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[XBOX 360] Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [360]

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Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [360]

Lange hab ich für die Überarbeitung gebraucht, aber jetzt bin ich endlich fertig geworden. Ich hoffe euch gefällt das Ergebnis. Aber zuerst noch mal eine Erklärung für alle Neuen: Ihr nennt mir einen Titel (mit Genre) und setzt dahinter entweder ein :top: für „Empfehlung“, ein :hop: für „Keine Empfehlung“ oder ein :| für „Weder gut noch schlecht“. Die Liste wird dann von mir aktualisiert. (Verbesserungsvorschläge oder Fehler bitte hier im Thread posten.)

Hier der alte Thread: Klick

AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [360]



Bully: Die Ehrenrunde 					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

[b]Grand Theft Auto IV[/b] 					-14x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

Just Cause 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Prototype						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Saints Row 						- 0x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

Spinter Cell: Double Agent 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|



Assassins Creed 					- 9x :top: - 2x :hop: - 4x :|

Assassins Creed 2					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Batman: Arkham Asylum					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Bayonetta						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Brütal Legends						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Conan 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Crackdown 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Crash of the Titans 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

CSI							- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Devil May Cry 4						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements 		- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Harry Potter OOTP 					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Jumper 							- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Kameo: Elements of Power 				- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 2x :|

Lost: Via Domus 					- 0x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Meet the Robinsons 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Mirrors´s Edge 						- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Naruto: Rise of a Ninja 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Naruto: The Broken Bond 				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Ninja Gaiden 2 						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Overlord						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Pirates of the Caribbean: Am Ende der Welt 		- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Prince of Persia 					- 6x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Shreck the Third 					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Spiderman 3 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 				- 2x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

Sherlock Holmes jagt Jack the Ripper			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

TMNT 							- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Tomb Raider Anniversary 				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Tomb Raider Legend 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Tomb Raider Underworld 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Transformers 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Viking 							- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

X-Men 							- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|



[b]Fable 2[/b] 							-13x :top: - 2x :hop: - 2x :| 

Fallout 3 						- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Mass Effect 						- 7x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Mass Effect 2						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Sacred 2						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Risen							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion 				- 5x :top: - 4x :hop: - 1x :|

Two Worlds 						- 0x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

[u][b]Beat ém Ups[/b][/u]


Soul Calibur 4 						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Street Fighter 4 					- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [360]



Battlefield: Bad Company 				- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Battlefield 2 MC 					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

[b]BioShock[/b]  						-13x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Blacksite 						- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Brother in Arms: Hell's Highway 			- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Call of Duty 2 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Call of Duty 3 						- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 				- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Call of Duty: World at War 				- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Condemned 						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Condemned 2 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Far Cry: Instincts: Predator 				- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Far Cry 2 						- 1x :top: - 3x :hop: - 1x :|

Frontlines: Fuel of War 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

GRAW 							- 2x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

[b]Halo 3[/b]  							- 9x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :| 

Halo 3 ODST						- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Hour of Victory 					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

James Bond: Ein Quantum Trost 				- 0x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

Jericho 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Left 4 Dead 						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Medal of Honor: Airborne 				- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Operation Flashpoint 2: DR				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Perfect Dark Zero 					- 2x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

Prey 							- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Quake 4 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

TimeShift 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

The Darkness 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

The Orange Box 						- 6x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty 				- 0x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

Turok 							- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Unreal Tournament 3 					- 2x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|



Blazing Angels - Squadrons of WW 2 			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Project Sylpheed					-1x :top: -0x :hop: -0x :|

Tom Clancys HAWX					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|



Beautiful Katamari 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|



Alone in the Dark 					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Dead Rising 						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Dead Space 						- 6x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Resident Evil 5 					- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

[u][b]Jump´n Runs[/b][/u]


Kung Fu Panda 						- 1x :top: - 2x :hop: - 1x :|

Lego Star Wars - Komplette Saga 			- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Lego Indiana Jones 					- 5x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

