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[XBOX 360] Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread


Wird es XOCA's geben?

Nachdem mir offengelegt wurde, die XOCA zu veranstalten hätte ich gerne Lust dazu, aber wie der Name schon sagt, sind es Community-Awards.
Daher meldet euch bei mir solltet ihr Interresse daran haben teilzunehmen - Mein Ziel ist eine Teilnehmerzahl von 20, deshalb haut ordentlich in die Tasten., und postet hier wenn ihr teilnehmen würdet. =)

(Edit: das wäre natürlich nicht das XOCA logo, das habe ich in 2 minuten als notfallmaßnahme in Paint geschneidert. )
AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

Crystalchild am 21.02.2010 09:26 schrieb:

Wird es XOCA's geben?

Nachdem mir offengelegt wurde, die XOCA zu veranstalten hätte ich gerne Lust dazu, aber wie der Name schon sagt, sind es Community-Awards.
Daher meldet euch bei mir solltet ihr Interresse daran haben teilzunehmen - Mein Ziel ist eine Teilnehmerzahl von 20, deshalb haut ordentlich in die Tasten., und postet hier wenn ihr teilnehmen würdet. =)

(Edit: das wäre natürlich nicht das XOCA logo, das habe ich in 2 minuten als notfallmaßnahme in Paint geschneidert. )

Da versucht anscheinend jemand, CC zu weden :rolleyes:
AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

Crystalchild am 21.02.2010 09:26 schrieb:
Wird es XOCA's geben?

Nachdem mir offengelegt wurde, die XOCA zu veranstalten hätte ich gerne Lust dazu, aber wie der Name schon sagt, sind es Community-Awards.
Daher meldet euch bei mir solltet ihr Interresse daran haben teilzunehmen - Mein Ziel ist eine Teilnehmerzahl von 20, deshalb haut ordentlich in die Tasten., und postet hier wenn ihr teilnehmen würdet. =)

(Edit: das wäre natürlich nicht das XOCA logo, das habe ich in 2 minuten als notfallmaßnahme in Paint geschneidert. )
Würde auf alle Fälle mitvoten.

Das ist das Logo, dass mir LOX vor einiger Zeit mal geschickt hat (kA ob's noch aktuell ist):
AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

Herr-Semmelknoedel am 21.02.2010 10:58 schrieb:
Da versucht anscheinend jemand, CC zu weden :rolleyes:

Das mit den XOCA war nicht meine Idee, Lox kahm darauf das ich es machen könnte, und ich dachte mir - hey! warum nicht?

und wenn ich es so nötig hätte, würde ich ins KZ Forum verschwinden, ein paar intellektuelle Worte von mir geben, und mit drei Rauten wiederkommen.
Achtung, Sarkasmus.

aber ich freue mich, das du dich drauf freust. %)


Das Logo gefällt mir, ich denke ich werde es hier und da verwenden, wobei ich selber die letzten 2 Stunden einige.. meiner Meinung nach ziemlig gelungene Grafiken gebastelt habe. aber hey, es sieht cool aus, und ein gewisser Grad an Variation wäre sicher cool. :)

So, ich habe mich entschlossen sie definitiv zu organisieren und abzuhalten. Aber ich werde 'denke ich', mal warten bis die POCA (und evtl. NOCA) vorbei sind, damit es nicht zu unnötigen überschneidungen kommt, und ich die ungeteilte aufmerksamkeit der 360/VGZ Nutzer habe.
(Die Nominierungsphase wird die Tage beginnen, aber dann halt über einen längeren Zeitraum als noch bei den POCA.)
AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

Auf die warte ich schon mein ganzes Leben! :]

meisternintendo am 21.02.2010 11:02 schrieb:
Das ist das Logo, dass mir LOX vor einiger Zeit mal geschickt hat (kA ob's noch aktuell ist):
Das Logo find' ich übrigens richtig geil. Lox, wenn du das Niveau beim Designen des Preises auch hälst, brauchen wir niemand anderen mehr. :>
AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

