTFO sample* bite
You niggaz can't make up a law that I don't overrule, overthrow
Prim' brought Bumpy these tracks so I can let you know
Before I slide I'ma leave you this jewel
Even mechanics walk around with they tools
It's the Militia
[l]am 24.06.03 um 14:17 schrieb Zeldaveteran:[/l]
Artist: Gangstarr f/ Big Shug, Freddie Foxxx
Album: Moment of Truth
Song: The Militia
Typed by: [email protected]; Corrections: [email protected]

"There's a bulletin - state police, Princeton Junction"

"The militia...
Certain individuals of unidentified nature
is now under complete control"

"Hip-hop is not, what it is today.."

"It's the real *echoes*... it's the (militia)"

Verse one: Big Shug

If heads only knew how I felt about the rap game
They'd relocate, and change their fuckin name
I eradicate movefakers, roll with coat shakers
Give dap to mad money makers
Shared cells with lifetakers, have sex with rumpshakers
I make moves so I'ma earthquaker
I've been known to instill fear
Although the world may be round, we still trapped in the square
City light, got me buggin and trife
Some die by the gun, some die by the knife
It's alright, like a game of spades I'm trump tight
Premier hit me with music to ensure that it thump right
And my flight, will be taken solely at night
Cause that's when the freaks come out, no doubt
And in the dark hours is when I will shower
with the knowledge of my trade to get paid
Still I make moves like a snake in the grass, roundabout
I be dickin it down while you be assed out
Puff mad L's but never passed out
And if I'm caught up in a jam I blast my way out
There'll be no lettin up, just straight shuttin up
or we'll start the wettin up
Lyrical infrared sceptor never miss you
Big Shug, Guru, Freddie Foxxx, The Militia, militia

Chorus: Freddie Foxxx

Everybody's spittin it, the rhyme is hot
Cause it's Big Shug, Guru, and Freddie the Foxxx
When Premier bring the beats, no it just don't stop
It's The Militia *echoes*


Verse Two: Guru

Yo; I ain't one to succumb to no man, but to command
And scoop up the troops when it's time to take a stand
Emphatically, deep strategies leave casualties
I creep gradually, til everybody knows
that I got more flows than Rosebud got hoes
The anger inside had me trapped
til I got geared up with raps to tear you up like big gats
for big stacks, watch your back when I send em in
Caught you tremblin, my name and face you're rememberin
Several attempts, but nah *****, you'll never win
Rhymes pierce your skin or maybe limbs we'll be severin
Take you to the mat, peep that, you should keep back
My ill-kid format will lay you flat like a doormat
that I walk on, I meditate while you talk on
And gossip, so I drop my hot shit; fully loaded glock clips
So get the fuck out my block, kid
As nights turn to days, days go back to nights, we be speaking it right
And keeping it tight up in the street life
I meet life, head on, no holds barred
Born with a heart of gold, now mostly cold and scarred
En guard, choose your weapon, or get to steppin
Lyrical bullets make you dance from the trance you be kept in
Assessments are made before, and during combat
I master my hunger, blow the spot when I bomb cats
One of us, equals many of us
Disrespect one of us, you'll see plenty of us
Conflict, is what I predict
You and your fellas is mad jealous, attempting to flare
We cleverly stalked ya, your fam'll miss ya
The war's on, that's why we formed The Militia


Verse Three: Freddie Foxxx

You niggaz owe me for my rhymes, I come to collect
For you dope fiend niggaz in rap, I here to inject, check
My style is water baby, spread it around
But when you niggaz don't flow it right and fuck up my sound
I get down; in '89 I spit the buck in the face
of every MC that came in the place, a scar you'll never erase
MC's are only recognized for their flows
I'm worldwide for the bitches, that I turned into hoes
You heard me spit it on Jew-elz, that's how it goes
For all them faking ass niggaz and how I bust up they nose
And while your, nose is drippin, and drainin blood
I be standing over you screamin, "Nigga, WHAT, WHAT?! Nigga WHAT?!"
Niggas feel my presence, like I'm right in they palm
Cause a stormy day is coming, when you see me so calm, it's on
No more twin glocks, they jam up my plays
Now its twin .40 calibre Walther PPK's
I'm in the control of my game, you must respect me like The Ref
Uh-huh, you disrespect *gun clicks* you get the tech
I turn you fake niggaz on and off, like I'm the clapper
I rob so many niggaz, they should call me Jack the Rapper
I'll the illest nigga doing this, dead or alive
Gloria Gaynor on you motherfuckers, I Will Survive
You can try to come at me, but do you want the kick back?
You snap inside the cage of a pit, and you get bit back, huh
My war is so tight, my drama so ill
Beef with me hangs around like a unpaid bill
I push these lyrics through any MC, and make it burn
So the niggaz who be rhyming next, will miss a turn
When you speak of who's the dopest MC, I don't come up
But when you speak of who's the livest MC, I stay what up, what's up?
I got stripes while you got strikes and bogus mikes
Do what ***** niggaz do best *UTFO sample* bite
You niggaz can't make up a law that I don't overrule, overthrow
Prim' brought Bumpy these tracks so I can let you know
Before I slide I'ma leave you this jewel
Even mechanics walk around with they tools
It's the Militia

