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[PS3] Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]


Bekanntes Gesicht
Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]

Lange hab ich für die Überarbeitung gebraucht, aber jetzt bin ich endlich fertig geworden. Ich hoffe euch gefällt das Ergebnis. Aber zuerst noch mal eine Erklärung für alle Neuen: Ihr nennt mir einen Titel (mit Genre) und setzt dahinter entweder ein :top: für „Empfehlung“, ein :hop: für „Keine Empfehlung“ oder ein :| für „Weder gut noch schlecht“. Die Liste wird dann von mir aktualisiert. (Verbesserungsvorschläge oder Fehler bitte hier im Thread posten.)

Hier ist der alte Thread: Klick

Action | Action-Adventure | Adventure | Beat 'em Ups | Ego-Shooter

Hack n' Slays | Horror-Action-Adventure | Jmup 'n Runs | Musikspiele | Party Games | Rennspiele | Rollenspiele

Sport | Stealth-Action | Strategie | Third-Person-Shooter | Trendsport

PSN | Zubehör

TOP 10

AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]



Armored Core 4						- 1x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Armored Core: For Answer				- 1x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Genji: Days of the Blade				- 0x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 

Ghostbusters  						- 3x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

[b]Grand Theft Auto 4[/b]					-22x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 4x  :|  

[b]Infamous[/b]						-13x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Lair 							- 1x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 

Prototype						- 4x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 

Saints Row 2 						- 2x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 2x  :| 

Stuntman Ignition 					- 1x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Viking 							- 3x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 



Assassins Creed 					- 4x  :top:  - 4x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 

Assassins Creed 2					- 7x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 
Batman: Arkham Asylum					- 7x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Beowulf 						- 0x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Brütal Legend						- 5x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Chroniken von Narnia: PKvN				- 0x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Herr der Ringe: Die Eroberung 				- 1x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 

Overlord 						- 2x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Overlord 2						- 1x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Tomb Raider Underworld 					- 4x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 2x  :| 

[b]Uncharted: Drakes Schicksal[/b]				-30x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

[b]Uncharted 2: Among Thieves[/b]				-16x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 



Afrika 							- 4x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Folklore 						- 1x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 

[u][b]Beat´m Ups[/b][/u]


Def Jam Icon						- 0x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Fight Night Round 4					- 3x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 

Mortal Combat vs. DC Universe				- 0x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 				- 1x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 

Soul Calibur IV 					- 2x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 

Street Fighter 4 					- 6x  :top:  - 2x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 

Tekken 6						- 0x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

Virtual Fighter 5 					- 1x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 

AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]



Battlefield: Bad Company 				- 8x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :| 

[b]Bioshock[/b] 						-14x :top: - 2x :hop: - 1x :|

Blacksite						- 0x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

Borderlands						- 6x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway 			- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Call of Duty 3						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

[b]Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [/b]				-19x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2				- 9x :top: - 0x :hop: -3x :|

Call of Duty: World at War 				- 4x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

Call of Juarez: Bound In Blood				- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 3x :|

Clive Barkers Jericho 					- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Condemned 2 						- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Conflict Denied OPS					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Far Cry 2 						- 5x :top: - 8x :hop: - 5x :| 

FEAR 							- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

FEAR 2: Project Origin 					- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|

HAZE 							- 0x :top: - 4x :hop: - 1x :|

James Bond 007: Ein Quantum Trost 			- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|

[b]Killzone 2[/b] 						-20x :top: - 1x :hop: - 3x :|

Legendary 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

MoH: Airborne						- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Operation Flashpoint 2: DR				- 3x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Rainbow Six: Vegas 					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|

Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

[b]Resistance: Fall of Man[/b] 					-14x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

[b]Resistance 2[/b]						-14x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Rogue Warrior						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Soldier of fortune					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

The Chronicles of Riddick: AodA				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

The Darkness 						- 9x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

[b]The Orange Box[/b] 						-11x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Timeshift 						- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Turning Point: FoL					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Turok							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Unreal Tournament 3 					- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

[u][b]Hack´n Slays[/b][/u]