Morf-Senfbaer am 26.02.2010 17:20 schrieb:
Star Wars: Force Unleashed Avatar items are available in the Avatar XBLM
( http://marketplace.xbox.com/de-DE/avatar/catalog.aspx?d=25&g=-1&bt=0&br=-1&sb=1&p=1&gi=66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024c4107d2 )

Darksiders DEMO is available on the XBLM. [...]
ESRB: M (Mature)

die Darksiders Demo gabs gestern nacht schon :)
AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 To Get Two New Multiplayer Maps On Launch Day
EA has announced that there will be a pair of massive, all-new multiplayer maps available for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 to download from launch day.

The map pack containing the Laguna Alta map for Conquest mode and the Nelson Bay map for Bad Company 2's Rush game type, will take the map count up to ten when the game launches on March 2nd in North America and March 5th in Europe.

DICE is promising an additional two multiplayer maps later this March, adding the Arica Harbour map to Conquest and the Laguna Presa map to Rush.

The map packs will be available as free downloads when you enter the VIP code found in copies of the game bought as new a la Mass Effect 2's Cerberus Network code.
Bad Company 2: DLC Trailer

Just Cause 2 Demo Skydiving Onto the Xbox Live Marketplace Next Week
Square Enix has announced that a rather generously proportioned Just Cause 2 demo will be hitting the Xbox Live Marketplace very soon.

In fact, the demo, which features approximately 35 square miles of Panau Island (specifically the Lautan Lama Desert region) to tear up, will be out as early as next week. That's Thursday March 4th if you've a diary or calendar where you jot these things down.

The announcement came via a tweet from Mike Oldman, Community Manager at Square Enix London Studios.

"The Just Cause 2 demo will hit Xbox Live, PSN and Steam on March 4th," said the tweet. So now you know.

In the demo, you'll hunt down and assassinate one of the game's fifty colonels, destroying strategic military installations while finding time to hijack a tuk-tuk, fly an attack chopper and skydive from 20,000 feet. Why? Just 'cause.

"The Just Cause 2 demo is simply massive and with so much to do, the replay value is enormous," said Lee Singleton, General Manager of Square Enix London Studios. "It’s easily one of the biggest freeroaming demos of all time and for fans of openworld games, it’s unmissable."

Just Cause 2 will be released on March 26th.
Auf Deutsch: http://www.consolewars.de/news/28276/just_cause_2_releasetermin_der_demo-version_enthuellt/

X10: Ken Lobb: Killer Instinct Has a Place on the XBLA
When people mention classic games that they want brought on to the Xbox Live Arcade, Rare's classic, Killer Instinct, always seems to feature in some way or another.

Speaking with X360A at X10, Microsoft's General Manager for Live and Creative Director for Microsoft Game Studios, Ken Lobb, said he had fond memories of his brainchild and mentioned that they were constantly in discussions over the title.

"Ahhhh, Killer Instinct, another one of my babies," mused Lobb. "I obviously have personal feelings about Killer Instinct, but I do think it’s got a place and again it makes that sort of sense... "Let’s bring something that people loved in the past and see how it does on the Live Arcade." Again, we haven’t started anything yet, so don’t freak out, but Killer Instinct is something that we’re constantly talking about."

When pressed on whether the franchise would ever get a true current generation sequel, Lobb reveals that they actually started on the sequel after Killer Instinct 2.

"Actually after KI2, we started KI3 so there was some early work done on it," Lobb revealed. "Someday, maybe. I think in some ways – again, we don’t have any plans – but if we were going to do a KI3, we’d probably start with KI1 on XBLA, you know to a.) see if everyone is still interested in the IP, but also as a reminder of what it was like."

"Street Fighter is a great example of that, right?" he continued, "They obviously did Street Fighter 4 last year very successfully, but right before it, Street Fighter HD. It sold very well. I’ve always been a huge fighting game fan so I never really “got out” of Street Fighter, but when Street Fighter HD came out, I played the crap out of it. I was excited to get Street Fighter 4. I think the same thing could work."