Kennst du den Track Pete Rock feat. Freddie Fox:Mind Frame das is voll geil hab das Album auf Vinyl zuhause...
[l]am 25.06.03 um 12:08 schrieb Metroidhfp:[/l]

Kennst du den Track Pete Rock feat. Freddie Fox:Mind Frame das is voll geil hab das Album auf Vinyl zuhause...

Ich habe unter anderem das neue Freddie Foxx, den Track werde ich mir gleich mla downloaden.Schön dass hier noch jemand die Flagge des dopen Rap hochhält.......
Geiler Track!

Don´t say my car is topless, say the titties is out!
Nas-Made You Look-God´s Son
[l]am 25.06.03 um 12:59 schrieb Zeldaveteran:[/l]
[l]am 25.06.03 um 12:08 schrieb Metroidhfp:[/l]

Kennst du den Track Pete Rock feat. Freddie Fox:Mind Frame das is voll geil hab das Album auf Vinyl zuhause...

Ich habe unter anderem das neue Freddie Foxx, den Track werde ich mir gleich mla downloaden.Schön dass hier noch jemand die Flagge des dopen Rap hochhält.......

Das is hier immer nochn Nintendo-Forum mit Usern Altersbereich 10-16, erwartet nicht, dass hier jeder Acts wie, hmm z.B. Three 6 Mafia oder eben Gangstarr kennt *g* Ich hab zwar auch schon mit 10 Jahren Public Enemy gehört (den Text verstand ich dementsprechend nicht ^^) aber die meisten sind nunma Rock Fans :-D
[l]am 25.06.03 um 16:28 schrieb AlwaysWinter:[/l]
[l]am 25.06.03 um 12:59 schrieb Zeldaveteran:[/l]
[l]am 25.06.03 um 12:08 schrieb Metroidhfp:[/l]

Kennst du den Track Pete Rock feat. Freddie Fox:Mind Frame das is voll geil hab das Album auf Vinyl zuhause...

Ich habe unter anderem das neue Freddie Foxx, den Track werde ich mir gleich mla downloaden.Schön dass hier noch jemand die Flagge des dopen Rap hochhält.......

Das is hier immer nochn Nintendo-Forum mit Usern Altersbereich 10-16, erwartet nicht, dass hier jeder Acts wie, hmm z.B. Three 6 Mafia oder eben Gangstarr kennt *g* Ich hab zwar auch schon mit 10 Jahren Public Enemy gehört (den Text verstand ich dementsprechend nicht ^^) aber die meisten sind nunma Rock Fans :-D

Ich bin 15...........Leute nach dem Alter nach einzuordnen halten ich für schlecht, da kann man ganz schön auf die FResse fallen..........
[l]am 26.06.03 um 12:57 schrieb Zeldaveteran:[/l]
[l]am 25.06.03 um 16:28 schrieb AlwaysWinter:[/l]
[l]am 25.06.03 um 12:59 schrieb Zeldaveteran:[/l]
[l]am 25.06.03 um 12:08 schrieb Metroidhfp:[/l]

Kennst du den Track Pete Rock feat. Freddie Fox:Mind Frame das is voll geil hab das Album auf Vinyl zuhause...

Ich habe unter anderem das neue Freddie Foxx, den Track werde ich mir gleich mla downloaden.Schön dass hier noch jemand die Flagge des dopen Rap hochhält.......

