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Genre: Psycho-Horror
Release-Datum: 1. November 2020
Systeme: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Entwickler: SadSquare Studios

Nie von dem Spiel was mitbekommen bis es grad Daumi im Zock-Thread genannt hat. Das Spiel kam auch erst vor ner knappen Woche raus (am PC aber wohl schon länger, als Early Access Game)
Im Geiste soll es wohl ein Spiel sein wie P.T. aka Silent Hills.

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Offizielle Homepage

Uncertainty is the root of all fear...

Wander through the halls, explore each room and every corner of the house in search of an escape route. Uncertainty will keep you on your toes as you explore the creaky and noisy house, while each crack, each silent breath from a window, and each small event will drag you closer to death.

You are not alone...

Fear is your worst enemy; dark entities are attracted to it. Remain calm and escape terror at all costs, or you'll come to realize the distant moanings coming from deeper in the house aren't so distant after all.

History is never forgotten...

Many terrible things happened in this house. Brutality and violence stain every room, telling stories of a dark past, revealing the truth behind the curtain. A truth so disturbing you wish you could join the families that died here years ago. But even death won't help you leave this dreadful place.

The many faces of death...

What would you become if you couldn't even recognize yourself in the mirror? Each death has its visage. How will you face them?