Bekanntes Gesicht
DerArier am 14.04.2005 23:50 schrieb:Mc Basstard - Bullenmörder
erm ist das gothic-hip hop oder was? o.O
DerArier am 14.04.2005 23:50 schrieb:Mc Basstard - Bullenmörder
Why, tell me the reasons why
Try, still I don't understand
Will I ever feel this again
Blue sky, I'll meet you in the end
Free them, free the memories of you
Free me, and rest 'til I'm with you
A day like today
My whole world has been changed
Nothing you say
Will help ease my pain
Turn, I'll turn this slowly 'round
Burn, burn to feel alive again
She, she'd want me to move on
See me, this place I still belong
Give chase, to find more than I have found
And face, this time now on my own
Days disappear
And my whole world keeps changing
I feel you here
And it keeps me sane
So I'm moving on
I'll never forget
As you lay there and watched me
Accepting the end
I knew you were scared
You were strong I was trying
I gave you my hand
I said it's okay letting go time to leave here
And I'll carry on
The best that I can without you here beside me
Let him come take you home
In the calm of desolation
Wanting to break
From this circle of confusion
In the depths of isolation
Trying to wake
From this daydream of illusion
How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone
If I seem superhuman
I have been
It challenges the essence of my soul
And leaves me in a state of disconnection
As I navigate the maze of self control
Playing a lion being led to a cage
I turn from a thief to a beggar
From a god to God save me
How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone
If I seem superhuman
I have been
Playing a lion being led to a cage
I turn from surreal to seclusion
From love to disdaid
From belief to delusion
From a thief to a beggar
From a god to God save me
How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone
If I seems superhuman
I have been
HellFalcon am 15.04.2005 21:51 schrieb:DerArier am 14.04.2005 23:50 schrieb:Mc Basstard - Bullenmörder
erm ist das gothic-hip hop oder was? o.O
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
people think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time
All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy
Think I'll lose my mind if I don't find something to pacify
Can you help me occupy my brain?
Oh yeah
I need someone to show me the things in life that I can't find
I can't see the things that make true happiness, I must be blind
Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel and love to me is so unreal
And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late
Infected by invalid behaviour
While capturing the stench of divine putrefaction
Confess to slavery for the world saviour
Give praise and inhale the corruption
The Enfeebled provides the fool
The Disabled provides the tool
The Apathetic demands the affection
To those suffering from their own satisfaction
Devour in self-deceit, conjure the righteous plague
Testify today´s contradiction, glorify tomorrows deed
Inconceivable moral priest, hide in preferable dress
Invite to another pleasure feast, the concealment of joyful laughter
The decrepit innocence of your correctness and well-chosen
Elicits the source of the need for immediate forgiveness
Submit to no grace but the spiteful of your disease
Apply to join the unlimited disgrace and a settlement in the skies
And turn the confusion among your children into self-stimulation
The incarnation of your prostitution, the true Evil in disguise
With the ignorance from your cross as the witness
The truth of your tragedy make you justice
In your mirror the high spirit of kindness
Looks like malice
Condemnation of life by the living dead
What a premature judgement, contradiction to the core
How unfortunate I am, cursed to spend time on a battle already won
The shame that will be guarding your grave says it all
Retreat to the crypt and make it worthwhile
Recall my sins furthermore but still be watching yours with a smile
Devour in self-deceit, conjure the righteous plague
Testify today´s contradiction, glorify tomorrows deed
DerArier am 15.04.2005 22:24 schrieb:HellFalcon am 15.04.2005 21:51 schrieb:DerArier am 14.04.2005 23:50 schrieb:Mc Basstard - Bullenmörder
erm ist das gothic-hip hop oder was? o.O
Basstard beschreibt sich in einem Lied so: Nicht soft-, nicht hart-, sondern Horrorcore
HellFalcon am 17.04.2005 15:05 schrieb:DerArier am 15.04.2005 22:24 schrieb:HellFalcon am 15.04.2005 21:51 schrieb:DerArier am 14.04.2005 23:50 schrieb:Mc Basstard - Bullenmörder
erm ist das gothic-hip hop oder was? o.O
Basstard beschreibt sich in einem Lied so: Nicht soft-, nicht hart-, sondern Horrorcore
aha benutzt der denn auch hip hop beats oder eher so metal musik? ^^
I never wanted to become
Someone like him
So secure
Content to live each day
Just like the last
I was sure I knew that
This was not for me
And I wanted so much more
Far beyond what I could see
So I swore that I'd
Never be someone like him
So many years have passed
Since I proclaimed
My independance
My mission
My aim
And my vision
So secure
Content to live each day
Like it's my last
It's wonderful to know
That I could be
Something more than what I dreamed
Far beyond what I could see
Still I swear that I'm
Missing out this time
As far as I could tell
Theres nothing more I need
But still I ask myself
Could this be everything
Then all I swore
That I would never be was now
So suddenly
The only thing
I wanted
To become
To be someone just like him
A Doctor sitting next to me
He asked me how I feel
Not sure I understand his questioning
He says I've been away a while
But thinks he has cured me
From a state of catatonic sleep
For 30 years
Where have I been
Eyes open
But not getting through to me
Medicate me
Infiltrate me
Side effects appear
As my conscience slips away
Medicate me
Science failing
Conscience fading fast
Can't you stop what's happening
A higher dosage he prescribes
But there's no guarantee
I feel it starting to take over me
I tell him not to be ashamed
There's no one who's to blame
A second shot
A brief awakening
I feel the relapse
Can't break free
Eyes open
But not getting through to me
Medicate me
Infiltrate me
Side effects appear
As my conscience slips away
Medicate me
Science failing
Conscience fading fast
Can't you stop what's happening?
[This is where we came in]
sailing on the seven seize the day tripper diem's ready
jack the ripper owens wilson phillips and my supper's ready
lucy in the sky with diamond daves not here I come to save the
day for nightmare cinema show me the way to get back home
Anmerkung von mir: Die Stelle find ich krass, guckt mal wieviele Liedtitel da vorkommen
[Running forward
Falling back]
Spinning round and round
[Looking outward
Reaching in]
Scream without a sound
[Leaning over
Crawling up]
Stumbling all around
[Losing my place
Only to]
Find I've come full circle
flying off the handle with careful with
that axe eugene gene the dance machine
messiah light my fire gabba gabba
hey hey my my generation's home
Hier dasselbe nochmal
[Running forward
Falling back]
Spinning round and round
[Looking outward
Reaching in]
Scream without a sound
[Leaning over
Crawling up]
Stumbling all around
[Losing my place
Only to]
Find I've come full circle
Our deadly sins feel his mortal wrath
Remove all obstacles from our path
Asking questions
Search for clues
The answer's been right in front of you
We try to break through
Long to connect
Fall on deaf ears with failed muted breath
Loyalty, trust, faith and desire
Carries love through each darkest fire
Tortured insanity
A smothering hell
Try to escape but to no avail
The calls of admirers
Who claim they adore
Drain all your lifeblood while begging for more
Innocent victims for merciless crimes
Fall prey to some madman's for impulsive designs
Step after step
We try controlling our fate
When we finally start living it's become to late
Trapped inside this Octavarium
Trapped inside this Octavarium
Trapped inside this Octavarium
Trapped inside this Octavarium
We move in circles
Balanced all the while
On a gleaming razor's edge
A perfect sphere
Colliding with our fate
This story ends where it began
kaioshin am 12.06.2005 13:29 schrieb:Gibts nicht schon nen Thread mit dem gleichen Titel? ^^
Dream Theater - Octavarium
[Ein Wahrscheinlich 27-minuten langer progressive metal text]
Vergleiche ich immer mit meiner ersten großen Liebe. Ganz große klasse. Wirklich. MmhSchrei Nach Liebe: Die Ärzte
Du Bist Wirklich Saudumm
darum Gehts Dir Gut
hass Ist Deine Attitüde
ständig Kocht Dein Blut
alles Muss Man Dir Erklären
weil Du Wirklich Garnichts Weisst
höchstwarscheinlich Nicht Einmal
was Attitüde Heisst
deine Gewalt Ist Nur Ein Stummer Schrei Nach Liebe
deine Springerstiefel Sehnen Sich Nach Zärtlichkeit
du Hast Nie Gelernt Dich Zu Artikulieren
und Deine Eltern Hatten Niemals Für Dich Zeit
oh Oh Oh Arschloch
warum Hast Du Angst Vorm Streicheln
was Soll All` Der Terz
unterm Lorbeerkranz Mit Eicheln
weiß Ich Schlägt Ein Herz
und Romantik Ist Für Sich
nicht Nur Graue Theorie
zwischen Störkraft Und Den Onkelz
steh Ne Kuschelrock Lp
deine Gewalt Ist Nur Ein Stummer Schrei Nach Liebe
deine Springerstiefel Sehnen Sich Nach Zärtlichkeit
du Hast Nie Gelernt Dich Zu Artikulieren
und Deine Eltern Hatten Niemals Für Dich Zeit
oh Oh Oh Arschloch
weil Du Probleme Hast Die Keinen Interessieren
weil Du Angst Vor Schmusen Hast
bist Du Ein Faschist
du Musst Deinen Selbsthass Nicht Auf Andere Projezieren
damit Keiner Merkt Was Für Ein Lieber Kerl Du Bist
deine Gewalt Ist Nur Ein Stummer Schrei Nach Liebe
deine Springerstiefel Sehnen Sich Nach Zärtlichkeit
du Hast Nie Gelernt Dich Artizukulieren
und Deine Freundin Die Hat Niemals Für Dich Zeit
oh Oh Oh Arschloch
oh Oh Oh Arschloch
oh Oh Oh Arschloch