Kurz zu mir: Ich bin 26 Jahre alt, Beamtin und studiere noch Medizin (also denkbar ungünstige Bedingungen für meine Sammlung, die jedoch von Zeit zu Zeit ein bisschen weiter wächst).
Aber kommen wir zu den interessanteren Dingen...
Konsolen und Handheld:
- Game Boy Advance SP silber (pal)
- Nintendo DS Lite white (pal)
- Playstation Portable white (pal) OVP (RocoLocco-Bundle)
- Nintendo 3ds cosmos black (us)
- Super Nintendo (pal)
- Nintendo 64 grau (pal)
- Gamecube silber (pal) (Mario Kart Bundle)
- Sony Playstation 2 die Große Dicke (pal)
- Sony Playstation 2 Slim line OVP (pal)
- Sony Playstation 2 Slim line OVP (us)
- Sega Saturn (pal)
- Sega Dreamcast modded OVP (jp)
Nintendo 64:
- Castlevania 64
- Bust a move 2
- Doom 64 (uk)
- War gods
- Goldeneye 007
- 007: The world is not enough
- Resident Evil 2
- Quake 2 (uk)
. Mission Impossible
- Duke Nukem: Zero hour
- Zelda: The ocarina of time
- Quake 64 (uk)
- Yoshi’s story
- Mystical ninja: starring Geomon
- Kirby 64
- Goemon 2 (ovp)
- Gauntlet Legends
- Shadow man (us)
- Conker’s bad fur day
- Banjo & Kazooie (keine ovp)
- Super Mario 64
- Mario Kart 64
- Lyart wars
- Banjo & Tooie (ovp)
- Paper Mario (ovp)
Game Boy (colour)
- Zelda - Link’s awakening
- Metroid 2 - Return of Samus (jp)
- Dragon’s lair
- Geomon
- Mystic Quest (uk)
- Castlevania Legends
- Final Fantasy legend (us)
- Castlevania adventure
- Castlelian (aka Nebulus Tower)
- Tetris
- Sword of hope
- Castlevania 2: Belmont’s revenge
- Milon’s secret castle
- Gargoyles Quest
- Kingdom crusade (us)
- Tetris DX
- R-Type DX
- Klustar
- Shadowgate classic
- Harvest moon
- Tetris Attack
- Kirby Star Tracker
- Dragon warrior III (us)
- Gauntlet II
- Ham Ham united
- Roland’s curse 2 (us)
- Zelda: Oracle of ages (us)
- Roland’ s curse (us)
- Final Fantasy Legend 3 (us)
- Exodus-Journey to the promised land (unlicensed)
- Pipe dream (us) ovp
- Mysterium (us) ovp
- Cyraid (us) ovp
- Prophercy- the vilking child (us) ovp
- Crystal quest (us) ovp
- Nemesis (us) ovp
- Dragon Warrior Quest: Tara’s adventure (us)
- Legend of the river king
- Kid Dracula
- Ishido Way of the stones (us)
- Maru’s Mission
Game Boy Advance:
- Castlevania: Circle of the moon
- Final Fantasy tactics advance
- Ham Ham heartbeat
- Yoshi’s island
- Breath of fire
- Metroid Fusion
- Fire Emblem
- Hamtaro Rainbow rescue
- Advance wars (us)
- Golden sun
- Lunar legends (us) ovp
- Astro Boy: Omega Factor ovp
- Phantasy star Collection
- Golden sun: die vergessene Epoche ovp
- Shining Soul II (us)
- Boktai - The sun is in your hand ovp
- Sword of mana
- Klonoa - Empire of dreams ovp
- Oriental blue (jp) ovp
- Tales of phantasia
- Castlevania Double Pack ovp
- Frontiers Stories (jp) ovp
- Riviera - The promised land (us)
- Yoshi Universal Gravitation
- Fire Emblem II (us)
- Breath of fire II (us)
- Gunstar Future Heroes
- Final Fantasy VI ovp
- Tactics ogre: Knights of lodis ovp (us)
Sony Playstation:
- Final Fantasy 6
- Vampire Hunter D
- Wild Arms
- Doom (Ultimate Doom & Doom 2) (uk)
- Duke Nukem (frz)
- Castlevania Chronicles
- Final Fantasy anthology (FF 4 & FF 5)
- Die Hard
- Breath of fire IV
- Silent hill (pal & us)
- Diablo
- Blaze & Blade
- Harvest moon: back to nature
- Koudelka
- Breath of fire 3
- Vandal hearts
- Legend of kartia
- Devil’s deception
- Shadow madness
- The greanstrem saga (pal/ us)
- Rayman
- Exhumed
- Vandal hearts 2
- The adventures of Alundra (pal/ us)
- Alundra
- Sheep
- In the hunt
- G-Darius
- Oddworld- Abe’s oddessey (Patinum)
- R-Type Delta
- Resident evil D.C.
