Phantomganon am 05.09.2005 15:17 schrieb:
HellFalcon am 05.09.2005 15:09 schrieb:
P.S. leute ihr festigt euch alle wieder viel zu sehr auf den 16.9. ich mache mir da keine hoffnungen, es gingen ja auch schon die gerüchte um dass nintendo auf der e3 den revo vorstellen will mit allen details und was wissen wir? das er abwärtskompatibel ist und das (vorläufige) design huiiii
also macht euch nicht zu grosse hoffnungen auf den 16.9. sonst seid ihr nur wieder zu enttäuscht ^^
Jetzt müssen wir nur wieder so ein schönes Fake-Revo-Video wie beim letzten Mal finden, eine haarsträubende Theorie über die Initialen von Shigeru Miyamoto und einen Web-Blog, und der Spaß kann losgehen
Ich hab gerade das Interview auf Englisch entseckt, aber diese Version ist in mindestens einem Aspekt wiedersprüchlich mit dem geposteten Interview:
Why wait so long to release a new installment of Mario? The wait is frustrating players everywhere...
Mario is and always has been a concept title from his birth. We are always looking for new ways of playing with him, manipulating him, to create something new and unique. We're in the midst of preparing something special for his future, something never before seen. You'll understand when you see it that we can't quite release it right away. The new Mario game will surprise many people. Give us the benefit of the doubt. I think we'll present you with a new way to have fun. There's even a new character by his side.
Mario 128 will be released for Revolution then?
Yes, of course! It's no surprise, but of course we will rename it, obviously. That won't be the only surprise of next year though. We based the Revolution around this new type of game. Mario 128 played a large role in the Revolution's conception, much like Mario 64 in it's time. But we won't just be focusing on Mario. We're working on some very impressive games which push interactivity to the max. Games of a new era.
The new Zelda, it's not really good news that...
Please allow me to interrupt you by saying that you will have to be patient, really. This will be, without a doubt, the last Zelda game as you know it in its present form. I worked on it personally, moreso than Wind Waker! I haven't invested as much into any game as I have this one. Our goal was to make the best Zelda game ever. The most rich/satisfying and melancholy. We've really improved it in just a few months. Everything's coming together much quicker. We may have some last minute ideas...
You're going to move it to Revolution?
No, it is a Gamecube title.
In any case, you want to preserve the air of mystery around Nintendo?
We will be revealing many details soon. It's true, we do like surprises (laughs). While our gamers are sleeping, we're busy thinking up new ideas. But while they're playing - we're playing as well.
irgendein Blog^^