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News - Resident Evil 5: Resident Evil 5: Kommt ein Director's Cut?


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Sony hat eine neue RE5-Version mit Fuchtelsteuerung angekündigt:
Takeuchi says the motion-control-based game has a real direct control feel. The game is titled Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition. In addition to the motion controls, the disc will include extra contents that have been requested by a number of people. Details on the extra content will be shown in a teaser movie at the Capcom booth later today. The motion version of RE5 hits in Spring.

RE5 with motion controls looks just like the standard game, but there's a cursor on screen at all times reflecting your motion control movements. You play with one hand holding the wand and one hand holding the standard Dual Shock.
AW: .

Einen richtigen Director's Cut gab es schon seit Teil 1 nicht mehr! Glaube nicht, das es da ausser der Fuchtelsteuerung was neues geben wird. Ich könnte mir höchstens neuen DLC vorstellen :rolleyes: