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[XBOX 360] frage zu just cause!!!


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frage zu just cause!!!

Hi! Ich brauch HILFEEE!
Kann mir einer sagen wie ich die Wasserfahrzeug-Stunts und die Fahrzeug-Stunts hinbekomme?

AW: frage zu just cause!!!

Wiizocker am 21.03.2008 03:40 schrieb:
Hi! Ich brauch HILFEEE!
Kann mir einer sagen wie ich die Wasserfahrzeug-Stunts und die Fahrzeug-Stunts hinbekomme?


20 Car-to-Car Stunts - Simple enough, find a car next to another car and just move from each car 20 times. Job done.


Complete 20 Land Vehicle Stunts - An easy one, find busy road grapple one of the cars reel yourself in then "jump to Vehicle" jump off and reapet 20 times, or you could parachute off the car then just jump back on to it, and just repeat that 20 times.


Complete 20 Sea Vehicle Stunts - Again easy one, Find a yacht grapple it with your hook, then jump on top of it. then just parachute of it, then jump bck on it, again parachute of it reapeat 20 times.

AW: frage zu just cause!!!

Nali_WarCow am 21.03.2008 09:05 schrieb:
Wiizocker am 21.03.2008 03:40 schrieb:
Hi! Ich brauch HILFEEE!
Kann mir einer sagen wie ich die Wasserfahrzeug-Stunts und die Fahrzeug-Stunts hinbekomme?


20 Car-to-Car Stunts - Simple enough, find a car next to another car and just move from each car 20 times. Job done.


Complete 20 Land Vehicle Stunts - An easy one, find busy road grapple one of the cars reel yourself in then "jump to Vehicle" jump off and reapet 20 times, or you could parachute off the car then just jump back on to it, and just repeat that 20 times.


Complete 20 Sea Vehicle Stunts - Again easy one, Find a yacht grapple it with your hook, then jump on top of it. then just parachute of it, then jump bck on it, again parachute of it reapeat 20 times.


danke! ich werds gleich probieren!


es hat geklappt! 70 Gamerscore mehr :-D