- Final Fantasy 8 (Platinum)
- Disk World Noir
- Disney’s Dinosaurier
- Klonoa
- Star ocean: second story
- Final Fantasy 7 (Erstfassung/ Platinum)
- Parasite Eve 2
- Dragon Valor
- Chaos Break
- Gurdians Crusade
- Ghost in the shell (uk)
- Persona 2 (us)
- King’s field
- Hellnight
- Final Fantasy IX (pal/ us)
- Darkstone
- Arc the lad Collection (2* us)
- Hoshigami - Running blue earth (us)
- Xenogears (us /Platinum/ Erstfassung)
- Countdown vampire (us)
- Threats of fate (us)
- Azure dreams (us)
- Wild arms 2 (us)
- Grandia (us)
- Thousand arms (us)
- Rapid reload
- Parasite Eve (us)
- Soul Reaver (us)
- Blood omen (us)
- Fighting Force (us)
- Final Fantasy origins (us/ Platinum)
- Legend of dragon (us/ Platinum)
- Chrono Cross (us/ Platinum/ Erstauflage)
- Cardinal Syn (us)
- Suikoden (us)
- Dragon Warrior VII (us)
- Lunar: Silver star story complete (us)
- Front Mission 3
- Saiyuki jorney west (us)
- Torneke: the last hope (us)
- Final Fantasy Tactics (us)
- Legend of mana (us)
- Vagrant Story (us)
- Lunar 2: Eternal blue (us)
- Mega Man Legends 2
- Kagero Deception 2
- Vanguard Bandits (us)
- Saga frontier 2 (us)
- Galerians (us, keine ovp)
- Suikoden 2 (us)
- Saga Frontier (us)
Sony Playstation 2:
- Silent hill 2
- Hitman 2: silent assassin
- Red faction (frz)
- Wizardry - tale of the forsaken land
- Grandia 2
- Ring of red
- Evil Dead: A fistful of boomstick
- Wild Arms 3
- Soldier of fortune: Gold Edition
- Return to castle Wolfenstein: operation resurrection (frz)
- Max Payne (Platinum/ uk)
- Silent hill 3
- Half life (usk 18/ uncut)
- Warhammer 40.000 Fire warrior
- Rygar - The legendary adventure
- SSX tricks (Platinum)
- Silent hill: The room
- Shadow of memories
- SSX 3 (Platinum)
- Arc the lad : twilight of spirits
- Goblin commander
- Clock tower 3 (uk)
- Rez
- Klonoa 2
- Dark chronicles
- ICO (Schuber mit Postkarten) 2*
- Kingdom Hearts (Platinum)
- Star Ocean III: Till the end of time
- Y’s: The ark of naphishtim
- Phantom Brave
- Shadow hearts covernant
- Resident Evil 4 (uncut)
- Okage - Shadow King (us)
- Xenosaga: Der Wille zur Macht (us)
- RPG Marker 2 (us)
- Flucht von monkey island
- Dark cloud (platinum/ us)
- Disgaea - Hour of darkness
- Suikoden III (us)
- Xenosaga - Jenseits von Gut und Böse (us)
- Front Mission 4 (us)
- Final Fantasy X (us/ Platinum)
- Guilty gear X2
- Shadow of the colossus (mit Postkarten im Schuber)
- Rayman 10th anniversairy edition
- Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (us)
- Dragon Quest VIII
- Herdy Gerdy
- God of war (Platinum/ us)
- Urban chaos
- Suikoden V
- Atelier Iris II
- Okami
- Growlanser: Heritage of war (us)
- Atelier Iris III: Grand phantasm
- Gun (uk)
- God of war II (us)
- Final Fantasy XII
- Baroque (us)
- Magna Carta: Tears of blood (us)
- Devil may cry (us)
- Eternal poison (+ CD/ Artbook; us)
- Rogue Galaxy
- Soul Nomad & the world eaters
- Growlanser Deluxe Pack (us)
- Everblue
- R-Type Final
- Grim Grimoire
- Ar Tonelico (us)
