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[eShop] Der große Virtual Console / Wii Ware Übersichtsthread (zu Genres, Preisen, und Wertungen)

Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Wii Ware Spiel

Gnomz (500 Points) *4 Spieler
ign Wertung: 6.0 || 6/10 bei nintendolife.com

All this sounds well and good, but does it sound 1000 Points good? It's priced right at the tip of its value, and while we would have preferred 800 Points or less, you might want to download Gnomz if you're looking for something accessible and fun that you can play with your whole family — not because you're looking for something original.

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Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Wii Ware Spiel

Paper Wars Cannon Fodder (500 Points) *4 Spieler
ign Wertung: 7.5

The gameplay is similarly not that bad -- it's nothing astonishing, but it is a fairly hectic defense design. You aim a targeting reticule by pointing at the screen with the Wii Remote, hold down the B or A Button to prepare a missile launch and then let go when your shot is charged. If you've timed and positioned your shot properly, the ensuing blast on impact should destroy an advancing squadron of soldiers -- your goal is to rack up some pre-specified number of kills in each stage, while simultaneously allowing only some smaller fraction of the enemy forces to slip past your defenses unharmed.

This version of Paper Wars is pretty packed with content, as it includes the Winter Warface and Cyber Wars campaigns in addition to its default main game. There are three different difficulty settings to conquer and a survival mode too, while the whole thing's priced at the Wii Shop's lowest possible rate.
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Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Wii Ware Spiel

Paint Splash (500 Points) *4 Spieler
ign Wertung: 8 || 7/10 bei nintendolife.com

It really is a shame Nintendo didn't jump on this idea itself and give us a Mario Paint sequel with this same multiplayer functionality – but kudos to the Big N for actually recognizing the merit of a game that first appeared as an unlicensed homebrew application and working to bring it out to the full Wii audience as a legitimate WiiWare release.

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Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Wii Ware Spiel

Football Up (500 Points) *4 Spieler
keine ign Wertung

The ultimate Soccer comes back to Wii!
EnjoyUp Soccer is a funny soccer game that allows you a total control of any action of your team players: Control the ball, dribble and shoot with effect to confuse the goalkeeper and score a goal!
The ball has inertia and will move freely over the field. Show your ability to control it and make short and long passes. Choose the height, effect and power before shooting to the goal. Become a soccer master and make your rival defenders tremble!
Each country has its national team. You can create your own team with the in-game editor: give it the name you like, choose its equipment and the most important, play with your Mii´s saved on the Mii channel of your Nintendo Wii.

  • Free Control Ball, the ball has inertial free movement and you’ll need to control it first.
  • Total control of height, direction and effect in each pass and shoot you make.
  • Create your own teams using your Mii´s.
  • Play the World Cup!
  • Local Multiplayer option up to 4 players in cooperative or rival mode.
  • Choose any available National Team.
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Keine neuen Spiele zum Jahreswechsel!

Nur die Demo (kostenlos) zu:

Gnomz: Jump on some ceramic heads in a playable demo of this brawler, then read our Gnomz review for the full lowdown.
Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Wii Ware Spiel

Fish Tank (500 Points) *4 Spieler
ign Wertung: 6.5 || 7/10 bei nintendolife.com

Fish Tank is a flawed game, but those flaws are easily outbalanced by its sheer addictive fun in a multiplayer setting. Solo gamers may not find as much to get excited about, but its frantic pace and smooth controls may well be enough for them on their own. We definitely think this game is best suited to those playing in a group setting. Anyone else may wish to drop their lure elsewhere.

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Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Wii Ware Spiel

Bobby Carrot Forever (800 Points) *4 Spieler
Adventure - Puzzle
ign Wertung: 7.0 || 7/10 bei nintendolife.com

Bobby Carrot Forever is smartly designed and will keep you entertained and your wits at their sharpest for a long time, though some may grow tired of the admittedly limited gameplay. It's also a delight to look at and extremely accessible, so while it won't put you on cloud nine, this carrot stew is still quite tasty.

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Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Virtual Console Spiel

Prince of Persia SNES (800 Points) *4 Spieler
Adventure - Adventure
keine ign Wertung || 9/10 bei nintendolife.com

Originally, the SNES version of Prince of Persia was announced to be included with Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands on Wii but, for unknown reasons, that ultimately didn't happen. Thankfully, Ubisoft has now redeemed itself by releasing the game on the Wii Virtual Console instead.
With more and larger levels, great graphics and music and many other new features, this is easily the best version of Prince of Persia ever made, and comes highly recommended.
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Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Wii Ware Spiel

The Very Hungry Caterpillar's ABCs (800 Points) *1 Spieler
keine ign Wertung || 8/10 bei nintendolife.com

The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s ABCs is one of the best edutainment games available on the WiiWare service. Your three to four year old will love it and will absorb the basics of letters and colours in a fun way. With book sales declining, it’s nice to see that the hungry caterpillar can live on and continue to educate children in this new age of tiny computers and motion-sensitive home gaming consoles. Anyone older than four will likely be bored to tears very quickly, so just keep in mind for whom this game is intended. The colour-erasing game doesn’t operate as smoothly as the rest, so expect to have to help the kids if they get stuck. The downloadable content has a steep price for what you’ll be getting, and we recommend that you pass on it unless your child just can’t put the game down.

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Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Wii Ware Spiel

TNT Racers (1000 Points) *4 Spieler
keine ign Wertung

Start revving your engine and outrun your rivals in this action packed multiplayer racing game for Wii.
TNT - Tracks ’N’ Tricks – is a game with new features, gadgets and race courses for you to master as your opponents eat dust!

