assman am 09.08.2005 02:46 schrieb:
myzzery am 09.08.2005 02:42 schrieb:
assman am 09.08.2005 02:35 schrieb:
assman am 09.08.2005 02:27 schrieb:
assman am 09.08.2005 02:24 schrieb:
sogar bei wikipedia
der typ ist berühmt
sogar bei seinfeld:
Episode 107 The Fusilli Jerry:
Kramer: [signs it] Okay. [The clerk hands him a manila envelope]. Thanks.
[opens up the envelope] Assman? Oh, no, these don't belong to me. I'm
not the Assman. I think there's been a mistake.
Clerk: What's your name again?
Kramer: Cosmo Kramer.
Clerk: [checks computer again] Cosmo Kramer. You *are* the Assman.
Kramer: No! I'm not the Assman.
und es geht weiter:
Kramer: Oh...yeah. I got my new plates. But they mixed them up. Somebody
got mine and I got their *vanity* plates.
George: What do they say?
Kramer: Assman.
Jerry: Assman?
Kramer: Yeah. Assman, Jerry. I'm Cosmo Kramer, the Assman!
Jerry: Who would order a license plate that says "Assman"?
George: Maybe they're Wilt Chamberlain's.
Jerry: It doesn't have to be someone who gets a lot of women. It could be
just some guy with a big ass.
Kramer: Yeah, or it could be a proctologist.
Jerry: Yeah. Proctologist.
George: Come on! No doctor would put that on his car.
Kramer: Have you ever *met* a proctologist? Well, they usually have a very
good sense of humor. You meet a proctologist at a party, don't walk away.
*Plant* yourself there, because you will hear the funniest stories you've
ever heard. See, no one wants to admit to them that they *stuck* something
up there. Never! It's always an accident. Every proctologist story ends in
the same way: "It was a million to one shot, Doc. Million to one."