- Harvest fishing (fr)
- Persona 3 FES
- Breath of fire V (us)
Game Cube
- Mario Kart Double Dash
- Evolution Worlds
- Animal crossing
- Super Mario Sunshine (player’s choice)
- Zelda: the windwaker limited edition
- Skies of arcadia legend
- Paper Mario 2: Die Legende vom Äonentor
-Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
- Resident Evil 3 (uncut)
- Far east of eden: Manji Maru (jp)
- Bloodrayne (uk)
- Resident Evil Remake (us)
- Tales of symphonia (us)
- Sonic adventure Battle 2 (us/ Player’s choice)
- Harvest moon (us/ Player’s choice)
- Sonic Mega Collection (us/ Player’s choice)
- Sonic Heroes (us/ Player’s choice)
- The tower of druaga (jp)
- Biohazard zero (jp)
- Wave race - blue storm (jp)
- Giftpia (jp)
- Baten Kaitos (jp)
- Killer 7
- Ikaruga (jp)
- Rockman Transmission (jp)
- Mario Party 6 (mit Mikro)
- Mario football
Super Nintendo
- Lufia
- Mystic Quest legends
- Super Castlevania IV
- Soul Blazer
- Zelda - A Link to the past
- Secret of evermore
- Terranigma
- Illusion of time
- Secret of mana
- Actraiser 2
- Paladin’s Quest (us) ovp
- Super Metroid
- Actraiser
- Mechwarriors 3050
- Super Mario World
- Killer Instinct (us)
- Pop ‘n’ Twin Bee
- Super adventure island
- The legend of the mystical ninja
- Hagane
- Y’s V (jp) ovp
- Dark half (jp) ovp
- Romancing saga 3 (jp) ovp
- Far east of eden zero (jp) ovp
- Heberekes Popoitto
- Super Mario Rpg (us)
- Shadowrun ovp
- Star Ocean - The space oddessay (jp) ovp
- Eye of the beholder (jp) ovp
- Bahamut Lagoon (jp) ovp
- Fushin no Dungeon (jp) ovp
- Tecmo: Secret of the stars (us) ovp
- Dragon Quest VI (jp) ovp
- Romancing Saga II (jp) ovp
- Front Mission: Gun hazard (jp) ovp
- Treasure Hunter G (jp) ovp
- Castlevania: Vampire’s kiss
- Seiken Densetsu 3 (jp) ovp
Sega Saturn
- Shining Force III 1. Scenario
- Neon Genisis Evangelion 1 (jp)
- Sakura Wars (jp)
- Mysteria
- Dark Savior
- Shining Wisdom
- The story of thor 2
- Soul Hackers (jp)
- Virtual Hydlide
- Shining the holy ark
- Magic Knights Rayearth (us)
- Radiant Silvergun (jp)
- Eve the lost one (jp)
- Slayers Royal (jp)
- Wachenröder (jp)
- Ronde (jp)
- Albert’s Odyssey - Legend of eldean (us)
- Castlevania SotN (jp)
- Far east of eden IV: Apocalypse (jp)
- Nanatzu Kaze (jp)
- Nights (+ 3D-Pad)
- Dragon Force (us)
- Black matrix (jp, first print)
- Panzer Dragoon RPG Azel (jp)
Playstation Potable
- RocoLocco
- Astonishia story
- Princess crown (jp)
- Ridge Racer 2
- Generation of chaos (us)
- Darkstalkers chronicles (us)
- Tales of eternia
- Ultimate Ghost & Goblin
- Popolocruis (us)
- Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
- Key of heaven
- Spectral vs Generation
- Final Fantasy VII: Crisis core -special edition-
- Riviera: The promised land
- Final Fantasy: Dissidia - limited edition -
- God of war: chains of Olympus (us)
- Silent hill origins (us)
- Dante’s Inferno (us)
- Tactics Ogre: Premium Edition (uk)
- Parasite eve
- Lord of arcana
Nintendo DS
- New Super Mario Bros.
