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Remember Me
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Deus Ex meets Assassin's Creed/Mirrors Edge? Mir gefällts . Werde ich definitif im Auge behalten.
SourceFrench studio Dontnod Studio revealed a new IP Remember Me at Capcom's gamescom press conference this afternoon in Cologne, Germany. This third-person action/adventure is being worked on by former Splinter Cell, Rinbow Six and Heavy Rain developers. Todd McFarlane is also involved. Yum.
It's set in Paris in the future in the year 2084, with hovering cars and fancy art. The lead character is female, and has had her memory erased.
At the reveal the developer of the game asked the audience to imagine a word where your memories could be shared with anyone else in the world, or a world where you could delete your unwanted memories. He recalled a favorite memory of his first date with his girlfriend in Paris.
In this game all memories can be uploaded and traded on a network, run by a company called Memoreyes. You play as a member of a group trying to fight against this company as a "memory hunter" that has lost her identity.
Expect Uncharted-style climbing sequences, chase scenes and hand-to-hand comat. In a fight, a moved that sprayed memories everywhere, called Memory Overload, was used. Time manipulation was also shown.
Remember Me is coming May 2013 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
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Deus Ex meets Assassin's Creed/Mirrors Edge? Mir gefällts . Werde ich definitif im Auge behalten.