Hier mal alles, was ich schon eingegeben hab:
Pokemon Blattgrün
Pokemon Rubin
Pokemon Saphir
GBA SP Tribal Edition
The Legendo of Zelda - Four Swords Adventure
Tales of Symphonia
The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker
Pokemon Feuerrot
Metroid Prime
Nintendo DS
Mario Kart Double Dash
Mario Party 4
Mario Party 5
Mario Party 6
Resident Evil 4
Donkey Konga
Bongo Controller
Final Fantasy 1 & 2 Dawn of Souls
Baten Kaitos
Kirby : Nightmare in Dreamland
Super Mario 64 DS
Doctor Mario
Eternal Darkness : Sanity's Requiem
Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories
Yoshi Touch and Go
Pokemon Collosseum
Final Fantasy - Crystal Chronicles Limited Edition
The Legend of Zelda - The minish cap
Metroid Fusion
So das waren alle! Ich hoffe, jemand braucht die codes!