- Magical Starsign
- Ace Attorney: Phoenix Whright
- Castlevania: Dawn of sorrow
- Ace Attorney: Justice for all
- Castlevania: Portrait of ruin
- Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo tales
- ASH: Archaic Sealed Ash (jp)
- Luminous Arc 2 (+ CD/ Artbook, us)
- Lock`s quest: Hüter der Welt
- Metal saga (jp)
- Chrono Trigger (us)
- Suikoden Tierkreis (jp + Special dorama CD)
- Deltora Quest (jp)
- Children of mana
- Tales of heart (CG Edition/ jp)
- Avalon Code (jp)
- Children of mana
- Professor Layton und das geheimnisvolle Dorf
- Soma Bringer (jp)
- Final Fantasy IV
- Dragon Quest IX (jp)
- Devilish
- Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword (us)
- Rhapsody
- Phantasy Star Zero
- Infinite Space
- Radiant Historia (us) + CD
- Lunar: Dragon Song (uk)
- Final Fantasy: The four heroes of light
- Valkyrie Profile: Covanent of the plume
- Solatorobo: the red hunter (us) + CD
- Golden Sun: Dark dawn
- The world ends with you (us)
- Rune factory (us)
- Professor Layton and the unwound future (us)
- Goddess of destiny (remake von FFL 2) (jp)
- Shadow or light (remake von FFL 3) (jp)
- Power Stone (jp)
- Blue Stinger (jp)
- Shenmue (us)
- Sonic adventure (jp)
- Soul Calibur (jp)
- Shenmue II
- Black Matrix AD (jap)
- Maken X (jp)
- Exodus Guilty Neos (jp)
- ChuChu Rocket
- Q*Bert (us)
- Wind & Water
Nintendo 3ds
- Shin megami tensei: Devil survivors overcklocked (us)
- Tales of the abyss (us)
Nennenswertes Zubehör (neben Controllern, Memory cards und Importadaptern)
- Dragon Quest VIII Controller “Slime” (silber/ jp)
- Resident Archivies (dt)
- Action replay max (pal/ us)
(io: inoffiziell/ o: offiziell oder “X”: Verlag)
- Flucht von Monkey Island (Prima)
- Wild Arms 3 (io)
- Blaze & Blade (io)
- Dark Chronicles (io)
- The adventure of Alundra (io)
- Alundra 2 (io)
- Silent Hill 4 (piggyback)
- The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker (piggyback)
- Kingdom hearts (piggyback)
- Final Fantasy VIII (piggyback/ uk)
- Xenosaga: Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Bradygames/ us)
- Star Ocean: Till the end of time (Bradygames/ us)
- Baten Kaitos: eternal wings and the lost ocean (Bradygames/ us)
- Golden Sun & Golden Sun: The lost age (Prima/ eng.)
- Final Fantasy VII (dt)
- The legend of Zelda: The ocarina of time (o)
- The legend of Zelda: Link’s awakening (o)
- Yoshi’s story (o)
- Secret of evermore (o)
- Secret of mana (o)
- Terranigma (o)
- Illusion of time (o)
- Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega (jp)
- Valkyrie Profile Lenneth (Bradygames/ us)
- Star ocean: The first departure (Bradygames/ us)
- Dragon Quest IV. chapters of the chosen one (Bradygames/ us)
- Final Fantasy IX (piggyback/ uk)
- Star ocean: The second evolution (Bradygames/ us)
- Dragon Quest Vi (Brady Games us)
Bilder kommen noch nach, könnte nur etwas dauern, ich bin nicht so der große Techniker
Aktualisierung: Endlich den ganzen Krusch auf Bilder gebannt...
