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News - Haze: HAZE nicht mehr für die Xbox 360?


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AW: News - Haze: HAZE nicht mehr für die Xbox 360?

Ist doch schon längst wieder dementiert worden:
Free Radical's David Doak has told Eurogamer that Haze is being developed for multiple formats after all - it's just leading on PlayStation 3.

"We're working on development on all platforms, so we will bring the other ones along," Doak told us at UbiDays in Paris yesterday. "It's just looking at the way to best get a return on the investment of making the game."

"I think there's an opportunity there to create a new brand and push new IP and PlayStation 3 looks like a good place to do that at the moment.

"There's obviously the performance - the machine's a very capable machine - and I think we're pretty well-placed to take advantage of it because we've got a good history on PlayStation 2 so we're not frightened by some of the things causing people a bit of alarm," the developer - a veteran of projects like GoldenEye - explained.