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"Shadow of the Colossus is considered both a spiritual successor[43] and prequel to Ico.[8] For several months during and after the game's release, the game's director and lead designer, Fumito Ueda, maintained that the game's status as a prequel was simply his personal take on the game and not necessarily its canon nature, as he largely intended for players to decide the specifics of the story for themselves, but he confirmed the two do have a connection.[9] Moreover, the shadowy figures which appear in the Shrine of Worship are connected to the shadows which the player must fight in Ico."

The Long-Awaited Spiritual Successor to ICO Arrives Mid-February in Europe - GameSpot.com
Slideshow: Behind the Shadow: Fumito Ueda

"Shadow of the Colossus is considered both a spiritual successor[43] and prequel to Ico.[8] For several months during and after the game's release, the game's director and lead designer, Fumito Ueda, maintained that the game's status as a prequel was simply his personal take on the game and not necessarily its canon nature, as he largely intended for players to decide the specifics of the story for themselves, but he confirmed the two do have a connection.[9] Moreover, the shadowy figures which appear in the Shrine of Worship are connected to the shadows which the player must fight in Ico."

The Long-Awaited Spiritual Successor to ICO Arrives Mid-February in Europe - GameSpot.com
Slideshow: Behind the Shadow: Fumito Ueda

Ja, aber kein Offizielles.
Sam & Max - Season Two: All-Zeit bereit

Da steht bestimmt auch auf der Cover-Rückseite: "Allzeit bereit" :P