Stand Nov 2013: http://img4web.com/g/KPLDS
Neues bis Mitte Februar 2014: http://img4web.com/g/LLFQJ
Neues bis Mitte März 2014: http://img4web.com/g/XECPZ
Aber kommen wir zu den interessanteren Dingen...
Konsolen und Handheld:
- Game Boy Advance SP silber (pal)
- Nintendo DS Lite white (pal)
- Playstation Portable white (pal) OVP (RocoLocco-Bundle)
- Nintendo 3ds cosmos black (us)
- Super Nintendo (pal)
- Nintendo 64 grau (pal)
- Gamecube silber (pal) (Mario Kart Bundle)
- Sony Playstation 2 die Große Dicke (pal)
- Sony Playstation 2 Slim line OVP (pal)
- Sony Playstation 2 Slim line OVP (us)
- Sega Saturn (pal)
- Sega Dreamcast modded OVP (jp)
Nintendo 64:
- Castlevania 64
- Bust a move 2
- Doom 64 (uk)
- War gods
- Goldeneye 007
- 007: The world is not enough
- Resident Evil 2
- Quake 2 (uk)
. Mission Impossible
- Duke Nukem: Zero hour
- Zelda: The ocarina of time
- Quake 64 (uk)
- Yoshi’s story
- Mystical ninja: starring Geomon
- Kirby 64
- Goemon 2 (ovp)
- Gauntlet Legends
- Shadow man (us)
- Conker’s bad fur day
- Banjo & Kazooie (keine ovp)
- Super Mario 64
- Mario Kart 64
- Lyart wars
- Banjo & Tooie (ovp)
- Paper Mario (ovp)
Game Boy (colour)
- Zelda - Link’s awakening
- Metroid 2 - Return of Samus (jp)
- Dragon’s lair
- Geomon
- Mystic Quest (uk)
- Castlevania Legends
- Final Fantasy legend (us)
- Castlevania adventure
- Castlelian (aka Nebulus Tower)
- Tetris
- Sword of hope
- Castlevania 2: Belmont’s revenge
- Milon’s secret castle
- Gargoyles Quest
- Kingdom crusade (us)
- Tetris DX
- R-Type DX
- Klustar
- Shadowgate classic
- Harvest moon
- Tetris Attack
- Kirby Star Tracker
- Dragon warrior III (us)
- Gauntlet II
- Ham Ham united
- Roland’s curse 2 (us)
- Zelda: Oracle of ages (us)
- Roland’ s curse (us)
- Final Fantasy Legend 3 (us)
- Exodus-Journey to the promised land (unlicensed)
- Pipe dream (us) ovp
- Mysterium (us) ovp
- Cyraid (us) ovp
- Prophercy- the vilking child (us) ovp
- Crystal quest (us) ovp
- Nemesis (us) ovp
- Dragon Warrior Quest: Tara’s adventure (us)
- Legend of the river king
- Kid Dracula
- Ishido Way of the stones (us)
- Maru’s Mission
Game Boy Advance:
- Castlevania: Circle of the moon
- Final Fantasy tactics advance
- Ham Ham heartbeat
- Yoshi’s island
- Breath of fire
- Metroid Fusion
- Fire Emblem
- Hamtaro Rainbow rescue
- Advance wars (us)
- Golden sun
- Lunar legends (us) ovp
- Astro Boy: Omega Factor ovp
- Phantasy star Collection
- Golden sun: die vergessene Epoche ovp
- Shining Soul II (us)
- Boktai - The sun is in your hand ovp
- Sword of mana
- Klonoa - Empire of dreams ovp
- Oriental blue (jp) ovp
- Tales of phantasia
- Castlevania Double Pack ovp
- Frontiers Stories (jp) ovp
- Riviera - The promised land (us)
- Yoshi Universal Gravitation
- Fire Emblem II (us)
- Breath of fire II (us)
- Gunstar Future Heroes
- Final Fantasy VI ovp
- Tactics ogre: Knights of lodis ovp (us)
Sony Playstation:
- Final Fantasy 6
- Vampire Hunter D
- Wild Arms
- Doom (Ultimate Doom & Doom 2) (uk)
- Duke Nukem (frz)
- Castlevania Chronicles
- Final Fantasy anthology (FF 4 & FF 5)
- Die Hard
- Breath of fire IV
- Silent hill (pal & us)
- Diablo
- Blaze & Blade
- Harvest moon: back to nature
- Koudelka
- Breath of fire 3
- Vandal hearts
- Legend of kartia
- Devil’s deception
- Shadow madness
- The greanstrem saga (pal/ us)
- Rayman
- Exhumed
- Vandal hearts 2
- The adventures of Alundra (pal/ us)
- Alundra
- Sheep
- In the hunt
- G-Darius
- Oddworld- Abe’s oddessey (Patinum)
- R-Type Delta
- Resident evil D.C.
