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Interessant zu den kleineren Installationen: – umfangreicher Blogeintrag / Artikel mit Bildern und Videos zur aktuellen Preview-Dashboardversion
Vieles kennt man schon, wenn man das Preview auf der Konsole hat oder in die News der letzten Tage verfolgt hat. Aber trotzdem eine nette Zusammenfassung aus Text + Bildern + Videos.
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Interessant zu den kleineren Installationen:
[…]what is going on here? Are games being compressed and decompressed on the fly? The answer is no. […] I've been looking at the size of the actual game data by running debug review code on a 360 test station, where most of my Xbox gaming takes place these days. The sizes we're seeing with the new NXE installs correlate very closely to what I've been seeing on the test kit, which features its own minimalist dash that shows the total disk space occupied by the game code only.
What appears to be happening is that the new dash is simply much more efficient in terms of the amount of useless data it strips away from the disc before transferring it across onto HDD in whatever the 360's internal equivalent of the ISO format is. The bottom-end install always used to be 3.4GB (exactly half of the usable 6.8GB on a 360 game DVD - not a coincidence) regardless of the size of the game itself, which makes me think that some of copy-protection system's filler bytes were being transferred in the old installation procedure. Additionally, some files may be mirrored in multiple locations on the disc in order to speed up access times. This duplicated data can be easily eliminated for a hard-disk install with no untoward effects on game performance.