Bayonetta						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|	
BlazBlue CT						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Dantes Inferno						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Darksiders						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Devil May Cry 4 					- 7x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: – 0x :|

God of War Collection					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

[b]Heavenly Sword[/b] 						-10x :top: - 3x :hop: - 0x :|

Ninja Gaiden: Sigma					- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 				- 5x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed – USE			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: -0x :|

X-Men Origins: Wolverine				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|



Alone in the Dark: Inferno 				- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

[b]Dead Space[/b]						-16x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

[b]Resident Evil 5[/b] 						-13x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Silent Hill - Homecoming 				- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|

Siren: Blood Curse 					- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

[u][b]Jump´N Runs[/b][/u]


Die Simpsons - Das Spiel 				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Lego Indiana Jones 2					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: -0x :|

[b]Little Big Planet[/b] 						-26x :top: - 3x :hop: - 3x :|

[b]Mirrors Edge[/b]						-12x :top: - 0x :hop: - 3x :|

Prince of Persia 					- 7x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

[b]Ratchet & Clank - Tools of Destruction[/b]				-10x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Ratchet & Clank - Quest for Booty  			- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Ratchet & Clank – A Crack in Time			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Sonic Unleashed 					- 4x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]



DJ Hero							- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Guitar Hero 3 						- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Guitar Hero: World Tour 				- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Guitar Hero: Metallica 					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith					- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Rock Band 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Rock Band 2						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Singstar 						- 3x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Singstar Vol. 3 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|



Buzz-Quiz TV 						- 6x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Buzz! Junior: Robojam					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Buzz: Quiz World					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|




[b]Burnout Paradise[/b] 						-21x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Colin McRae DiRT 					- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 4x :|

DiRt 2							- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

F1 Championship Edition 				- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

Gran Turismo 5: Prologue 				- 8x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

GRID 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Midnight Club Los Angeles				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Motorstorm 						-10x :top: - 3x :hop: - 4x :|

[b]Motorstorm: Pacific Rift[/b] 					- 9x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Need for Speed: Carbon 					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Need for Speed: Undercover 				- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Need for Speed Shift					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

PURE 							- 3x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Ridge Racer 7 						- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Wipeout HD 						- 7x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|



Agarest: Generations of War				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Cross Edge						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Demon's Souls						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Disgaea 3 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Dragon Age: Origins					- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Enchanted Arms 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Eternal Sonata						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

[b]Fallout 3[/b] 							-15x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel					- 2x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion				- 9x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Valkyria Chronicles 					- 7x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|



Beijing 2008 						- 2x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

Fifa 08 						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Fifa 09 						- 6x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|

Fifa 10							- 4x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

NBA Live 09 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

NBA Street 						- 0x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

NHL 09							- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Pro Evolution Soccer 08 				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Pro Evolution Soccer 09 				- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Top Spin 3 						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Virtual Tennis 3 					- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Virtual Tennis 2009					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

WWE Legends of Wrestlemania				- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|



[b]Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots[/b] 			-24x :top: - 1x :hop: - 2x :|

Splinter Cell: Double Agent 				- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|



Civilization Revolution 				- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Tom Clancy´s EndWar 					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]


Army of Two						- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Bionic Commando						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|	

Dark Sector 						- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

GRAW 2 							- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Kane and Lynch: Dead Man 				- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|

Lost Planet 						- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Mercenaris 2						- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Red Faction: Guerrilla					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Saboteur						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Socom: Confrontation 					- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Stranglehold 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Warhawk 						- 3x :top: - 2x :hop: - 3x :|

50 Cent: Blood on the Sand				- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|



Skate 							- 4x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

Skate 2 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Shaun White Snowboarding				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|



1942 Joint Strike 					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Astro Tripper 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

Angel Love Online 					- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

[b]Battlefield 1943[/b]						- 9x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Blast Factor 						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Bejeweld 2						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Bomberman Ultra						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Burn Zomie Burn						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Call of Duty						- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Crash Commando 						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Critter Crunch						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Crystal Defenders 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Cubic							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Dark Mist 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Detuned							- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|
Echochrome 						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Elefunk 						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Everybody's Putter Golf with TORO 			- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Fat Princess						- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

flOw 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Flower 							- 9x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

