[PS3] ~Tales of~ Neues Tales RPG für die PS3!


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~Tales of~ Neues Tales RPG für die PS3!

New Details on Upcoming PS3 Tales Game

Don't get your hopes up too high, there isn't much. At a
Tales press conference in Japan today, the Tales series producer Hideo
Baba had a little light to shed on the new project. There have
apparently been rumors circling the net that the new game would be
called Tales of Unitia, but Baba assured everyone that that is not the
case. In fact, the title for the game hasn't even been decided yet.


"It seems that the title 'Tales of Unitia' is being rumored on the
internet, but it's not this name. We create the titles for the series
once we've firmly set the story's message. We're in a state where the
formal title has yet to be set."

At the press conference,
it was also mentioned that the new title set for release on the PS3 is
to be the series' 15th anniversary game, and is currently only referred
to as "Next Tales of". Along with this, formal announcements were made
for Tales of Graces F for the PS3 as well as Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 for the PSP. This was all already leaked from the latest Jump, however, as we reported last week .

Below, you'll find a piece of early concept art for the upcoming game, that was shown at the conference by Namco Bandai.

Also revealed was that the art designer for the upcoming game is
Daigo Okamura, who most recently did the character design for the Wii
game Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. As for the game's character designer and theme song artist, they have yet to be decided upon.

In closing, Baba had the following to say: "Using
the visual technology that we've accumulated, we will make a title
that we would not be ashamed of calling a 15th anniversary game. We'd
like to retain the good points of the series and include new play
elements to create a title like never before."

Hopefully this one will actually make it out of Japan, too. Source: AndriaSang

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