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Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Wii Ware Spiel + 1 neues VC Spiel


BurgerTime World Tour (1000 Points) *2 Spieler
ign Wertung: 5.5

Rotating Environment System that adds visual flare to the whole arcade experience.
Simplicity is its strong suit, but that doesn't benefit BurgerTime World Tour very much. It's a modernization of gaming's roots that doesn't embrace anything games have done better since. Its basics do well enough to stimulate our memories of what was once loved, but BurgerTime has passed its prime. This is a shallow and mediocre remake that won't win over many newcomers.

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[THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’97 NEO GEO (900 Points) *2 Spieler
keine ign Wertung || 8/10 bei nintendolife.com

http://www.emulanium.com/images/neogeoroms/b/King of Fighters '97 1.gif
KoF '97 is an excellent fighter and a very welcome addition to Wii's Virtual Console. Like all fighting games it divides players — for everyone who prefers King of Fighters there's a Street Fighter II fan, just as Tekken and Virtua Fighter polarise opinion — but if you're after a solid scrapper you can sink some serious time into, you can't go far wrong with King of Fighters '97.

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Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Wii Ware Spiel

Newton Vs The Horde (500 Points) *1 Spieler
keine ign Wertung || 2/10 bei nintendolife.com *Finger weg*

Newton Vs The Horde has a lot of great ideas, but literally everything it attempts to do fails in the execution. While we at Nintendo Life would have loved the creative, versatile zombie bash-fest chock full of hilarious dialogue that Newton Vs The Horde so wants to be, what we got instead was an impenetrable, horribly-controlled slog through tedious situations and offensively unfunny palaver. As much as we respect the game's good intentions, the fact of the matter is that the final product just isn't very good. In the end, we sympathised most with the Horde; we, too, wanted to shut Newton up permanently.

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Diese Woche gab es keinen Neuzugang für Wii Ware und/oder Virtual Console.

sondern nur folgendes:

Virtual Console (Nintendo 3DS)
Super Mario Bros.

Nintendo DSiWare
Lolas Alphabet Zug

Nintendo 3DS-Demos
Mario & Sonic bei den Olympischen Spielen London 2012

Mega Man X SNES (800 Points) *1 Spieler*
ign Wertung: 9.0 || 9/10 bei nintendolife.com

Mega Man X is one of the strongest action/side-scrollers in video game history and a title that more than lives up to the Mega name. Not only does it capture everything that was great about the original NES series, it also manages to add a wealth of new ideas to the mix without taking anything away from the overall experience. There are those who might claim that a spinoff can never be as great as the original, but those people obviously have never taken this phenomenal side-scroller for a spin.
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NEO GEO (900 Points)
keine ign Wertung

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Übersicht der Woche

1 neues VC Spiel

Strider Megadrive (800 Points) *1 Spieler
ign Wertung: 7.5 (MD Version) || 9/10 bei nintendolife.com

With its gorgeous visuals, excellent music and surprisingly stern challenge, Strider’s magic hasn’t diminished one jot, despite the passage of over two decades. It’s a feast for the eyes, and the responsive and acrobatic main character controls with amazing grace and fluidity — only the unofficial sequel, Cannon Dancer, comes anywhere close to attaining the same balletic brilliance.
Although many will argue that the availability of the arcade edition on collections for the PS2 and PSP renders the port redundant, this is one of those rare cases where a conversion actually adds something to the original. SEGA’s talent is evident from the moment the title screen appears, and this effortlessly ranks as one of the Japanese veteran’s finest conversion jobs — ironic, when you consider that it’s another company’s game.

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Keine Neuheiten für VC und WiiWare in dieser Woche.

Virtual Console (Nintendo 3DS)
Dr. Mario

Nintendo DSiWare
Aahh! Spot the Difference

Nintendo 3DS-Demos

Nintendo Video
Kid Icarus: Uprising 3D-Animation
Shaun das Schaf 3D
Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Virtual Console Spiel

Mega Man 5 NES (500 Points) *1 Spieler
ign Wertung: 8.5 || 8/10 bei nintendolife.com

In the end, though, Mega Man 5 is a surprisingly fun installment hiding right in the middle of Capcom's 10-game series. It's not the best Mega Man game, as fans define them – the best Mega Man games have that unforgiving, tough-as-nails difficulty factor and Robot Master weapons that are actually interesting and worth using. If you want to see those sides of the series, you're better off sticking with older classics like 2 and 3 or Inti Creates' newer 9 and 10.
But Mega Man 5, to me, is still the best pick-up-and-play game of the whole lot – the easiest to fire up, dash through to the end and power off with a sense of quick accomplishment. It's that quality that keeps me coming back to it more than its "better" brothers, and it's why I'm thankful to this day for that old, grimy, run-down comics shop that didn't know how great a hidden gem they had hiding right behind the glass. So slap down the cash and give it a download. It's priced at just five bucks!

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Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Wii Ware Spiel

Violin Paradise (500 Points) *4 Spieler
keine ign Wertung || 3/10 bei nintendolife.com

Some masterful work in the art department is sadly overshadowed by a gameplay experience that consists entirely of shaking the Wii Remote and waiting for the song to end. The animation is crisp, smooth and intermittently beautiful, but it's all in service of a game that doesn't seem to want to play with you. It can't be easy to pack this dismal a gaming experience into such an appealing visual and aural package, but Violin Paradise proves that it certainly can be done.

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Übersicht der Woche

1 neues Virtual Console Spiel

Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers SNES (800 Points) *2 Spieler
ign Wertung: 8.0 || 8/10 bei nintendolife.com

It’s regrettable that the SNES didn’t get this more desirable ‘Turbo’ update, but what we have here is still a fantastic proposition. If you love the super-fast gameplay of Street Fighter II Turbo then you might be disappointed by the drop in speed seen here, but once you’ve gotten used to it you will find this is a much more accomplished proposition.

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