Gehirntraining						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Geon 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Gran Turismo HD Concept 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

GripShift 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

High Velocity Bowling 					- 3x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Lemmings 						- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

Linger in Shadows 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 5x :|

LocoRoco Cocoreccho 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|

Lumines Supernova 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Magic Ball						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Mainichi Issho 						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Mega Man 9						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Noby Noby Boy 						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|

Numblast						- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

PAIN 							- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 1 			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

PixelJunk Eden 						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

PixelJunk Monsters 					- 6x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

PixelJunk Shooter					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic			- 0x :top: - 2x :hop: - 6x :|

Savage Moon 						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Shatter							- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer 				- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|

Super Stardust HD 					- 7x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Supersonic Acrobatic RPBC				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix 			- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|
AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]

[b]Fortsetzung PSN[/b]


Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

The Last Guy 						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

TMNT: Turtles In Time Re-Shelled			- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Trine							- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

TV Show King						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Wolfenstein 3D						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Worms 							- 2x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

Zen Pinball						- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Zombie Apocalypse					- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|

3 on 3 NHL Arcade					- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|



Competition PRO Controller DCD 				- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Gibson-Gitarre Rock Band 				- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Playstation Eye Camera 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Playstation Wireless Headset 				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

USB Expander von Logic3					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Wireless Les Paul Guitar Hero 3 			- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

4Gamers Vertical Stand with USB Hub 			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]

[quote][quote][quote][quote][b]---------------------------------------------------------------------------TOP 10---------------------------------------------------------------------------[/b][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]

[b]1. Uncharted: Drakes Schicksal                                  - 30x :top: - 0x :hop:  - 0x  :| 

[b]2. Little Big Planet[/b] 						-26x  :top:  - 3x  :hop:  - 3x  :| 

[b]3. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots[/b] 			-24x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 2x  :| 

[b]5. Grand Theft Auto 4[/b]					-22x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 4x  :|  

[b]4. Burnout Paradise[/b] 					-21x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

[b]6. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [/b]				-19x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

[b]7. Killzone 2[/b] 						-20x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 3x  :| 

[b]8. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves[/b]				-16x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 2x  :| 

[b]9. Resistance 2[/b]						-14x  :top:  - 0x  :hop:  - 0x  :| 

[b]10. Resistance: Fall of Man[/b] 					-14x  :top:  - 1x  :hop:  - 1x  :| 


AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]

Zubehör wird jetzt auch bewertet? Okay, mal schauen, was ich denn habe...

:top: Playstation Eye Camera
:top: Playstation Wireless Headset
:top: Wireless Les Paul
:top: 4Gamers Vertical Stand with USB Hub
:hop: Competition PRO Controller Dual Charging Dock

Außerdem noch
:hop: Lemmings (PSN)
AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]

Sehr übersichtlicher Thread. :top:
Bei "Def Jam Icon" hast du aber zweimal den " :hop: " benutzt. Wollt ich dich nur drauf hinweisen.
AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]

Resident Evil 5 :top:
Tomb Raider Underworld :top:


[10:49:05] <petib> tuitz
[10:49:24] <petib> kannst du mir nen gefallen tun und in der liste aus einem far cry top ein hop machen
[10:49:31] <petib> das hatte ich bewertet bevor ich es gezockt hatte
AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]

petib am 26.04.2009 10:50 schrieb:
[10:49:05] <petib> tuitz
[10:49:24] <petib> kannst du mir nen gefallen tun und in der liste aus einem far cry top ein hop machen
[10:49:31] <petib> das hatte ich bewertet bevor ich es gezockt hatte
So so...
AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [PS3]

Sc4rFace am 26.04.2009 11:17 schrieb:
petib am 26.04.2009 10:50 schrieb:
[10:49:05] <petib> tuitz
[10:49:24] <petib> kannst du mir nen gefallen tun und in der liste aus einem far cry top ein hop machen
[10:49:31] <petib> das hatte ich bewertet bevor ich es gezockt hatte
So so...
Denk was du willst, es war anders :B