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Remove border
Press R3 to remove the black border around the games.

In-game hints
Select any game and start it. Allow it to idle while the game is actually running. After a certain amount of time is accumulated, you will unlock the in-game hints for that particular game.

Unlocking hidden games
When you initiate Sonic The Hedgehog 1, 2, 3, Sonic And Knuckles, Sonic 3D Blast, Dr. Robotnic's Mean Bean Machine, or Sonic Spinball, the screen states that it is logging the game data. That indicates the game is logging in that you have initiated that game once. After initiating a game fifty times, it no longer shows that game-logging screen. It stops the logging sequence screen from ever starting a game again and from then on, just starts the Genesis program itself. To unlock a hidden game, you must start a particular Mega Collection game fifty times, continually exit it, then enter into the game repeatedly. Some hidden games do not necessarily require that you start up fifty times, but you eventually need to do so to unlock all the hidden games.

Blue Spheres: Start Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic 3D Blast twenty times each.

Comix Zone: Have a saved game file from Sonic Heroes on your memory card. Alternately, accumulate over 30 hours of game time.

Flicky: Start Dr. Robotnic's Mean Bean Machine before reaching 50 times. Alternately, have a memory card in slot A with a saved game from another Sega game.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Unlocked sometime in the process of starting Sonic 1, Sonic 3, Sonic And Knuckles, and Sonic 3-D Blast fifty times.

Knuckles In Sonic 2: Unlocked in the process of starting Sonic Spinball and Sonic 2 fifty times.

The Ooze: Have a saved game file from Sonic Heroes on your memory card. Alternately, start Sonic Spinball and Sonic 2 fifty times.

Ristar: Start the following games fifty times: Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic The Hedgehog 3, Sonic And Knuckles, Sonic 2 And Knuckles, Sonic 3 And Knuckles, Sonic 3-D Blast, Sonic Spinball; and start Blue Spheres thirty to forty times.

danke in vorraus
thegame83 am 14.12.2006 18:39 schrieb:
Remove border
Press R3 to remove the black border around the games.
du musst R3 drücken, damit der schwarze rahmen bei den spielen verschwindet.

In-game hints
Select any game and start it. Allow it to idle while the game is actually running. After a certain amount of time is accumulated, you will unlock the in-game hints for that particular game.
du musst ein spiel auswählen und starten. dann die konsole einfach laufen lassen, ohne etwas zu machen. nach einer weile (hab mal gelesen 3 stunden) werden spieltipps freigeschaltet. glaube das ist nicht wirklich sinnvoll, da du ja schon einmal alles durchgespielt hast.

Unlocking hidden games
When you initiate Sonic The Hedgehog 1, 2, 3, Sonic And Knuckles, Sonic 3D Blast, Dr. Robotnic's Mean Bean Machine, or Sonic Spinball, the screen states that it is logging the game data. That indicates the game is logging in that you have initiated that game once. After initiating a game fifty times, it no longer shows that game-logging screen. It stops the logging sequence screen from ever starting a game again and from then on, just starts the Genesis program itself. To unlock a hidden game, you must start a particular Mega Collection game fifty times, continually exit it, then enter into the game repeatedly. Some hidden games do not necessarily require that you start up fifty times, but you eventually need to do so to unlock all the hidden games.
um versteckte spiele freizuschalten, musst du die vorhandenen games 50 mal starten. also am besten immer wieder starten, verlassen, starten etc...
manche spiele musst du auch weniger spielen.

Blue Spheres: Start Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic 3D Blast twenty times each.
starte sonic und sonic 3d blast 20 mal um blue spheres freizuschalten

Comix Zone: Have a saved game file from Sonic Heroes on your memory card. Alternately, accumulate over 30 hours of game time.
für die comixzone benötigst du einen speicherstand vom spiel sonic heroes auf deiner memory card. alternativ musst du 30 stunden spielzeit haben.

Flicky: Start Dr. Robotnic's Mean Bean Machine before reaching 50 times. Alternately, have a memory card in slot A with a saved game from another Sega game.
spiele dr robotnics mean bean machine 50 mal, oder benutze eine memory card in slot 1, auf der ein spielstand eines anderen sega games ist.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Unlocked sometime in the process of starting Sonic 1, Sonic 3, Sonic And Knuckles, and Sonic 3-D Blast fifty times.
starte die gennanten spiel 50 mal, um sonic 3 und knuckles freizuschalten.

Knuckles In Sonic 2: Unlocked in the process of starting Sonic Spinball and Sonic 2 fifty times.
starte die genannten spiele 50 mal um sonic 2:unlocked freizuschalten.

The Ooze: Have a saved game file from Sonic Heroes on your memory card. Alternately, start Sonic Spinball and Sonic 2 fifty times.
siehe die passage davor, gleiche freischaltbedingungen.

Ristar: Start the following games fifty times: Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic The Hedgehog 3, Sonic And Knuckles, Sonic 2 And Knuckles, Sonic 3 And Knuckles, Sonic 3-D Blast, Sonic Spinball; and start Blue Spheres thirty to forty times.
starte folgende spiele 50 mal:

Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic The Hedgehog 3, Sonic And Knuckles, Sonic 2 And Knuckles, Sonic 3 And Knuckles, Sonic 3-D Blast, Sonic Spinball

und dieses 30-40 mal: Blue Spheres

dann wird risestar freigeschalten.

hoffe das hilft dir ein wenig weiter. ist zwar doof mit deinem spielstand, aber lässt sich wohl nicht anders lösen. ich hab nac savegames gesucht, aber keine gefunden. hab das spiel zwar auch, aber bin weit davon entfernt das alles freigeschalten zu haben.

p.s.: kleine kritik noch, nächstes mal bitte in deinen bestehenden thread posten, wenn es ums gleiche thema geht =)