- Final Fantasy 8 (Platinum)
- Disk World Noir
- Disney’s Dinosaurier
- Klonoa
- Star ocean: second story
- Final Fantasy 7 (Erstfassung/ Platinum)
- Parasite Eve 2
- Dragon Valor
- Chaos Break
- Gurdians Crusade
- Ghost in the shell (uk)
- Persona 2 (us)
- King’s field
- Hellnight
- Final Fantasy IX (pal/ us)
- Darkstone
- Arc the lad Collection (2* us)
- Hoshigami - Running blue earth (us)
- Xenogears (us /Platinum/ Erstfassung)
- Countdown vampire (us)
- Threats of fate (us)
- Azure dreams (us)
- Wild arms 2 (us)
- Grandia (us)
- Thousand arms (us)
- Rapid reload
- Parasite Eve (us)
- Soul Reaver (us)
- Blood omen (us)
- Fighting Force (us)
- Final Fantasy origins (us/ Platinum)
- Legend of dragon (us/ Platinum)
- Chrono Cross (us/ Platinum/ Erstauflage)
- Cardinal Syn (us)
- Suikoden (us)
- Dragon Warrior VII (us)
- Lunar: Silver star story complete (us)
- Front Mission 3
- Saiyuki jorney west (us)
- Torneke: the last hope (us)
- Final Fantasy Tactics (us)
- Legend of mana (us)
- Vagrant Story (us)
- Lunar 2: Eternal blue (us)
- Mega Man Legends 2
- Kagero Deception 2
- Vanguard Bandits (us)
- Saga frontier 2 (us)
- Galerians (us, keine ovp)
- Suikoden 2 (us)
- Saga Frontier (us)
Sony Playstation 2:
- Silent hill 2
- Hitman 2: silent assassin
- Red faction (frz)
- Wizardry - tale of the forsaken land
- Grandia 2
- Ring of red
- Evil Dead: A fistful of boomstick
- Wild Arms 3
- Soldier of fortune: Gold Edition
- Return to castle Wolfenstein: operation resurrection (frz)
- Max Payne (Platinum/ uk)
- Silent hill 3
- Half life (usk 18/ uncut)
- Warhammer 40.000 Fire warrior
- Rygar - The legendary adventure
- SSX tricks (Platinum)
- Silent hill: The room
- Shadow of memories
- SSX 3 (Platinum)
- Arc the lad : twilight of spirits
- Goblin commander
- Clock tower 3 (uk)
- Rez
- Klonoa 2
- Dark chronicles
- ICO (Schuber mit Postkarten) 2*
- Kingdom Hearts (Platinum)
- Star Ocean III: Till the end of time
- Y’s: The ark of naphishtim
- Phantom Brave
- Shadow hearts covernant
- Resident Evil 4 (uncut)
- Okage - Shadow King (us)
- Xenosaga: Der Wille zur Macht (us)
- RPG Marker 2 (us)
- Flucht von monkey island
- Dark cloud (platinum/ us)
- Disgaea - Hour of darkness
- Suikoden III (us)
- Xenosaga - Jenseits von Gut und Böse (us)
- Front Mission 4 (us)
- Final Fantasy X (us/ Platinum)
- Guilty gear X2
- Shadow of the colossus (mit Postkarten im Schuber)
- Rayman 10th anniversairy edition
- Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (us)
- Dragon Quest VIII
- Herdy Gerdy
- God of war (Platinum/ us)
- Urban chaos
- Suikoden V
- Atelier Iris II
- Okami
- Growlanser: Heritage of war (us)
- Atelier Iris III: Grand phantasm
- Gun (uk)
- God of war II (us)
- Final Fantasy XII
- Baroque (us)
- Magna Carta: Tears of blood (us)
- Devil may cry (us)
- Eternal poison (+ CD/ Artbook; us)
- Rogue Galaxy
- Soul Nomad & the world eaters
- Growlanser Deluxe Pack (us)
- Everblue
- R-Type Final
- Grim Grimoire
- Ar Tonelico (us)