This news will surely raise a smile to the faces of fans of the series and hopefully the original will become more than just "constant" talks in the coming weeks/months/years. Well, at least we hope so.

X10: Ken Lobb: Goldeneye Licensing Issues Paved the Way for Perfect Dark on the XBLA
Depending on your age, the name Ken Lobb might not mean anything to you. If you were a gamer in the 90's, you should be aware that Lobb was involved in some of the generation's greatest titles: Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct, Banjo-Kazooie and the list goes on. If you weren't a gamer in the 90's and don't know of Lobb, consider yourself educated.

We caught up with the legendary game designer - now the General Manager for Live and Creative Director for Microsoft Game Studios - at this year's X10 in San Francisco and talked briefly about Goldeneye and Perfect Dark... amongst other things.

Lobb told us that he wasn't surprised by the licensing issues with Goldeneye and he stated that it really paved the way for Perfect Dark on the service.

"I wasn’t surprised," said Lobb "It was something that I kicked off and we did it as a prototype, just to see; “what would Goldeneye play like?” Then when we got around to trying to get the business to work... There’s too many license holders is the reality and so we couldn’t do it, right? But no big deal, we used it as a prototype, “okay, this works, let’s just do Perfect Dark instead,” so it all worked out in the end."

Asked whether it was a leg-up for the upcoming title, Lobb responded with a defiant "yes," before noting that it still might have happened without it.

"We probably would have done it anyway, maybe not right away," Lobb continued. "Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved to bring Goldeneye to the Xbox Live Arcade, but I’m not sad with this [Perfect Dark], the game is phenomenal."

For Lobb though, from a multiplayer perspective, Perfect Dark was a spiritual "sequel" to the Bond title and a better game than Goldeneye.

"Again, realistically, like a lot of “sequels,” Perfect Dark was a “sequel” to Goldeneye," said Lobb. "There’s a lot of stuff in Perfect Dark that wasn’t in the original Goldeneye and when you’re playing it strictly for multiplayer, this game is way better!"

"I mean, just the fact that you have the sims, you’ve got the better weapon set that will all have the secondary functions and the challenges really made multiplayer special in Perfect Dark."

Perfect Dark is coming March 17th. Look out for plenty of interesting news from our chat with Ken Lobb and a full transcription of the interview in the coming days.

Ska Studios Announce The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile
Ska Studios today have announced a sequel to their highly touted The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, this time going with the lovingly titled "Vampire Smile." Being dead honest, Ska will only commit that the game will come out "when it's done," offering no time table of any kind. If you believe the game's creator (who may in fact be Cliff Bleszinski incognito if you judge on adjectives), that is all for the better.

"Put simply, we are taking The Dishwasher to a bigger, better and more badass level," said Ska Studios founder James Silva. "Fluid animation, insane combos, disturbing weapons and creeping mental illness are set to collide in a very bad way when this game launches."

The announcement was accompanied by a terse website with only the below announcement trailer.
=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYw...]The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile - Announcement

Mass Effect 2's Hammerhead DLC Coming Late March, Screens Here Now
BioWare shed a little more light on the previously announced Hammerhead DLC this evening, giving us a few screens and a rough idea of what we can expect and when.

The information update on the official site notes that the DLC is planned for late March and will include 5 missions. The blurb from the site says:

"Download the Firewalker pack and gain access to 5 new missions featuring the Hammerhead. The Hammerhead is a heavy assault vehicle that hovers over the battlefield at up to 120 kilometers per hour and features a guided missile system ensuring accuracy even during aggressive maneuvering. Coming late March, free to all Cerberus Network members!"

