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News - Unreal Tournament 3: Epic verkauft 1,2 Millionen Mal Unreal Tournament 3

Auszug der Midway Pressemeldung:
PRESS RELEASE: Midway And Epic Games Prepare To Ship First Ever Next-Gen Unreal Tournament Console Game In Europe

Midway Games Ltd., a subsidiary of Midway Games Inc. (NYSE: MWY), today announced the European ship date of Epic’s highly acclaimed, Unreal Tournament® 3 on Sony’s PlayStation®3.

The game, which hits shelves on 22nd February, 2008 in Europe, follows on from a phenomenally successful worldwide release of the PC version at the end of last year. Factoring in the launch of the PS3 version in North America on the 11th December, Midway has already shipped over 1.2million units of this fantastic FPS.[...]
Shipped bedeutet nicht verkauft, sondern lediglich ausgeliefert. ;)