Das is hier immer nochn Nintendo-Forum mit Usern Altersbereich 10-16, erwartet nicht, dass hier jeder Acts wie, hmm z.B. Three 6 Mafia oder eben Gangstarr kennt *g* Ich hab zwar auch schon mit 10 Jahren Public Enemy gehört (den Text verstand ich dementsprechend nicht ^^) aber die meisten sind nunma Rock Fans :-D

Ich bin 15...........Leute nach dem Alter nach einzuordnen halten ich für schlecht, da kann man ganz schön auf die FResse fallen..........

Mittlerweile mag das wohl stimmen, aber in jungen Jahren hat man eine andere Mentalität und interessiert sich für andere Sachen... Klar gibts ausnahmen, aber mir sind keine geläufig, und wenn man ca. 12 is dann ist man im normalfall noch nicht dazu in der lage mental über den Hip-Hop-Tellerrand zu schauen... Ich hab es damals nicht gekonnt, andere in meinem Umfeld nicht, und heute seh ich auch nix.
Wie gesagt ich schildere hier nur meine Perspektive, und mit der Zeit wird sich das wohl wandeln.
Wenn man schon mit 8 Jahren oder so DSL oder Handy hat...
time has come today
we´ve got to go that way
don´t waste no time
no time to play

this is my home
this is my shelter

now I can see it on the horizon
look there the sun is risin´
come with me ,hurry up
cause I already miss it missin

this is my home
this is my shelter
[l]am 26.06.03 um 13:10 schrieb AlwaysWinter:[/l]
[l]am 26.06.03 um 12:57 schrieb Zeldaveteran:[/l]
[l]am 25.06.03 um 16:28 schrieb AlwaysWinter:[/l]
[l]am 25.06.03 um 12:59 schrieb Zeldaveteran:[/l]
[l]am 25.06.03 um 12:08 schrieb Metroidhfp:[/l]

Kennst du den Track Pete Rock feat. Freddie Fox:Mind Frame das is voll geil hab das Album auf Vinyl zuhause...

Ich habe unter anderem das neue Freddie Foxx, den Track werde ich mir gleich mla downloaden.Schön dass hier noch jemand die Flagge des dopen Rap hochhält.......

Das is hier immer nochn Nintendo-Forum mit Usern Altersbereich 10-16, erwartet nicht, dass hier jeder Acts wie, hmm z.B. Three 6 Mafia oder eben Gangstarr kennt *g* Ich hab zwar auch schon mit 10 Jahren Public Enemy gehört (den Text verstand ich dementsprechend nicht ^^) aber die meisten sind nunma Rock Fans :-D

Ich bin 15...........Leute nach dem Alter nach einzuordnen halten ich für schlecht, da kann man ganz schön auf die FResse fallen..........

Mittlerweile mag das wohl stimmen, aber in jungen Jahren hat man eine andere Mentalität und interessiert sich für andere Sachen... Klar gibts ausnahmen, aber mir sind keine geläufig, und wenn man ca. 12 is dann ist man im normalfall noch nicht dazu in der lage mental über den Hip-Hop-Tellerrand zu schauen... Ich hab es damals nicht gekonnt, andere in meinem Umfeld nicht, und heute seh ich auch nix.
Wie gesagt ich schildere hier nur meine Perspektive, und mit der Zeit wird sich das wohl wandeln.
Wenn man schon mit 8 Jahren oder so DSL oder Handy hat...

Klar sind die meisten in dem Alter nach einseitig oder gar ganz verwirrt, stimmt schon, aber Ausnahmen gibbet auch..........
[l]am 26.06.03 um 19:14 schrieb satanic_sonic:[/l]
time has come today
we´ve got to go that way
don´t waste no time
no time to play

this is my home
this is my shelter

now I can see it on the horizon
look there the sun is risin´
come with me ,hurry up
cause I already miss it missin

this is my home
this is my shelter

könnteste au mal sagen von wem der is??
[l]am 26.06.03 um 21:44 schrieb HellFalcon:[/l]
[l]am 26.06.03 um 19:14 schrieb satanic_sonic:[/l]
time has come today
we´ve got to go that way
don´t waste no time
no time to play

this is my home
this is my shelter

now I can see it on the horizon
look there the sun is risin´
come with me ,hurry up
cause I already miss it missin

this is my home
this is my shelter

könnteste au mal sagen von wem der is??