- Harvest fishing (fr)
- Persona 3 FES
- Breath of fire V (us)
Game Cube
- Mario Kart Double Dash
- Evolution Worlds
- Animal crossing
- Super Mario Sunshine (player’s choice)
- Zelda: the windwaker limited edition
- Skies of arcadia legend
- Paper Mario 2: Die Legende vom Äonentor
-Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
- Resident Evil 3 (uncut)
- Far east of eden: Manji Maru (jp)
- Bloodrayne (uk)
- Resident Evil Remake (us)
- Tales of symphonia (us)
- Sonic adventure Battle 2 (us/ Player’s choice)
- Harvest moon (us/ Player’s choice)
- Sonic Mega Collection (us/ Player’s choice)
- Sonic Heroes (us/ Player’s choice)
- The tower of druaga (jp)
- Biohazard zero (jp)
- Wave race - blue storm (jp)
- Giftpia (jp)
- Baten Kaitos (jp)
- Killer 7
- Ikaruga (jp)
- Rockman Transmission (jp)
- Mario Party 6 (mit Mikro)
- Mario football
Super Nintendo
- Lufia
- Mystic Quest legends
- Super Castlevania IV
- Soul Blazer
- Zelda - A Link to the past
- Secret of evermore
- Terranigma
- Illusion of time
- Secret of mana
- Actraiser 2
- Paladin’s Quest (us) ovp
- Super Metroid
- Actraiser
- Mechwarriors 3050
- Super Mario World
- Killer Instinct (us)
- Pop ‘n’ Twin Bee
- Super adventure island
- The legend of the mystical ninja
- Hagane
- Y’s V (jp) ovp
- Dark half (jp) ovp
- Romancing saga 3 (jp) ovp
- Far east of eden zero (jp) ovp
- Heberekes Popoitto
- Super Mario Rpg (us)
- Shadowrun ovp
- Star Ocean - The space oddessay (jp) ovp
- Eye of the beholder (jp) ovp
- Bahamut Lagoon (jp) ovp
- Fushin no Dungeon (jp) ovp
- Tecmo: Secret of the stars (us) ovp
- Dragon Quest VI (jp) ovp
- Romancing Saga II (jp) ovp
- Front Mission: Gun hazard (jp) ovp
- Treasure Hunter G (jp) ovp
- Castlevania: Vampire’s kiss
- Seiken Densetsu 3 (jp) ovp
Sega Saturn
- Shining Force III 1. Scenario
- Neon Genisis Evangelion 1 (jp)
- Sakura Wars (jp)
- Mysteria
- Dark Savior
- Shining Wisdom
- The story of thor 2
- Soul Hackers (jp)
- Virtual Hydlide
- Shining the holy ark
- Magic Knights Rayearth (us)
- Radiant Silvergun (jp)
- Eve the lost one (jp)
- Slayers Royal (jp)
- Wachenröder (jp)
- Ronde (jp)
- Albert’s Odyssey - Legend of eldean (us)
- Castlevania SotN (jp)
- Far east of eden IV: Apocalypse (jp)
- Nanatzu Kaze (jp)
- Nights (+ 3D-Pad)
- Dragon Force (us)
- Black matrix (jp, first print)
- Panzer Dragoon RPG Azel (jp)
Playstation Potable
- RocoLocco
- Astonishia story
- Princess crown (jp)
- Ridge Racer 2
- Generation of chaos (us)
- Darkstalkers chronicles (us)
- Tales of eternia
- Ultimate Ghost & Goblin
- Popolocruis (us)
- Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
- Key of heaven
- Spectral vs Generation
- Final Fantasy VII: Crisis core -special edition-
- Riviera: The promised land
- Final Fantasy: Dissidia - limited edition -
- God of war: chains of Olympus (us)
- Silent hill origins (us)
- Dante’s Inferno (us)
- Tactics Ogre: Premium Edition (uk)
- Parasite eve
- Lord of arcana
Nintendo DS
- New Super Mario Bros.
