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Eure Schweine

Naja meine Maus hakt ein bisschen. Aber ansonsten rock' ich euch alle weg.^^

Der schweinische (und nicht malen könnende) Cubefreak!

P.S.: Meine Schwein-Auswertung:

Toward the middle, you are a realist.

Facing left, you believe in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates (birthdays, etc.)

With many details, you are analytical, cautious, and distrustful.

With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals.

The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.
The bigger the better. You did not draw any ears, you are not a good listener!

The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.
And again more is better! You drew large tail, WOW!
YoshyL am 28.06.2005 20:27 schrieb:
Wie geht das mit "Einfach den link unten kopieren"
zunächst steht, wenn das schwein vertig is, sowas ähnliches:
Click to view my test results

dort raus kopierst du den oben unterstrichenen(und verfälschten) url:

dan in img: