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Aktuelle Verkaufszahlen - Übersicht zu den angesagtesten Spielen/Konsolen

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed startet durch
Seit Release bereits über 1 Mio. verkaufte Exemplare

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, das seit zwei Jahren gehyped wurde, als handle es sich dabei um einen neuen Film der Reihe, erschien am 16. September endlich auf Wii, Xbox 360 und PS3.

Während der fünf Tage nach dem Release wanderte das Spiel weltweit bereits über eine Million Mal über die Ladentheken, trotz Reviews die unterschiedlicher kaum hätten sein können. Die Wertungsspanne der unterschiedlichen Magazine reicht dabei von vernichtenden 69 Prozent bis hin zu 85 Prozent.
aktuelle Softwarecharts aus Großbritannien

08. SPORE (PC)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed UK-Plattformverteilung
48% of sales were on Xbox 360 and 30% on PS3, making it the 10th fastest selling title ever for each format. The Wii version accounted for 15% of sales with the remainder [7%!] on PS2, PSP and DS.

Microsoft Verkauft 6 Millionen Xbox 360-Konsolen in Europa
London, UK - September 22, 2008 - Microsoft today announced that the Xbox 360™ has broken through the six million mark in Europe, thanks to strong momentum for the console across the region. [...]
USA: Top 5 der drei Systeme von Januar bis August 2008


1. Grand Theft Auto IV
2. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
4. Madden NFL 09
5. Gran Turismo 5: Prologue


1. Grand Theft Auto IV
2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
3. Madden NFL 09
4. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
5. Army of Two


1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
2. Mario Kart Wii
3. Wii Play
4. Wii Fit
5. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
UK: Xbox Preissenkung wirkt sich nicht auf Wii-Verkäufe aus
Wie Chart Track nun bekannt gab, hat sich die vor Kurzem in Kraft getretene Preissenkung der Xbox 360 bisher nicht negativ auf die Verkäufe der Wii in Großbritannien ausgewirkt.

Zwar konnte Microsoft mit den neuen Kampfpreisen einen Anstieg der Verkäufe von 32% erreichen, weniger Wiis wurden deshalb aber nicht verkauft. Nintendo konnte sogar einen Anstieg der Verkäufe um ganze 3% verzeichnen. Geschadet haben die neuen Preise der drei Xbox 360-Versionen nur dem direkten Konkurrenten Sony. Das Unternehmen erlebte einen Rückgang der Verkäufe von satten 8%.

Mega Man 9 ein voller Erfolg
Erst gestern wurde der WiiWare-Titel Mega Man 9 in den USA veröffentlicht. Heute schon erhalten wir erste inoffizielle Zahlen der getätigten Downloads.

So wurde der neunte Teil der originalen Mega Man-Reihe laut VGChartz bereits am ersten Tag nach seiner Veröffentlichung knapp 60.000 Mal heruntergeladen. Auf den ersten Blick erscheint diese Zahl zwar nicht sehr hoch, verglichen mit den Zahlen der anderen bisher erschienenen WiiWare-Titel ändert sich dies jedoch schnell. Denn bisher konnten sich nur ganze sechs WiiWare-Titel seit ihrem erscheinen mehr als 60.000 Mal verkaufen.

Ab Freitag wird das Spiel ebenfalls in Japan verfügbar sein und es kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass auch wir Europäer am gleichen Tag in den Genuss des Titels kommen werden.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed – schon 1.5 Millionen Käufer
After less than one week on store shelves worldwide, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is on track to become the best-selling Star Wars game of all time. LucasArts today announced that more than 1.5 million customers worldwide have purchased Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, making it both the fastest-selling Star Wars game and LucasArts game ever. […]Although LucasArts shipped more than 4.3 million units of The Force Unleashed around the world in preparation for the game’s launch, unprecedented demand has led to the manufacture and distribution of additional copies.
meisternintendo am 23.09.2008 18:11 schrieb:
USA: Top 5 der drei Systeme von Januar bis August 2008


1. Grand Theft Auto IV
2. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
4. Madden NFL 09
5. Gran Turismo 5: Prologue


1. Grand Theft Auto IV
2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
3. Madden NFL 09
4. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
5. Army of Two


1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
2. Mario Kart Wii
3. Wii Play
4. Wii Fit
5. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Interessant finde ich da, dass bei der 360 nicht ein Exklusivtitel in den Top5 ist. Andererseits gab es in diesem Zeitraum ja auch nichts großes (NG2 scheint ja selbst in den USA eher ne Nische zu sein), nur... wieso Army of Two?
aktuelle Konsolencharts aus Deutschland

1. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS3) [NEU]
2. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Xbox 360) [NEU]
3. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Wii) [NEU]
4. Mario Kart Wii (Wii) [2.]
5. Wii Fit (Wii) [1.]
6. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS2) [NEU]
7. Dr. Kawashimas Gehirn-Jogging (DS) [3.]
8. Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty (PS3) [NEU]
9. Dr. Kawashima: Mehr Gehirn-Jogging (DS) [5.]
10. Mario Kart DS (DS) [6.]

aktuelle Softwarecharts aus Japan (15.-21. Sept.)

1. Pokemon Platinum (DS) [315.000 / 1.278.000]
2. Dragonball DS (DS) [NEU: 72.000 / 72.000]
3. Rhythm Tengoku Gold (DS) [63.000 / 787.000]
4. Eternal Sonata (PS3) [NEU: 34.000 / 34.000]
5. Quiz Magic Academy (DS) [29.000 / 148.000]
6. Wii Fit (Wii) [28.000 / 2.663.000]
7. Hitman Reborn! Battle Arena (PSP) [NEU: 25.000 / 25.000]
8. Way of the Samurai Portable (PSP) [NEU: 17.000 / 17.000]
9. One Piece Unlimited Cruise: Episode 1 (Wii) [15.000 / 76.000]
10. Mario Kart Wii (Wii) [14.000 / 1.776.000]

11. NEU: Sakura Usuki Ogre (PS2)
12. Daigasso! Band Brothers DX (DS)
13. Infinite Undiscovery (360)
14. J-League Winning Eleven 2008 Club Championship (PS2)
15. Dragon Quest V (DS)
16. NEU: Alice Heart (PS2)
17. Wii Sports (Wii)
18. Inazuma Eleven (DS)
19. Fire Emblem: Shin Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Ken (DS)
20. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP)
21. Phantasy Star Portable (PSP)
22. Mario Kart DS (DS)
23. Taiko Drum Master 2: The Seven Island Adventure (DS)
24. Afrika (PS3)
25. New Super Mario Bros. (DS)
26. Beautiful Letter Training DS (DS)
27. Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)
28. Tales of Vesperia (360)
29. Wii Play (Wii)
30. Blue Dragon Plus (DS)

XLive Charts (KW 38)

Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (Unique Users)
1. (1) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
2. (2) Halo 3
3. (3) GTA IV
4. (4) Gears of War
5. (5) Madden NFL 09
6. (-) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
7. (6) Guitar Hero III
8. (7) Rock Band
9. (-) Rock Band 2
10. (-) FIFA 09 (Demo)

Top Arcade Titles (gekaufte Vollversionen)
1. (1) Castle Crashers
2. (-) Feeding Frenzy 2
3. (3) Braid
4. (-) Domino Master
5. (4) Geometry Wars Evolved²
6. (6) Uno
7. (5) Fable II: Pub Games
8. (2) Samurai Shodown II
9. (8) Bionic Commando: Rearmed
10. (9) Doom

Original Xbox Top Live Titles (Unique Users)
1. (1) Halo 2
2. (2) Star Wars: Battlefront 2
3. (3) Fable
4. (4) Counter-Strike
5. (7) Fable: Lost Chapters
6. (5) Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
7. (6) Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
8. (8) Conker: Live Reloaded
9. (9) Call of Duty 3
10. (-) Doom 3
Japan-Hardwarezahlen vom 15.09 bis 22.09
	akt.	letzte Woche
NDS	61.242	63.859
Wii	29.921	29.686
PSP	28.674	30.156
360	13.777	28.188
PS3	8.156	8.053
PS2	7.720	7.669
UK: Userbase
DS – 7,1 Millionen
Wii – 3,6 Millionen
PSP – 2,9 Millionen
Xbox 360 – 2,3 Millionen
PS 3 – 1,4 Millionen

European 360 sales double, outsells PS3 by 2:1
With the newly new European Xbox 360 price cuts, Microsoft is pleased to gloat that Xbox 360 sales have been outselling the Playstation 3 two-to-one in European markets.

"We've seen uplift in all countries in Europe and are confident that even at this rate of growth we can keep retail satisfied with a steady supply of consoles throughout the Christmas season," said VP of Xbox Europe Chris Lewis, revealing that Chart Track pegs 360 sales in Europe to have increased 214% over the past two weeks. "This data shows that the Xbox 360 trajectory continues upwards," and continue it will. Oh yes, friends, continue it will.
aktuelle Softwarecharts aus Japan (22.-28. Sept)

01. [PS2] Super Robot Wars Z (Namco Bandai) 366,000 / NEW
02. [NDS] Pokemon Platinum (Nintendo) 195,000 / 1,474,000
03. [NDS] Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo) 65,000 / 852,000
04. [NDS] World Destruction (SEGA) 56,000 / NEW
05. [PS2] Kinikkuman (Namco Bandai) 35,000 / NEW
06. [NDS] Dragonball DS (Namco Bandai) 30,000 / 102,000
07. [PS3] X-Edge (Compilation Heart) 22,000 / NEW
08. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) 21,000 / 2,684,000
09. [PS3] Aquanaut’s Holiday (SCEI) 18,000 / NEW
10. [WII] Disaster: Day of Crisis (Nintendo) 14,000 / NEW

11. [NDS] Daigasso! Band Brothers DX
12. [PSP] Mana Khemia Portable NEU
13. [WII] Mario Kart Wii
14. [PS3] Eternal Sonata
15. [NDS] Quiz Magic Academy
16. [NDS] Knights in the Nightmare NEU
17. [PSP] Hitman Reborn
18. [PSP] Way of the Samurai Portable
19. [WII] Soul Eater: Montone Princess NEU
20. [NDS] Intuition! NEU
21. [WII] Wii Sports
22. [PS2] Haruka Nogizaka's Secret: Cosplay Has Started NEU
23. [WII] One Piece Unlimited Cruise: Episode 1
24. [PS2] J-League Winning Eleven 2008 Club Championship
25. [NDS] Dragon Quest V
26. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2 G
27. [NDS] Taiko Drum Master 2: The Seven Island Adventure
28. [NDS] Mario Kart DS
29. [WII] Sim City Creator NEU
30. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven

X-Live Charts KW 39

Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (Unique Users)
1. (2) Halo 3
2. (1) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
3. (3) GTA IV
4. (4) Gears of War
5. (6) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
6. (5) Madden NFL 09
7. (7) Guitar Hero III
8. (9) Rock Band 2
9. (8) Rock Band
10. (-) Duke Nukem 3D

Top Arcade Titles (gekaufte Vollversionen)
1. (-) Duke Nukem 3D
2. (1) Castle Crashers
3. (2) Feeding Frenzy 2
4. (3) Braid
5. (4) Domino Master
6. (5) Geometry Wars Evolved²
7. (7) Fable II: Pub Games
8. (6) Uno
9. (9) Bionic Commando: Rearmed
10. (10) Doom

Original Xbox Top Live Titles (Unique Users)
1. (1) Halo 2
2. (2) Star Wars: Battlefront 2
3. (3) Fable
4. (4) Counter-Strike
5. (5) Fable: Lost Chapters
6. (6) Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
7. (7) Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
8. (8) Conker: Live Reloaded
9. (9) Call of Duty 3
10. (-) Street Fighter Anniversary

UK- Verkaufscharts der letzten Woche

1. [1.] Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Multi)
2. [2.] Wii Fit (Wii)
3. [3.] Mario Kart Wii (Wii)
4. [-.] Brothers in Arms: Hell´s Highway (Multi)
5. [5.] Tiger woods PGA Tour 09 (Multi)
6. [7.] Wii Play (Wii)
7. [8.] Carnival: Funfair Games (Wii)
8. [-.] Pure (Multi)
9. [11.] Big Beach Sports (Wii)
10. [12.] Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Multi)
11. [6.] Mercenaries 2: World in Flames (Multi)
12. [15.] LEGO Indiana Jones (Multi)
13. [4.] Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (PC)
14. [10.] Spore (PC)
15. [14.] Dr. Kawashima´s Brain Training (NDS)
16. [13.] Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Multi)
17. [17.] Mario Kart DS (NDS)
18. [16.] Wall-E (Multi)
19. [20.] Ben 10: Protector of Earth (PSP)
20. [-.] Family Trainer (Wii)
21. [18.] Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Multi)
22. [-.] Sports Island (Wii)
23. [9.] TNA Impact! (Multi)
24. [19.] Rock Band (Multi)
25. [21.] Crysis Warhead (PC)
26. [25.] The Simpsons Game (Multi)
27. [27.] Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (Multi)
28. [26.] Grand Theft Auto IV (Multi)
29. [22.] Too Human (Xbox 360)
30. [-.] Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
31. [23.] Guitar Hero: On Tour (NDS)
32. [31.] LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Sage (Multi)
33. [29.] Battlefield: Bad Company (Multi)
34. [-.] Puzzler Collection (Multi)
35. [32.] Imagine: Teacher (NDS)
36. [24.] FIFA 08 (Multi)
37. [35.] Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
38. [28.] Sports Party (Wii)
39. [33.] Beijing 2008 (Multi)
40. [30.] Need for Speed: Prostreet (Multi)
Japan: Hard- und Softwarezahlen (Media Create) vom 22.09 bis 28.09

	at.W.	letzte Woche
DSL	57,847	61,242
WII	26314	29,921
PSP	25,671	28,674
PS2	?
360	11,291	13,777
PS3	8,275	8,156

Chart: Alle Konsolen

(Klick für Vollbild)

Chart: Xbox 360 vs. PS 3 vs Wii

(Klick für Vollbild)

1. [PS2] Super Robot Taisen Z (Namco Bandai) 366,493 / NEW
2. [NDS] Pokemon Platinum (Pokemon Co.) 195,479 / 1,474,000
3. [NDS] Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo) 65,257 / 852,000
4. [NDS] World Destruction: Michibi Kareshi Ishi (SEGA) 55,938 / NEW
5. [PS2] Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix Max 2 Tokumori (Namco Bandai) 35,240 / NEW
6. [NDS] Dragon Ball: Origins (Namco Bandai) 29,879 / 102,000
7. [PS3] Cross Edge (Compile Heart) 22,386 / NEW
8. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) 21,261 / 2,684,000
9. [PS3] Aquanaut's Holiday: Kakusareta Kiroku (SCEI) 17,646 / NEW
10. [WII] Disaster: Day of Crisis (Nintendo) 14,310 / NEW

11. [NDS] Daigasso! Band Brothers DX (Nintendo)
12. [PSP] Mana Khemia Portable (Gust)
13. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
14. [PS3] Trusty Bell (Namco Bandai)
15. [NDS] Quiz Magic Academy (Konami)
16. [NDS] Knights in the Nightmare (Sting)
17. [PSP] Hitman Reborn (Marvelous)
18. [PSP] Shinobido PSP (Spike)
19. [WII] Soul Eater: Montone Princess (Square Enix)
20. [NDS] Intuition! (Rocket)
21. [WII] Wii Sports (Nintendo)
22. [PS2] Haruka Nogizaka's Secret: Cosplay Has Started (ASCII Media Works)
23. [WII] One Piece Unlimited Cruise: Episode 1 (Namco Bandai)
24. [PS2] J-League Winning Eleven 2008 Club Championship (Konami)
25. [NDS] Dragon Quest V (Square Enix)
26. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2 G (SEGA)
27. [NDS] Taiko Drum Master 2: The Seven Island Adventure (Namco Bandai)
28. [NDS] Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
29. [WII] Sim City Creator (Electronic Arts)
30. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven (Level 5)

31. [NDS] Fire Emblem: New Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light (Nintendo)
32. [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
33. [NDS] U-Can Pen Ji Training DS (SEGA)
34. [NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World (Nintendo)
35. [NDS] Beautiful Letter Training DS (Nintendo)
36. [360] Infinite Undiscovery (Square Enix)
37. [PSP] Phantasy Star Portable (SEGA)
38. [PS3] Afrika (SCEI)
39. [WII] Wii Play (Nintendo)
40. [360] Tales of Vesperia (Namco Bandai)
41. [WII] Bomberman Party Edition (Hudson)
42. [PSP] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable 3 (Konami)
43. [NDS] Kumatanchi (Bear girl) (Dimple Entertainment)
44. [PS2] Hokuoki: Shinsengumi Kitan (Idea Factory)
45. [WII] Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Nintendo)
46. [PS2] Sugar + Spice! Anoko no Suteki na Nanimokamo (Everything as lovely as this) (Alchemist)
47. [NDS] Kanji Brain 2 + Dictionary (IE Institute)
48. [PS2] True Fortune (Enterbrain)
49. [NDS] Brain Training 2 (Nintendo)
50. [NDS] Observation Training (Nintendo)

NDS - 21
WII - 10
PS2 - 7
PSP - 6
PS3 - 4
360 - 2

Quelle und mehr Charts: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=337234
Hab mal wieder alles auf den neusten Stand gebracht :) !

Special: Diese Woche mit den TOP 5 aus der NES-Ära

1. Super Mario Bros.: 40,24 Mio
2. Duck Hunt: 28,31 Mio
3. Super Mario Bros.3: 17,28 Mio
4. Super Mario Bros.2: 7,46 Mio
5. The Legend of Zelda: 6,51 Mio
UK-Charts vom 28.09 bis 04.10
01 (__) [360] FIFA 09 (Electronic Arts)
02 (__) [PS3] FIFA 09 (Electronic Arts)
03 (__) [PS2] FIFA 09 (Electronic Arts)
04 (01) [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo)
05 (02) [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
06 (05) [360] Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway (Ubisoft)
07 (03) [360] Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Lucasarts)
08 (06) [WII] Wii Play (Nintendo)
09 (08) [PS3] Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway (Ubisoft)
10 (09) [WII] Big Beach Sports (Thq)
11 (07) [WII] Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Lucasarts)
12 (__) [PSP] FIFA 09 (Electronic Arts)
13 (04) [PS3] Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Lucasarts)
14 (__) [WII] FIFA 09 (Electronic Arts)
15 (15) [NDS] Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training (Nintendo)
16 (10) [WII] Carnival: Funfair Games (Take 2)
17 (11) [360] Pure (Disney Interactive Studios)
18 (18) [WII] Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 (Electronic Arts)
19 (__) [WII] Samba De Amigo (Sega)
20 (21) [360] Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 (Electronic Arts)
21 (16) [WII] Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock (Activision Blizzard)
22 (19) [WII] Family Trainer (Atari)
23 (__) [WII] Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo)
24 (13) [PC] Spore (Electronic Arts)
25 (27) [360] Halo 3 (Microsoft)
26 (30) [WII] Super Smash Bros: Brawl (Nintendo)
27 (20) [WII] Sports Island (Konami)
28 (31) [NDS] Puzzler Collection (Ubisoft)
29 (14) [PS2] Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Lucasarts)
30 (25) [WII] Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games (Sega)
31 (24) [PS3] Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 (Electronic Arts)
32 (35) [NDS] Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (Sega)
33 (12) [PC] Warhammer Online: Age Of Reckoning (Electronic Arts)
34 (__) [NDS] Wall-E (THQ)
35 (__) [WII] Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 (Ubisoft)
36 (__) [WII] Wario Land: The Shake Dimension (Nintendo)
37 (28) [NDS] Guitar Hero: On Tour (Activision Blizzard)
38 (__) [WII] De Blob (Thq)
39 (17) [NDS] Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
40 (29) [NDS] Imagine: Teacher (Ubisoft)
neogaf.com / http://www.charttrack.co.uk/index.jsp?c=p/software/uk/latest/index_test.jsp&ct=110032

It’s the biggest ever launch of a FIFA game with EA’s ‘FIFA 09’ outselling last year’s game by 37.5%, toppling ‘Star Wars: The Force Unleashed’ at No1 in the All Formats Chart and debuting at the top of the PS2, PS3, PSP and Xbox 360 charts.
42% of sales were on Xbox 360, making it the 3rd fastest selling game on Microsoft’s format (behind GTA IV and Halo 3), while 40% of sales were on PS3 where it is the 2nd fastest selling game (behind GTA IV). The PS2 version accounted for 11% of sales and PSP 3%, while Nintendo’s formats and PC made up the remainder. Half of EA’s 8 All Formats No1’s so far this year have come in the past six weeks. Sales of ‘Star Wars: The Force Unleashed’ are down 40%, falling one place to No2, while Ubisoft’s ‘Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway’ climbs one place to No3. Nintendo’s popular Wii games ‘Wii Fit’ and ‘Mario Kart Wii’ are both down 2 places to No’s 3 and 4 respectively. EA have 2 All Formats games in the Top 10 this week as ‘Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09’ is still swinging, down from No5 to No6.
The rest of the Top 10 is made up of 3 party game titles all on Nintendo’s formats – ‘Wii Play’ down from No6 to No7, ‘Big Beach Sports’ up one place to No8 and ‘Carnival: Funfair Games’ down from No7 to No10. In its second week, Disney’s racing game ‘Pure’ continues to teeter on the edge of the Top 10, down one place to No9. ‘FIFA 09’ may be the only new release to break into the All Formats Top 40 this week, but several games have good second week sales – Sega’s ‘Samba de Amigo’ breaks in at No18 along with ‘Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood’ at No31. There are also several retailer promotions on games such as ‘Super Mario Galaxy’, which re-enters at No21 and ‘Wall-E’ which climbs from No18 to No13.
Nali_WarCow am 06.10.2008 22:34 schrieb:
It’s the biggest ever launch of a FIFA game with EA’s ‘FIFA 09’ outselling last year’s game by 37.5%, ...

Fifa scheint in diesem Jahr bei den Briten ja richtig abzugehn :) , naja auch kein Wunder, bei den Topclubs, die jedes Jahr die Champions-League unsicher machen.
Außerdem floppt Wario Land auch hier im Westen :| , leider.
aktuelle Software-Verkaufscharts aus Deutschland

1. [NEU] FIFA 09 (PS3)
2. [NEU] FIFA 09 (PS2)
3. [NEU] FIFA 09 (Xbox 360)
4. Wii Fit (Wii)
5. Mario Kart Wii (Wii)
6. [NEU] FIFA 09 (PSP)
7. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS3)
8. Dr. Kawashima: Mehr Gehirn-Jogging (NDS)
9. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS2)
10. Mario Kart DS (NDS)
Zahlenspiele mit Microsoft
You know hotcakes? The 360's selling like 'em. The company have announced during their TGS address this morning that, since a range of price-cuts were introduced for the console across the US, Europe and Japan over the past few months, sales have - shockingly - increased. According to Microsoft's John Schappert, US 360 sales have "doubled", European sales are up by "62%", and they're up "five-fold" in Japan. Whichever way you look at it, that's an increase.
aktuelle Softwarecharts aus Japan (29.09.-05.10.)

1. Pokemon Platinum [NDS] – 122.000 (1.595.000)
2. Dynasty Warriors 5 Special [PS2] – 110.000 (Neu!)
3. Super Robot Wars Z [PS2] – 60.000 (426.000)
4. Rhythm Tengoku Gold [NDS] – 54.000 (906.000)
5. Wii Fit [Wii] – 21.000 (2.706.000)
6. Powerful Major League 3 [PS2] – 18.000 (Neu!)
7. To Love Ru Trouble: Doki Doki! Rinkaigakkou-Hen [PSP] – 16.000 (Neu!)
8. Ikkitousen: Eloquent Fist [PSP] – 15.000 (15.000)
9. World Destruction [NDS] – 15.000 (71.000)
10. Dragonball DS [NDS] – 12.000 (115.000)

11. Mario Kart Wii [Wii]
12. Sheng L Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix 2 [PS2]
13. Daigasso! Band Brothers DX [NDS]
14. One Piece Unlimited Cruise: Episode 1 [Wii]
15. Quiz Magic Academy [NDS]
16. Aquanauts Holiday [PS3]
17. Disaster: Day of Crisis [Wii]
18. Wii Sports [Wii]
19. Inazuma Eleven [NDS]
20. X-Edge [PS3]
21. Taiko Drum Master 2: The Seven Island Adventure [NDS]
22. Monster Hunter Portable 2 G [PSP]
23. Way of the Samurai Portable [PSP]
24. Mario Kart DS [NDS]
25. Dragon Quest V [NDS]
26. Eternal Sonata [PS3]
27. Hitman Reborn [PSP]
28. Powerful Major League 3 [Wii] (Neu!)
29. J-League Winning Eleven 2008 Club Championship [PS2]
30. New Super Mario Bros. [NDS]
Japan-Zahlen vom 29.09 bis 05.10

	ak. W.	letzte Woche
DS	42,385	57,847
PSP	26,045	26,314
Wii	25,330	25,671
PS2	8,618	9,848
360	8,271	11,291
PS3	7,232	8,275
