Heute wurde völlig überraschend die PSP update versin 2.50 rausgebracht, die im Gegensatz zu dem Sicherheitsupdate 2.01 einige neuerungen bringt.
- LocationFree Player has been added as a feature under Network.
- Auto-Select and Unicode (UTF-
have been added as options to Encoding under View in the Internet Browser menu bar.
- Textsize and Display Mode settings of the Internetbrow can now be saved.
- The input history of online forms accessed through the Internet Browser can now be saved.
- Copyright-protected video can now be played under Video. (This applies to video data saved on Memory Stick.)
- Set via Internet has been added as an option to Date & Time Settings under Settings
- WPA-PSK (AES) has been added as a security method under Network Settings.
- Korean input mode has been added to the on-screen keyboard.
das wären die neuerungen.
Link zur update Page
Link zum direkt download