Lego Batman 						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Looney Toones						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|



DJ Hero							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Guitar Hero II 						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Guitar Hero III 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Guitar Hero: World Tour 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Guitar Hero Metallica					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: -0x :|

Rock Band 2 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|



Fuzion Frenzy 2 					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Viva Pinata: Party Animals				- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [360]



Banjo Kazooie: Schraube Locker 				- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Burnout: Revenge 					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Burnout Paradise 					- 7x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Colin McRae DiRT 					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Flatout: Ultimate Carnage 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Forza Motorsport 2 					- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Forza Motorsports 3					- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Need for Speed: Most Wanted 				- 3x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Need for Speed: Carbon 					- 2x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

Need for Speed: Pro Street 				- 0x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

Need for Speed: Undercover 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Need for Speed: Shift					- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :| 

Project Gotham Racing 3 				- 6x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Project Gotham Racing 4 				- 4x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

Pure 							- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Race Driver: GRID 					- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Ridge Racer 6 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Sega Rally 						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Stuntman Ignition 					- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Test Drive: Unlimited 					- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|



Blue Dragon 						- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Enchanted Arms 						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Eternal Sonata 						- 6x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Infinite Undiscovery 					- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

[b]Lost Odyssey[/b] 						- 8x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

The Last Remnant 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|



Viva Pinata 						- 4x :top: - 1x :hop: - 1x :|

Viva Pinata: Chaos im Paradies 				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|



EA Fight Night 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Fifa 07							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Fifa 09 						- 6x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Fifa Street 3 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

NHL 09 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Rockstar Tischtennis	 				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Top Spin 2 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

UEFA Euro 2008 						- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|



Civ Revolution 						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Halo Wars 						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Herr der Ringe: Schlacht um Mittelerde 			- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

[u][b]Third-Person Shooter[/b][/u]


Army of Two 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Bullet Witch 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Dark Sector 						- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

[b]Gears of War[/b] 						-12x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

[b]Gears of War 2[/b] 						-11x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition 				- 3x :top: - 3x :hop: - 0x :|

Stranglehold 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|



Amped 3 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Skate 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Skate 2 						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Tony Hawk´s Project 8 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Tony Hawk´s Proving Ground 				- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [360]

[u][b]Xbox Live Arcade[/b][/u]


Arkanoid Live						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Assault Heroes 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Banjo Kazooie 						- 6x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Banjo Tooie 						- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Battlefield 1943 					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Bionic Commando: Rearmed 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Boom Boom Rocket 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Braid 							- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Carcassonne 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Castle Crashers 					- 7x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Castlevania: SOTN 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Catan 							- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Cloning Clyde 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Doom 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Doritos Dash of Destruction 				- 3x :top: - 6x :hop: - 0x :|

Duke Nukem 3D 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Fable 2: Pub Games 					- 2x :top: - 2x :hop: - 0x :|

Feeding Frenzy 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Flock! 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Geometry Wars Evolved 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Hexic 3D 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Jetpac: Refuelled 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Luxor 2 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Marble Blast Ultra					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Marvel VS. Capcom 2					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Mega Man 9 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

N+ 							- 5x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Pacman Championship Edition 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Portal: Still Alive 					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Prince of Persia 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Puzzle Quest 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

REZ HD 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Robo Blitz 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Shadow Complex						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Small Arms 						- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Sonic 1 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Sonic 2 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Soul Calibur Arcade 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Splosion Man						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Spyglass Board Games 					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Street Fighter II HD Remix 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

The Secret of Monkey Island: SE				- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Trials HD						- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Uno 							- 1x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Wiki: Fable of Souls 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Worms 							- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Worms 2: Armageddon					- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Zuma 							- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|



