Zone of the Enders - Enders Project
? ZOE3 eine Frage der Nachrfrage
? ZOE3 eine Frage der Nachrfrage
In the latest "METAL GEAR SOLID 4 Integral Podcast" #10, Episode 08, Ken Imaizumi, Aki Saito, and Sean Eyestone acknowledge the high demand for another Zone of the Enders title.
Knowing that lots of MGS (and ZOE) fans listen to the podcast, the Kojima Productions team are asking for comments on a future ZOE title, but not just from fans -- they are interested in knowing how many casual gamers would also like to see ZOE3.
Straight from the podcast:
Aki: "We still get a lot of requests about Zone of the Enders, don't we?"
Sean: "Yeah, everybody wants part three."
Aki: "Yeah. Hindsight, it was a good game."
Ken: "You want to know, like, how many people want us to make the sequel."
Aki: "Yeah, because, well, you know, a lot of the Kojima Productions "KJP" fans really love Zone of the Enders or Boktai or other products as well, like even Snatcher or Policenauts, are not officially released in some areas, but people still know, say we want this officially or want a sequel to it. And Zone of the Enders is always kind of referred, as you know, in interviews or things like that. You know, "Mr. Kojima, when are you going to create the next Zone of the Enders?", you know, "We would like to see." And we get this request all the time, however we were thinking,.. Ken and I we're always saying actually "How many people, you know, really want Zone of the Enders a sequel?" So guys, if you're listening, and tell us, not about you but your friends who are like casual Metal Gear fans, if they are interested or not."
Sean: "Yeah. Don't lie. Don't lie, okay? (laughs) Don't inflate the numbers."
Aki: "Yeah, we just want to know, you know, purely if it's really.. You know, um, of course, as Hideo has been always saying, he would like to do this when he has time, but there's always sacrifices. If he does that, you'll get to see the latest, "new Hideo's thing" even later, so that's kind of a trade off, isn't it?", Aki noted, pointing out that a ZOE title would most likely delay the development of an entirely new Kojima game not related to previous works like Metal Gear, Snatcher, or Policenauts.
"But if there's so many people wanting to see Zone of the Enders, why not put the priority on top, a little further up, you know, but we just want to know. Ken especially really wants to know, because he's been asking this all the time."
Ken: "Yeah, well, I wish I could have like a poll or something. I mean, you know, ask like all gamers and know how many people want to play a ZOE sequel."
Sean: "Well, we have all of the Metal Gear Solid 4 players listening to this podcast."
Aki: [to listeners]: "Okay, well, make sure you write your comments and we'll check your comments out."
It's been made clear that the team will definitely consider making ZOE3 a high priority if it is found that there's enough demand for it.
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