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Nippon Ichi recently released the System Prisma-developed 2D dungeon crawler, Labyrinth Tower Legacista, in Japan. Think of it as a high-res Class of Heroes style game with randomly generated dungeons and a 2D top-down view for the PlayStation 3.
Today, NIS America announced that this game is headed to North America, simply titled Legasista. One of Legasista’s more interesting features is that it can import images on your PlayStation 3 to create playable in-game characters. Characters can be customized both with regard to equipment and job classes.
Legasista will be released sometime in August. It will be a download title on the PlayStation Network. A price for the game hasn’t been announced yet.
IMO sieht es grafisch einfach nur fürchterlich aus, aber ich hätte nix gegen nen richtig miesen Oldschool-Dungeongrinder.
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