AW: Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
dark-shadow1991 am 07.06.2006 16:51 schrieb:
müssen aber ziemlich bescheuerte gegner gewesen sein - normalerweise sehen die ja wo du bist und man wird sofort eliminiert. ausserdem gibts bei dieser flagge mehrere müllcontainer
hast du schon mal folgendes ausprobiert: bei backstab als US soldat, da gibts ja im hauptquartier autos, die dreisitzer sind. da kann man hinten drauf sitzen, mit der pumpgun das auto ein wenig schrotten und dann wieder reparieren - während der fahrt! allerdings geht das dort irgendwie so lahm zum reparieren... weisst du was ich meine?
ich meine den müllcontainer an folgender position:
wenn du an flagge 2 stehst und richtung us-base guckst, steht am ende des linken gebäudes ein roter müllcontainer, in den man reinspringen kann.. wenn du drin bist kannste nur noch auf die fahne gucken...
und wenn du gut schießen kannst ist der feind tot bevor er dich erwischen kann...
die 3-sitzer sind humvees (auch bekannt als hummer)... wenn ich die in der fahrt reparieren will, röste ich immer den fahrer...
so bekommste alle medals (übersetzung schenke ich mir mal...
tips von einem clankollegen von mir
BRONZE STAR - Kill ten enemies without dying using land vehicle weapons.
MAP: Backstab
Where: Flag 6
Faction: MEC
I stole the US 30mm and parked it on the repair dock and proceeded to get 12 in a row, before taking 2 rockets into the face.
BRONZE STAR, FIRST CLASS - Kill 15 enemies without dying using land vehicle weapons.
SILVER STAR - Kill 20 enemies without dying using land vehicle weapons.
LEGION OF MERIT, FIRST CLASS - Kill 30 enemies with a secondary position in a vehicle in a game round.
MAP: Backstab
Where: MEC Base
Faction: US
I managed to steal the MEC 30mm at 2 and roll up to the MEC base and park on a helo pad. I used the mounted rocket and nailed around 24 in a row. I continued to do this strategy 2 more times and finished the round 44-4.
SERVICE CROSS - Kill 5 enemies without dying using kit weapons.
SERVICE CROSS, FIRST CLASS - Kill 10 enemies without dying using kit weapons.
EXPERT KILLING - Kill 4 enemies without dying with one clip in an assualt rifle.
MAP: Deadly Pass
Where: Outside flag 4, in the sniper building
Faction: US
In the first map I played after the erase, I earned these medals in the first 5 minutes of the game playing on the noob servers. I hid in the building close to 3 and across from 4 and just opened up on the noobs, getting 14 of them before I was sniped.
AIR FORCE CROSS - Kill 10 enemies without dying using aerial weapons.
AIR FORCE CROSS, FIRST CLASS - Kill 15 enemies without dying using aerial weapons.
LEGION OF MERIT - Kill 15 enemies in a secondary position of a vehicle in one game round.
MAP: Deadly Pass
Where: US spawn
Faction: MEC
We managed to contol the map, and I was riding gatling in the US bird (stolen). We flew over the spawn and I nailed 17 in a row before getting hardcore killed.
NAVY CROSS - Kill 30 enemies without dying using kit weapons.
MAP: Bridge Too Far
Where: US Spawn
Faction: MEC
I about crapped my pants several times getting this one. I snuck to the back side of the US spawn and just killed everyhing I saw spawning there. It took the whole round, and I had to reload twice (scary, especially when they started hunting me) I finished guy 31 when I was sandwiched between 3 guys and finnaly finished off. I ran from behind the whole spawn constantly, and when my teamates knew what was going on, they started throwing out GPSes for me.
EXPERT SHOOTING - Kill 4 enemies withoutdying using one clip in a sniper rifle.MAP: The Nest
Where: Flag 3, on top of the other side.
Faction: US
I spawned there, with no intention of getting the medal, and there were 2 guys taking the flag. I nailed one as he popped out looking for me, and I jumped and shot the other one. I then looked up the hill towards to, and a sniper was sighting me in, but I beat him to it. 2 rounds left.... I captured the flag, and realized "Hey, one more, huh?" and took off toward 4. I saw a dude shot and missed (!) and took aim for one more 'em, and the medal. It was cool.
EXPERT DEMO - Kill 4 enemies without dying using C4.
MAP: Bridge Too Far
Where: US Spawn
Faction: MEC
I managed to get to the US spawn and hid inside the containers next to the ramp leading to 3. I threw a C4 into the road and waited for the sound of a humvee rolling up and BOOM! Repeat 3 more times...
EXPERT REPAIR - Heal 4 friendly vehicles without dying.
MAP: Deadly Pass
Where: 5 - 6 area
Faction: US
This was quick. I spawned as an engineer and took a buggie into 5 - 6 area, and captured the flag. A dude jumped into the wall-smashed buggy and I fixed him, (1) and he took off. Next thing I klow, he comes back, "Heal me!" and I do (2). I reload and run to 6, just as we take out a tank with one of our own. I fix him. (3) And the first dude comes back again and I heal him, getting the medal. All happened within 2 minutes. It was nuts.
EXPERT HEALING - Heal 4 friendly soldiers without dying.
MAP: Backstab
Where: 4 (mosque upstairs)
Faction: US
I camped up there in the mosue and announced my goal to the team, and they cordially replied. I ended up healing about 30 guys throughout the match. It was pretty cool.