- Magical Starsign
- Ace Attorney: Phoenix Whright
- Castlevania: Dawn of sorrow
- Ace Attorney: Justice for all
- Castlevania: Portrait of ruin
- Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo tales
- ASH: Archaic Sealed Ash (jp)
- Luminous Arc 2 (+ CD/ Artbook, us)
- Lock`s quest: Hüter der Welt
- Metal saga (jp)
- Chrono Trigger (us)
- Suikoden Tierkreis (jp + Special dorama CD)
- Deltora Quest (jp)
- Children of mana
- Tales of heart (CG Edition/ jp)
- Avalon Code (jp)
- Children of mana
- Professor Layton und das geheimnisvolle Dorf
- Soma Bringer (jp)
- Final Fantasy IV
- Dragon Quest IX (jp)
- Devilish
- Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword (us)
- Rhapsody
- Phantasy Star Zero
- Infinite Space
- Radiant Historia (us) + CD
- Lunar: Dragon Song (uk)
- Final Fantasy: The four heroes of light
- Valkyrie Profile: Covanent of the plume
- Solatorobo: the red hunter (us) + CD
- Golden Sun: Dark dawn
- The world ends with you (us)
- Rune factory (us)
- Professor Layton and the unwound future (us)
- Goddess of destiny (remake von FFL 2) (jp)
- Shadow or light (remake von FFL 3) (jp)
- Power Stone (jp)
- Blue Stinger (jp)
- Shenmue (us)
- Sonic adventure (jp)
- Soul Calibur (jp)
- Shenmue II
- Black Matrix AD (jap)
- Maken X (jp)
- Exodus Guilty Neos (jp)
- ChuChu Rocket
- Q*Bert (us)
- Wind & Water
Nintendo 3ds
- Shin megami tensei: Devil survivors overcklocked (us)
- Tales of the abyss (us)
Nennenswertes Zubehör (neben Controllern, Memory cards und Importadaptern)
- Dragon Quest VIII Controller “Slime” (silber/ jp)
- Resident Archivies (dt)
- Action replay max (pal/ us)
(io: inoffiziell/ o: offiziell oder “X”: Verlag)
- Flucht von Monkey Island (Prima)
- Wild Arms 3 (io)
- Blaze & Blade (io)
- Dark Chronicles (io)
- The adventure of Alundra (io)
- Alundra 2 (io)
- Silent Hill 4 (piggyback)
- The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker (piggyback)
- Kingdom hearts (piggyback)
- Final Fantasy VIII (piggyback/ uk)
- Xenosaga: Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Bradygames/ us)
- Star Ocean: Till the end of time (Bradygames/ us)
- Baten Kaitos: eternal wings and the lost ocean (Bradygames/ us)
- Golden Sun & Golden Sun: The lost age (Prima/ eng.)
- Final Fantasy VII (dt)
- The legend of Zelda: The ocarina of time (o)
- The legend of Zelda: Link’s awakening (o)
- Yoshi’s story (o)
- Secret of evermore (o)
- Secret of mana (o)
- Terranigma (o)
- Illusion of time (o)
- Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega (jp)
- Valkyrie Profile Lenneth (Bradygames/ us)
- Star ocean: The first departure (Bradygames/ us)
- Dragon Quest IV. chapters of the chosen one (Bradygames/ us)
- Final Fantasy IX (piggyback/ uk)
- Star ocean: The second evolution (Bradygames/ us)
- Dragon Quest Vi (Brady Games us)
Bilder kommen noch nach, könnte nur etwas dauern, ich bin nicht so der große Techniker

Aktualisierung: Endlich den ganzen Krusch auf Bilder gebannt...
Stand Nov 2013: http://img4web.com/g/KPLDS
Neues bis Mitte Februar 2014: http://img4web.com/g/LLFQJ
Neues bis Mitte März 2014: http://img4web.com/g/XECPZ
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