Guitar Hero 3 Gitarre 					- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Netzteil (240 V) 					- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Quick Charge Kit 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Rechargeable Battery Pack 	 			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Wired Headset 						- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Wireless Headset  					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Xbox Live Vision Camera 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Xbox 360 Memory Unit 512 MB 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Xbox 360 Wireless Controller 				- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Xbox 360 120 GB HDD 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Xbox 360 60 GB HDD					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [360]

[u][b]Xbox 1[/b][/u]


Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat 				- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|

Black 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Blazing Angels 1					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Blood Wake  						- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|  

Brothers in Arms - Road to Hill 30 			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Brothers in Arms - Earned in Blood 			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Burnout 3 – Takedown 					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Burnout Revenge 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Cabelas Big Game Hunter 2005				- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Cabelas Dangerous Hunts 				- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Capcom Classic Collection 1 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Conflict - Global Storm 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Conker Live and Reloaded 				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Dead or Alive - Xtreme Beach Volleyball 		- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Der Pate 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|  

Driv3r 							- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Driver - Parallel Lines 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

DTM Race Driver 3 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Fable 							- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Far Cry - Instincts 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Far Cry - Instincts - Evolution 			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|  

Flatout 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|  

Fluch der Karibik 					- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :|  

Forza Motorsport  					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

GTA 3 							- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

GTA Vice City						- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

GTA: San Andreas 					- 4x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Gun 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|  

Half Life 2 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Halo 							- 3x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :| 

Halo 2 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Hitman - Contracts 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Hitman - Blood Money 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Indiana Jones udLdK 					- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :| 

Juiced 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :| 

Jurassic Park - Operation Genesis 			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Matrix - Path of Neo 					- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :| 

Mercenaries 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :| 

Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Midway Arcade Treasures 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

MotoGP 3 						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Ninja Gaiden Black 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|  

Need for Speed: Underground 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|   

Need for Speed: Underground 2 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|  

Need for Speed: Most Wanted 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|   

Panzer Elite Action -FoG				- 0x :top: - 1x :hop: - 0x :|

Red Dead Revolver 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|  

Riddick - EfBB						- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Shadow Ops - Red Mercury 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Spider Man 						- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :| 

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

Star Wars - Battlefront 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Star Wars - Battlefront 2 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Star Wars - Episode III -DRdS				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Star Wars - Jedi Knight - JA				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Star Wars - Jedi Starfighter 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

Star Wars - KotoR					- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|  

Star Wars – KotoR 2: Sith Lords 			- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|  

Star Wars - Obi-Wan 					- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|  

Star Wars - Republic Commando 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|  

Super Monkey Ball Deluxe 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind 				- 2x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|

True Crime - New York City 				- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :|  

XGRA 							- 0x :top: - 0x :hop: - 1x :| 

Yager 							- 1x :top: - 0x :hop: - 0x :| 

AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [360]


AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [360]

Call Of Duty: World At War :top:
FIFA 09 :top:
Skate 2 :top:
GTA IV :top:

Bei Halo 3 und Fallout 3 möchte ich noch keine Bewertung abgeben, da ich die beiden noch nicht ausgiebig testen konnte. :)
AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [360]

Kleine Änderung bei 3 Spielen, was meine Bewertung angeht:

Kameo: Elements of Power: :top: > :|
Need for Speed: Carbon: :top: > :|
Need for Speed: Undercover :top: > :|

Neue Spiele:

X-Box 360:
Resident Evil 5 :top:
Fifa 09 :top:
Race Driver: GRID :top:
Burnout: Paradise :top:
Viva Pinata: Party Animals :hop:

Jetpac: Refuelled :top:

Conker: Live & Reloaded :top:
Need for Speed: Underground :top:
Need for Speed: Underground 2 :top:
Need for Speed: Most Wanted :top:
Juiced :top:
Burnout 3: Takedown :top:
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction :top:
Driv3r :top:
Grand Theft Auto III :top:
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City :top:
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas :top:
AW: Top oder Flop - Games-Userbewertung [360]

X-Box 1 auch?

na da kommt demnächst nen großer Post von mir :) hab etlich XB1 Spiele
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.