tja , das war unsere band vor 2 jahren . . .
R.I.P! of the finest.........BIG L

Artist: Big L
Album: The Big Picture
Song: Ebonics
Typed by: [email protected]

Yo, pay attention
And listen real closely how I break this slang shit down

Check it, my weed smoke is my lye
A ki of coke is a pie
When I'm lifted, I'm high
With new clothes on, I'm fly
Cars is whips and sneakers is kicks
Money is chips, movies is flicks
Also, cribs is homes, jacks is pay phones
Cocaine is nose candy, cigarettes is bones
A radio is a box, a razor blade is a ox
Fat diamonds is rocks and jakes is cop
And if you got rubbed, you got stuck
You got shot, you got bucked
And if you got double-crossed, you got fucked
Your bankroll is your poke, a choke hold is a yoke
A kite is a note, a con is a okey doke
And if you got punched that mean you got snuffed
To clean is to buff, a bull scare is a strong bluff
I know you like the way I'm freakin' it
I talk with slang and I'ma never stop speakin' it

Chorus: repeat (2X)

"Speak with criminal slang" -Nas
That's just the way that I talk, yo
"Vocabulary spills, I'm ill" -Nas

Yo, yo
A burglary is a jook, a woof's a crook
Mobb Deep already explained the meanin' of shook
If you caught a felony, you caught a F
If you got killed, you got left
If you got the dragon, you got bad breath
If you 730, that mean you crazy
Hit me on the hip means page me
Angel dust is sherm, if you got AIDS, you got the germ
If a chick gave you a disease, then you got burned
Max mean to relax, guns and pistols is gats
Condoms is hats, critters is cracks
The food you eat is your grub
A victim's a mark
A sweat box is a small club, your tick is your heart
Your apartment is your pad
Your old man is your dad
The studio is the lab and heated is mad
I know you like the way I'm freakin' it
I talk with slang and I'ma never stop speakin' it

Chorus (2X)

The iron horse is the train and champaign is bubbly
A deuce is a honey that's ugly
If your girl is fine, she's a dime
A suit is a fine, jewelry is shine
If you in love, that mean you blind
Genuine is real, a face card is a hundred dollar bill
A very hard, long stare is a grill
If you sneakin' to go see a girl, that mean you creepin'
Smilin' is cheesin', bleedin' is leakin'
Beggin is bummin, if you nuttin you comin
Takin' orders is sunnin', an ounce of coke is a onion
A hotel's a telly, a cell phone's a celly
Jealous is jelly, your food box is your belly
To guerrilla mean to use physical force
You took a L, you took a loss
To show off mean floss, uh
I know you like the way I'm freakin' it
I talk with slang and I'ma never stop speakin' it

Chorus (2X)

Yeah, yeah
One love to my big brother, Big Lee
Holdin' it down
Yeah, Flamboyant for life
Yeah yeah, Flamboyant for life
die dümmsten lyriks die ich kenne sind :
Kool Savas "P.I.M.P. legionär" und
"lutsch mein <zensiert>"
die sind n echtes armutszeugniss für den.
wenn ich die posten würde, währ der thread morgen gelöscht :))
wie findet ihr kool savas?
[l]am 29.06.03 um 18:09 schrieb apache:[/l]
die dümmsten lyriks die ich kenne sind :
Kool Savas "P.I.M.P. legionär" und
"lutsch mein <zensiert>"
die sind n echtes armutszeugniss für den.
wenn ich die posten würde, währ der thread morgen gelöscht :))
wie findet ihr kool savas?

Jeder kennt den, jeder kennt die beiden genannten Texte, und den "ich poste einfach LMS"-Witz (der nicht mal gut ist) hab ich schon gerissen, da wurde noch über die Threadidee hier überlegt.
Aber vom Thema: Sein etwas älteres Zeug, also vor DBTML finde ich schon recht geil; Bei MOR fand ich ihn auch kool. Vom Flow hat er was drauf, und seine Reime sind auch gut. Manchmal ist es etwas einseitig, weil er sich mit einigen Phrasen wiederholt (ich steppe ans Mic, ICH KANNS NEMMER HÖRN)

Aber er macht eben nur Battle Rap, und darin gehört er in Deutschland zu den besseren. Man kann sagen, er hat den Battlerap beeinflusst, denn kein deutscher Rapper wurde so oft gebitet wie er.