Final Fantasy in deutsch
Für den da wo das von Interesse ist
Developers Panel: March 11th 1:00 PM
The third developers panel focused on the real money trading and the economy of Vana'diel.
Xbox360 Beta test and German / French Version
More than 100,000 players from North America, Japan and Europe have participated in the Xbox 360 beta test. The players on Hydra play just as dedicated as players on any of the existing servers. On April 18th, 2006 "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" will be released simultaneously with the Xbox 360 version of FINAL FANTASY XI! We have made the decision that after the beta ends, all players will have a chance to keep their characters! We'll have more information shortly for our beta players that wish to transfer their characters over to official servers. One of the main intentions behind the Xbox 360 version of FINAL FANTASY XI was to allow console players in Europe a chance to experience the world of Vana'diel without a PC. We want to make playing the game as easy as possible for our European players so we will create a way to be able to pay the monthly fee without a credit card. To show our commitment to our European fans we're proud to announce that not only are we creating FINAL FANTASY XI in Japanese and English, we're also developing French and German versions as well! If you are already playing FINAL FANTASY XI on an English client, you will be able to update the game to French or German via a free version update! We'll have more details on these new versions soon on the official website.
Noch eine Anmerkung von meiner Seite
Das lustigste am Game waren die (automatisch) übersetzen Nachrichten bzgl. Version und Systemupdates. Wenn die dt. Version auch so generiert wird, wirds lustig (Übersetzung: Windows = Fenster und ähnliches)
Für den da wo das von Interesse ist
Developers Panel: March 11th 1:00 PM
The third developers panel focused on the real money trading and the economy of Vana'diel.
Xbox360 Beta test and German / French Version
More than 100,000 players from North America, Japan and Europe have participated in the Xbox 360 beta test. The players on Hydra play just as dedicated as players on any of the existing servers. On April 18th, 2006 "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" will be released simultaneously with the Xbox 360 version of FINAL FANTASY XI! We have made the decision that after the beta ends, all players will have a chance to keep their characters! We'll have more information shortly for our beta players that wish to transfer their characters over to official servers. One of the main intentions behind the Xbox 360 version of FINAL FANTASY XI was to allow console players in Europe a chance to experience the world of Vana'diel without a PC. We want to make playing the game as easy as possible for our European players so we will create a way to be able to pay the monthly fee without a credit card. To show our commitment to our European fans we're proud to announce that not only are we creating FINAL FANTASY XI in Japanese and English, we're also developing French and German versions as well! If you are already playing FINAL FANTASY XI on an English client, you will be able to update the game to French or German via a free version update! We'll have more details on these new versions soon on the official website.
Noch eine Anmerkung von meiner Seite
Das lustigste am Game waren die (automatisch) übersetzen Nachrichten bzgl. Version und Systemupdates. Wenn die dt. Version auch so generiert wird, wirds lustig (Übersetzung: Windows = Fenster und ähnliches)