Error Occurred While Processing Request
Malformed regular expression "+".
Reason: ?+* follows nothing in expression.
The error occurred in /var/www/CustomTags.postgres/shared/converter.cfm: line 323
Called from /var/www/CustomTags.postgres/shared/converter.cfm: line 306
Called from /var/www/CustomTags.postgres/shared/converter.cfm: line 1
Called from /var/www/webscripts/showcase/modules/charts.readerschoice/overview.cfm: line 121
Called from /var/www/webscripts/showcase/modules/charts.readerschoice/overview.cfm: line 119
Called from /var/www/webscripts/showcase/modules/charts.readerschoice/overview.cfm: line 1
Called from /var/www/webscripts/showcase/system/ line 29
Called from /var/www/webserver/xboxzone/index.cfm: line 99
321 : <cfset SEARCHLIST = ReReplaceNoCase(SEARCHLIST, """, chr(34), "ALL")>
322 : <cfset SEARCHLIST = ReReplaceNoCase(SEARCHLIST, "&", "", "ALL")>
323 : <cfset SEARCHLIST = ReReplaceNoCase(SEARCHLIST, "+", "", "ALL")>
324 : <cfset SEARCHLIST = ReReplaceNoCase(SEARCHLIST, " ", " ", "ALL")>
325 :
Please try the following:
Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the correct syntax.
Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.
Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
Remote Address
Date/Time 01-Dez-04 07:49 PM
Stack Trace (click to expand)