Whilst we wait for a more definitive release date, check out the 5 new screens in the gallery here.
AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

Bad Company 2 MapPack umsonst? Das wäre genial :X

und Just Cause 2 Demo :X omfg :X :X
AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

GameStop Listing Seperate 250GB Xbox 360 HDD

Anyone dolefully eyeing up a Special Edition Super Elite Xbox 360 and its 250GB hard drive - but is already in possession of a perfectly functioning console - will be happy to learn that GameStop has started listing a seperate standalone 250GB HDD for sale.

The 250GB HDD was previously exclusive to Special Limited Xbox 360 Bundles such as the ones released for Forza 3, Modern Warfare 2, Final Fantasy XIII and the planned Splinter Cell: Conviction Special Edition.

What's more, the standalone HDD add-on is most reasonably priced at just $129.99. This seems like incredibly generous pricing given that the 120GB hard drive was previously tagged at £149.99. Either Microsoft has gone mad, or they're adopting a fresh, more benevolent outlook.

We'd personally plump for the former.

GameStop has a 23rd March date attached to the 250GB HDD.

AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

250-GB-HDD als Zubehör - nur in Japan
Microsoft hat am Montag bekannt gegeben, dass man die bisher nur als Teil des Xbox 360 Elite-Pakets erhältliche 250-GB-Festplatte ab Anfang März auch separat als Teil des Zubehörprogramms anbieten will. Leider vorerst nur in Japan.

Das Laufwerk soll in Japan zum Preis von 15.540 Yen angeboten werden, was umgerechnet etwa 123 Euro entspricht. Nach Angaben von Microsoft sollen am Einführungstermin der Festplatte am 11. März mit dem Wireless Controller Game Pack und dem Wireless LAN Adapter N zwei weitere neue Zubehörprodukte für die Xbox 360 auf den Markt kommen.

Laut einem Sprecher von Microsoft soll die 250-Gigabyte-Festplatte auch in Zukunft vorerst nur in Japan angeboten werden. Es gebe "kleine Pläne" das Laufwerk in anderen Ländern als eigenständiges Produkt in den Handel zu bringen, hieß es.

*Anmerkung* kleine Pläne soll wohl keine Pläne heißen.

Übrigens hat Gamestop die 250 GB HDD scheinbar auch wieder aus dem Sortiment genommen. Der Link dahin aus Heros Quelle führt nämlich zu ner Error Site.

Resident Evil 5 - Eine verzweifelte Flucht
Dies ist der zweite Teil der neuen Inhalte zu RESIDENT EVIL 5. Nachdem Jill Valentine von Chris Redfield gerettet wurde, lässt er sie zurück, um seine Mission zu beenden. Finden Sie heraus, welchen Weg Jill anschließend eingeschlagen hat und welche Rolle Josh Stone dabei spielte. Dieses Paket erlaubt es Ihnen außerdem, zwei neue Spielfiguren im brandneuen Modus "Das Söldnertreffen" freizuschalten. Spielen Sie als einer der Helden von RESIDENT EVIL 0, Rebecca Chambers, oder schlüpfen Sie in die Haut von Josh Stone, dem Anführer des Delta Teams. Außerdem sind in den "Exklusiven Figuren" neue Figuren zum Sammeln enthalten und runden so dieses actiongeladene Paket ab.

Outfipaket 2
AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

Wiinator am 26.02.2010 20:16 schrieb:
The map pack containing the Laguna Alta map for Conquest mode and the Nelson Bay map for Bad Company 2's Rush game type, will take the map count up to ten when the game launches on March 2nd in North America and March 5th in Europe.

Es kommt erst Freitag?
So ein Mist, ich wollt morgen nach Saturn und es mir kaufen. ;(
AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

HitmanFan am 03.03.2010 13:53 schrieb:
Es kommt erst Freitag?
So ein Mist, ich wollt morgen nach Saturn und es mir kaufen. ;(
Spiele erscheinen in Europa immer Freitags. Es sei denn, es ist ein weltweiter Release, dann ist es der Standard Nordamerikanische Release - Dienstag.
Und für gewöhnlich besitzen alle Großhändler die Spiele auch ein bis zwei Tage früher...
AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

FlamerX am 03.03.2010 11:29 schrieb:
250-GB-HDD als Zubehör - nur in Japan

Ach, verdammt... :|

Test Drive Unlimited 2 announced

Atari will release Test Drive Unlimited 2 on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC this year, the publisher has announced.

