Bin zufällig über consolewars darauf gestoßen und werd's jetzt einfach mal hier reinkopieren:
Auf Twitter hat ein Freelance-Writer nun ein paar Infos dazu gepostet, wie Reviewscores zustande kommen.
Q: Do publishers/platform holders 'pay' for covers? In either ad spend or access.”
A: They control everything
Q: do review scores in future publications sometimes magically change before it hits the self”
A: Yes
Q: game that got most obviously dodgy reviews?”
A: Homefront, less obviously. Most is Driv3rgate
Q: Who were the dodgiest PRs for doing deals (review scores etc)?”
A: Rockstar, without question.
Q: Were Japanese publishers just as willing to buy scores?
A: Capcom, for example, push for scores - but in the right way
Q: Any other examples of good PR you’ve dealt with?”
A: Nintendo - flawless. Early access, no interest in the score.
Und last but not least a little story:
"PC Gamer asked me to take some photos of something very specific. A wall of concept art. I asked permission, and did so.
Valve went nuts. This wasn’t approved! Do you know what PC Gamer’s editor, Tim Edwards, did?
He denied I had ever been asked to do it. Said PCG were merely the innocent recipient. Lied, in other words. Cunt."

War ohnehin klar, dass nicht alles mit rechten Dingen zugehn kann, vor allem bei sogenannten Exklusiv-Tests, die schon wochenlang vor Release des Spiels veröffentlicht werden und nicht selten eine perfekte Wertung zeigen.
Was sagt ihr dazu?
Auf Twitter hat ein Freelance-Writer nun ein paar Infos dazu gepostet, wie Reviewscores zustande kommen.
Q: Do publishers/platform holders 'pay' for covers? In either ad spend or access.”
A: They control everything
Q: do review scores in future publications sometimes magically change before it hits the self”
A: Yes
Q: game that got most obviously dodgy reviews?”
A: Homefront, less obviously. Most is Driv3rgate
Q: Who were the dodgiest PRs for doing deals (review scores etc)?”
A: Rockstar, without question.
Q: Were Japanese publishers just as willing to buy scores?
A: Capcom, for example, push for scores - but in the right way
Q: Any other examples of good PR you’ve dealt with?”
A: Nintendo - flawless. Early access, no interest in the score.
Und last but not least a little story:
"PC Gamer asked me to take some photos of something very specific. A wall of concept art. I asked permission, and did so.
Valve went nuts. This wasn’t approved! Do you know what PC Gamer’s editor, Tim Edwards, did?
He denied I had ever been asked to do it. Said PCG were merely the innocent recipient. Lied, in other words. Cunt."

War ohnehin klar, dass nicht alles mit rechten Dingen zugehn kann, vor allem bei sogenannten Exklusiv-Tests, die schon wochenlang vor Release des Spiels veröffentlicht werden und nicht selten eine perfekte Wertung zeigen.
Was sagt ihr dazu?
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