gameboy micro
(GC) Prince of Persia The Two Thrones
(GC) Battalion Wars
(GC) killer 7
(GC) bomberman generation
(GC) mystic heroes
(GC) i-ninja
(GBA) gunstar future heroes
(GBA) megaman zero 4
(GBA) megaman zero
GC-GBA kabel (nintendo)
GBA-GBA kabel (nintendo)
(GC) geist (ovp)
(GC) nba street v3 (ovp)
(GC) ikaruga (ovp)
(GC) def jam: fight for new york (ovp)
(GC) vexx (ovp/lösungsbuch)
(GC) ssx3 (ovp)
(GC) lotr: the third age (ovp/uk)
(GC) evolution worlds (ovp)
(GC) mortal kombat deadly alliance (ovp/uk)
(GC) metal arms: glitch in the system (ovp)
(GC) the hobbit (ovp)
(GC) donkey konga (ovp/ohne trommeln)
(GBA) final fantasy 1&2 - dawn of souls (ovp)
(GBA) fire emblem (us/ovp)
(N64) lylat wars (nur modul)
(N64) international superstar soccer 98 (ovp)
(N64) nhl 99 (ovp)
(N64) wcw vs. nWo world tour (nur modul)
(SNES) starwing (modul+anleitung)
(SNES) axelay (nur modul)
(SNES) Super Mario All-Stars (ovp)
(SNES) donkey kong country (modul+anleitung)
(SNES) donkey kong country 2 (modul+anleitung)
(SNES) donkey kong country 3 (modul+anleitung)
(GB) metroid 2 (nur modul)
(GB) final fantasy legend (us/modul+anleitung)
gameboy micro
(GC) Prince of Persia The Two Thrones
(GC) Battalion Wars
(GC) killer 7
(GC) bomberman generation
(GC) mystic heroes
(GC) i-ninja
(GBA) gunstar future heroes
(GBA) megaman zero 4
(GBA) megaman zero
GC-GBA kabel (nintendo)
GBA-GBA kabel (nintendo)
(GC) geist (ovp)
(GC) nba street v3 (ovp)
(GC) ikaruga (ovp)
(GC) def jam: fight for new york (ovp)
(GC) vexx (ovp/lösungsbuch)
(GC) ssx3 (ovp)
(GC) lotr: the third age (ovp/uk)
(GC) evolution worlds (ovp)
(GC) mortal kombat deadly alliance (ovp/uk)
(GC) metal arms: glitch in the system (ovp)
(GC) the hobbit (ovp)
(GC) donkey konga (ovp/ohne trommeln)
(GBA) final fantasy 1&2 - dawn of souls (ovp)
(GBA) fire emblem (us/ovp)
(N64) lylat wars (nur modul)
(N64) international superstar soccer 98 (ovp)
(N64) nhl 99 (ovp)
(N64) wcw vs. nWo world tour (nur modul)
(SNES) starwing (modul+anleitung)
(SNES) axelay (nur modul)
(SNES) Super Mario All-Stars (ovp)
(SNES) donkey kong country (modul+anleitung)
(SNES) donkey kong country 2 (modul+anleitung)
(SNES) donkey kong country 3 (modul+anleitung)
(GB) metroid 2 (nur modul)
(GB) final fantasy legend (us/modul+anleitung)