Encouraged by a discussion regarding the topic of learning English a few days ago, I thought it would be a funny idea to start a thread in which we only talk in English. Maybe it's not. In that case... ignore it. If you want to start a discussion about the evil English language that invades our every day life, then do it in English or go f**k yourself and eat a fu**ing sausage! The threads purpose is not to insult one another to try out new curse words by the way... go to Youtube or Reddit.
I guess you ask yourself, what we should discuss in here. Well, whatever. I really don't care. Although this seems to be kind of a spam thread it serves a certain purpose. You learn this beautiful language by using it. So use it and write more than a standard Youtube-comment consisting of various swear words. Maybe that comes in handy for some of you, who knows...
Since not everyone is in the position to speak to people in English all the time, besides exchange students, this could be an opportunity to do so. Even though we just write stuff which is pretty easy compared to talk to another person. But it's practice and you can stock up your vocabulary or something. Just like listening to the language by watching movies, tv-shows and other things.
So, have fun. Or not.
Maybe i just start with some questions to answer: how are your English skills and how often do you use it ? Do you watch movies or read books in English? Have you ever been to an English speaking country? Whats you penis size?
If you just started to learn English, watch this awesome video with comedian Ricky Gervais to improve your skills:
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I guess you ask yourself, what we should discuss in here. Well, whatever. I really don't care. Although this seems to be kind of a spam thread it serves a certain purpose. You learn this beautiful language by using it. So use it and write more than a standard Youtube-comment consisting of various swear words. Maybe that comes in handy for some of you, who knows...
Since not everyone is in the position to speak to people in English all the time, besides exchange students, this could be an opportunity to do so. Even though we just write stuff which is pretty easy compared to talk to another person. But it's practice and you can stock up your vocabulary or something. Just like listening to the language by watching movies, tv-shows and other things.
So, have fun. Or not.
Maybe i just start with some questions to answer: how are your English skills and how often do you use it ? Do you watch movies or read books in English? Have you ever been to an English speaking country? Whats you penis size?
Wer es nicht verstanden hat: Hier nur English! Thema egal. Ist vielleicht eine nette Sprachübung oder einfach mal was anderes für gelangweilte Nachmittage oder sowas...
If you just started to learn English, watch this awesome video with comedian Ricky Gervais to improve your skills:
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