The title has been developed by Eden Games, and 'expands on the traditional racing experience providing gamers with M.O.O.R.: Massively Open Online Racing'.

As well as this online racing, TDU2 will feature vehicle damage, weather effects, day and night cycles, and a brand new island to explore.

"After the highly successful Test Drive Unlimited which redefined the genre with massively open online racing, Test Drive Unlimited 2 will be an innovative evolution in racing games, expanding its unparalleled multiplayer experience and immersing players in a world full of new online content and lifestyle customization." said Jeff Lapin, CEO of Atari, SA.

"The game fits squarely into our strategy of moving online and generating new revenue streams while maintaining our current retail business."

Players can define their online persona through the customisation of their vehicles, and the acquisition of property, clothing and more.

:X :X :X :X :X
Ich werde es heiraten! :X
Gleich nach Perfect Dark :X
AW: Xbox (360) / Microsoft - News- & Diskussionsthread

Blur Release Dates Confirmed

Project Gotham developer Bizarre Creations has announced the release dates for their nippy arcade racer, Blur following the issuing of Beta codes for the Xbox 360 version.

Blur promises intense pack racing against twenty cars and gameplay changing power-ups like Mario Kart or WipEout.

Bizarre has also said that the game will feature more than 50 licensed cars to race through its winding, neon-soaked streets.

Blur is out May 25th in North America and May 28th in the UK.

Ich freu mich :]

Sledgehammer Confirmed as Developer on New Call of Duty For 2011 [updated]

Activision has announced their plans to expand the Call of Duty brand following today's hullabaloo surrounding the publisher's dismissal of Infinity Ward studio leads Jason West and Vince Zampella, who have now been confirmed as no longer being with the company.

A new game in the Call of Duty series will be released some time in 2011 and will be handled by newly formed Activision studio Sledgehammer Games, lead by Dead Space veterans Glen A. Schofield and Michael Condrey.

While Infinity Ward continue working on downloadable map packs for Modern Warfare 2, Treyarch - the studio behind World at War - will still release their Call of Duty game this autumn.

Beyond the two CoD titles currently confirmed, Activision also announced their plans to look at new genres for the franchise as well as branching out into the Asian market with the lucrative series.

Quite where this leaves Infinity Ward is unknown however and their future involvement in the franchise that has brought both companies such massive success, is currently up for speculation.

[update:] Just thought we'd update you somewhat on this front. The Sledgehammer Games title according to the press release will be an "action-adventure" game. So expect 2 Call of Duty titles in 2011... that's if the events of today with Infinity Ward haven't changed the state of play there. After the sales of Modern Warfare 2 last year though, we doubt that very much.

TT Games Secure LEGO License Until 2016

LEGO and Warner Home Entertainment have announced a deal with TT Games to continue developing LEGO games until at least 2016.

TT's LEGO licenses so far include LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Indiana Jones, LEGO Batman and LEGO Harry Potter, which have sold close to 50 million units to date. Undoubtedly this huge sales success has made the announced agreement a no-brainer for LEGO and Warner.

Next up for TT Games' LEGO range is LEGO Harry Potter - Years 1-4 later this year.

We look forward to seeing what TT LEGO-ise next.

RE5's Desperate Escape Available Now; Achievements MIA

The second piece of story DLC for Resident Evil 5, Desperate Escape, was released today. However, much like Capcom's other blunder (which has still not been fixed) the achievements are not available on xbox.com and thus can not be properly unlocked and added to your gamerscore.

I will make another news post when the achievement list is properly updated (or update this one if it happens sometime today), so until then I would suggest not playing the DLC. However, if you can't wait, it should only be a simple fix of recovering your gamertag once the achievements show up on xbox.com for unlocking. Hopefully.
